blob: 7e77a982d82ced14455b42230127866f2317ccee [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Nest Labs, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* @brief
* Definitions for the abstract ProfileDatabase auxiliary class.
* This file contains definitions for the abstract ProfileDatabase
* auxiliary class, which is intended to make the construction of
* WDM-based applications more straightforward by providing a template
* and filling common infrastructure. Also provided is a set of helper
* functions for wrangling WDM-related TLV.
#include <Weave/Profiles/data-management/Legacy/WdmManagedNamespace.h>
#include <Weave/Profiles/data-management/DataManagement.h>
namespace nl {
namespace Weave {
namespace Profiles {
namespace WeaveMakeManagedNamespaceIdentifier(DataManagement, kWeaveManagedNamespaceDesignation_Legacy) {
* @brief
* Start writing a path list.
* Write the TLV for the beginning of a WDM path list, e.g. as
* the primary argument of a ViewRequest().
* @param [in] aWriter A reference to a TLV writer
* with which to start writing.
* @return #WEAVE_NO_ERROR On success. Otherwise return a
* #WEAVE_ERROR reflecting an inability to start a container.
static inline WEAVE_ERROR StartPathList(nl::Weave::TLV::TLVWriter &aWriter)
nl::Weave::TLV::TLVType pathListContainer;
return aWriter.StartContainer(nl::Weave::TLV::ProfileTag(kWeaveProfile_WDM, kTag_WDMPathList),
nl::Weave::TLV::kTLVType_Array, pathListContainer);
* @brief
* Start writing a data list.
* Write the TLV for the beginning of a WDM data list, e.g. as
* the primary argument of an UpdateRequest().
* @param [in] aWriter A reference to a TLV writer
* with which to start writing.
* @return #WEAVE_NO_ERROR On success. Otherwise return a
* #WEAVE_ERROR reflecting an inability to start a container.
static inline WEAVE_ERROR StartDataList(nl::Weave::TLV::TLVWriter &aWriter)
nl::Weave::TLV::TLVType dataListContainer;
return aWriter.StartContainer(nl::Weave::TLV::ProfileTag(kWeaveProfile_WDM, kTag_WDMDataList),
nl::Weave::TLV::kTLVType_Array, dataListContainer);
* @brief
* Start writing a data list to a given ReferencedTLVData object.
* Write the TLV for the beginning of a WDM data list. In this
* case, we assume that we're writing out the data list to a
* referenced TLV data structure. The writer is assumed to be
* uninitialized - or, in any case, will be initialized to point
* to the given object.
* @param [out] aDataList A reference to a
* ReferencedTLVData object that
* is to be the target of the
* writer and eventually contain
* the data of interest.
* @param [in] aWriter A reference to a TLV writer
* with which to start writing.
* @return #WEAVE_NO_ERROR On success. Otherwise return a
* #WEAVE_ERROR reflecting an inability to start a container.
static inline WEAVE_ERROR StartDataList(ReferencedTLVData &aDataList, nl::Weave::TLV::TLVWriter &aWriter)
aWriter.Init(aDataList.theData, aDataList.theMaxLength);
return StartDataList(aWriter);
* @brief
* Finish writing a path list or data list.
* Write the TLV for the end of a WDM path or data list. Also,
* finalize the writer.
* @param [in,out] aWriter A reference to a TLV writer
* with which to write the end of
* the list.
* @return #WEAVE_NO_ERROR On success. Otherwise return a
* #WEAVE_ERROR reflecting an inability to end a container.
static inline WEAVE_ERROR EndList(nl::Weave::TLV::TLVWriter &aWriter)
* in the normal case, which is what these convenience methods
* are attempting to address, both the path list and data list
* appear as the only elements of a top-level TLV
* structure. thus, the outer container type is always
* "structure".
err = aWriter.EndContainer(nl::Weave::TLV::kTLVType_Structure);
if (err == WEAVE_NO_ERROR)
err = aWriter.Finalize();
return err;
* @brief
* Finish writing a path list or data list.
* Write the TLV for the end of a WDM path or data list. Also,
* finalize the writer. In this case, the ReferencedTLVData object
* to which the TLV is being written is passed in and modified to
* reflect the amount of data written.
* @param [in,out] aList A reference to the
* ReferenceTLVData object to
* which the list was being
* written.
* @param [in] aWriter A reference to a TLV writer
* with which to write the end of
* the list.
* @return #WEAVE_NO_ERROR On success. Otherwise return a
* #WEAVE_ERROR reflecting an inability to end a container.
static inline WEAVE_ERROR EndList(ReferencedTLVData &aList, nl::Weave::TLV::TLVWriter &aWriter)
err = EndList(aWriter);
aList.theLength = aWriter.GetLengthWritten();
return err;
* @brief
* Start writing a data list element.
* Write the TLV for the beginning of a WDM data list element.
* @param [in] aWriter A reference to a TLV writer
* with which to start writing.
* @return #WEAVE_NO_ERROR On success. Otherwise return a
* #WEAVE_ERROR reflecting an inability to start a container.
static inline WEAVE_ERROR StartDataListElement(nl::Weave::TLV::TLVWriter &aWriter)
nl::Weave::TLV::TLVType itemContainer;
return aWriter.StartContainer(nl::Weave::TLV::AnonymousTag, nl::Weave::TLV::kTLVType_Structure, itemContainer);
* @brief
* Finish writing a data list element.
* Write the TLV for the end of a WDM data list element. Note this
* this automatically passes in a type of kTLVType_Array to the
* EndContainer() call assuming that we are always closing a list
* item.
* @param [in] aWriter A reference to a TLV writer
* with which to write the end of
* the item.
* @return #WEAVE_NO_ERROR On success. Otherwise return a
* #WEAVE_ERROR reflecting an inability to end a container.
static inline WEAVE_ERROR EndDataListElement(nl::Weave::TLV::TLVWriter &aWriter)
* obviously, the outer container of a list element is a
* "list", i.e. an array.
return aWriter.EndContainer(nl::Weave::TLV::kTLVType_Array);
bool CheckWDMTag(uint32_t aTagNum, nl::Weave::TLV::TLVReader &aReader);
* @brief
* Validate that a TLV element being read has the expected WDM
* tag.
* @param [in] aTagNum The 32-bit tag number of the
* expected WDM tag.
* @param [in] aReader A TLV reader positioned at the
* element to be validated.
* @return #WEAVE_NO_ERROR On success. Otherwise
* #WEAVE_ERROR_INVALID_TLV_TAG if the tag does not match the
* given tag number when interpreted as a WDM tag.
static inline WEAVE_ERROR ValidateWDMTag(uint32_t aTagNum, nl::Weave::TLV::TLVReader &aReader)
if (CheckWDMTag(aTagNum, aReader))
return err;
* @brief
* Check that a TLV element being read has the expected TLV
* type.
* Check a given TLV type against
* the element type at the head of a TLV reader.
* @sa WeaveTLVTypes.h
* @param [in] aType The TLVType to be checked
* against a specific element
* @param [in] aReader A reference to a TLV reader
* positioned at the element to
* be checked
* @return true iff the TLVType of the element and aType match.
static inline bool CheckTLVType(nl::Weave::TLV::TLVType aType, nl::Weave::TLV::TLVReader &aReader)
nl::Weave::TLV::TLVType type = aReader.GetType();
return type == aType;
* @brief
* Validate that a TLV element being read has the expected TLV
* type.
* Check a given TLV type against
* the element type at the head of a TLV reader and return an
* error if there is no match.
* @sa WeaveTLVTypes.h
* @param [in] aType The TLVType to be validated
* against a specific element.
* @param [in] aReader A reference to a TLV reader
* positioned at the element to
* be validated.
* @return #WEAVE_NO_ERROR if there is a match or
inline WEAVE_ERROR ValidateTLVType(nl::Weave::TLV::TLVType aType, nl::Weave::TLV::TLVReader &aReader)
if (CheckTLVType(aType, aReader))
return err;
WEAVE_ERROR OpenPathList(ReferencedTLVData &aPathList, nl::Weave::TLV::TLVReader &aReader);
WEAVE_ERROR OpenDataList(ReferencedTLVData &aDataList, nl::Weave::TLV::TLVReader &aReader);
WEAVE_ERROR OpenDataListElement(nl::Weave::TLV::TLVReader &aReader, nl::Weave::TLV::TLVReader &aPathReader, uint64_t &aVersion);
* @brief
* Stop reading a WDM path or data list.
* This method assumes that the list in question is the topmost
* TLV element and so passes kTLVType_Sructure to ExitContainer().
* @param [in,out] aReader A TLV reader positioned in
* a WDM path or data list.
* @return #WEAVE_NO_ERROR On success. Otherwise return a
* #WEAVE_ERROR reflecting an inability to exit a container.
inline WEAVE_ERROR CloseList(nl::Weave::TLV::TLVReader &aReader)
return aReader.ExitContainer(nl::Weave::TLV::kTLVType_Structure);
* @brief
* Stop reading a WDM data list element.
* This method assumes that the element in question is part of a
* WDM data list and so passes kTLVType_Array to ExitContainer().
* @param [in,out] aReader A TLV reader positioned in
* a WDM data list element.
* @return #WEAVE_NO_ERROR On success. Otherwise return a
* #WEAVE_ERROR reflecting an inability to exit a container.
inline WEAVE_ERROR CloseDataListElement(nl::Weave::TLV::TLVReader &aReader)
return aReader.ExitContainer(nl::Weave::TLV::kTLVType_Array);
* it also turns out that we have to support a range of instance
* identifiers. we make the assumption that, at least in an
* embedded context, they are all binary encodings. so, that means
* that for all the numeric ones we can probably get away with
* using a uint64 - since that will be the normal case anyway -
* and for longer values we can use the TLV byte array.
* what this means, sadly, is that all the "convenience" methods
* below that take or extract an instance ID have to account for
* both types.
WEAVE_ERROR EncodePath(nl::Weave::TLV::TLVWriter &aWriter,
const uint64_t &aTag,
uint32_t aProfileId,
const uint64_t &aInstanceId,
uint16_t aPathLen,
WEAVE_ERROR EncodePath(nl::Weave::TLV::TLVWriter &aWriter,
const uint64_t &aTag,
uint32_t aProfileId,
const uint32_t aInstanceIdLen,
const uint8_t *aInstanceId,
uint16_t aPathLen,
WEAVE_ERROR EncodePath(nl::Weave::TLV::TLVWriter &aWriter,
const uint64_t &aTag,
uint32_t aProfileId,
const char *aInstanceId,
uint16_t aPathLen,
* and for compatibility with Topaz, actually with older versions
* of the Service that were in use under Topaz 1.0, we need these
* versions.
WEAVE_ERROR EncodeDeprecatedPath(nl::Weave::TLV::TLVWriter &aWriter,
const uint64_t &aTag,
uint32_t aProfileId,
const uint64_t &aInstanceId,
uint16_t aPathLen,
WEAVE_ERROR EncodeDeprecatedPath(nl::Weave::TLV::TLVWriter &aWriter,
const uint64_t &aTag,
uint32_t aProfileId,
const char *aInstanceId,
uint16_t aPathLen,
* @class ProfileDatabase
* @brief
* The abstract ProfileDatabase auxiliary class.
* WDM separates the protocol implementation from the data
* management implementation and, at least in principle, leaves
* most of the latter to the application developer. All of the
* interesting calls in WDM and all of the abstract methods that
* the profile developer is required to implement take TLV-encoded
* path lists or data lists. This puts a burden on profile
* developers and, in practice, will cause a lot of code
* duplication as developer after developer writes the same code
* for packing and unpacking TLV and so on. To ease things a bit
* we provide a kind of "data management toolkit".
* This auxiliary class provides support for storing and retrieving data
* provided that the necessary concrete ProfileData sub-classes have been
* supplied and added to the LookupProfileData() method below.
class ProfileDatabase
* @class ProfileData
* @brief
* The abstract ProfileData auxiliary inner class.
* ProfileDatabase sub-class implementers should implement
* sub-classes of this auxiliary inner class as well. The
* function of ProfileData objects is to provide hooks
* whereby concrete data may be stored, given a its
* representation as TLV and retrieved as a TLV
* representation given a TLV-encoded list of paths.
class ProfileData
virtual ~ProfileData(void);
virtual WEAVE_ERROR Store(nl::Weave::TLV::TLVReader &aPathReader, uint64_t aVersion, nl::Weave::TLV::TLVReader &aDataReader);
* @brief
* Store a data item based on its tag.
* @note
* ProfileDatabase subclass implementers must supply a
* concrete implementation of this method in order to
* store a particular kind of data under a known tag.
* @param [in] aTag A reference to the
* fully-qualified 64-bit
* TLV tag under which
* the data should be
* stored.
* @param [in] aDataReader A TLV reader
* positioned at the data
* item to be stored.
* @return #WEAVE_NO_ERROR on success, otherwise return
* a #WEAVE_ERROR reflecting an inability either to
* recognize the tag or to store the data.
virtual WEAVE_ERROR StoreItem(const uint64_t &aTag, nl::Weave::TLV::TLVReader &aDataReader) = 0;
* @brief
* Write out a data item given a residual WDM path.
* ProfileDatabase subclass implementers must provide a
* concrete implementation for this method in every case
* where the individual elements of a ProfileData subclass
* object are accessible under particular tags.
* @param [in] aPathReader A reference to a TLV
* reader positioned in a
* WDM path after the
* profile information,
* i.e. at the 'residual'
* path elements if any.
* @param [in] aDataWriter A reference to a TLV
* writer used to write
* out the data indicated
* by the residual path.
* @return #WEAVE_NO_ERROR On success. Otherwise return a
* #WEAVE_ERROR reflecting an inability to recognize a
* residual tag or else to write the corresponding data.
virtual WEAVE_ERROR Retrieve(nl::Weave::TLV::TLVReader &aPathReader, nl::Weave::TLV::TLVWriter &aDataWriter) = 0;
* data members:
* @brief
* Profile data version.
* The version given here in the ProfileData object
* applies to the whole profile data set for a particular
* instance.
uint64_t mVersion;
WEAVE_ERROR Store(ReferencedTLVData &aDataList);
WEAVE_ERROR Retrieve(ReferencedTLVData &aPathList, ReferencedTLVData &aDataList);
WEAVE_ERROR Retrieve(ReferencedTLVData &aPathList, nl::Weave::TLV::TLVWriter &aWriter);
WEAVE_ERROR LookupProfileData(nl::Weave::TLV::TLVReader &aPathReader, ProfileData **aProfileData);
WEAVE_ERROR LookupDataFromProfileDescriptor(nl::Weave::TLV::TLVReader &aDescReader, ProfileData **aProfileData);
* @brief
* Look up a ProfileData object.
* Look up a specific ProfileData object given a profile ID
* and an (optional) instance ID< provided as a TLV reader.
* @param [in] aProfileId The 32-bit profile number
* of the profile of interest.
* @param [in] aInstanceIdRdr A pointer to a TLV reader
* positioned at the instance
* identifier data. If not
* instance identifier was
* provided then this shall
* be NULL.
* @param [out] aResult A pointer, intended to return a
* pointer to the ProfileData object
* of interest.
* @return #WEAVE_NO_ERROR On success. Otherwise return a
* #WEAVE_ERROR reflecting an inability to find a ProfileData
* object.
virtual WEAVE_ERROR LookupProfileData(uint32_t aProfileId, nl::Weave::TLV::TLVReader *aInstanceIdRdr, ProfileData **aResult) = 0;
WEAVE_ERROR StoreInternal(nl::Weave::TLV::TLVReader &aPathReader, uint64_t aVersion, nl::Weave::TLV::TLVReader &aDataReader);
}; // WeaveMakeManagedNamespaceIdentifier(DataManagement, kWeaveManagedNamespaceDesignation_Legacy)
}; // Profiles
}; // Weave
}; // nl