blob: 67112b63ff6e53c5df2cc7642cb0f3d863bc1ab5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Locale;
* Passes locale-specific from ICU native code to Java.
* <p>
* Note that you share these; you must not alter any of the fields, nor their array elements
* in the case of arrays. If you ever expose any of these things to user code, you must give
* them a clone rather than the original.
public final class LocaleData {
// A cache for the locale-specific data.
private static final HashMap<String, LocaleData> localeDataCache = new HashMap<String, LocaleData>();
// Used by Calendar.
public Integer firstDayOfWeek;
public Integer minimalDaysInFirstWeek;
// Used by DateFormatSymbols.
public String[] amPm;
public String[] eras;
public String[] longMonthNames;
public String[] shortMonthNames;
public String[] longStandAloneMonthNames;
public String[] shortStandAloneMonthNames;
public String[] longWeekdayNames;
public String[] shortWeekdayNames;
public String[] longStandAloneWeekdayNames;
public String[] shortStandAloneWeekdayNames;
public String fullTimeFormat;
public String longTimeFormat;
public String mediumTimeFormat;
public String shortTimeFormat;
public String fullDateFormat;
public String longDateFormat;
public String mediumDateFormat;
public String shortDateFormat;
// Used by DecimalFormatSymbols.
public char zeroDigit;
public char digit;
public char decimalSeparator;
public char groupingSeparator;
public char patternSeparator;
public char percent;
public char perMill;
public char monetarySeparator;
public char minusSign;
public String exponentSeparator;
public String infinity;
public String NaN;
// Also used by Currency.
public String currencySymbol;
public String internationalCurrencySymbol;
// Used by DecimalFormat and NumberFormat.
public String numberPattern;
public String integerPattern;
public String currencyPattern;
public String percentPattern;
private LocaleData() {
* Returns a shared LocaleData for the given locale.
public static LocaleData get(Locale locale) {
if (locale == null) {
locale = Locale.getDefault();
String localeName = locale.toString();
synchronized (localeDataCache) {
LocaleData localeData = localeDataCache.get(localeName);
if (localeData != null) {
return localeData;
LocaleData newLocaleData = makeLocaleData(locale);
synchronized (localeDataCache) {
LocaleData localeData = localeDataCache.get(localeName);
if (localeData != null) {
return localeData;
localeDataCache.put(localeName, newLocaleData);
return newLocaleData;
private static LocaleData makeLocaleData(Locale locale) {
String language = locale.getLanguage();
String country = locale.getCountry();
String variant = locale.getVariant();
// Start with data from the parent (next-most-specific) locale...
LocaleData result = new LocaleData();
if (!variant.isEmpty()) {
result.overrideWithDataFrom(get(new Locale(language, country, "")));
} else if (!country.isEmpty()) {
result.overrideWithDataFrom(get(new Locale(language, "", "")));
} else if (!language.isEmpty()) {
// Override with data from this locale.
return result;
@Override public String toString() {
return "LocaleData[" +
"firstDayOfWeek=" + firstDayOfWeek + "," +
"minimalDaysInFirstWeek=" + minimalDaysInFirstWeek + "," +
"amPm=" + Arrays.toString(amPm) + "," +
"eras=" + Arrays.toString(eras) + "," +
"longMonthNames=" + Arrays.toString(longMonthNames) + "," +
"shortMonthNames=" + Arrays.toString(shortMonthNames) + "," +
"longStandAloneMonthNames=" + Arrays.toString(longStandAloneMonthNames) + "," +
"shortStandAloneMonthNames=" + Arrays.toString(shortStandAloneMonthNames) + "," +
"longWeekdayNames=" + Arrays.toString(longWeekdayNames) + "," +
"shortWeekdayNames=" + Arrays.toString(shortWeekdayNames) + "," +
"longStandAloneWeekdayNames=" + Arrays.toString(longStandAloneWeekdayNames) + "," +
"shortStandAloneWeekdayNames=" + Arrays.toString(shortStandAloneWeekdayNames) + "," +
"fullTimeFormat=" + fullTimeFormat + "," +
"longTimeFormat=" + longTimeFormat + "," +
"mediumTimeFormat=" + mediumTimeFormat + "," +
"shortTimeFormat=" + shortTimeFormat + "," +
"fullDateFormat=" + fullDateFormat + "," +
"longDateFormat=" + longDateFormat + "," +
"mediumDateFormat=" + mediumDateFormat + "," +
"shortDateFormat=" + shortDateFormat + "," +
"zeroDigit=" + zeroDigit + "," +
"digit=" + digit + "," +
"decimalSeparator=" + decimalSeparator + "," +
"groupingSeparator=" + groupingSeparator + "," +
"patternSeparator=" + patternSeparator + "," +
"percent=" + percent + "," +
"perMill=" + perMill + "," +
"monetarySeparator=" + monetarySeparator + "," +
"minusSign=" + minusSign + "," +
"exponentSeparator=" + exponentSeparator + "," +
"infinity=" + infinity + "," +
"NaN=" + NaN + "," +
"currencySymbol=" + currencySymbol + "," +
"internationalCurrencySymbol=" + internationalCurrencySymbol + "," +
"numberPattern=" + numberPattern + "," +
"integerPattern=" + integerPattern + "," +
"currencyPattern=" + currencyPattern + "," +
"percentPattern=" + percentPattern + "]";
private void overrideWithDataFrom(LocaleData overrides) {
if (overrides.firstDayOfWeek != null) {
firstDayOfWeek = overrides.firstDayOfWeek;
if (overrides.minimalDaysInFirstWeek != null) {
minimalDaysInFirstWeek = overrides.minimalDaysInFirstWeek;
if (overrides.amPm != null) {
amPm = overrides.amPm;
if (overrides.eras != null) {
eras = overrides.eras;
if (overrides.longMonthNames != null) {
longMonthNames = overrides.longMonthNames;
if (overrides.shortMonthNames != null) {
shortMonthNames = overrides.shortMonthNames;
if (overrides.longStandAloneMonthNames != null) {
longStandAloneMonthNames = overrides.longStandAloneMonthNames;
if (overrides.shortStandAloneMonthNames != null) {
shortStandAloneMonthNames = overrides.shortStandAloneMonthNames;
if (overrides.longWeekdayNames != null) {
longWeekdayNames = overrides.longWeekdayNames;
if (overrides.shortWeekdayNames != null) {
shortWeekdayNames = overrides.shortWeekdayNames;
if (overrides.longStandAloneWeekdayNames != null) {
longStandAloneWeekdayNames = overrides.longStandAloneWeekdayNames;
if (overrides.shortStandAloneWeekdayNames != null) {
shortStandAloneWeekdayNames = overrides.shortStandAloneWeekdayNames;
if (overrides.fullTimeFormat != null) {
fullTimeFormat = overrides.fullTimeFormat;
if (overrides.longTimeFormat != null) {
longTimeFormat = overrides.longTimeFormat;
if (overrides.mediumTimeFormat != null) {
mediumTimeFormat = overrides.mediumTimeFormat;
if (overrides.shortTimeFormat != null) {
shortTimeFormat = overrides.shortTimeFormat;
if (overrides.fullDateFormat != null) {
fullDateFormat = overrides.fullDateFormat;
if (overrides.longDateFormat != null) {
longDateFormat = overrides.longDateFormat;
if (overrides.mediumDateFormat != null) {
mediumDateFormat = overrides.mediumDateFormat;
if (overrides.shortDateFormat != null) {
shortDateFormat = overrides.shortDateFormat;
if (overrides.zeroDigit != '\0') {
zeroDigit = overrides.zeroDigit;
if (overrides.digit != '\0') {
digit = overrides.digit;
if (overrides.decimalSeparator != '\0') {
decimalSeparator = overrides.decimalSeparator;
if (overrides.groupingSeparator != '\0') {
groupingSeparator = overrides.groupingSeparator;
if (overrides.patternSeparator != '\0') {
patternSeparator = overrides.patternSeparator;
if (overrides.percent != '\0') {
percent = overrides.percent;
if (overrides.perMill != '\0') {
perMill = overrides.perMill;
if (overrides.monetarySeparator != '\0') {
monetarySeparator = overrides.monetarySeparator;
if (overrides.minusSign != '\0') {
minusSign = overrides.minusSign;
if (overrides.exponentSeparator != null) {
exponentSeparator = overrides.exponentSeparator;
if (overrides.NaN != null) {
NaN = overrides.NaN;
if (overrides.infinity != null) {
infinity = overrides.infinity;
if (overrides.currencySymbol != null) {
currencySymbol = overrides.currencySymbol;
if (overrides.internationalCurrencySymbol != null) {
internationalCurrencySymbol = overrides.internationalCurrencySymbol;
if (overrides.numberPattern != null) {
numberPattern = overrides.numberPattern;
if (overrides.integerPattern != null) {
integerPattern = overrides.integerPattern;
if (overrides.currencyPattern != null) {
currencyPattern = overrides.currencyPattern;
if (overrides.percentPattern != null) {
percentPattern = overrides.percentPattern;
public String getDateFormat(int style) {
switch (style) {
case DateFormat.SHORT:
return shortDateFormat;
case DateFormat.MEDIUM:
return mediumDateFormat;
case DateFormat.LONG:
return longDateFormat;
case DateFormat.FULL:
return fullDateFormat;
throw new AssertionError();
public String getTimeFormat(int style) {
switch (style) {
case DateFormat.SHORT:
return shortTimeFormat;
case DateFormat.MEDIUM:
return mediumTimeFormat;
case DateFormat.LONG:
return longTimeFormat;
case DateFormat.FULL:
return fullTimeFormat;
throw new AssertionError();
private static LocaleData initLocaleData(Locale locale) {
LocaleData localeData = new LocaleData();
if (!ICU.initLocaleDataImpl(locale.toString(), localeData)) {
throw new AssertionError("couldn't initialize LocaleData for locale " + locale);
if (localeData.fullTimeFormat != null) {
// There are some full time format patterns in ICU that use the pattern character 'v'.
// Java doesn't accept this, so we replace it with 'z' which has about the same result
// as 'v', the timezone name.
// 'v' -> "PT", 'z' -> "PST", v is the generic timezone and z the standard tz
// "vvvv" -> "Pacific Time", "zzzz" -> "Pacific Standard Time"
localeData.fullTimeFormat = localeData.fullTimeFormat.replace('v', 'z');
if (localeData.numberPattern != null) {
// The number pattern might contain positive and negative subpatterns. Arabic, for
// example, might look like "#,##0.###;#,##0.###-" because the minus sign should be
// written last. Macedonian supposedly looks something like "#,##0.###;(#,##0.###)".
// (The negative subpattern is optional, though, and not present in most locales.)
// By only swallowing '#'es and ','s after the '.', we ensure that we don't
// accidentally eat too much.
localeData.integerPattern = localeData.numberPattern.replaceAll("\\.[#,]*", "");
return localeData;