blob: f89b7e759f31969d85772ba43eecc983a21d22f1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2013-2017 Nest Labs, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* Definition of TAKEConfig class, which provides an implementation of the WeaveTAKEAuthDelegate
* interface for use in test applications.
#include <Weave/Core/WeaveCore.h>
#include <Weave/Profiles/security/WeaveSecurity.h>
#include <Weave/Profiles/security/WeaveTAKE.h>
#include "ToolCommonOptions.h"
using namespace nl::Weave::Profiles::Security;
using namespace nl::Weave::Profiles::Security::TAKE;
class MockTAKEChallengerDelegate : public WeaveTAKEChallengerAuthDelegate
bool AuthenticationKeySet;
bool Rewinded;
// Rewind Identification Key Iterator.
// Called to prepare for a new Identification Key search.
virtual WEAVE_ERROR RewindIdentificationKeyIterator();
// Get next {tokenId, IK} pair.
// returns tokenId = kNodeIdNotSpecified if no more IKs are available.
virtual WEAVE_ERROR GetNextIdentificationKey(uint64_t & tokenId, uint8_t *identificationKey, uint16_t & identificationKeyLen);
//Get Token Authentication Data.
// Function returns {takeConfig = 0x00, authKey = NULL, encAuthBlob = NULL} if Authentication Data associated with a specified Token
// is not stored on the device.
// On the function call authKeyLen and encAuthBlobLen inputs specify sizes of the authKey and encAuthBlob buffers, respectively.
// Function should update these parameters to reflect actual sizes.
virtual WEAVE_ERROR GetTokenAuthData(uint64_t tokenId, uint8_t &takeConfig, uint8_t *authKey, uint16_t &authKeyLen, uint8_t *encAuthBlob, uint16_t &encAuthBlobLen);
// Store Token Authentication Data.
// This function should clear Authentication Data that was previously stored on the device for the specified Token (if any).
virtual WEAVE_ERROR StoreTokenAuthData(uint64_t tokenId, uint8_t takeConfig, const uint8_t *authKey, uint16_t authKeyLen, const uint8_t *encAuthBlob, uint16_t encAuthBlobLen);
// Clear Token Authentication Data.
// This function should be called if ReAuthentication phase with the Token Authentication Data stored on the device failed.
virtual WEAVE_ERROR ClearTokenAuthData(uint64_t tokenId);
// Get Token public key.
// On the function call tokenPubKeyLen input specifies size of the tokenPubKey buffer. Function should update this parameter to reflect actual sizes.
virtual WEAVE_ERROR GetTokenPublicKey(uint64_t tokenId, OID& curveOID, EncodedECPublicKey& tokenPubKey);
// Get the challenger ID.
virtual WEAVE_ERROR GetChallengerID(uint8_t *challengerID, uint8_t &challengerIDLen) const;
class MockTAKETokenDelegate : public WeaveTAKETokenAuthDelegate
// Get the token Master key. size: kTokenMasterKeySize
virtual WEAVE_ERROR GetTokenMasterKey(uint8_t *tokenMasterKey) const;
// Get the Identification Root Key. size: kIdentificationRootKeySize
virtual WEAVE_ERROR GetIdentificationRootKey(uint8_t *identificationRootKey) const;
// Get the token Private Key.
// On the function call tokenPrivKeyLen input specifies size of the tokenPrivKey buffer.
// Function should update this parameter to reflect actual sizes of the private key.
virtual WEAVE_ERROR GetTokenPrivateKey(OID& curveOID, EncodedECPrivateKey& tokenPrivKey) const;
// Get TAKE Time.
// Function returns takeTime, which is Unix time rounded with 24 hour granularity
// i.e. number of days elapsed after 1 January 1970.
virtual WEAVE_ERROR GetTAKETime(uint32_t &takeTime) const;
class TAKEOptions : public OptionSetBase
const uint8_t *IK;
const uint8_t *ChallengerId;
uint8_t ChallengerIdLen;
const uint8_t *TPub;
uint16_t TPubLen;
const uint8_t *TPriv;
uint16_t TPrivLen;
const uint8_t *IRK;
const uint8_t *MasterKey;
const uint8_t *AK;
const uint8_t *EncAK;
bool ForceReauth;
virtual bool HandleOption(const char *progName, OptionSet *optSet, int id, const char *name, const char *arg);
WEAVE_ERROR PrepopulateTokenData();
extern TAKEOptions gTAKEOptions;
extern MockTAKEChallengerDelegate gMockTAKEChallengerDelegate;
extern MockTAKETokenDelegate gMockTAKETokenDelegate;
#endif /* TAKEOPTIONS_H_ */