blob: 9446994ef1cca3dc7da732f28722ee99ed8d1ec5 [file] [log] [blame]
static void
arch_sigreturn(struct tcb *tcp)
* On i386, sigcontext is followed on stack by struct fpstate
* and after it an additional u32 extramask which holds
* upper half of the mask.
struct {
uint32_t struct_sigcontext_padding1[20];
uint32_t oldmask;
uint32_t struct_sigcontext_padding2;
uint32_t struct_fpstate_padding[156];
uint32_t extramask;
} frame;
if (umove(tcp, *i386_esp_ptr, &frame) < 0) {
tprintf("{mask=%#lx}", (unsigned long) *i386_esp_ptr);
} else {
uint32_t mask[2] = { frame.oldmask, frame.extramask };
tprintsigmask_addr("{mask=", mask);