blob: 607928234c1a48992ce65efc5747117a656bab1f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2013-2017 Nest Labs, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* The defines constants for the Weave Common Profile, present in
* every Weave device.
* @namespace nl::Weave::Profiles::Common
* @brief
* This namespace includes all interfaces within Weave for the
* Weave Common profile.
* The interfaces define message types and status codes.
namespace nl {
namespace Weave {
namespace Profiles {
namespace Common {
// Common Profile Message Types
kMsgType_StatusReport = 1,
kMsgType_Null = 2,
//Reliable Messaging Protocol Message Types
kMsgType_WRMP_Delayed_Delivery = 3,
kMsgType_WRMP_Throttle_Flow = 4
// Common Profile Status Codes
kStatus_Success = 0, // The operation completed without error.
kStatus_Canceled = 1, // The operation was canceled.
kStatus_BadRequest = 0x0010, // The request was unrecognized or malformed.
kStatus_UnsupportedMessage = 0x0011, // An unrecognized or unsupported message was received.
kStatus_UnexpectedMessage = 0x0012, // A message was received at an unexpected time or in an unexpected context.
kStatus_AuthenticationRequired = 0x0013, // The request can only be made by an authenticated party.
kStatus_AccessDenied = 0x0014, // The request can only be made by a party with sufficient access.
kStatus_OutOfMemory = 0x0017, // The sender is low on memory resources and cannot perform the requested operation at the current time.
kStatus_NotAvailable = 0x0018, // The requested operation cannot be performed given the current state of the sender.
kStatus_InternalServerProblem = 0x0020, // Request could not be completeted because of problems on the server.
kStatus_Relocated = 0x0030, // Request was made to the wrong endpoint. Client should query its
// directory server for an updated endpoint list and try again.
kStatus_Busy = 0x0040, // The sender is busy and cannot perform the requested operation at the current time.
kStatus_Timeout = 0x0041, // The operation or protocol interaction failed to complete in the allotted time.
kStatus_InternalError = 0x0050, // An internal failure prevented an operation from completing.
kStatus_Continue = 0x0090, // Context-specific signal to proceed.
// Common profile MIME file type
kMIMEType_AppOctetStream = 0x0000, // The most general unrestricted set of bytes, same as "unspecified."
kMIMEType_TextPlain = 0x0001, // Plain text, uncompressed.
kMIMEType_AppGzip = 0x0002, // gzip-compressed data.
// Common Profile Data Tags
// Value Tag Category Element Type Constraints Description
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
kTag_SystemErrorCode = 0x0001, // Profile-specific Unsigned Integer - System-specific error
kTag_SchemaVersion = 0x0002, // Profile-specific Unsigned Integer 0-255 Schema revision
kTag_MIMEType = 0x0004, // Profile-agnostic Unsigned Integer - MIME type
} // namespace Common
} // namespace Profiles
} // namespace Weave
} // namespace nl