blob: ab1a8bc7e144249ba793262291423bac7540444b [file] [log] [blame]
// EXTRuntimeExtensions.m
// extobjc
// Created by Justin Spahr-Summers on 2011-03-05.
// Copyright (C) 2012 Justin Spahr-Summers.
// Released under the MIT license.
#import "EXTRuntimeExtensions.h"
mtl_propertyAttributes *mtl_copyPropertyAttributes (objc_property_t property) {
const char * const attrString = property_getAttributes(property);
if (!attrString) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Could not get attribute string from property %s\n", property_getName(property));
return NULL;
if (attrString[0] != 'T') {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Expected attribute string \"%s\" for property %s to start with 'T'\n", attrString, property_getName(property));
return NULL;
const char *typeString = attrString + 1;
const char *next = NSGetSizeAndAlignment(typeString, NULL, NULL);
if (!next) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Could not read past type in attribute string \"%s\" for property %s\n", attrString, property_getName(property));
return NULL;
size_t typeLength = next - typeString;
if (!typeLength) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Invalid type in attribute string \"%s\" for property %s\n", attrString, property_getName(property));
return NULL;
// allocate enough space for the structure and the type string (plus a NUL)
mtl_propertyAttributes *attributes = calloc(1, sizeof(mtl_propertyAttributes) + typeLength + 1);
if (!attributes) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Could not allocate mtl_propertyAttributes structure for attribute string \"%s\" for property %s\n", attrString, property_getName(property));
return NULL;
// copy the type string
strncpy(attributes->type, typeString, typeLength);
attributes->type[typeLength] = '\0';
// if this is an object type, and immediately followed by a quoted string...
if (typeString[0] == *(@encode(id)) && typeString[1] == '"') {
// we should be able to extract a class name
const char *className = typeString + 2;
next = strchr(className, '"');
if (!next) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Could not read class name in attribute string \"%s\" for property %s\n", attrString, property_getName(property));
return NULL;
if (className != next) {
size_t classNameLength = next - className;
char trimmedName[classNameLength + 1];
strncpy(trimmedName, className, classNameLength);
trimmedName[classNameLength] = '\0';
// attempt to look up the class in the runtime
attributes->objectClass = objc_getClass(trimmedName);
if (*next != '\0') {
// skip past any junk before the first flag
next = strchr(next, ',');
while (next && *next == ',') {
char flag = next[1];
next += 2;
switch (flag) {
case '\0':
case 'R':
attributes->readonly = YES;
case 'C':
attributes->memoryManagementPolicy = mtl_propertyMemoryManagementPolicyCopy;
case '&':
attributes->memoryManagementPolicy = mtl_propertyMemoryManagementPolicyRetain;
case 'N':
attributes->nonatomic = YES;
case 'G':
case 'S':
const char *nextFlag = strchr(next, ',');
SEL name = NULL;
if (!nextFlag) {
// assume that the rest of the string is the selector
const char *selectorString = next;
next = "";
name = sel_registerName(selectorString);
} else {
size_t selectorLength = nextFlag - next;
if (!selectorLength) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Found zero length selector name in attribute string \"%s\" for property %s\n", attrString, property_getName(property));
goto errorOut;
char selectorString[selectorLength + 1];
strncpy(selectorString, next, selectorLength);
selectorString[selectorLength] = '\0';
name = sel_registerName(selectorString);
next = nextFlag;
if (flag == 'G')
attributes->getter = name;
attributes->setter = name;
case 'D':
attributes->dynamic = YES;
attributes->ivar = NULL;
case 'V':
// assume that the rest of the string (if present) is the ivar name
if (*next == '\0') {
// if there's nothing there, let's assume this is dynamic
attributes->ivar = NULL;
} else {
attributes->ivar = next;
next = "";
case 'W':
attributes->weak = YES;
case 'P':
attributes->canBeCollected = YES;
case 't':
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Old-style type encoding is unsupported in attribute string \"%s\" for property %s\n", attrString, property_getName(property));
// skip over this type encoding
while (*next != ',' && *next != '\0')
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Unrecognized attribute string flag '%c' in attribute string \"%s\" for property %s\n", flag, attrString, property_getName(property));
if (next && *next != '\0') {
fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Unparsed data \"%s\" in attribute string \"%s\" for property %s\n", next, attrString, property_getName(property));
if (!attributes->getter) {
// use the property name as the getter by default
attributes->getter = sel_registerName(property_getName(property));
if (!attributes->setter) {
const char *propertyName = property_getName(property);
size_t propertyNameLength = strlen(propertyName);
// we want to transform the name to setProperty: style
size_t setterLength = propertyNameLength + 4;
char setterName[setterLength + 1];
strncpy(setterName, "set", 3);
strncpy(setterName + 3, propertyName, propertyNameLength);
// capitalize property name for the setter
setterName[3] = (char)toupper(setterName[3]);
setterName[setterLength - 1] = ':';
setterName[setterLength] = '\0';
attributes->setter = sel_registerName(setterName);
return attributes;
return NULL;