blob: 6de080af460c1f9102a9671840baac63e6348091 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Quick and dirty program to filter helgrind's XML output.
# The script works line-by-line and is generally unaware of XML structure
# and does not bother with issues of well-formedness.
# Consists of two parts
# (1) Global match and replace (see PATTERNS below)
# (2) Removal of stack frames
# Stack frames whose associated file name does not match any name in
# TOOL_FILES or in the list of files given on the command line
# will be discarded. For a sequence of one or more discarded frames
# a line <frame>...</frame> will be inserted.
use warnings;
use strict;
# A list of files specific to the tool at hand. Line numbers in
# these files will be removed from stack frames matching these files.
my @tool_files = ( "hg_intercepts.c", "vg_replace_malloc.c" );
# List of patterns and replacement strings.
# Each pattern must identify a substring which will be replaced.
my %patterns = (
"<pid>(.*)</pid>" => "...",
"<ppid>(.*)</ppid>" => "...",
"<time>(.*)</time>" => "...",
"<obj>(.*)</obj>" => "...",
"<dir>(.*)</dir>" => "...",
"<exe>(.*)</exe>" => "...",
"<tid>(.*)</tid>" => "...",
"<unique>(.*)</unique>" => "...",
"thread #([0-9]+)" => "x",
"0x([0-9a-zA-Z]+)" => "........",
"Using Valgrind-([^\\s]*)" => "X.Y.X",
"Copyright \\(C\\) ([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{4}).*" => "XXXX-YYYY",
'<fn>pthread_.*(@\*)</fn>' => ""
# List of XML sections to be ignored.
my %ignore_sections = (
"<errorcounts>" => "</errorcounts>",
"<suppcounts>" => "</suppcounts>"
# If FILE matches any of the FILES return 1
sub file_matches ($$) {
my ($file, $files) = @_;
my ($string, $qstring);
foreach $string (@$files) {
$qstring = quotemeta($string);
return 1 if ($file =~ /$qstring/);
return 0;
my $frame_buf = "";
my ($file, $lineno, $in_frame, $keep_frame, $num_discarded, $ignore_line);
$in_frame = $keep_frame = $num_discarded = $ignore_line = 0;
while (<STDIN>) {
my $line = $_;
# Check whether we're ignoring this piece of XML..
if ($ignore_line) {
foreach my $tag (keys %ignore_sections) {
if ($line =~ $ignore_sections{$tag}) {
print "$tag...$ignore_sections{$tag}\n";
$ignore_line = 0;
next line;
} else {
foreach my $tag (keys %ignore_sections) {
if ($line =~ $tag) {
$ignore_line = 1;
next if ($ignore_line);
# OK. This line is not to be ignored.
# Massage line by applying PATTERNS.
foreach my $key (keys %patterns) {
if ($line =~ $key) {
my $matched = quotemeta($1);
$line =~ s/$matched/$patterns{$key}/g;
# Handle frames
if ($in_frame) {
if ($line =~ /<\/frame>/) {
$frame_buf .= "$line\n";
# The end of a frame
if ($keep_frame) {
# First: If there were any preceding frames that were discarded
# print <frame>...</frame>
if ($num_discarded) {
print " <frame>...</frame>\n";
$num_discarded = 0;
# Secondly: Write out the frame itself
print "$frame_buf";
} else {
# We don't want to write this frame
$in_frame = $keep_frame = 0;
$file = "";
} elsif ($line =~ /<file>(.*)<\/file>/) {
$frame_buf .= "$line\n";
$file = $1;
if (file_matches($file, \@tool_files) ||
file_matches($file, \@ARGV)) {
$keep_frame = 1;
} elsif ($line =~ /<line>(.*)<\/line>/) {
# This code assumes that <file> always precedes <line>
$lineno = $1;
if (file_matches($file, \@tool_files)) {
$line =~ s/$1/.../;
$frame_buf .= "$line\n";
} else {
$frame_buf .= "$line\n";
} else {
# not within frame
if ($line =~ /<\/stack>/) {
print " <frame>...</frame>\n" if ($num_discarded);
$num_discarded = 0;
if ($line =~ /<frame>/) {
$in_frame = 1;
$frame_buf = "$line\n";
} else {
print "$line\n";
exit 0;