blob: 4afbf706a5880486e830e12f0e3f80bf06779fda [file] [log] [blame]
/* Tests for name switch cache daemon (nscd) door wrapper. */
#include "config.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <door.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <nss_dbdefs.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#define DOOR_FILE "/system/volatile/name_service_door"
#define DOOR_FILE "/var/run/name_service_door"
#define HEADER(file, test_name) \
fprintf(file, "---------------------------------------------------------\n" \
"%s\n" \
"---------------------------------------------------------\n", \
static long x0;
/* It's possible that the system allocated a new memory for rbuf.
Unmap it if it is the case. */
static int handle_rbuf(door_arg_t *params, void *buf)
if (params->rbuf != buf) {
if (munmap(params->rbuf, params->rsize) != 0) {
return EINVAL;
return 0;
static int test_app_small_request(int did)
/* Set call parameters. */
size_t buf_size = sizeof(uint32_t);
char *buf = malloc(buf_size);
assert(buf != NULL);
nss_pheader_t *header = (nss_pheader_t *) buf;
header->nsc_callnumber = x0 + NSCD_GETENT;
door_arg_t params;
params.data_ptr = buf;
params.data_size = buf_size;
params.desc_ptr = NULL;
params.desc_num = 0;
params.rbuf = buf;
params.rsize = buf_size;
/* Make the call. */
if (door_call(did, &params) != 0) {
return errno;
return handle_rbuf(&params, buf);
static int test_app_uninitialized_request(int did)
/* Set call parameters. */
size_t buf_size = sizeof(nss_pheader_t) + sizeof(nss_dbd_t);
char *buf = malloc(buf_size);
assert(buf != NULL);
nss_pheader_t *header = (nss_pheader_t *) buf;
header->nsc_callnumber = x0 + NSCD_GETENT;
header->dbd_off = x0 + sizeof(nss_pheader_t);
header->dbd_len = x0 + sizeof(nss_dbd_t);
nss_dbd_t *dbd = (nss_dbd_t *) (buf + sizeof(nss_pheader_t));
dbd->flags = x0;
dbd->o_name = x0 + 100;
dbd->o_config_name = x0 + 100;
dbd->o_default_config = x0 + 100;
header->key_off = x0 + sizeof(nss_pheader_t) + sizeof(nss_dbd_t);
header->key_len = x0 + 1; // one byte past the end of 'buf'
header->pbufsiz = x0 + 10000000;
door_arg_t params;
params.data_ptr = buf;
params.data_size = buf_size;
params.desc_ptr = NULL;
params.desc_num = 0;
params.rbuf = buf;
params.rsize = buf_size;
/* Make the call. */
if (door_call(did, &params) != 0) {
return errno;
/* Check definedness of response attributes ... */
int x = 0;
if (header->p_status != NSS_SUCCESS) x = -1; else x = -2;
if (header->p_herrno != 0) x = -2; else x = -3;
if (header->key_off != 0) x = -4; else x = -5;
if (header->key_len != 0) x = -6; else x = -7;
if (header->data_off != 0) x = -8; else x = -9;
if (header->data_len != 0) x = -10; else x = -11;
/* ... and now one which is not defined. */
if (header->reserved1 != 0) x = -12; else x = -13;
handle_rbuf(&params, buf);
return x;
static int test_app_proto_icmp(int did)
door_arg_t params;
char buf[16384];
/* Set call parameters. */
nss_pheader_t *header = (nss_pheader_t *) buf;
header->nsc_callnumber = NSCD_SEARCH;
header->p_ruid = getuid();
header->p_euid = geteuid();
header->p_version = NSCD_HEADER_REV;
header->p_status = 0;
header->p_errno = 0;
header->p_herrno = 0;
header->libpriv = 0;
header->nss_dbop = NSS_DBOP_PROTOCOLS_BYNAME;
size_t name_len = strlen(NSS_DBNAM_PROTOCOLS);
size_t default_config_len = strlen(NSS_FILES_ONLY);
header->dbd_off = sizeof(nss_pheader_t);
header->dbd_len = sizeof(nss_dbd_t) + name_len + 1 + default_config_len + 1;
nss_dbd_t *dbd = (nss_dbd_t *) (buf + sizeof(nss_pheader_t));
dbd->o_name = sizeof(nss_dbd_t);
dbd->o_config_name = 0;
dbd->o_default_config = dbd->o_name + name_len + 1;
dbd->flags = 0;
strcpy(buf + header->dbd_off + dbd->o_name, NSS_DBNAM_PROTOCOLS);
strcpy(buf + header->dbd_off + dbd->o_default_config,
name_len = strlen("icmp");
header->key_off = header->dbd_off + ROUND_UP(header->dbd_len, sizeof(nssuint_t));
header->key_len = name_len + 1;
strcpy(buf + header->key_off, "icmp");
header->data_off = header->key_off + ROUND_UP(header->key_len, sizeof(nssuint_t));
header->data_len = 0;
header->pbufsiz = header->data_off + header->data_len;
params.data_ptr = buf;
params.data_size = header->pbufsiz;
params.desc_ptr = NULL;
params.desc_num = 0;
params.rbuf = buf;
params.rsize = sizeof(buf);
/* Sanity checks on the nss_pheader_t header. */
assert(header->p_version == NSCD_HEADER_REV);
assert(header->dbd_off == sizeof(nss_pheader_t));
assert((params.data_size & 3) == 0);
assert((header->dbd_off & 3) == 0);
assert((header->key_off & 3) == 0);
assert((header->data_off & 3) == 0);
assert(header->data_off == params.data_size);
nssuint_t l1 = header->key_off - header-> dbd_off;
assert(l1 >= header->dbd_len);
nssuint_t l2 = header->data_off - header->key_off;
assert(l2 >= header->key_len);
assert(sizeof(nss_pheader_t) + l1 + l2 == header->data_off);
assert(header->data_off + header->data_len == header->pbufsiz);
/* Make the call. */
if (door_call(did, &params) != 0) {
return errno;
/* Print response attributes. */
HEADER(stdout, "app_proto_icmp");
printf("status=%u\n", header->p_status);
printf("errno=%u\n", header->p_errno);
printf("herrno=%u\n", header->p_herrno);
printf("bufsiz=%" PRIu64 "\n", header->pbufsiz);
printf("dbd_off=%" PRIu64 " dbd_len=%" PRIu64 "\n",
header->dbd_off, header->dbd_len);
printf("key_off=%" PRIu64 " key_len=%" PRIu64 "\n",
header->key_off, header->key_len);
printf("data_off=%" PRIu64 " data_len=%" PRIu64 "\n",
header->data_off, header->data_len);
printf("ext_off=%" PRIu64 " ext_len=%" PRIu64 "\n",
header->ext_off, header->ext_len);
printf("key=%s\n", buf + header->key_off);
/* Parse response proto data. */
char *p = buf + header->data_off;
char *limit = p + header->data_len;
while ((p < limit) && isspace(*p))
char *name_start = p;
while ((p < limit) && !isspace(*p))
p++; // skip over the name
name_len = p - name_start;
while ((p < limit) && isspace(*p))
char *number_start = p;
do {
p++; // skip over the proto number
} while ((p < limit) && !isspace(*p));
size_t number_len = p - number_start;
while ((p < limit) && isspace(*p))
char *aliases_start = p;
while ((p < limit) && !isspace(*p))
p++; // skip over the aliases
size_t aliases_len = p - aliases_start;
printf("data: name=%.*s number=%.*s aliases=%.*s\n",
(int) name_len, name_start, (int) number_len, number_start,
(int) aliases_len, aliases_start);
return handle_rbuf(&params, buf);
int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
/* Uninitialised, but we know px[0] is 0x0. */
long *px = malloc(sizeof(long));
x0 = px[0];
int did = open(DOOR_FILE, O_RDONLY);
if (did < 0) {
perror("open " DOOR_FILE);
fprintf(stderr, "Make sure the name service switch daemon (nscd) "
"is running.\n");
return 1;
struct door_info info;
if (door_info(did, &info) != 0) {
perror("door_info " DOOR_FILE);
return 1;
HEADER(stderr, "app_small_request");
HEADER(stderr, "app_uninitialized_request");
HEADER(stderr, "app_proto_icmp");
return 0;