blob: b903a2e6145f70ae80fe4abf46f1af6bec7c9c0a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Nest Labs, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* @brief
* Definitions for the abstract DMClient base class.
* This file contains definitions for the abstract DMClient base
* class, which serves as the basis for application-specific clients
* based on WDM. See the document, "Nest Weave-Data Management
* Protocol" document for a complete(ish) description.
#include <Weave/Profiles/data-management/Legacy/WdmManagedNamespace.h>
#include <Weave/Profiles/data-management/ClientDataManager.h>
#include <Weave/Profiles/data-management/ProtocolEngine.h>
namespace nl {
namespace Weave {
namespace Profiles {
namespace WeaveMakeManagedNamespaceIdentifier(DataManagement, kWeaveManagedNamespaceDesignation_Legacy) {
* @class DMClient
* @brief
* The abstract base class for application-specific WDM clients
* DMClient is the standard WDM client. The implementation
* optionally includes subscription/notification. It is a mix of
* the DM ProtocolEngine class, which handles the comms
* crank-turning, and the wholly abstract ClientDataManager class,
* with some of the subscription-related methods implemented so
* that higher layers don't have to worry about them.
* The handlers for subscription-related tasks mainly act as a
* thin adapter over the ClientNotifier object. Subclass
* implementers should take care to call the relevant super-class
* methods in order to turn the subscription manager crank.
* DMClient request methods generally have 2 signatures, one with
* an explicit destination node ID and the other with a specified
* destination. In either case, the ability to send a message to
* a publisher depends on a pre-existing binding in the client
* but, in the first case, the destination ID is intended to
* select between multiple bound destination and, in the second
* case, the first item in the binding table is selected as a
* default. This is useful, for example, if the client will only
* ever be bound to a single publisher.
class DMClient :
public ProtocolEngine,
public ClientDataManager
virtual ~DMClient(void);
virtual void Clear(void);
virtual void Finalize(void);
virtual void IncompleteIndication(Binding *aBinding, StatusReport &aReport);
virtual WEAVE_ERROR ViewRequest(const uint64_t &aDestinationId, ReferencedTLVData &aPathList, uint16_t aTxnId, uint32_t aTimeout);
virtual WEAVE_ERROR ViewRequest(ReferencedTLVData &aPathList, uint16_t aTxnId, uint32_t aTimeout);
* this whole block can be turned on and off at compile time
* in order to enable or disable subscription for the whole
* device. there's not much point in enabling or disabling it
* for individual clients since there will, in any case, be
* only one client notifier, defined statically below.
bool HasSubscription(const TopicIdentifier &aTopicId, const uint64_t &aPublisherId);
inline bool HasSubscription(const TopicIdentifier &aTopicId)
return HasSubscription(aTopicId, kNodeIdNotSpecified);
WEAVE_ERROR BeginSubscription(const TopicIdentifier &aAssignedId, const TopicIdentifier &aRequestedId, const uint64_t &aPublisherId);
WEAVE_ERROR EndSubscription(const TopicIdentifier &aTopicId, const uint64_t &aPublisherId);
virtual WEAVE_ERROR SubscribeRequest(const uint64_t &aDestinationId, const TopicIdentifier &aTopicId, uint16_t aTxnId, uint32_t aTimeout);
virtual WEAVE_ERROR SubscribeRequest(const TopicIdentifier &aTopicId, uint16_t aTxnId, uint32_t aTimeout);
virtual WEAVE_ERROR SubscribeRequest(const uint64_t &aDestinationId, ReferencedTLVData &aPathList, uint16_t aTxnId, uint32_t aTimeout);
virtual WEAVE_ERROR SubscribeRequest(ReferencedTLVData &aPathList, uint16_t aTxnId, uint32_t aTimeout);
virtual WEAVE_ERROR CancelSubscriptionRequest(const uint64_t &aDestinationId,
const TopicIdentifier &aTopicId,
uint16_t aTxnId,
uint32_t aTimeout);
virtual WEAVE_ERROR CancelSubscriptionRequest(const TopicIdentifier &aTopicId, uint16_t aTxnId, uint32_t aTimeout);
* There are multiple clients but only one notifier and, if more than
* one client tries to install a notifier, subscriptions that have
* been placed with the first one will be lost mysteriously. So, we
* need to put a single notifier in place.
static ClientNotifier sNotifier;
virtual WEAVE_ERROR UpdateRequest(const uint64_t &aDestinationId, ReferencedTLVData &aDataList, uint16_t aTxnId, uint32_t aTimeout);
virtual WEAVE_ERROR UpdateRequest(ReferencedTLVData &aDataList, uint16_t aTxnId, uint32_t aTimeout);
* this method is provided as a way of allowing access to the
* "legacy" message types. at this point only UpdateRequest()
* - and only this particular form of UpdateReuest() - actually
* needs it.
virtual WEAVE_ERROR UpdateRequest(ReferencedTLVData &aDataList, uint16_t aTxnId, uint32_t aTimeout, bool aUseLegacyMsgType);
* cancel transaction just returns a Weave error and doesn't
* itself require any saved state.
WEAVE_ERROR CancelTransactionRequest(uint16_t aTxnId, WEAVE_ERROR aError);
// public data members
* when we're checking resource usage we want to track
* these. they are here for testing and diagnostic purposes
* and may be turned off in production builds.
* transaction classes for the View, Subscribe,
* CancelSubscription amd and Update transactions, all derived
* from the ProtocolEngine::Transaction object and containing
* whatever additional information is required for the
* operation of interest.
class View :
public DMTransaction
WEAVE_ERROR Init(DMClient *aClient,
ReferencedTLVData &aPathList,
uint16_t aTxnId,
uint32_t aTimeout);
void Free(void);
WEAVE_ERROR SendRequest(PacketBuffer *aBuffer, uint16_t aSendFlags);
// transaction-specific handlers
WEAVE_ERROR OnStatusReceived(const uint64_t &aResponderId, StatusReport &aStatus);
WEAVE_ERROR OnResponseReceived(const uint64_t &aResponderId, uint8_t aMsgType, PacketBuffer *aMsg);
ReferencedTLVData mPathList;
View *NewView(void);
* again, we want to be able to enable or disable subscription
* at compile time for a particular device.
class Subscribe :
public DMTransaction
WEAVE_ERROR Init(DMClient *aClient,
const TopicIdentifier &aTopicId,
uint16_t aTxnId,
uint32_t aTimeout);
WEAVE_ERROR Init(DMClient *aClient,
ReferencedTLVData &aPathList,
uint16_t aTxnId,
uint32_t aTimeout);
void Free(void);
WEAVE_ERROR SendRequest(PacketBuffer *aBuffer, uint16_t aSendFlags);
// transaction-specific handlers
WEAVE_ERROR OnStatusReceived(const uint64_t &aResponderId, StatusReport &aStatus);
WEAVE_ERROR OnResponseReceived(const uint64_t &aResponderId, uint8_t aMsgType, PacketBuffer *aMsg);
ReferencedTLVData mPathList;
TopicIdentifier mTopicId;
Subscribe *NewSubscribe(void);
Subscribe mSubscribePool[kSubscribePoolSize];
class CancelSubscription :
public DMTransaction
WEAVE_ERROR Init(DMClient *aClient,
const TopicIdentifier &aTopicId,
uint16_t aTxnId,
uint32_t aTimeout);
void Free(void);
WEAVE_ERROR SendRequest(PacketBuffer *aBuffer, uint16_t aSendFlags);
// transaction-specific handlers
WEAVE_ERROR OnStatusReceived(const uint64_t &aResponderId, StatusReport &aStatus);
TopicIdentifier mTopicId;
CancelSubscription *NewCancelSubscription(void);
CancelSubscription mCancelSubscriptionPool[kCancelSubscriptionPoolSize];
class Update :
public DMTransaction
WEAVE_ERROR Init(DMClient *aClient,
ReferencedTLVData &aDataList,
uint16_t aTxnId,
uint32_t aTimeout);
void Free(void);
WEAVE_ERROR SendRequest(PacketBuffer *aBuffer, uint16_t aSendFlags);
// transaction-specific handlers
WEAVE_ERROR OnStatusReceived(const uint64_t &aResponderId, StatusReport &aStatus);
// data members
ReferencedTLVData mDataList;
Update *NewUpdate(void);
// protected data members
View mViewPool[kViewPoolSize];
Update mUpdatePool[kUpdatePoolSize];
}; // WeaveMakeManagedNamespaceIdentifier(DataManagement, kWeaveManagedNamespaceDesignation_Legacy)
}; // Profiles
}; // Weave
}; // nl