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/* Coldfire C Header File
* Copyright Freescale Semiconductor Inc
* All rights reserved.
* 2008/05/23 Revision: 0.95
* (c) Copyright UNIS, a.s. 1997-2008
* UNIS, a.s.
* Jundrovska 33
* 624 00 Brno
* Czech Republic
* http :
* mail :
#ifndef __MCF52221_CCM_H__
#define __MCF52221_CCM_H__
* Chip Configuration Module (CCM)
/* Register read/write macros */
#define MCF_CCM_CCR (*(vuint16*)(0x40110004))
#define MCF_CCM_RCON (*(vuint16*)(0x40110008))
#define MCF_CCM_CIR (*(vuint16*)(0x4011000A))
/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_CCM_CCR */
#define MCF_CCM_CCR_Mode(x) (((x)&0x7)<<0x8)
#define MCF_CCM_CCR_MODE_EZPORT (0x500)
/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_CCM_RCON */
#define MCF_CCM_RCON_MODE (0x1)
#define MCF_CCM_RCON_RLOAD (0x20)
/* Bit definitions and macros for MCF_CCM_CIR */
#define MCF_CCM_CIR_PRN(x) (((x)&0x3F)<<0)
#define MCF_CCM_CIR_PIN(x) (((x)&0x3FF)<<0x6)
#endif /* __MCF52221_CCM_H__ */