blob: 16ae58ff8404a39d56a2c64980401c9621c18f87 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Nest Labs, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* @brief
* Implementations for the ClientNotifier auxiliary class.
* This file provides implementations for the ClientNotifier auxiliary
* class, which is a employed when support for subscription and
* notification is desired for a WDM client. See the document, "Nest
* Weave-Data Management Protocol" document for a complete
* description.
#include <Weave/Core/WeaveConfig.h>
#include <Weave/Support/CodeUtils.h>
#include <Weave/Profiles/data-management/Legacy/WdmManagedNamespace.h>
#include <Weave/Profiles/data-management/DataManagement.h>
using namespace ::nl;
using namespace ::nl::Inet;
using namespace ::nl::Weave;
using namespace ::nl::Weave::TLV;
using namespace ::nl::Weave::Profiles;
using namespace ::nl::Weave::Profiles::Common;
using namespace ::nl::Weave::Profiles::DataManagement;
using namespace ::nl::Weave::Profiles::StatusReporting;
* This is the listener or unsolicited message handler installed in
* the Weave exchange manager when the client wishes to receive
* notifications. Once installed, it is called whenever a WDM
* notification is received.
static void ClientListener(ExchangeContext *ec,
const IPPacketInfo *pktInfo,
const WeaveMessageInfo *msgInfo,
uint32_t profileId,
uint8_t msgType,
PacketBuffer *payload)
ClientNotifier *n = static_cast<ClientNotifier*>(ec->AppState);
if (msgType == kMsgType_NotifyRequest)
err = n->DispatchNotifyIndication(ec, payload);
if (err != WEAVE_NO_ERROR)
WeaveLogError(DataManagement, "ClientListener() - %s", ErrorStr(err));
* @brief
* The default constructor for the Subscription object used by the
* ClientNotifier.
* @note
* Subscriptions must be initialize using Init() before use.
* @brief
* The destructor for the Subscription object used by the
* ClientNotifier.
ClientNotifier::Subscription::~Subscription(void) { Free(); }
* @brief
* Initialize a Subscription object.
* This basically sets up the state required for a subscription to
* operate. In particular, a subscription must have a client to refer
* back to, at least one specified topic ID and a concrete publisher.
* @note
* Subscriptions in WDM have a number of forms. They may be
* unilateral subscriptions to broadcast notifications from a
* publisher and identified with a well-known topic identifier, or
* they may be subscriptions to unicast notifications, which
* require a request/response protocol to establish. The latter
* form may again be established using a well-know topic ID or by
* including an arbitrary list of paths in the subscribe
* request. See the WDM specification for further details.
* @param [in] aAssignedId A reference to the publisher-
* assigned "working" topic ID for
* this subscription. This may be
* unspecified if the subscription is
* being made unilaterally.
* @param [in] aRequestedId A reference to the well-known
* topic ID, if any, under which the
* subscription was requested
* @param [in] aPublisherId A reference to the 64-bit node ID
* of the publisher. In the case
* where the subscription is to the
* Weave service, the WDM service
* endpoint ID may appear here.
* @param [in] aClient A pointer to the DMClient on
* behalf of which the subscription
* is being made. In particular this
* object should be a concrete
* subclass of DMClient containing
* implementations of the relevant
* indication methods.
* @retval #WEAVE_NO_ERROR On success.
* @retval #WEAVE_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT If one or more of the
* arguments has an invalid value.
WEAVE_ERROR ClientNotifier::Subscription::Init(const TopicIdentifier &aAssignedId,
const TopicIdentifier &aRequestedId,
const uint64_t &aPublisherId,
DMClient *aClient)
if ((aAssignedId != kTopicIdNotSpecified || aRequestedId != kTopicIdNotSpecified) &&
aPublisherId != kNodeIdNotSpecified &&
aClient != NULL)
mAssignedId = aAssignedId;
mRequestedId = aRequestedId;
mPublisherId = aPublisherId;
mClient = aClient;
return err;
* @brief
* Free a client-side subscription.
* This method simply blows away the subscription-related state.
void ClientNotifier::Subscription::Free(void)
mAssignedId = kTopicIdNotSpecified;
mRequestedId = kTopicIdNotSpecified;
mPublisherId = kNodeIdNotSpecified;
mClient = NULL;
* @brief
* The default constructor for a client notifier.
* @note
* No further initialization is required before use.
* @brief
* The destructor for a client notifier.
* The destructor attempts to disable subscription on the theory that,
* if the notifier is going away, we don't want a listener running
* either.
if (mExchangeMgr)
mExchangeMgr->UnregisterUnsolicitedMessageHandler(kWeaveProfile_WDM, kMsgType_NotifyRequest);
* @brief
* Deliver a WDM notification message to the appropriate client.
* When a notification arrives, this method checks the notifier
* subscription table, looks up the client for which the message is
* destined, and delivers the message by calling the relevant
* indication method. If no relevant subscription is found, it sends
* back a status report to that effect.
* @param [in] aResponseCtx A pointer to the exchange context
* under which the message was
* delivered and which may be used to
* respond.
* @parm [in] payload A pointer to an PacketBuffer
* containing the notification message
* itself.
* @return #WEAVE_NO_ERROR On success. Otherwise return a
* #WEAVE_ERROR associated with a failure to process or deliver the
* message.
WEAVE_ERROR ClientNotifier::DispatchNotifyIndication(ExchangeContext *aResponseCtx, PacketBuffer *payload)
MessageIterator it(payload);
bool indicated = false;
TopicIdentifier topicId;
ReferencedTLVData dataList;
uint64_t peerId = aResponseCtx->PeerNodeId;
StatusReport report;
WeaveLogProgress(DataManagement, "ClientNotifier::DispatchNotifyIndication()");
err = it.read64(&topicId);
WeaveLogProgress(DataManagement, " - topicId = 0x%" PRIx64, topicId);
err = ReferencedTLVData::parse(it, dataList);
for (int i = 0; i < kNotifierTableSize; i++)
Subscription &s = mNotifierTable[i];
if (s.CheckSubscription(topicId, peerId))
indicated = true;
WeaveLogProgress(DataManagement, " - informing client");
err = s.mClient->NotifyIndication(topicId, dataList);
* if we found a subscription here AND the subscription was
* explicit (we can tell because the publisher supplied and is
* using a working topic ID), we should tell the subscription
* manager on the other side that SOMETHING is still live over
* here. otherwise we should inform them that the subscription has
* magically vanished.
if (IsPublisherSpecific(topicId))
if (indicated)
report.init(kWeaveProfile_Common, kStatus_Success);
report.init(kWeaveProfile_WDM, kStatus_UnknownTopic);
SendStatusReport(aResponseCtx, report);
* in this case, since we're not passing the context on to the
* NHL, we close it.
WeaveLogProgress(DataManagement, "ClientNotifier::DispatchNotifyIndication() => %s", ErrorStr(err));
return err;
* @brief
* Check if a notifier has a particular subscription.
* This method scans the subscription table looking for a subscription
* that matches the given parameters (see MatchSubscription()).
* @param [in] aTopicId A reference to a topic ID to look
* for - may have the wild-card value
* kTopicIdNotSpecified.
* @param [in] aPublisherId A reference to a 64-bit publisher
* ID or service endpoint to look for
* - may have the wild-card value
* kNodeIdNotSpecified or the
* broadcast value kAnyNodeId.
* @param [in] aClient A pointer to the DMClient on behalf
* of which the subscription is in use.
* @return True if a match is found. Otherwise return false.
bool ClientNotifier::HasSubscription(const TopicIdentifier &aTopicId, const uint64_t &aPublisherId, DMClient *aClient) const
bool result = false;
for (int i = 0; i < kNotifierTableSize; i++)
const Subscription &s = mNotifierTable[i];
if (s.MatchSubscription(aTopicId, aPublisherId, aClient))
result = true;
return result;
* @brief
* Install a subscription in the table.
* This method checks whether a subscription with the given parameters
* is already available in the subscription table and, if not,
* installs one.
* @param [in] aTopicId A reference to the
* publisher-assigned "working"
* topic ID for this
* subscription.
* @param [in] aRequestedId A reference to the well-known
* topic ID, if any, under which
* the subscription was
* requested. If the subscription
* was not requested in this way
* then the value may be
* kTopicIdNotSpecified.
* @param [in] aPublisherId A reference to the 64-bit node
* ID or service endpoint ID of
* the publisher to which the
* subscription applies.
* @param [in] aClient A pointer to the DMClient that
* requested the subscription.
* @retval #WEAVE_NO_ERROR On success.
* @retval #WEAVE_ERROR_NO_MEMORY If no subscription could be allocated.
* @return Otherwise, an error reflecting the inability to install a
* subscription.
WEAVE_ERROR ClientNotifier::InstallSubscription(const TopicIdentifier &aTopicId,
const TopicIdentifier &aRequestedId,
const uint64_t &aPublisherId,
DMClient *aClient)
* if the subscription already exists then there's nothing else to
* do.
if (HasSubscription(aTopicId, aPublisherId, aClient))
* otherwise, there exists the possiblity that a subscription with
* the correct requested topic ID has been installed but the
* working topic ID has not been assigned. if so, assign it.
else if (HasSubscription(aRequestedId, aPublisherId, aClient))
for (int i = 0; i < kNotifierTableSize; i++)
Subscription &s = mNotifierTable[i];
if (s.MatchSubscription(aRequestedId, aPublisherId))
err = s.Init(aTopicId, aRequestedId, aPublisherId, aClient);
* otherwise just look for a free slot.
for (int i = 0; i < kNotifierTableSize; i++)
Subscription &s = mNotifierTable[i];
if (s.IsFree())
* deal with counting and start up the listener if
* this is the first installation.
if (mSubscriptionCount == 1)
* this is basically a hack pput here to try and
* get everything to build. NONE of this code
* should be lying around if subscription isn't
* allowed.
mExchangeMgr = aClient->mExchangeMgr;
err = mExchangeMgr->RegisterUnsolicitedMessageHandler(kWeaveProfile_WDM, kMsgType_NotifyRequest, ClientListener, this);
err = s.Init(aTopicId, aRequestedId, aPublisherId, aClient);
return err;
* @brief
* Remove a subscription for the table.
* If a subscription with the given parameters exists in the
* subscription table, it is removed.
* @param [in] aTopicId A reference to a topic ID that
* applies to this subscription. This
* may be a publisher-assigned
* "working" ID or the well-known ID
* under which the subscription was
* requested.
* @param [in] aPublisherId A reference to the 64-bit node ID
* or service endpoint ID of the
* publisher to which the
* subscription applies.
* @param [in] aClient A pointer to the client that requested
* the subscription.
void ClientNotifier::RemoveSubscription(const TopicIdentifier &aTopicId, const uint64_t &aPublisherId, DMClient *aClient)
for (int i = 0; i < kNotifierTableSize; i++)
Subscription &s = mNotifierTable[i];
if (s.MatchSubscription(aTopicId, aPublisherId, aClient))
* deal with counting and stop the listener if this is the
* last subscription.
if (mSubscriptionCount > 0)
if (mSubscriptionCount == 0)
mExchangeMgr->UnregisterUnsolicitedMessageHandler(kWeaveProfile_WDM, kMsgType_NotifyRequest);
* @brief
* Remove a subscription for the table and tell the next higher layer.
* If a subscription with the given parameters exists in the
* subscription table, it is removed, and the UnsubscribeIndication()
* method on the client is called.
* @param [in] aTopicId A reference to a topic ID that
* applies to this subscription. This
* may be a publisher-assigned
* "working" ID or the well-known ID
* under which the subscription was
* requested.
* @param [in] aPublisherId A reference to the 64-bit node ID
* or service endpoint ID of the
* publisher to which the
* subscription applies.
* @param [in] aClient A pointer to the DMClient that
* requested the subscription.
* @param [in] aReport A reference to a status report
* describing the reason for failure.
void ClientNotifier::FailSubscription(const TopicIdentifier &aTopicId, const uint64_t &aPublisherId, DMClient *aClient, StatusReport &aReport)
for (int i = 0; i < kNotifierTableSize; i++)
Subscription &s = mNotifierTable[i];
if (s.MatchSubscription(aTopicId, aPublisherId, aClient))
* deal with counting and stop the listener if this is the
* last subscription.
if (mSubscriptionCount > 0)
if (mSubscriptionCount == 0)
mExchangeMgr->UnregisterUnsolicitedMessageHandler(kWeaveProfile_WDM, kMsgType_NotifyRequest);
aClient->UnsubscribeIndication(s.mPublisherId, s.mAssignedId, aReport);
* @brief
* Clear client notifier state.
* This method just clears the notifier working state without call
* any indications to higher layers.
void ClientNotifier::Clear(void)
mSubscriptionCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < kNotifierTableSize; i++)
Subscription &s = mNotifierTable[i];
mExchangeMgr = NULL;