blob: ad68659d9c3115693198a341de731c514b962c22 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Nest Labs, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* @brief
* Definitions for the abstract PublisherDataManager class.
* This file contains definitions, all pure virtual, for the confirm
* and indication methods required for data management on a WDM
* publisher. See the document, "Nest Weave-Data Management Protocol"
* document for a complete description.
#include <Weave/Profiles/data-management/Legacy/WdmManagedNamespace.h>
namespace nl {
namespace Weave {
namespace Profiles {
namespace WeaveMakeManagedNamespaceIdentifier(DataManagement, kWeaveManagedNamespaceDesignation_Legacy) {
* @class PublisherDataManager
* @brief
* An abstract class containing confirm and notification method
* definitions required by the WDM publisher.
* Class PublisherDataManager is an abstract class that spells out
* the methods an application implementer must provide in order to
* handle the data and status delivered by the publisher in WDM
* protocol exchanges. It is one of the two primary components of
* the DMPublisher abstract base class.
* Note that all of the indication methods below take an exchange
* context argument and that it is the responsibility of
* implementers of these methods to manage this context. In
* particular, to dispose of it when it is no longer needed.
class PublisherDataManager
* @brief
* Indicate receipt of a view request.
* Indicate that a view request frame has been received and
* the sender awaits processing and response.
* @param [in] aResponseCtx A pointer to the Weave
* exchange context in which
* the message was delivered.
* See above note about
* exchange contexts.
* @param [in] aPathList A reference to a
* ReferencedTLVData object
* containing a TLV-encoded
* path list detailing
* requested data.
* @return #WEAVE_NO_ERROR to communicate success. Otherwise
* the value is at the discretion of the implementer.
virtual WEAVE_ERROR ViewIndication(ExchangeContext *aResponseCtx, ReferencedTLVData &aPathList) = 0;
* @brief
* Indicate the receipt of an update request.
* Indicate that an update request frame has been received and
* the sender awaits processing and response.
* @param [in] aResponseCtx A pointer to the Weave
* exchange context in which
* the message was delivered.
* See above note about
* exchange contexts.
* @param [in] aDataList A reference to a
* ReferencedTLVData object
* containing a TLV-encoded
* data list detailing new
* data values and including
* the identifier of the
* version against which the
* update was made.
* @return #WEAVE_NO_ERROR to communicate success. Otherwise
* the value is at the discretion of the implementer.
virtual WEAVE_ERROR UpdateIndication(ExchangeContext *aResponseCtx, ReferencedTLVData &aDataList) = 0;
* @brief
* Indicate the receipt of a subscribe request for a topic.
* Indicate that an subscribe request frame has been received
* and the sender awaits processing and response. In this
* version, the request contained a well-known topic ID.
* @note
* This interface is only available if #WEAVE_CONFIG_WDM_ALLOW_PUBLISHER_SUBSCRIPTION
* has been asserted.
* @param [in] aResponseCtx A pointer to the Weave
* exchange context in which
* the message was delivered.
* See above note about
* exchange contexts.
* @param [in] aTopicId A reference to the
* well-known, 64-bit
* identifier of the topic to
* which a subscription is
* being requested.
* @return #WEAVE_NO_ERROR to communicate success. Otherwise
* the value is at the discretion of the implementer.
virtual WEAVE_ERROR SubscribeIndication(ExchangeContext *aResponseCtx, const TopicIdentifier &aTopicId) = 0;
* @brief
* Indicate the receipt of a subscribe request for a path
* list.
* Indicate that an subscribe request frame has been received
* and the sender awaits processing and response. In this
* case, the request contained a path list to specify the data
* of interest.
* @note
* This interface is only available if #WEAVE_CONFIG_WDM_ALLOW_PUBLISHER_SUBSCRIPTION
* has been asserted.
* @param [in] aResponseCtx A pointer to the Weave
* exchange context in which
* the message was delivered.
* See above note about
* exchange contexts.
* @param [in] aPathList A reference to a
* ReferencedTLVData object
* containing a TLV-encoded
* path list detailing the
* data of interest the
* client that sent the
* request.
* @return #WEAVE_NO_ERROR to communicate success. Otherwise
* the value is at the discretion of the implementer.
virtual WEAVE_ERROR SubscribeIndication(ExchangeContext *aResponseCtx, ReferencedTLVData &aPathList) = 0;
* @brief
* Indicate the failure of a subscription.
* Handle an indication that a previously installed
* subscription has failed for some reason or has been
* canceled.
* @note
* This interface is only available if #WEAVE_CONFIG_WDM_ALLOW_PUBLISHER_SUBSCRIPTION
* has been asserted.
* @param [in] aClientId A reference to the 64-bit
* node ID of the client.
* @param [in] aTopicId A reference to the topic
* ID assigned by this
* publisher.
* @param [in] aReport A reference to a
* StatusReport object giving
* information about how the
* subscription failed.
* @return #WEAVE_NO_ERROR to communicate success. Otherwise
* the value is at the discretion of the implementer.
virtual WEAVE_ERROR UnsubscribeIndication(const uint64_t &aClientId, const TopicIdentifier &aTopicId, StatusReport &aReport) = 0;
* @brief
* Indicate the receipt of a cancel subscribe request.
* Indicate that a cancel subscription request frame has been
* received, processed and responded to. The underlying code
* both processes and responds on behalf of the next higher
* layer.
* @note
* This interface is only available if #WEAVE_CONFIG_WDM_ALLOW_PUBLISHER_SUBSCRIPTION
* has been asserted.
* @param [in] aResponseCtx A pointer to the Weave
* exchange context in which
* the message was delivered.
* See above note about
* exchange contexts.
* @param [in] aTopicId A reference to the 64-bit
* "working" topic identifier
* supplied by the publisher
* (the receiver in this
* case) to cover the
* subscription that the
* client now wishes to
* cancel.
* @return #WEAVE_NO_ERROR to communicate success. Otherwise
* the value is at the discretion of the implementer.
virtual WEAVE_ERROR CancelSubscriptionIndication(ExchangeContext *aResponseCtx, const TopicIdentifier &aTopicId) = 0;
* @brief
* Confirm the receipt of a notification.
* Confirm that a notify frame was received by a subscriber
* and a status response was returned.
* Note that under most circumstances, there is little or no
* reason for a publisher to provided an implementation for
* this method beyond the one provided by the DMClient base
* class.
* @note
* This interface is only available if #WEAVE_CONFIG_WDM_ALLOW_PUBLISHER_SUBSCRIPTION
* has been asserted.
* @param [in] aResponderId A reference to the 64-bit
* node ID of the responding
* client.
* @param [in] aTopicId A reference to the 64-bit
* topic ID under which the
* notification was issued.
* @param [in] aStatus A reference to a
* StatusReport object
* containing the status of
* the notification. The two
* possibilities here are
* "success" and "unknown
* topic" in which case the
* publisher assumes that the
* client has somehow lost
* the subscription.
* @param [in] aTxnId The transaction ID that
* refers to this particular
* exchange.
* @return #WEAVE_NO_ERROR to communicate success. Otherwise
* the value is at the discretion of the implementer.
virtual WEAVE_ERROR NotifyConfirm(const uint64_t &aResponderId,
const TopicIdentifier &aTopicId,
StatusReport &aStatus,
uint16_t aTxnId) = 0;
}; // WeaveMakeManagedNamespaceIdentifier(DataManagement, kWeaveManagedNamespaceDesignation_Legacy)
}; // Profiles
}; // Weave
}; // nl