blob: 745b521ea678887e48a8938bf9b189e912e8c30e [file] [log] [blame]
#! /bin/sh
# This filters out all the lines that don't have "Massif:" in them. For
# testing the -v option.
dir=`dirname $0`
$dir/filter_stderr |
# Remove any --pid:0: strings (debuglog level zero output)
sed "/^--[0-9]\{1,7\}:0:*/d" |
# Only print lines that contain "Massif:". The -n means don't print any
# lines by default, and the 'p' means do print those that match the pattern.
sed -n "/Massif:/p" |
# These ignored heap counts could vary from machine to machine.
sed "s/\(Massif: ignored heap allocs:\).*/\1 .../" |
sed "s/\(Massif: ignored heap frees:\).*/\1 .../" |
sed "s/\(Massif: ignored heap reallocs:\).*/\1 .../" |
# These XPt counts vary from machine to machine, because the size of the
# stack trace can vary -- eg. some machines have more stack frames below
# zero than other machines. So filter them out.
sed "s/\(Massif: XPts:\).*/\1 .../" |
sed "s/\(Massif: top-XPts:\).*/\1 .../" |
sed "s/\(Massif: XPt init expansions:\).*/\1 .../" |
sed "s/\(Massif: XPt later expansions:\).*/\1 .../" |
sed "s/\(Massif: SXPt allocs:\).*/\1 .../" |
sed "s/\(Massif: SXPt frees:\).*/\1 .../" |
sed "s/\(Massif: XCon redos:\).*/\1 .../"