blob: bcae7fc00723b7b6e86f7d69c1f153a991a38a95 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Nest Labs, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* This file defines a Wrapper for C++ implementation of pincode encryption/decryption functionality.
* for pin encryption.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
extern NSString *const NLPasscodeEncryptionSupportDomain;
// Error codes for NLPasscodeEncryptionSupportDomain
typedef NS_ENUM (NSInteger, NLPasscodeEncryptionSupportDomainCode){
NLPasscodeEncryptionSupportDomainSuccess = 0,
NLPasscodeEncryptionSupportDomainEncryptionFailure = 1,
NLPasscodeEncryptionSupportDomainDecryptionFailure = 2,
NLPasscodeEncryptionSupportDomainInvalidData = 3,
NLPasscodeEncryptionSupportDomainInvalidEncKeySize = 4,
NLPasscodeEncryptionSupportDomainInvalidAuthKeySize = 5,
NLPasscodeEncryptionSupportDomainInvalidFingerprintKeySize = 6,
/** Passcode encryption configuration 1 (TEST ONLY)
* Note: This encryption configuration is for testing only and provides no integrity or confidentiality.
* Config 1 is only available in development builds.
extern NSUInteger const NLWeavePasscode_Config1_TEST_ONLY;
/** Passcode encryption configuration 2
extern NSUInteger const NLWeavePasscode_Config2;
/** Key diversifier used in the derivation of the passcode encryption and authentication keys.
extern UInt8 const NLWeavePasscodeEncKeyDiversifier [];
/** Key diversifier used in the derivation of the passcode fingerprint key.
extern UInt8 const NLWeavePasscodeFingerprintKeyDiversifier [];
extern UInt32 const NLWeavePasscodeEncKeyDiversifierSize;
extern UInt32 const NLWeavePasscodeFingerprintKeyDiversifierSize;
extern UInt32 const NLWeavePasscodeEncryptionKeyLen;
extern UInt32 const NLWeavePasscodeAuthenticationKeyLen;
extern UInt32 const NLWeavePasscodeFingerprintKeyLen;
* @class wrapper for C++ implementation of pincode encryption/decryption functionality.
@interface NLWeavePasscodeEncryptionSupport : NSObject
/** Encrypt a passcode using the Nest Passcode Encryption scheme.
+ (nullable NSData *) encryptPasscode: (UInt8) config
keyId: (UInt32) keyId
nonce: (UInt32) nonce
passcode: (NSData *) passcode
encKey: (NSData *) encKey
authKey: (NSData *) authKey
fingerprintKey: (NSData *) fingerprintKey
error: (NSError **) errOut;
/** Decrypt a passcode that was encrypted using the Nest Passcode Encryption scheme.
+ (nullable NSData *) decryptPasscode: (NSData *) encPasscode
config: (UInt8) config
encKey: (NSData *) encKey
authKey: (NSData *) authKey
fingerprintKey: (NSData *) fingerprintKey
error: (NSError **) errOut;
/** Determines if the specified Passcode encryption configuration is supported.
+ (BOOL) isSupportedPasscodeEncryptionConfig: (UInt8) config;
/** Extract the configuration type from an encrypted Passcode.
+ (BOOL) getEncryptedPasscodeConfig: (NSData *) encPasscode
config: (UInt8 *) configOut
error: (NSError **) errOut;
/** Extract the key id from an encrypted Passcode.
+ (BOOL) getEncryptedPasscodeKeyId: (NSData *) encPasscode
keyId: (UInt32 *) keyIdOut
error: (NSError **) errOut;
/** Extract the nonce value from an encrypted Passcode.
+ (BOOL) getEncryptedPasscodeNonce: (NSData *) encPasscode
nonce: (UInt32 *) nonceOut
error: (NSError **) errOut;
/** Extract the fingerprint from an encrypted Passcode.
+ (nullable NSData *) getEncryptedPasscodeFingerprint: (NSData *) encPasscode error: (NSError **) errOut;