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  2. spi-hdlc-adapter.c

SPI/HDLC Adaptor

spi-hdlc-adapter is an adapter tool for using a SPI interface as if it were an HDLC-lite encoded bidirectional asynchronous serial stream. It uses the SPI protocol outlined in Appendix A.2 of the Spinel protocol document.


spi-hdlc-adapter [options] <spi-device-path>


  • --stdio: Use stdin and stdout for HDLC input/output. Useful when directly started by the program that will be using it.
  • --pty: Create a pseudo terminal for HDLC input/output. The path of the newly-created PTY will be written to stdout, followed by a newline.
  • --raw: Do not encode/decode packets using HDLC. Instead, write whole, raw frames to the specified input and output FDs. This is useful for emulating a serial port, or when datagram-based sockets are supplied for stdin and stdout (when used with --stdio).
  • --mtu=[MTU]: Specify the MTU. Currently only used in raw mode. Default and maximum value is 2043. Must be greater than zero.
  • --gpio-int[=gpio-path]: Specify a path to the Linux sysfs-exported GPIO directory for the I̅N̅T̅ pin. If not specified, spi-hdlc-adapter will fall back to polling, which is inefficient.
  • --gpio-reset[=gpio-path]: Specify a path to the Linux sysfs-exported GPIO directory for the R̅E̅S̅ pin.
  • --spi-mode[=mode]: Specify the SPI mode to use (0-3). Default value is 0.
  • --spi-speed[=hertz]: Specify the SPI speed in hertz. Default value is 1000000 (1MHz).
  • --spi-cs-delay[=usec]: Specify the delay after C̅S̅ assertion, in microseconds. Default is 20µs. Note that this may need to be set to zero for spi-hdlc-adapter to work with some SPI drivers.
  • --spi-align-allowance[=n]: Specify the the maximum number of 0xFF bytes to clip from start of MISO frame. This makes this tool usable with SPI slaves which have buggy SPI blocks that prepend up to three 0xFF bytes to the start of MISO frame. Default value is 0. Maximum value is 3. This must be set to at least 2 for chips in the SiLabs EM35x family.
  • --verbose: Increase debug verbosity.
  • --help: Print out usage information to stdout and exit.

spi-device-path is a required argument since it indicates which SPI device to use. An example path might be /dev/spidev1.0.

The GPIO paths are to the top-level directory for that GPIO. They must be already be exported before spi-hdlc-adapter can use them.


If an MCU reset is detected by the reset bit being set on a SPI frame, the special vendor-specific HDLC-lite symbol 0xF8 is emitted. If --gpio-reset is specified, the HDLC client can trigger an MCU reset by sending the symbols 0x7E 0x13 0x11 0x7E or by sending SIGUSR1.

When started, spi-hdlc-adapter will configure the following properties on the GPIOs:

  1. Set I̅N̅T̅/direction to in.
  2. Set I̅N̅T̅/edge to falling.
  3. Set R̅E̅S̅/direction to high.

When resetting the slave device, spi-hdlc performs the following procedure:

  1. Set R̅E̅S̅/direction to low.
  2. Sleep for 30ms.
  3. Set R̅E̅S̅/direction to high.


Some simple usage statistics are printed out to syslog at exit and whenever the SIGUSR1 signal is received. The easiest way to send that signal to spi-hdlc-adapter is like this:

# killall -sigusr1 spi-hdlc-adapter

At which point you will see something like this in the syslogs:

spi-hdlc-adapter[5215]: INFO: sSpiFrameCount=45660
spi-hdlc-adapter[5215]: INFO: sSpiValidFrameCount=45643
spi-hdlc-adapter[5215]: INFO: sSpiGarbageFrameCount=17
spi-hdlc-adapter[5215]: INFO: sSpiDuplexFrameCount=20931