blob: a09e4540a090810014f861d9fd309104365be7c9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Nest Labs, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* This file defines types, classes and interfaces associated with
* Weave passcodes.
#include <Weave/Support/NLDLLUtil.h>
#include <Weave/Core/WeaveCore.h>
#include <Weave/Support/crypto/AESBlockCipher.h>
* @namespace nl::Weave::Profiles::Security::Passcodes
* @brief
* This namespace includes all interfaces within Weave for the Weave
* passcodes library within the Weave security profile.
namespace nl {
namespace Weave {
namespace Profiles {
namespace Security {
namespace Passcodes {
using nl::Weave::Profiles::Security::AppKeys::GroupKeyStoreBase;
* @brief
* Weave passcode encryption configuration types.
kPasscode_Config1_TEST_ONLY = 0x01, /**< Passcode encryption configuration #1 is not using encryption and secret
keys to authenticate and fingerprint passcode. This configuration SHOULD
be used for TEST purposes only. */
kPasscode_Config2 = 0x02, /**< Passcode encryption configuration #2 is using AES-128-ECB encryption
with 8 byte HMAC-SHA-1 integrity and 8 byte HMAC-SHA-1 fingerprint. */
kPasscodeConfig1_KeyId = WeaveKeyId::kNone, /**< Dummy key id used for test passcode configuration #1. */
* @brief
* Key diversifier used for Weave passcode encryption key derivation. This value
* represents first 4 bytes of the SHA-1 HASH of "Nest Passcode EK and AK" phrase.
extern const uint8_t kPasscodeEncKeyDiversifier[4];
* @brief
* Key diversifier used for Weave passcode encryption key derivation. This value
* represents first 4 bytes of the SHA-1 HASH of "Nest Passcode EK and AK" phrase.
extern const uint8_t kPasscodeFingerprintKeyDiversifier[4];
* @brief
* Weave passcode encryption protocol parameter sizes.
/** Passcode encryption (AES-128) key length. */
kPasscodeEncryptionKeyLen = Platform::Security::AES128BlockCipher::kKeyLength,
/** Passcode authentication (SHA-1) key length. */
kPasscodeAuthenticationKeyLen = Platform::Security::SHA1::kHashLength,
/** Passcode fingerprint (SHA-1) key length. */
kPasscodeFingerprintKeyLen = Platform::Security::SHA1::kHashLength,
/** Passcode total (encryption & integrity) key length. */
kPasscodeTotalDerivedKeyLen = kPasscodeEncryptionKeyLen + kPasscodeAuthenticationKeyLen,
/** Passcode length (padded to the AES-128 block length). */
kPasscodePaddedLen = Platform::Security::AES128BlockCipher::kBlockLength,
/** Passcode authenticator length. */
kPasscodeAuthenticatorLen = 8,
/** Passcode fingerprint length. */
kPasscodeFingerprintLen = 8,
/** Max encrypted passcode length. */
kPasscodeMaxEncryptedLen = sizeof(uint8_t) + 2 * sizeof(uint32_t) + kPasscodePaddedLen +
kPasscodeAuthenticatorLen + kPasscodeFingerprintLen,
/** Max unencrytped passcode length */
kPasscodeMaxLen = kPasscodePaddedLen,
/** Passcode encryption application key diversifier size. */
kPasscodeEncKeyDiversifierSize = sizeof(kPasscodeEncKeyDiversifier) + sizeof(uint8_t),
/** Passcode fingerprint key diversifier size. */
kPasscodeFingerprintKeyDiversifierSize = sizeof(kPasscodeFingerprintKeyDiversifier),
// Encrypt Weave passcode.
extern WEAVE_ERROR EncryptPasscode(uint8_t config, uint32_t keyId, uint32_t nonce, const uint8_t *passcode, size_t passcodeLen,
uint8_t *encPasscode, size_t encPasscodeBufSize, size_t& encPasscodeLen,
GroupKeyStoreBase *groupKeyStore);
extern WEAVE_ERROR EncryptPasscode(uint8_t config, uint32_t keyId, uint32_t nonce, const uint8_t *passcode, size_t passcodeLen,
const uint8_t *encKey, const uint8_t *authKey, const uint8_t *fingerprintKey,
uint8_t *encPasscode, size_t encPasscodeBufSize, size_t& encPasscodeLen);
// Decrypt Weave passcode.
extern WEAVE_ERROR DecryptPasscode(const uint8_t *encPasscode, size_t encPasscodeLen,
uint8_t *passcodeBuf, size_t passcodeBufSize, size_t& passcodeLen,
GroupKeyStoreBase *groupKeyStore);
extern WEAVE_ERROR DecryptPasscode(const uint8_t *encPasscode, size_t encPasscodeLen,
const uint8_t *encKey, const uint8_t *authKey, const uint8_t *fingerprintKey,
uint8_t *passcodeBuf, size_t passcodeBufSize, size_t& passcodeLen);
// Utility functions for interacting with encrypted passcodes.
extern WEAVE_ERROR GetEncryptedPasscodeConfig(const uint8_t *encPasscode, size_t encPasscodeLen, uint8_t& config);
extern WEAVE_ERROR GetEncryptedPasscodeKeyId(const uint8_t *encPasscode, size_t encPasscodeLen, uint32_t& keyId);
extern WEAVE_ERROR GetEncryptedPasscodeNonce(const uint8_t *encPasscode, size_t encPasscodeLen, uint32_t& nonce);
extern WEAVE_ERROR GetEncryptedPasscodeFingerprint(const uint8_t *encPasscode, size_t encPasscodeLen, uint8_t *fingerprintBuf, size_t fingerprintBufSize, size_t& fingerprintLen);
extern bool IsSupportedPasscodeEncryptionConfig(uint8_t config);
} // namespace Passcodes
} // namespace Security
} // namespace Profiles
} // namespace Weave
} // namespace nl
#endif /* WEAVEPASSCODES_H_ */