blob: 748b08bee6967c5e83da55bffad9cb56141c4ced [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2013-2017 Nest Labs, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* This file defines data types and objects for initiators and
* responders for the Weave Certificate Authenticated Session
* Establishment (CASE) protocol.
#ifndef WEAVECASE_H_
#define WEAVECASE_H_
#include <Weave/Support/NLDLLUtil.h>
#include <Weave/Core/WeaveCore.h>
#include <Weave/Core/WeaveVendorIdentifiers.hpp>
#include <Weave/Profiles/security/WeaveSecurity.h>
#include <Weave/Profiles/security/WeaveCert.h>
#include <Weave/Support/ASN1.h>
#include <Weave/Support/CodeUtils.h>
#include <Weave/Support/crypto/EllipticCurve.h>
#include <Weave/Support/crypto/HashAlgos.h>
* @namespace nl::Weave::Profiles::Security::CASE
* @brief
* This namespace includes all interfaces within Weave for the
* Certificate Authenticated Session Establishment (CASE)
* protocol within the Weave security profile.
namespace nl {
namespace Weave {
namespace Profiles {
namespace Security {
namespace CASE {
using nl::Weave::ASN1::OID;
using nl::Weave::TLV::TLVWriter;
using nl::Weave::Platform::Security::SHA1;
using nl::Weave::Platform::Security::SHA256;
using nl::Weave::Crypto::EncodedECPublicKey;
using nl::Weave::Crypto::EncodedECPrivateKey;
using nl::Weave::Crypto::EncodedECDSASignature;
// CASE Protocol Configuration Values
kCASEConfig_NotSpecified = 0,
kCASEConfig_Config1 = (kWeaveVendor_NestLabs << 16) | 1,
kCASEConfig_Config2 = (kWeaveVendor_NestLabs << 16) | 2,
// Bit-field representing a set of allowed CASE protocol configurations
kCASEAllowedConfig_Config1 = 0x01,
kCASEAllowedConfig_Config2 = 0x02,
kCASEAllowedConfig_Mask = 0x03, // NOTE: If you expand this mask, you must reconfigure
// the mFlags field in WeaveCASEEngine.
kCASEKeyConfirmHashLength_0Bytes = 0x00,
kCASEKeyConfirmHashLength_32Bytes = 0x40,
kCASEKeyConfirmHashLength_20Bytes = 0x80,
kCASEKeyConfirmHashLength_Reserved = 0xC0,
// CASE Header Field Definitions
// Control Header Fields
kCASEHeader_EncryptionTypeMask = 0x0F,
kCASEHeader_PerformKeyConfirmFlag = 0x80,
kCASEHeader_ControlHeaderUnusedBits = ~(kCASEHeader_EncryptionTypeMask |
// Size Header Fields
kCASEHeader_DHPublicKeyLengthMask = 0x000000FF,
kCASEHeader_DHPublicKeyLengthShift = 0,
kCASEHeader_SignatureLengthMask = 0x0000FF00,
kCASEHeader_SignatureLengthShift = 8,
kCASEHeader_AlternateConfigCountMask = 0x00FF0000,
kCASEHeader_AlternateConfigCountShift = 16,
kCASEHeader_AlternateCurveCountMask = 0xFF000000,
kCASEHeader_AlternateCurveCountShift = 24,
// Mask for Key Confirm Hash Length field in CASEBeginSessionResponse
kCASEHeader_KeyConfirmHashLengthMask = 0xC0
// Base class for CASE Begin Session Request/Response messages.
class BeginSessionMessageBase
uint64_t PeerNodeId;
EncodedECPublicKey ECDHPublicKey;
uint32_t ProtocolConfig;
uint32_t CurveId;
const uint8_t *Payload;
const uint8_t *CertInfo;
const uint8_t *Signature;
uint16_t PayloadLength;
uint16_t CertInfoLength;
uint16_t SignatureLength;
bool PerformKeyConfirm;
// In-memory representation of a CASE BeginSessionRequest message.
class BeginSessionRequestMessage : public BeginSessionMessageBase
kMaxAlternateProtocolConfigs = 4,
kMaxAlternateCurveIds = 4
uint32_t AlternateConfigs[kMaxAlternateProtocolConfigs];
uint32_t AlternateCurveIds[kMaxAlternateCurveIds];
uint16_t SessionKeyId;
uint8_t AlternateConfigCount;
uint8_t AlternateCurveCount;
uint8_t EncryptionType;
WEAVE_ERROR EncodeHead(PacketBuffer *msgBuf);
WEAVE_ERROR DecodeHead(PacketBuffer *msgBuf);
uint16_t HeadLength(void) { return 18 + (AlternateConfigCount * 4) + (AlternateCurveCount * 4); }
void Reset(void) { memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this)); }
bool IsAltConfig(uint32_t config) const;
// In-memory representation of a CASE BeginSessionResponse message.
class BeginSessionResponseMessage : public BeginSessionMessageBase
const uint8_t *KeyConfirmHash;
uint8_t KeyConfirmHashLength;
WEAVE_ERROR EncodeHead(PacketBuffer *msgBuf);
WEAVE_ERROR DecodeHead(PacketBuffer *msgBuf);
uint16_t HeadLength(void) { return 6; }
void Reset(void) { memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this)); }
// In-memory representation of a CASE Reconfigure message.
class ReconfigureMessage
uint32_t ProtocolConfig;
uint32_t CurveId;
WEAVE_ERROR Encode(PacketBuffer *buf);
void Reset(void) { memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this)); }
static WEAVE_ERROR Decode(PacketBuffer *buf, ReconfigureMessage& msg);
// Abstract delegate class called by CASE engine to perform various
// actions related to authentication during a CASE exchange.
class WeaveCASEAuthDelegate
// Get the CASE Certificate Information structure for the local node.
virtual WEAVE_ERROR GetNodeCertInfo(bool isInitiator, uint8_t *buf, uint16_t bufSize, uint16_t& certInfoLen) = 0;
// Get the local node's private key.
virtual WEAVE_ERROR GetNodePrivateKey(bool isInitiator, const uint8_t *& weavePrivKey, uint16_t& weavePrivKeyLen) = 0;
// Called when the CASE engine is done with the buffer returned by GetNodePrivateKey().
virtual WEAVE_ERROR ReleaseNodePrivateKey(const uint8_t *weavePrivKey) = 0;
// Get payload information, if any, to be included in the message to the peer.
virtual WEAVE_ERROR GetNodePayload(bool isInitiator, uint8_t *buf, uint16_t bufSize, uint16_t& payloadLen) = 0;
// Prepare the supplied certificate set and validation context for use in validating the certificate of a peer.
// This method is responsible for loading the trust anchors into the certificate set.
virtual WEAVE_ERROR BeginCertValidation(bool isInitiator, WeaveCertificateSet& certSet, ValidationContext& validContext) = 0;
// Called with the results of validating the peer's certificate. If basic cert validation was successful, this method can
// cause validation to fail by setting validRes, e.g. in the event that the peer's certificate is somehow unacceptable.
virtual WEAVE_ERROR HandleCertValidationResult(bool isInitiator, WEAVE_ERROR& validRes, WeaveCertificateData *peerCert,
uint64_t peerNodeId, WeaveCertificateSet& certSet, ValidationContext& validContext) = 0;
// Called when peer certificate validation is complete.
virtual WEAVE_ERROR EndCertValidation(WeaveCertificateSet& certSet, ValidationContext& validContext) = 0;
// Implements the core logic of the Weave CASE protocol.
class NL_DLL_EXPORT WeaveCASEEngine
enum EngineState
kState_Idle = 0,
kState_BeginRequestGenerated = 1,
kState_BeginResponseProcessed = 2,
kState_BeginRequestProcessed = 3,
kState_BeginResponseGenerated = 4,
kState_Complete = 5,
kState_Failed = 6
WeaveCASEAuthDelegate *AuthDelegate; // Authentication delegate object
uint8_t State; // [READ-ONLY] Current protocol state
uint8_t EncryptionType; // [READ-ONLY] Proposed Weave encryption type
uint16_t SessionKeyId; // [READ-ONLY] Proposed session key id
void Init(void);
void Shutdown(void);
void Reset(void);
void SetAlternateConfigs(BeginSessionRequestMessage& req);
void SetAlternateCurves(BeginSessionRequestMessage& req);
WEAVE_ERROR GenerateBeginSessionRequest(BeginSessionRequestMessage& req, PacketBuffer *msgBuf);
WEAVE_ERROR ProcessBeginSessionRequest(PacketBuffer *msgBuf, BeginSessionRequestMessage& req, ReconfigureMessage& reconf);
WEAVE_ERROR GenerateBeginSessionResponse(BeginSessionResponseMessage& resp, PacketBuffer *msgBuf,
BeginSessionRequestMessage& req);
WEAVE_ERROR ProcessBeginSessionResponse(PacketBuffer *msgBuf, BeginSessionResponseMessage& resp);
WEAVE_ERROR GenerateInitiatorKeyConfirm(PacketBuffer *msgBuf);
WEAVE_ERROR ProcessInitiatorKeyConfirm(PacketBuffer *msgBuf);
WEAVE_ERROR ProcessReconfigure(PacketBuffer *msgBuf, ReconfigureMessage& reconf);
WEAVE_ERROR GetSessionKey(const WeaveEncryptionKey *& encKey);
bool IsInitiator() const;
uint32_t SelectedConfig() const;
uint32_t SelectedCurve() const;
bool PerformingKeyConfirm() const;
uint8_t AllowedConfigs() const;
void SetAllowedConfigs(uint8_t allowedConfigs);
bool IsAllowedConfig(uint32_t config) const;
uint8_t AllowedCurves() const;
void SetAllowedCurves(uint8_t allowedCurves);
bool IsAllowedCurve(uint32_t curveId) const;
bool ResponderRequiresKeyConfirm() const;
void SetResponderRequiresKeyConfirm(bool val);
uint8_t CertType() const;
void SetCertType(uint8_t certType);
bool UseKnownECDHKey() const;
void SetUseKnownECDHKey(bool val);
kMaxHashLength = SHA256::kHashLength,
kMaxECDHPrivateKeySize = ((WEAVE_CONFIG_MAX_EC_BITS + 7) / 8) + 1,
kMaxECDHSharedSecretSize = kMaxECDHPrivateKeySize
kFlag_IsInitiator = 0x80,
kFlag_PerformingKeyConfirm = 0x40,
kFlag_IsUsingConfig1 = 0x20,
kFlag_ResponderRequiresKeyConfirm = 0x10,
kFlag_HasReconfigured = 0x08,
kFlag_UseKnownECDHKey = 0x04,
kFlag_Reserved = kCASEAllowedConfig_Mask // Bottom 2 bits reserved for allowed configs flags
uint16_t ECDHPrivateKeyLength;
uint8_t ECDHPrivateKey[kMaxECDHPrivateKeySize];
uint8_t RequestMsgHash[kMaxHashLength];
} BeforeKeyGen;
WeaveEncryptionKey EncryptionKey;
uint8_t InitiatorKeyConfirmHash[kMaxHashLength];
} AfterKeyGen;
} mSecureState;
uint32_t mCurveId;
uint8_t mAllowedCurves;
uint8_t mFlags;
uint8_t mCertType;
bool IsUsingConfig1() const;
void SetSelectedConfig(uint32_t config);
void SetIsInitiator(bool val);
bool HasReconfigured() const;
void SetHasReconfigured(bool val);
void SetPerformingKeyConfirm(bool val);
bool IsConfig1Allowed() const;
bool IsConfig2Allowed() const;
uint8_t ConfigHashLength() const;
WEAVE_ERROR VerifyProposedConfig(BeginSessionRequestMessage& req, uint32_t& selectedAltConfig);
WEAVE_ERROR VerifyProposedCurve(BeginSessionRequestMessage& req, uint32_t& selectedAltCurve);
WEAVE_ERROR AppendNewECDHKey(BeginSessionMessageBase& msg, PacketBuffer *msgBuf);
WEAVE_ERROR AppendCertInfo(BeginSessionMessageBase& msg, PacketBuffer *msgBuf);
WEAVE_ERROR AppendPayload(BeginSessionMessageBase& msg, PacketBuffer *msgBuf);
WEAVE_ERROR AppendSignature(BeginSessionMessageBase& msg, PacketBuffer *msgBuf, uint8_t *msgHash);
WEAVE_ERROR VerifySignature(BeginSessionMessageBase& msg, PacketBuffer *msgBuf, uint8_t *msgHash);
static WEAVE_ERROR DecodeCertificateInfo(BeginSessionMessageBase& msg, WeaveCertificateSet& certSet,
WeaveDN& entityCertDN, CertificateKeyId& entityCertSubjectKeyId);
WEAVE_ERROR DeriveSessionKeys(EncodedECPublicKey& pubKey, const uint8_t *respMsgHash, uint8_t *responderKeyConfirmHash);
void GenerateHash(const uint8_t *inData, uint16_t inDataLen, uint8_t *hash);
void GenerateKeyConfirmHashes(const uint8_t *keyConfirmKey, uint8_t *singleHash, uint8_t *doubleHash);
inline bool WeaveCASEEngine::IsUsingConfig1() const
return (mFlags & kFlag_IsUsingConfig1) != 0;
return false;
inline void WeaveCASEEngine::SetSelectedConfig(uint32_t config)
if (config == kCASEConfig_Config1)
mFlags |= kFlag_IsUsingConfig1;
mFlags &= ~kFlag_IsUsingConfig1;
inline uint32_t WeaveCASEEngine::SelectedCurve() const
return mCurveId;
inline uint8_t WeaveCASEEngine::AllowedConfigs() const
return mFlags & kCASEAllowedConfig_Mask;
inline void WeaveCASEEngine::SetAllowedConfigs(uint8_t allowedConfigs)
mFlags = (mFlags & ~kCASEAllowedConfig_Mask) | (allowedConfigs & kCASEAllowedConfig_Mask);
inline bool WeaveCASEEngine::IsConfig1Allowed() const
return (mFlags & kCASEAllowedConfig_Config1) != 0;
return false;
inline bool WeaveCASEEngine::IsConfig2Allowed() const
return (mFlags & kCASEAllowedConfig_Config2) != 0;
inline uint8_t WeaveCASEEngine::AllowedCurves() const
return mAllowedCurves;
inline void WeaveCASEEngine::SetAllowedCurves(uint8_t allowedCurves)
mAllowedCurves = allowedCurves;
inline bool WeaveCASEEngine::IsAllowedCurve(uint32_t curveId) const
return IsCurveInSet(curveId, mAllowedCurves);
inline bool WeaveCASEEngine::IsInitiator() const
return (mFlags & kFlag_IsInitiator) != 0;
inline void WeaveCASEEngine::SetIsInitiator(bool val)
if (val)
mFlags |= kFlag_IsInitiator;
mFlags &= ~kFlag_IsInitiator;
inline bool WeaveCASEEngine::PerformingKeyConfirm() const
return (mFlags & kFlag_PerformingKeyConfirm) != 0;
inline void WeaveCASEEngine::SetPerformingKeyConfirm(bool val)
if (val)
mFlags |= kFlag_PerformingKeyConfirm;
mFlags &= ~kFlag_PerformingKeyConfirm;
inline bool WeaveCASEEngine::ResponderRequiresKeyConfirm() const
return (mFlags & kFlag_ResponderRequiresKeyConfirm) != 0;
inline void WeaveCASEEngine::SetResponderRequiresKeyConfirm(bool val)
if (val)
mFlags |= kFlag_ResponderRequiresKeyConfirm;
mFlags &= ~kFlag_ResponderRequiresKeyConfirm;
inline bool WeaveCASEEngine::HasReconfigured() const
return (mFlags & kFlag_HasReconfigured) != 0;
inline void WeaveCASEEngine::SetHasReconfigured(bool val)
if (val)
mFlags |= kFlag_HasReconfigured;
mFlags &= ~kFlag_HasReconfigured;
inline uint8_t WeaveCASEEngine::ConfigHashLength() const
if (IsUsingConfig1())
return SHA1::kHashLength;
return SHA256::kHashLength;
inline uint8_t WeaveCASEEngine::CertType() const
return mCertType;
inline void WeaveCASEEngine::SetCertType(uint8_t certType)
mCertType = certType;
inline bool WeaveCASEEngine::UseKnownECDHKey() const
return (mFlags & kFlag_UseKnownECDHKey) != 0;
inline void WeaveCASEEngine::SetUseKnownECDHKey(bool val)
if (val)
mFlags |= kFlag_UseKnownECDHKey;
mFlags &= ~kFlag_UseKnownECDHKey;
} // namespace CASE
} // namespace Security
} // namespace Profiles
} // namespace Weave
} // namespace nl
#endif /* WEAVECASE_H_ */