blob: abaafe8e2ff5190a54264d01f0dd70c4717700e8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Nest Labs, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* @brief
* API definitions for Weave Event Logging
* This file contains the definitions for the Weave Event Logging.
* The file defines the API for configuring and controlling the
* logging subsystem as well as the API for emitting the individual
* log entries.
#include <Weave/Profiles/data-management/Current/WdmManagedNamespace.h>
#include <Weave/Profiles/data-management/EventLoggingTags.h>
#include <Weave/Profiles/data-management/EventLoggingTypes.h>
namespace nl {
namespace Weave {
namespace Profiles {
namespace WeaveMakeManagedNamespaceIdentifier(DataManagement, kWeaveManagedNamespaceDesignation_Current) {
* @brief
* Log an event from a pre-serialized form.
* The function logs an event represented as a ::TLVReader. This
* implies that the event data representation is already serialized in
* the storage underlying the ::TLVReader. The ::TLVReader is expected to
* contain at least a single data element, that element must be a
* structure. The first element read out of the reader is treated as
* event data and stored in the event log. The event data MUST
* contain context tags to be interpreted within the schema identified
* by inProfileID and inEventType. The tag of the first element will
* be ignored; the event logging system will replace it with the
* eventData tag.
* The event is logged if its inImportance exceeds the logging
* threshold specified in the LoggingConfiguration. If the event's
* importance does not meet the current threshold, it is dropped and
* the function returns a `0` as the resulting event ID.
* This variant of the invocation implicitly specifies all the default
* event options:
* - the event is timestamped with the current time at the point of the call,
* - the event is marked as relating to the device that is making the call,
* - the event is standalone, not relating to any other events,
* - the event is marked as non-urgent,
* @param[in] inSchema Schema defining importance, profile ID, and
* structure type of this event.
* @param[in] inData The TLV reader containing the event data as the
* first element.
* @return event_id_t The event ID if the event was written to the
* log, 0 otherwise.
event_id_t LogEvent(const EventSchema &inSchema, nl::Weave::TLV::TLVReader &inData);
* @brief
* Log an event from a pre-serialized form, with additional options.
* The function logs an event represented as a ::TLVReader. This
* implies that the event data representation is already serialized in
* the storage underlying the ::TLVReader. The ::TLVReader is expected to
* contain at least a single data element, that element must be a
* structure. The first element read out of the reader is treated as
* event data and stored in the event log. The event data MUST
* contain context tags to be interpreted within the schema identified
* by inProfileID and inEventType. The tag of the first element will
* be ignored; the event logging system will replace it with the
* eventData tag.
* The event is logged if its inImportance exceeds the logging
* threshold specified in the LoggingConfiguration. If the event's
* importance does not meet the current threshold, it is dropped and
* the function returns a `0` as the resulting event ID.
* This variant of the invocation permits the caller to set any
* combination of `EventOptions`:
* - timestamp, when 0 defaults to the current time at the point of
* the call,
* - "root" section of the event source (event source and trait ID);
* if NULL, it defaults to the current device. the event is marked as
* relating to the device that is making the call,
* - a related event ID for grouping event IDs; when the related event
* ID is 0, the event is marked as not relating to any other events,
* - urgency; by default non-urgent.
* @param[in] inSchema Schema defining importance, profile ID, and
* structure type of this event.
* @param[in] inData The TLV reader containing the event data as the
* first element. Must not be NULL
* @param[in] inOptions The options for the event metadata. May be NULL.
* @return event_id_t The event ID if the event was written to the
* log, 0 otherwise.
event_id_t LogEvent(const EventSchema &inSchema, nl::Weave::TLV::TLVReader &inData, const EventOptions *inOptions);
* @brief
* Log an event via a callback.
* The function logs an event represented as an ::EventWriterFunct and
* an app-specific `appData` context. The function writes the event
* metadata and calls the `inEventWriter` with an ::TLVWriter
* reference and `inAppData` context so that the user code can emit
* the event data directly into the event log. This form of event
* logging minimizes memory consumption, as event data is serialized
* directly into the target buffer. The event data MUST contain
* context tags to be interpreted within the schema identified by
* `inProfileID` and `inEventType`. The tag of the first element will be
* ignored; the event logging system will replace it with the
* eventData tag.
* The event is logged if its inImportance exceeds the logging
* threshold specified in the LoggingConfiguration. If the event's
* importance does not meet the current threshold, it is dropped and
* the function returns a `0` as the resulting event ID.
* This variant of the invocation implicitly specifies all the default
* event options:
* - the event is timestamped with the current time at the point of the call,
* - the event is marked as relating to the device that is making the call,
* - the event is standalone, not relating to any other events,
* - the event is marked as non-urgent,
* @param[in] inSchema Schema defining importance, profile ID, and
* structure type of this event.
* @param[in] inEventWriter The callback to invoke to actually
* serialize the event data
* @param[in] inAppData Application context for the callback.
* @return event_id_t The event ID if the event was written to the
* log, 0 otherwise.
event_id_t LogEvent(const EventSchema &inSchema, EventWriterFunct inEventWriter, void *inAppData);
* @brief
* Log an event via a callback, with options.
* The function logs an event represented as an ::EventWriterFunct and
* an app-specific `appData` context. The function writes the event
* metadata and calls the `inEventWriter` with an ::TLVWriter
* reference and `inAppData` context so that the user code can emit
* the event data directly into the event log. This form of event
* logging minimizes memory consumption, as event data is serialized
* directly into the target buffer. The event data MUST contain
* context tags to be interpreted within the schema identified by
* `inProfileID` and `inEventType`. The tag of the first element will be
* ignored; the event logging system will replace it with the
* eventData tag.
* The event is logged if its inImportance exceeds the logging
* threshold specified in the LoggingConfiguration. If the event's
* importance does not meet the current threshold, it is dropped and
* the function returns a `0` as the resulting event ID.
* This variant of the invocation permits the caller to set any
* combination of `EventOptions`:
* - timestamp, when 0 defaults to the current time at the point of
* the call,
* - "root" section of the event source (event source and trait ID);
* if NULL, it defaults to the current device. the event is marked as
* relating to the device that is making the call,
* - a related event ID for grouping event IDs; when the related event
* ID is 0, the event is marked as not relating to any other events,
* - urgency; by default non-urgent.
* @param[in] inSchema Schema defining importance, profile ID, and
* structure type of this event.
* @param[in] inEventWriter The callback to invoke to actually
* serialize the event data
* @param[in] inAppData Application context for the callback.
* @param[in] inOptions The options for the event metadata. May be NULL.
* @return event_id_t The event ID if the event was written to the
* log, 0 otherwise.
event_id_t LogEvent(const EventSchema &inSchema, EventWriterFunct inEventWriter, void *inAppData, const EventOptions *inOptions);
* @brief
* LogFreeform emits a freeform string to the default event stream.
* The string will be encapsulated in an debug event structure,
* structurally identical to other logged strings. The event profile
* ID will be that of a Nest Debug event, and the event type will be
* `kNestDebug_StringLogEntryEvent`.
* @param inImportance[in] Importance of the log entry; if the importance
* falls below the current importance, the event is
* not actually logged
* @param inFormat[in] `printf`-compliant format string, followed by
* arguments to be formatted
* @return event_id_t The event ID if the event was written to the
* log, 0 otherwise.
event_id_t LogFreeform(ImportanceType inImportance, const char * inFormat, ...);
* @brief
* A helper function for emitting a freeform text as a debug
* event. The debug event is a structure with a logregion and a
* freeform text.
* @param ioWriter[inout] The writer to use for writing out the event
* @param inProfileID[in] The profile ID of the event
* @param inEventType[in] The Event type to be written out
* @param appData[in] A pointer to the DebugLogContext, a structure
* that holds a string format, arguments, and a
* log region
* @retval #WEAVE_NO_ERROR On success.
* @retval other Other errors that may be returned from the ioWriter.
WEAVE_ERROR PlainTextWriter(::nl::Weave::TLV::TLVWriter & ioWriter, uint8_t inDataTag, void *appData);
} // WeaveMakeManagedNamespaceIdentifier(DataManagement, kWeaveManagedNamespaceDesignation_Current)
} // Profiles
} // Weave
} //nl