blob: eba10c26b41d989d8a4ac861ce26b1349746e45d [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Nest Labs, Inc.
# All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import os
import sys
import struct
# Directory entry types
DirectoryEntryType_SingleNode = 0
DirectoryEntryType_HostPortList = 1
class SingleNodeDirectoryEntry():
def __init__(self, serviceEndpointId=None, nodeId=None):
self.serviceEndpointId = serviceEndpointId
self.nodeId = nodeId
def __str__(self):
return self.toStr()
def toStr(self, prefix='', indent=' '):
return '%sService Endpoint Id: %016X\n%sNode Id: %016X\n' % (prefix, self.serviceEndpointId, prefix, self.nodeId)
class HostPortListDirectoryEntry():
def __init__(self, serviceEndpointId=None):
self.serviceEndpointId = serviceEndpointId
self.hostPortList = []
def __str__(self):
return self.toStr()
def toStr(self, prefix='', indent=' '):
res = '%sService Endpoint Id: %016X\n' % (prefix, self.serviceEndpointId)
res += '%sHost/Port List (length %d):\n' % (prefix, len(self.hostPortList))
for i in range(0, len(self.hostPortList)):
hostPortElem = self.hostPortList[i]
res += '%s%d:\n' % (prefix + indent, i)
res += hostPortElem.toStr(prefix=prefix + indent * 2, indent=indent)
return res
class HostPortListElement():
def __init__(self, hostName=None, port=None, suffixIndex=None):
self.hostName = hostName
self.port = port
self.suffixIndex = suffixIndex
def __str__(self):
return self.toStr()
def toStr(self, prefix='', indent=' '):
res = '%sHost Name: "%s"\n' % (prefix, self.hostName)
res += '%sPort: %s\n' % (prefix, str(self.port) if self.port != None else "Not Specified")
res += '%sSuffix Index: %s\n' % (prefix, str(self.suffixIndex) if self.suffixIndex != None else "Not Specified")
return res
class ServiceDirectoryResponse():
def __init__(self):
self.dirList = []
self.suffixTable = None
self.isRedirect = False
self.queryReceiptTime = None
self.processingTime = None
def decode(encodedServiceDir):
self = ServiceDirectoryResponse()
parseOffset = 0
# Extract the response header field from the response.
respHeader = struct.unpack_from('<B', encodedServiceDir, parseOffset)[0]
parseOffset += 1
# Decode the various subfields within the response header.
dirEntryCount = respHeader & 0x0F
self.isRedirect = (respHeader & 0x10) != 0
suffixTablePresent = (respHeader & 0x20) != 0
timeFieldsPresent = (respHeader & 0x40) != 0
# Verify that the reserve bit is 0.
if (respHeader & 0x80) != 0:
raise ValueError('Invalid response header value: reserved bit not zero')
# Decode the list of directory entries.
parseOffset = self._decodeDirList(encodedServiceDir, parseOffset, dirEntryCount)
# Decode the suffix table if present.
if suffixTablePresent:
parseOffset = self._decodeSuffixTable(encodedServiceDir, parseOffset)
# Decode the time fields, if present.
if timeFieldsPresent:
self.queryReceiptTime = struct.unpack_from('<Q', encodedServiceDir, parseOffset)[0]
parseOffset += 8
self.processingTime = struct.unpack_from('<L', encodedServiceDir, parseOffset)[0]
parseOffset += 4
# Verify the length of the encoded service directory.
if parseOffset != len(encodedServiceDir):
raise ValueError('Unexpected data at end of Service Directory response')
# Verify any suffix indexes in the host/port directory entries have corresponding positions
# in the suffix table.
for i in range(0, len(self.dirList)):
dirEntry = self.dirList[i]
if isinstance(dirEntry, HostPortListDirectoryEntry):
for hostPortEntry in dirEntry.hostPortList:
if hostPortEntry.suffixIndex != None:
if self.suffixTable == None or hostPortEntry.suffixIndex >= len(self.suffixTable):
raise ValueError('Invalid directory entry (entry %d): reference to non-existant suffix table entry' % i)
return self
def _decodeDirList(self, encodedServiceDir, parseOffset, dirEntryCount):
# Decode each of the directory entries
for i in range(0, dirEntryCount):
# Extract the header for the current directory entry.
dirEntryHeader = struct.unpack_from('<B', encodedServiceDir, parseOffset)[0]
parseOffset += 1
# Decode the subfields within the directory entry header.
hostPortListLen = dirEntryHeader & 0x7
entryType = (dirEntryHeader & 0xC0) >> 6
# Verify that the reserved bits are zero.
if (dirEntryHeader & 0x38) != 0:
raise ValueError('Invalid directory entry header value (entry %d): reserved bits not zero' % (i))
# Verify the entry type.
if entryType != DirectoryEntryType_SingleNode and entryType != DirectoryEntryType_HostPortList:
raise ValueError('Invalid directory entry type (entry %d): %d' % (i, entryType))
# Verify the hostPortListLen.
if entryType == DirectoryEntryType_SingleNode and hostPortListLen > 0:
raise ValueError('Invalid single node directory entry (entry %d): host/port list length is %d, but should be zero' % (i, hostPortListLen))
if entryType == DirectoryEntryType_HostPortList and hostPortListLen == 0:
raise ValueError('Invalid host/port list directory entry (entry %d): host/port list length is 0' % (i))
# Extract the service endpoint id for the directory entry.
serviceEndpointId = struct.unpack_from('<Q', encodedServiceDir, parseOffset)[0]
parseOffset += 8
# If this this a 'single node' directory entry...
if entryType == DirectoryEntryType_SingleNode:
# Extract the node id for the directory entry.
nodeId = struct.unpack_from('<Q', encodedServiceDir, parseOffset)[0]
parseOffset += 8
# Form a single node directory entry object
dirEntry = SingleNodeDirectoryEntry(serviceEndpointId, nodeId)
# Otherwise, this is a Host/Port list directory entry...
# Form a Host/Port list directory entry object.
dirEntry = HostPortListDirectoryEntry(serviceEndpointId=serviceEndpointId)
# For each host/port element in the current directory entry...
for j in range(0, hostPortListLen):
# Extract the host/port entry header
hostPortEntryHeader = struct.unpack_from('<B', encodedServiceDir, parseOffset)[0]
parseOffset += 1
# Decode subfields within the host/port entry header.
hostIdType = (hostPortEntryHeader & 0x03)
suffixIndexPresent = (hostPortEntryHeader & 0x04) != 0
portPresent = (hostPortEntryHeader & 0x08) != 0
# Verify that the reserved bits are zero.
if (hostPortEntryHeader & 0xF0) != 0:
raise ValueError('Invalid host/port directory entry header value (entry %d, element %d): reserved bits not zero' % (i, j))
# Extract and verify the host name length.
hostNameLen = struct.unpack_from('<B', encodedServiceDir, parseOffset)[0]
parseOffset += 1
if (hostNameLen == 0):
raise ValueError('Invalid host/port directory entry (entry %d, element %d): host name length is zero' % (i, j))
# Extract the host name.
hostName = struct.unpack_from('<' + str(hostNameLen) + 's', encodedServiceDir, parseOffset)[0]
parseOffset += hostNameLen
# If present, extract the suffix index.
if suffixIndexPresent:
suffixIndex = struct.unpack_from('<B', encodedServiceDir, parseOffset)[0]
parseOffset += 1
suffixIndex = None
# If present, extract the port.
if portPresent:
port = struct.unpack_from('<H', encodedServiceDir, parseOffset)[0]
parseOffset += 2
port = None
# Form a host/port list element and add it to the directory entry.
elem = HostPortListElement(hostName=hostName, port=port, suffixIndex=suffixIndex)
# Add the directory entry to entry list.
return parseOffset
def _decodeSuffixTable(self, encodedServiceDir, parseOffset):
self.suffixTable = []
# Extract the suffix table length.
suffixTableLen = struct.unpack_from('<B', encodedServiceDir, parseOffset)[0]
parseOffset += 1
# Decode each of the suffix table entries...
for i in range(0, suffixTableLen):
# Extract and verify the suffix string length.
suffixLen = struct.unpack_from('<B', encodedServiceDir, parseOffset)[0]
parseOffset += 1
if (suffixLen == 0):
raise ValueError('Invalid suffix table entry (entry %d): suffix length is zero' % (i))
# Extract the suffix string.
suffix = struct.unpack_from('<' + str(suffixLen) + 's', encodedServiceDir, parseOffset)[0]
parseOffset += suffixLen
# Add the suffix string to the table array.
return parseOffset
def __str__(self):
return self.toStr()
def toStr(self, prefix='', indent=' '):
res = ''
res += '%sDirectory List (length: %d):\n' % (prefix, len(self.dirList))
for i in range(0, len(self.dirList)):
dirEntry = self.dirList[i]
res += '%sElem %d (%s):\n' % (prefix + indent, i, "Host/Port List" if isinstance(dirEntry, HostPortListDirectoryEntry) else "Single Node")
res += dirEntry.toStr(prefix=prefix + indent * 2, indent=indent)
if self.suffixTable != None:
res += '%sSuffix Table (length %d):\n' % (prefix, len(self.suffixTable))
for i in range(0, len(self.suffixTable)):
res += '%s%d: "%s"\n' % (prefix + indent, i, self.suffixTable[i])
res += '%sIs Redirect: %s\n' % (prefix, self.isRedirect)
if self.queryReceiptTime != None:
res += '%sQuery Receipt Time: %d\n' % (prefix, self.queryReceiptTime)
res += '%sQuery Receipt Time: Not Specified\n' % (prefix)
if self.processingTime != None:
res += '%sProcessing Time: %d\n' % (prefix, self.processingTime)
res += '%sProcessing Time: Not Specified\n' % (prefix)
return res
usage = """ -- Decode a Weave Service Directory response.
Usage: [ <file-name> ]
Input to the tool should be the payload of a Weave Service Directory response
message, in binary form. If no input file is given, the tool reads from stdin.
The following command can be used to decode a response in hex format:
xxd -r -p <hex-input-file> |
# Main code
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
inFile = sys.stdin
elif len(sys.argv) > 2:
sys.stderr.write("Unexpected argument: %s\n" % sys.argv[2])
arg = sys.argv[1].lower()
if arg == 'help' or arg == '-h' or arg == '--help':
inFile = open(sys.argv[1], 'rb')
encodedServiceDir =
sd = ServiceDirectoryResponse.decode(encodedServiceDir)
print sd