blob: 88005e930515b98e76eb8644fefe819b3a78f0d0 [file] [log] [blame]
/** @file sys_esm.c
* @brief Phantom Interrupt Source File
* @date 15.July.2009
* @version 1.00.000
* This file contains:
* - Phantom Interrupt Handler
#include "gio.h"
#include "het.h"
/* ESM (Non-Maskable) Interrupt Handler */
#pragma INTERRUPT(esmHighLevelInterrupt, FIQ)
void esmHighLevelInterrupt(void)
/* too indicate we are in the ESM interrupt light up the BLUE leds */
/* Initalise the IO ports that drive the LEDs */
gioSetDirection(hetPORT, 0xFFFFFFFF);
/* switch all leds off */
gioSetPort(hetPORT, 0x08110034);
/* switch on blue leds */
gioSetBit(hetPORT, 5, 0);
gioSetBit(hetPORT, 27, 0);