blob: 1a3a6ebeb139e5d953720aac47bfcfcc0a1dc9ca [file] [log] [blame]
#! /bin/sh
# 'unlinkat' syscall number differs between Illumos and Solaris
sed "s/[0-9]*: SYS_unlinkat/xx: SYS_unlinkat/" |
# Filter out "in frame #x, created by" lines as they differ between x86/amd64.
# on x86: in frame #0, created by syscall (???)
# on amd64: in frame #1, created by *function* (scalar.c:272)
sed '/in frame #., created by/d' |
./filter_stderr "$@" |
# And finally remove temporary line with frame #0 present to unify
# stack traces between x86 and amd64.
sed '/at 0x........: syscall (in \/...libc...)/d'