blob: 3594999daabef37fe1d9faa76152cbf40c963047 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Nest Labs, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* This file implements performance test utility for the Weave Data Management(WDM) Next Profile
* including latency and consumed virtual memory statistic.
#include "WdmNextPerfUtility.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
WdmNextPerfUtility *WdmNextPerfUtility::mInstance = 0;
WdmNextPerfUtility *WdmNextPerfUtility::Instance()
if (mInstance)
return mInstance;
mInstance = new WdmNextPerfUtility;
return mInstance;
void WdmNextPerfUtility::Remove()
if (mInstance)
delete mInstance;
int status;
status = gettimeofday(&mLastTime, NULL);
if (status != 0)
printf("gettimeofday error in WdmNextPerfUtility()\n");
WdmNextPerfUtility::~WdmNextPerfUtility() { }
* This is the implementation to obtain time latency since last call and save current time.
void WdmNextPerfUtility::operator()()
int status = gettimeofday(&mCurrentTime, NULL);
if (status != 0)
printf("gettimeofday error in WdmNextPerfUtility()\n");
mDeltaTime.tv_sec = mCurrentTime.tv_sec - mLastTime.tv_sec;
mDeltaTime.tv_usec = mCurrentTime.tv_usec - mLastTime.tv_usec;
if (mDeltaTime.tv_usec < 0)
mDeltaTime.tv_usec = -1 * mDeltaTime.tv_usec;
mDeltaTime.tv_sec = mDeltaTime.tv_sec - 1;
mLastTime = mCurrentTime;
* This is implementation to save the current consumed virtual memory and time latency since last run to mAllData.
void WdmNextPerfUtility::SetPerf()
mPerfData.vmsize = -1;
mPerfData.vmrss = -1;
#if defined (__APPLE__) && defined (__MACH__)
mMac_mem_info_count = TASK_BASIC_INFO_COUNT;
if (task_info(mach_task_self(), TASK_BASIC_INFO, (task_info_t)&mMac_mem_info, &mMac_mem_info_count) != KERN_SUCCESS)
printf("task_info error in mac\n");
mPerfData.vmsize = (size_t)mMac_mem_info.virtual_size;
mPerfData.vmrss = (size_t)mMac_mem_info.resident_size;
#elif defined (__unix__) || defined(__linux__)
FILE* filep = fopen("/proc/self/status", "r");
if (filep == NULL)
printf("file /proc/self/status cannot be open");
char scanned_line[256];
while (fgets(scanned_line, 256, filep) != NULL)
if (strncmp(scanned_line, "VmSize", 6) == 0)
char * step = &scanned_line[0];
step += 7;
while ( ! (*step < '9' && *step > '0'))
step += 1;
scanned_line[strlen(step) - 3] = '\0';
mPerfData.vmsize = (size_t)(atoi(step) * 1024);
if (strncmp(scanned_line, "VmRSS", 5) == 0)
char * step = &scanned_line[0];
step += 7;
while ( ! (*step < '9' && *step > '0'))
step += 1;
scanned_line[strlen(step) - 3] = '\0';
mPerfData.vmrss = (size_t)(atoi(step) * 1024);
#else // defined (__APPLE__) && defined (__MACH__)
printf("not supported OS\n");
#endif // defined (__APPLE__) && defined (__MACH__)
mPerfData.index = mAllData.size() + 1;
mPerfData.latency = mDeltaTime;
* This is implementation to get the performance data in current run.
perfData WdmNextPerfUtility::GetPerf()
return mPerfData;
* This is implementation to report the performance data in current run.
void WdmNextPerfUtility::ReportPerf()
printf("current perf data: index is %d, latency period = %d.%06d seconds, virtual memory is %zu Bytes, resident size is %zu Bytes \n",
mPerfData.index, static_cast<int>(mPerfData.latency.tv_sec), static_cast<int>(mPerfData.latency.tv_usec), mPerfData.vmsize, mPerfData.vmrss);
* This is implementation to print all perf data so far.
void WdmNextPerfUtility::ReportAll()
for (std::vector<perfData>::iterator element = mAllData.begin(); element != mAllData.end(); ++element)
printf("All perf data: index is %d, latency period = %d.%06d seconds, virtual memory is %zu Bytes, resident size is %zu Bytes \n",
element->index, static_cast<int>(element->latency.tv_sec), static_cast<int>(element->latency.tv_usec), element->vmsize, element->vmrss);
* This is implementation to get current timestamp.
int WdmNextPerfUtility::GetCurrentTimestamp(char *buf, size_t num)
struct timeval tv;
struct tm* time_ptr;
char detailed_time[30] = { 0 };
int64_t milliseconds;
int status = 0;
VerifyOrExit(buf != NULL, status = -1);
VerifyOrExit(num >= 50, status = -1);
status = gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
VerifyOrExit(status == 0, perror("gettimeofday"));
time_ptr = localtime(&tv.tv_sec);
VerifyOrExit(time_ptr != NULL, status = -1; perror("localtime"));
status = strftime(detailed_time, sizeof(detailed_time), "%F %T%z", time_ptr);
VerifyOrExit(status >= 0, perror("strftime"));
milliseconds = tv.tv_usec / 1000;
snprintf(buf, num, "%s.%03ld\n", detailed_time, milliseconds);
if (status < 0)
return status;
* This is implementation to save all perf data to file.
void WdmNextPerfUtility::SaveToFile()
char time[100] = { 0 };
std::ofstream output_file("./WdmPerfData");
if (GetCurrentTimestamp(time, sizeof(time)) >= 0)
output_file << "Save perf data at timestamp: " << time;
for (std::vector<perfData>::iterator element = mAllData.begin(); element != mAllData.end(); ++element)
output_file << "All perf data: index is " << element->index
<< ", latency period = " << static_cast<int>(element->latency.tv_sec) << "." <<
static_cast<int>(element->latency.tv_usec) << "seconds"
<< ", virtual memory is " << element->vmsize
<< ", resident size is " << element->vmrss << std::endl;