blob: 1b5fcc4eec2f06abdc1fbbc4e2f36b4a812be398 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2013-2017 Nest Labs, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* This file declares a class that contains state related to an
* ongoing Weave Bulk Data Transfer. It is used by the
* BdxProtocol and BdxServer classes.
#include <Weave/Profiles/bulk-data-transfer/Development/BDXManagedNamespace.hpp>
#include <Weave/Profiles/bulk-data-transfer/Development/BDXConstants.h>
#include <Weave/Profiles/bulk-data-transfer/Development/BDXMessages.h>
namespace nl {
namespace Weave {
namespace Profiles {
namespace WeaveMakeManagedNamespaceIdentifier(BDX, kWeaveManagedNamespaceDesignation_Development) {
// The default size we set a transfer's maxBlockSize to
struct BDXTransfer; // forward declaration for inclusion in callbacks
// typedefs for handler types needed below
* @brief
* Callback invoked when receiving a SendInit message.
* Its job is to determine if you want to accept the SendInit and, if so, set
* aXfer->mIsAccepted=true so that the protocol will send an accept message to
* the initiator. The BDXTransfer object is initiated to default settings.
* This is a good place to attach any application-specific state (open file
* handles, etc.) to aXfer->mAppState. You should also attach the necessary
* handlers for e.g. block handling to the BDXTransfer object at this point.
* If an error code other than WEAVE_NO_ERROR is returned, the transfer is
* assumed to be rejected and the protocol will handle sending a reject message
* with the code.
* @param[in] aXfer Pointer to the BDXTransfer associated with this transfer
* @param[in] aSendInitMsg Pointer to the SendInit message that we are processing
typedef uint16_t (*SendInitHandler)(BDXTransfer *aXfer, SendInit *aSendInitMsg);
* @brief
* Callback invoked when receiving a ReceiveInit message.
* Its job is to determine if you want to accept the Receive and, if so, set
* aXfer->mIsAccepted=true so that the protocol will send an accept message
* to the initiator. The BDXTransfer object is initiated to default settings.
* This is a good place to attach any application-specific state (open file
* handles, etc.) to aXfer->mAppState. You should also attach the necessary
* handlers for e.g. block handling to the BDXTransfer object at this point.
* If an error code other than kStatus_Success is returned, the transfer is
* assumed to be rejected and the protocol will handle sending a reject message
* with the code.
* @param[in] aXfer Pointer to the BDXTransfer associated with this transfer
* @param[in] aReceiveInitMsg Pointer to the ReceiveInit message that we are processing
typedef uint16_t (*ReceiveInitHandler)(BDXTransfer *aXfer, ReceiveInit *aReceiveInitMsg);
* @brief
* Callback invoked when a previously sent SendInit is accepted by the destination.
* You may wish to use this opportunity to open files or allocate resources for
* the transfer if you did not do so when initiating it.
* @param[in] aXfer Pointer to the BDXTransfer associated with this transfer
* @param[in] aSendAcceptMsg Pointer to the SendAccept message that we are processing
typedef WEAVE_ERROR (*SendAcceptHandler)(BDXTransfer *aXfer, SendAccept *aSendAcceptMsg);
* @brief
* Callback invoked when a previously sent ReceiveInit is accepted by the destination.
* You may wish to use this opportunity to open files or allocate resources for
* the transfer if you did not do so when initiating it.
* @param[in] aXfer Pointer to the BDXTransfer associated with this transfer
* @param[in] aReceiveAcceptMsg Pointer to the ReceiveAccept message that we are processing
typedef WEAVE_ERROR (*ReceiveAcceptHandler)(BDXTransfer *aXfer, ReceiveAccept *aReceiveAcceptMsg);
* @brief
* Invoked if one of the previous Init messages was rejected by the destination.
* @note
* Use this handler to provide feedback to your application about how to adjust
* a future request to make it successful. It should also close the BDXTransfer here.
* @param[in] aXfer Pointer to the BDXTransfer associated with this transfer
* @param[in] aReport Pointer to the StatusReport message rejection that we are processing
typedef void (*RejectHandler)(BDXTransfer *aXfer, StatusReport *aReport);
* @brief
* Get a block of data to be transmitted.
* The caller provides the buffering space (buffer and length of the
* buffer, passed in by reference). Callee (user application) SHOULD
* use the provided buffer, but for backward compatibility reasons,
* may return its own buffer. Callee must not provide more than the
* `aLength` of bytes. On return, `aLength` contains the actual
* number of bytes read into the buffer.
* @param[in] aXfer The BDXTransfer associated with this ongoing
* transfer
* @param[inout] aLength The length of data read and stored in this
* block. On call to the function contains
* the length of the of the buffer passed
* in the `aDataBlock`. On return, the
* variable contains the length of data
* actually read.
* @param[inout] aDataBlock The pointer to the block of data. On
* input, it contains the framework-
* provided buffer; the callee may use that
* space to fill the buffer, or provide its
* own buffering space (for backward
* compatibility applications). Applications
* using provided buffer must not assume
* any alignment.
* @param[out] aLastBlock True if the block should be sent as a
* `BlockEOF` and the transfer completed,
* false otherwise
//TODO: define a contract for how to tell the caller not to send the block and/or
//that we encountered an error
typedef void (*GetBlockHandler)(BDXTransfer *aXfer,
uint64_t *aLength,
uint8_t **aDataBlock,
bool *aLastBlock);
* @brief
* Handle the block of data pointed to by aDataBlock of length aLength.
* Likely this will involve writing it to a file and closing said file if isLastBlock is true.
* @param[in] aXfer The BDXTransfer associated with this ongoing transfer
* @param[in] aLength The length of data read and stored in the specified block
* @param[in] aDataBlock The actual block of data
* @param[in] aLastBlock True if the block was received as a BlockEOF and the
* transfer completed, false otherwise. If true,
* the programmer should probably finalize any file handles,
* keeping in mind that the XferDoneHandler will be called
* after this
typedef void (*PutBlockHandler)(BDXTransfer *aXfer, uint64_t aLength,
uint8_t *aDataBlock, bool aLastBlock);
* @brief
* Handle TransferError messages received or sent by BDX.
* @note
* The BDX transfer is presumed to be potentially recoverable (possibly temporary e.g. out of
* PacketBuffers at the moment) and so the option of calling Shutdown() is left
* to the application programmer and the callbacks they define.
*TODO: verify this and reconcile it with the language in the BDX document, which states:
* "[A TransferError] Can be sent at any time by either party to prematurely
* end the bulk data transfer."
* @note
* To determine if this TransferError was sent by this entity or its counterpart,
* inspect the aXfer->mAmInitiator member.
* @param[in] aXfer Pointer to the BDXTransfer associated with this transfer
* @param[in] aXferError Pointer to the StatusReport message error that we are processing
typedef void (*XferErrorHandler)(BDXTransfer *aXfer, StatusReport *aXferError);
* @brief
* Handle cases where the transfer is finished.
* @note
* To determine whether this transfer was aborted prematurely or completed
* successfully (that is, a BlockEOF or BlockEOFAck was received), inspect the
* aXfer->mIsCompletedSuccessfully member.
* @param[in] aXfer Pointer to the BDXTransfer associated with this transfer
typedef void (*XferDoneHandler)(BDXTransfer *aXfer);
* @brief
* This handler is called any time a weave error is encountered that cannot
* directly be returned via error codes to user-application-defined control flow.
* That is, if an error occurs within another handler whose signature has return
* type void (e.g. in response to an incoming Weave message or even dispatched
* by the protocol), this handler will be called so that the user can determine
* whether the transfer can be recovered and continue or if they should call
* Shutdown(). Note that it is possible for an error to occur before a BDXTransfer
* is initialized (e.g. already too many allocated transfer objects). In such a case,
* said error will be logged by Weave and the protocol will handle cleaning up any
* necessary state that it allocated.
* @param[in] aXfer Pointer to the BDXTransfer associated with this transfer
* @param[in] anErrorCode The error code that we need to process
typedef void (*ErrorHandler)(BDXTransfer *aXfer, WEAVE_ERROR anErrorCode);
struct BDXHandlers
SendAcceptHandler mSendAcceptHandler;
ReceiveAcceptHandler mReceiveAcceptHandler;
RejectHandler mRejectHandler;
GetBlockHandler mGetBlockHandler;
PutBlockHandler mPutBlockHandler;
XferErrorHandler mXferErrorHandler;
XferDoneHandler mXferDoneHandler;
ErrorHandler mErrorHandler;
/** This structure contains data members representing an active BDX transfer.
* These objects are used by the BdxProtocol to maintain protocol state.
* They are managed by the BdxServer, which handles creating and initializing
* new transfers, including managing Connections and ExchangeContexts.
* @note:
* The handlers attached to this object are specified by the end application
* so that multiple transfers may be open simultaneously that each support different
* application logic.
struct BDXTransfer
ExchangeContext * mExchangeContext;
void * mAppState;
// data members related to the transfer handling
uint8_t mTransferMode;
// Version being used for this transfer
uint8_t mVersion;
// TODO: perhaps compact these more efficiently as flags to save memory?
bool mIsInitiated;
bool mIsAccepted;
bool mIsCompletedSuccessfully; // true iff a BlockEOF or BlockEOFAck was received
bool mAmInitiator;
bool mAmSender;
bool mIsWideRange; // true is widths and offsets are 64 bits
bool mFirstQuery; // true if we haven't received our first query
//TODO: bool mAckRcvd; // may want to keep track of ACKs to support
// retransmission of old blocks in the future
//TODO: int mSendFlags; // may want to configure SendFlags to be used in calls to
// SendMessage, e.g. to support WRMP
/** file/block related data members
* TODO: remove this? or should we just establish a contract of what
* this string might look like and how it will be used?
* Specifically, is it backed by an PacketBuffer? If so, it probably
* shouldn't stick around for the whole xfer as that takes up a pbuf
ReferencedString mFileDesignator;
uint16_t mMaxBlockSize; // Max block size to be used during this transfer
uint64_t mStartOffset; // Offset to start at for transfer, typically 0
uint64_t mLength; // Expected length of the transfer, 0 if unkown
uint64_t mBytesSent; // How many bytes have been sent so far in this transfer
/** The next block number we expect to receive a BlockQuery or BlockACK for
* when sending (once the transfer has officially started).
* When receiving, it is the next BlockSend we expect to receive
* or the latest BlockQuery we sent (after the transfer has officially started
* and the first query sent that is).
uint32_t mBlockCounter;
// application-supplied handlers
//TODO: make these private when BdxProtocol doesn't inspect them directly
//before calling DispatchGetBlockHandler(). We'll have to remove that check
//anyway if we move to a delegate model.
BDXHandlers mHandlers;
WEAVE_ERROR (*mNext)(BDXTransfer &); // Next action to take after the processing of the response
void Shutdown(void);
void Reset(void);
bool IsAsync(void);
bool IsDriver(void);
void SetHandlers(BDXHandlers aHandlers);
uint16_t GetDefaultFlags(bool aExpectResponse);
* Dispatchers simply check whether a handler has been set and then call it if so.
* Therefore, these should be used as the public interface for calling callbacks,
* which should never be touched directly by outside applications. It is
* possible that a future revision of BDXTransfer will use a delegate object
* rather than storing individual pointers to each of the callbacks.
WEAVE_ERROR DispatchReceiveAccept(ReceiveAccept *aReceiveAcceptMsg);
WEAVE_ERROR DispatchSendAccept(SendAccept *aSendAcceptMsg);
void DispatchRejectHandler(StatusReport *aReport);
void DispatchPutBlockHandler(uint64_t aLength,
uint8_t *aDataBlock,
bool aLastBlock);
void DispatchGetBlockHandler(uint64_t *aLength,
uint8_t **aDataBlock,
bool *aLastBlock);
void DispatchErrorHandler(WEAVE_ERROR anErrorCode);
void DispatchXferErrorHandler(StatusReport *aXferError);
void DispatchXferDoneHandler(void);
* @brief
* GetBDXAckFlag returns the appropriate flag for the RequestAck field
* depending on the exchange context's connection (no request ack for TCP),
* and based on compile time support for WRMP.
* @param[in] anEc The exchange context we should get the flag based on
* @return 0 or kSendFlag_RequestAck
inline uint16_t GetBDXAckFlag(ExchangeContext *anEc)
uint16_t flags = 0;
if (anEc->Con == NULL)
flags = ExchangeContext::kSendFlag_RequestAck;
return flags;
} // namespace BulkDataTransfer
} // namespace Profiles
} // namespace Weave
} // namespace nl