blob: fec52a9dc2f1dce3f41e151ef370d76ea047c0d9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Nest Labs, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* @brief
* Definitions for the Binding class.
* This file defines common methods and callbacks for the WDM
* Binding class, which is responsible for keeping track of state
* required to communicate with a particular device.
* Binding is not, in itself, part of the published interface to WDM
* but it provides the basis for portions of that interface.
#include <Weave/Profiles/data-management/Legacy/WdmManagedNamespace.h>
#include <Weave/Profiles/data-management/DMConstants.h>
namespace nl {
namespace Weave {
namespace Profiles {
namespace WeaveMakeManagedNamespaceIdentifier(DataManagement, kWeaveManagedNamespaceDesignation_Legacy) {
using ServiceDirectory::WeaveServiceManager;
class ProtocolEngine;
* @class Binding
* @brief
* The Binding class manages communications state on behalf of
* an application entity using Weave.
* When an application wants to use Weave to communicate with a
* remote entity there exists a wide variety of options. The
* Binding class corrals these options and arranges them in such
* a way that the easy stuff is easy and the more difficult stuff
* is at least tractable. Options covered include:
* - unicast UDP communication with a known peer node.
* - UDP broadcast with "any" node.
* - unicast WRMP communication with a known peer node.
* - TCP communications with a known peer node.
* - TCP communications with a known service endpoint using a
* service manager instance to set things up.
* - TCP communications based on a pre-established connection.
class Binding
friend class ProtocolEngine;
virtual ~Binding(void);
* @brief
* Initialize a Binding with just a node ID.
* This results in a binding with the configured default
* transport.
* @param [in] aPeerNodeId A reference to the 64-bit
* ID of the binding target.
* @retval #WEAVE_NO_ERROR On success.
* @retval #WEAVE_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT If the binding is
* under-specified.
inline WEAVE_ERROR Init(const uint64_t &aPeerNodeId)
return Init(aPeerNodeId, kTransport_WRMP);
return Init(aPeerNodeId, kTransport_TCP);
WEAVE_ERROR Init(const uint64_t &aPeerNodeId, uint8_t aTransport);
WEAVE_ERROR Init(const uint64_t &aServiceEpt,
WeaveServiceManager *aServiceMgr,
WeaveAuthMode aAuthMode);
WEAVE_ERROR Init(WeaveConnection *aConnection);
WEAVE_ERROR Connect(WeaveConnection *aConnection);
void Finalize(void);
void Finalize(WEAVE_ERROR aErr);
void Free(void);
bool IsFree(void);
WEAVE_ERROR CompleteRequest(ProtocolEngine *aEngine);
void CompleteConfirm(WeaveConnection *aConnection);
void CompleteConfirm(StatusReport &aReport);
void CompleteConfirm(void);
void UncompleteRequest(void);
void UncompleteRequest(WEAVE_ERROR aErr);
void IncompleteIndication(StatusReport &aReport);
* @brief
* Check if a binding is complete.
* @note
* "Complete", in the case of a binding is tantamount to
* "ready for use". Thus, at this point, UDP-based bindings
* are always complete at initialization time as are
* TCP-based bindings that are initialized with a
* previously completed Weave connection. Bindings that
* depend on TCP and, especially, that bind to service
* endpoints are not, generally speaking, complete at
* initialization time and must go through a multi-stage
* process, as described elsewhere, before they are
* complete.
* @sa CompleteRequest(ProtocolEngine *aEngine)
* @return true if it's complete, false otherwise.
inline bool IsComplete(void)
return mState == kState_Complete;
ExchangeContext *GetExchangeCtx(WeaveExchangeManager *aExchangeMgr, void *aAppState);
* There are the various attributes governing communication
* via the exchange layer. For TCP-based communication, all
* you really need is a connection but there are various ways
* to get at that. For UDP/WRMP even less is required -
* really, just a node ID or other address.
* NOTE!! These member should be treated as READ-ONLY.
* @brief
* The 64-bit node ID of the binding target. (READ-ONLY)
* Every Binding has a target entity, which is named here. In
* addition to a Weave node ID this may name a service
* endpoint.
uint64_t mPeerNodeId;
* @brief
* The transport to use in completing this Binding.
* Possible values for mTransport are defined in DMConstants.h.
uint8_t mTransport;
* @brief
* A pointer to the (optional) ServiceManager object to use
* in completing this binding. (READ-ONLY)
* When binding to the Weave service, a 64-bit service
* endpoint ID may be supplied at initialization time in
* place of a Weave node ID. In this case, a ServiceManager
* object is also required to complete the binding. Normal
* TCP or WRMP bindings do not require a ServiceManager
* object.
nl::Weave::Profiles::ServiceDirectory::WeaveServiceManager *mServiceMgr;
* @brief
* The Weave authentication mode to be used. (READ_ONLY)
* This is the authentication mode used in all communications
* governed by this binding.
WeaveAuthMode mAuthMode;
* @brief
* A pointer to the Weave connection currently in use in
* this binding. (READ-ONLY)
* TCP bindings may be initialized with a connection right off
* the bat or they may allocate one at completion time.
* @note
* Although it is permissible to read, it is an error and
* could cause unexpected results to modify the value of
* mConnection directly.
WeaveConnection *mConnection;
* @brief
* A pointer to the ProtocolEngine object related to
* this Binding.
* A binding is generally completed with respect to a
* particular protocol engine, which is mostly used as a way
* of accessing the MessageLayer. This is where we keep track
* of it.
ProtocolEngine *mEngine;
* @brief
* The set of Binding object states.
kState_Incomplete = 0, /**< The initial (and final) state of a Binding. */
kState_Completing = 1, /**< The state of a Binding that is in the process of being completed */
kState_Complete = 2 /**< The state of a Binding that is complete and ready for use. */
* @brief
* The current Binding object state.
* Only one "complete" operation can run at a time and, in any
* case, if you ask to complete a completed binding it just
* calls the confirm function immediately. The state variable
* below tracks the current state and acts as a lockout.
uint8_t mState;
}; // WeaveMakeManagedNamespaceIdentifier(DataManagement, kWeaveManagedNamespaceDesignation_Legacy)
}; // Profiles
}; // Weave
}; // nl