blob: bcf34a7fce2044a7d98098e8cb6dfb7ba57b3cab [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2013-2017 Nest Labs, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* The bulk data transfer protocol has a number applications
* including sensor data upload, in-band firmware download and
* log upload. As such, it needs to be flexible and accomodate a
* wide variety of use cases. The protocol defines a number of
* roles or role pairs:
* - sender/receiver, the entities that send and receive the data
* of interest.
* - initiator/responder, the entities that initiate the exchange
* and respond to (by accepting or rejecting) the solicitation.
* - driver, the device that governs the rate of the exchange by,
* for example, requesting the next block of data.
* Note that either the sender or the receiver may initiate the
* exchange and either may be the driver.
* There is also a notion that the protocol may proceed
* synchronously or asynchronously. the latter case, the role of
* driver is suppressed.
* The protocol has the following message types:
* - SendInit, sent when the sender in a bulk data transfer
* wishes to initiate the exchange, e.g. if an embedded device
* wants to transfer some log data.
* - SendAccept,
* - SendReject,
* - ReceiveInit, sent when the receiver in a bulk data transfer
* wishes to initiate the exchange, e.g. if an embedded device
* wants to download an image.
* - ReceiveAccept
* - ReceiveReject
* - BlockQuery
* - BlockSend
* - BlockEOF
* - BlockAck
* - BlockEOFAck
* - TransferError
#include <Weave/Profiles/bulk-data-transfer/BDXManagedNamespace.hpp>
#include <Weave/Support/NLDLLUtil.h>
* @namespace nl::Weave::Profiles::BulkDataTransfer
* @brief
* This namespace includes all interfaces within Weave for the
* Weave Bulk Data Transfer (BDX) profile.
namespace nl {
namespace Weave {
namespace Profiles {
namespace WeaveMakeManagedNamespaceIdentifier(BDX, kWeaveManagedNamespaceDesignation_Current) {
// the message type values
enum {
kMsgType_SendInit = 0x01,
kMsgType_SendAccept = 0x02,
kMsgType_SendReject = 0x03,
kMsgType_ReceiveInit = 0x04,
kMsgType_ReceiveAccept = 0x05,
kMsgType_ReceiveReject = 0x06,
kMsgType_BlockQuery = 0x07,
kMsgType_BlockSend = 0x08,
kMsgType_BlockAck = 0x0A,
kMsgType_BlockEOF = 0x09,
kMsgType_BlockEOFAck = 0x0B,
kMsgType_TransferError = 0x0F,
* as described above there are 3 mutually exclusive transfer modes:
* - sender drive
* - receiver drive
* - asynchronous
* these are set up as bit values so they can be ORed together to
* reflect device capabilities.
enum {
kMode_SenderDrive = 0x10,
kMode_ReceiverDrive = 0x20,
kMode_Asynchronous = 0x40,
* with respect to range control, there are several options:
* - definite length, if set then the transfer has definite length
* - start offset present, if set then the date to be transferred has
* an initial offset.
* - wide range, if set then the offset values during the file transfer will
* be 8 bytes in length. otherwise they will be 4 bytes in length.
* again, these are defined so as to be interpreted as bit fields.
enum {
kRangeCtl_DefiniteLength = 0x01,
kRangeCtl_StartOffsetPresent = 0x02,
kRangeCtl_WideRange = 0x10,
* status/error codes for BDX
enum {
kStatus_Overflow = 0x0011,
kStatus_LengthTooShort = 0x0013,
kStatus_XferFailedUnknownErr = 0x001F,
kStatus_XferMethodNotSupported = 0x0050,
kStatus_UnknownFile = 0x0051,
kStatus_StartOffsetNotSupported = 0x0052,
kStatus_Unknown = 0x005F,
* and now the message definitions.
* the SendInit message is used to start an exchange when the sender
* is the initiator.
class NL_DLL_EXPORT SendInit {
// constructor
// initializer
WEAVE_ERROR init(bool, bool, bool, uint16_t, uint64_t, uint64_t, ReferencedString&, ReferencedTLVData*);
WEAVE_ERROR init(bool, bool, bool, uint16_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, ReferencedString&, ReferencedTLVData*);
// packing and parsing
WEAVE_ERROR pack(PacketBuffer*);
uint16_t packedLength();
static WEAVE_ERROR parse(PacketBuffer*, SendInit&);
// comparison
bool operator == (const SendInit&) const;
// data members
// the transfer mode options
bool senderDriveSupported;
bool receiverDriveSupported;
bool asynchronousModeSupported;
// the range control options
bool definiteLength;
bool startOffsetPresent;
bool wideRange;
// block size and offset
uint16_t theMaxBlockSize;
uint64_t theStartOffset;
uint64_t theLength;
// the file designator
ReferencedString theFileDesignator;
// additional metadata
ReferencedTLVData theMetaData;
* the SendAccept message is used to accept a proposed exchange when the
* sender is the initiator.
class SendAccept {
// constructor
// initializer
WEAVE_ERROR init(uint8_t, uint16_t, ReferencedTLVData*);
// packing and parsing
WEAVE_ERROR pack(PacketBuffer*);
uint16_t packedLength();
static WEAVE_ERROR parse(PacketBuffer*, SendAccept&);
// comparison
bool operator == (const SendAccept&) const;
// data members
uint8_t theTransferMode;
uint16_t theMaxBlockSize;
ReferencedTLVData theMetaData;
* the SendReject message is used to reject a proposed exchange when the
* sender is the initiator.
class SendReject : public StatusReport { };
* the ReceiveInit message is used to start an exchange when the receiver
* is the initiator.
class NL_DLL_EXPORT ReceiveInit : public SendInit {
// constructor
* the ReceiveAccept message is used to accept a proposed exchange when the
* receiver is the initiator.
class ReceiveAccept : public SendAccept {
// constructor
// initializer
WEAVE_ERROR init(uint8_t, uint16_t, uint64_t, ReferencedTLVData*);
WEAVE_ERROR init(uint8_t, uint16_t, uint32_t, ReferencedTLVData*);
// packing and parsing
WEAVE_ERROR pack(PacketBuffer*);
uint16_t packedLength();
static WEAVE_ERROR parse(PacketBuffer*, ReceiveAccept&);
// comparison
bool operator == (const ReceiveAccept&) const;
// data members
// the accepted range control options
bool definiteLength;
bool wideRange;
uint64_t theLength;
ReferencedTLVData theMetaData;
* the ReceiveReject message is used to reject a proposed exchange when the
* sender is the initiator.
class ReceiveReject : public StatusReport { };
* the BlockQuery message is used to request that a block of data
* be transfered from sender to receiver.
class NL_DLL_EXPORT BlockQuery {
// constructor
// initializer
WEAVE_ERROR init(uint8_t);
// packing and parsing
WEAVE_ERROR pack(PacketBuffer*);
uint16_t packedLength();
static WEAVE_ERROR parse(PacketBuffer*, BlockQuery&);
// comparison
bool operator == (const BlockQuery&) const;
// data members
uint8_t theBlockCounter;
* the BlockSend message is used to transfer a block of data from sender
* to receiver.
class BlockSend : public RetainedPacketBuffer
// constructor
// initializer
WEAVE_ERROR init(uint8_t, uint64_t, uint8_t*);
// packing and parsing
WEAVE_ERROR pack(PacketBuffer*);
uint16_t packedLength();
static WEAVE_ERROR parse(PacketBuffer*, BlockSend&);
// comparison
bool operator == (const BlockSend&) const;
// data members
uint8_t theBlockCounter;
uint64_t theLength;
uint8_t *theData;
* the BlockEOF message is used to transfer the last block of data from
* sender to receiver.
class BlockEOF : public BlockSend { };
* the BlockAck message is used to acknowledge a block of data
class BlockAck : public BlockQuery { };
* the BlockEOFAck message is used to acknowledge the last block of data
class BlockEOFAck : public BlockQuery { };
* the Error message is used to report an error and abort an exchange
class TransferError : public StatusReport { };
* in order to make life easier for users of the bulk data transfer
* protocol, we provide this client. the word "client" is somewhat
* overloaded as a general rule so, to be clear, in this context it means,
* "the enitity that is not the server". that is, a server may
* may reasonably expected to handle transfers for multiple clients
* while a client should expect, at least for present purposes, to
* deal with a single server with a known address.
* philosophical considerations aside, a BDX client may be any possible
* triple of sender/receiver, initiator/responder and driver/... uhh
* passenger.
class NL_DLL_EXPORT WeaveBdxClient {
// constructors
// init/Shutdown
WEAVE_ERROR initClient(WeaveExchangeManager*, void*, ReferencedString&, uint16_t, uint64_t, uint64_t, bool);
WEAVE_ERROR shutdownClient();
WEAVE_ERROR shutdownClient(WEAVE_ERROR aErr);
// typedefs for handler types needed below
typedef void (*SendInitHandler)(SendInit *aSendInitMsg);
typedef void (*ReceiveInitHandler)(ReceiveInit *aReceiveInitMsg);
typedef void (*SendAcceptHandler)(void *aAppState, SendAccept *aSendAcceptMsg);
typedef void (*ReceiveAcceptHandler)(ReceiveAccept *aReceiveAcceptMsg);
typedef void (*RejectHandler)(void *aAppState, StatusReport *aReport);
typedef void (*GetBlockHandler)(void *aAppState,
uint64_t *pLength,
uint8_t **aDataBlock,
bool *isLastBlock);
typedef void (*PutBlockHandler)(uint64_t aLength, uint8_t *aDataBlock, bool isLastBlock);
typedef void (*XferErrorHandler)(void *aAppState, StatusReport *aXferError);
typedef void (*XferDoneHandler)(void *aAppState);
typedef void (*ErrorHandler)(void *aAppState, WEAVE_ERROR anErrorCode);
// protocol entry points
WEAVE_ERROR initBdxReceive(bool iCanDrive,
ReceiveAcceptHandler anAcceptHandler, RejectHandler aRejectHandler,
PutBlockHandler aBlockHandler, XferErrorHandler aXferErrorHandler,
XferDoneHandler aDoneHandler, ErrorHandler anErrorHandler);
WEAVE_ERROR initBdxSend(bool iCanDrive, bool uCanDrive, bool aSynchOK,
SendAcceptHandler anAcceptHandler, RejectHandler aRejectHandler,
GetBlockHandler aBlockHandler, XferErrorHandler aXferErrorHandler,
XferDoneHandler aDoneHandler, ErrorHandler anErrorHandler,
ReferencedTLVData *aMetaData=NULL);
WEAVE_ERROR awaitBdxInit(); //TBD
// the main handler for messages arriving on the exchange
static void handleResponse(ExchangeContext*, const IPPacketInfo *, const WeaveMessageInfo*, uint32_t, uint8_t, PacketBuffer*);
// handler for unexpected connection close indications
static void handleConnectionClosed(ExchangeContext *anExchangeCtx, WeaveConnection *con, WEAVE_ERROR conErr);
void DispatchReceiveAccept(ReceiveAccept *aReceiveAcceptMsg);
void DispatchSendAccept(SendAccept *aSendAcceptMsg);
void DispatchRejectHandler(StatusReport *aReport);
void DispatchPutBlockHandler(uint64_t length,
uint8_t *dataBlock,
bool isLastBlock);
void DispatchGetBlockHandler(uint64_t *pLength,
uint8_t **aDataBlock,
bool *isLastBlock);
void DispatchXferErrorHandler(StatusReport *aXferError);
void DispatchXferDoneHandler();
void DispatchErrorHandler(WEAVE_ERROR anErrorCode);
// data members
bool isInitiated; // true iff the transfer has been initiated
bool isAccepted; // true iff the transfer has been initiated and accepted
bool isDone; // true iff the transfer is done
bool amInitiator; // true iff this entity was the initiator
bool amSender; // true if this entity is the sender, false if it is the receiver
bool amDriver; // true if this entity is the driver
bool isAsynch; // true if transfer is anynchronous
bool isWideRange; // true is widths and offsets are 64 bits
ReferencedString theFileDesignator;
uint16_t theMaxBlockSize;
uint64_t theStartOffset;
uint64_t theLength;
uint8_t theBlockCounter;
const WeaveFabricState *theFabricState; // [READ ONLY] Fabric state object
WeaveExchangeManager *theExchangeMgr; // [READ ONLY] Exchange manager object
WeaveConnection *theConnection; // Connection to use to talk to the BDX server; NULL means use UDP.
uint8_t theEncryptionType; // Encryption type to use when sending an BDX Request
uint16_t theKeyId; // Encryption key to use when sending an BDX Request
ExchangeContext *theExchangeCtx; // The exchange context for the most recently started BDX exchange.
// application-supplied handlers
SendInitHandler theSendInitHandler;
ReceiveInitHandler theReceiveInitHandler;
SendAcceptHandler theSendAcceptHandler;
ReceiveAcceptHandler theReceiveAcceptHandler;
RejectHandler theRejectHandler;
GetBlockHandler theGetBlockHandler;
PutBlockHandler thePutBlockHandler;
XferErrorHandler theXferErrorHandler;
XferDoneHandler theXferDoneHandler;
ErrorHandler theErrorHandler;
void *theAppState;
} // namespace BulkDataTransfer
} // namespace Profiles
} // namespace Weave
} // namespace nl