/* | |
FreeRTOS V8.0.1 - Copyright (C) 2014 Real Time Engineers Ltd. | |
All rights reserved | |
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This file is part of the FreeRTOS distribution. | |
FreeRTOS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under | |
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1 tab == 4 spaces! | |
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1 tab == 4 spaces! | |
*/ | |
/* | |
* Defines the 'dice' tasks as described at the top of main.c | |
*/ | |
/* Kernel includes. */ | |
#include "FreeRTOS.h" | |
#include "task.h" | |
#include "semphr.h" | |
/* Delays used within the dice functionality. All delays are defined in milliseconds. */ | |
#define diceDELAY_BETWEEN_RANDOM_NUMBERS_ms ( 20 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS ) | |
#define diceSHAKE_TIME ( ( 2000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS ) / diceDELAY_BETWEEN_RANDOM_NUMBERS_ms ) | |
#define diceSHORT_PAUSE_BEFORE_SHAKE ( 250 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS ) | |
/* Macro to access the display ports. */ | |
#define dice7SEG_Value( x ) ( *( pucDisplayOutput[ x ] ) ) | |
/* Checks the semaphore use to communicate button push events. A block time | |
can be specified - this is the time to wait for a button push to occur should | |
one have not already occurred. */ | |
#define prvButtonHit( ucIndex, xTicksToWait ) xSemaphoreTake( xSemaphores[ ucIndex ], xTicksToWait ) | |
/* Defines the outputs required for each digit on the display. */ | |
static const char cDisplaySegments[ 2 ][ 11 ] = | |
{ | |
{ 0x48, 0xeb, 0x8c, 0x89, 0x2b, 0x19, 0x18, 0xcb, 0x08, 0x09, 0xf7 }, /* Left display. */ | |
{ 0xa0, 0xf3, 0xc4, 0xc1, 0x93, 0x89, 0x88, 0xe3, 0x80, 0x81, 0x7f } /* Right display. */ | |
}; | |
/* The semaphores used to communicate button push events between the button | |
input interrupt handlers and the dice tasks. Two dice tasks are created so two | |
semaphores are required. */ | |
static SemaphoreHandle_t xSemaphores[ 2 ] = { 0 }; | |
/* Defines the ports used to write to the display. This variable is defined in | |
partest.c, which contains the LED set/clear/toggle functions. */ | |
extern volatile unsigned char *pucDisplayOutput[ 2 ]; | |
/*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ | |
/* | |
* Defines the 'dice' tasks as described at the top of main.c | |
*/ | |
void vDiceTask( void *pvParameters ) | |
{ | |
unsigned char ucDiceValue, ucIndex; | |
unsigned long ulDiceRunTime; | |
extern void vSuspendFlashTasks( unsigned char ucIndex, short sSuspendTasks ); | |
/* Two instances of this task are created so the task parameter is used | |
to pass in a constant that indicates whether this task is controlling | |
the left side or right side display. The constant is used as an index | |
into the arrays defined at file scope within this file. */ | |
ucIndex = ( unsigned char ) pvParameters; | |
/* A binary semaphore is used to signal button push events. Create the | |
semaphore before it is used. */ | |
vSemaphoreCreateBinary( xSemaphores[ ucIndex ] ); | |
/* Make sure the semaphore starts in the wanted state - no button pushes | |
pending. This call will just clear any button pushes that are latched. | |
Passing in 0 as the block time means the call will not wait for any further | |
button pushes but instead return immediately. */ | |
prvButtonHit( ucIndex, 0 ); | |
/* Seed the random number generator. */ | |
srand( ( unsigned char ) diceSHAKE_TIME ); | |
/* Start the task proper. A loop will be performed each time a button is | |
pushed. The task will remain in the blocked state (sleeping) until a | |
button is pushed. */ | |
for( ;; ) | |
{ | |
/* Wait for a button push. This task will enter the Blocked state | |
(will not run again) until after a button has been pushed. */ | |
prvButtonHit( ucIndex, portMAX_DELAY ); | |
/* The next line will only execute after a button has been pushed - | |
initialise the variable used to control the time the dice is shaken | |
for. */ | |
ulDiceRunTime = diceSHAKE_TIME; | |
/* Suspend the flash tasks so this task has exclusive access to the | |
display. */ | |
vSuspendFlashTasks( ucIndex, pdTRUE ); | |
/* Clear the display and pause for a short time, before starting to | |
shake. */ | |
*pucDisplayOutput[ ucIndex ] = 0xff; | |
vTaskDelay( diceSHORT_PAUSE_BEFORE_SHAKE ); | |
/* Keep generating and displaying random numbers until the shake time | |
expires. */ | |
while( ulDiceRunTime > 0 ) | |
{ | |
ulDiceRunTime--; | |
/* Generate and display a random number. */ | |
ucDiceValue = rand() % 6 + 1; | |
dice7SEG_Value( ucIndex ) = ( dice7SEG_Value( ucIndex ) | 0xf7 ) & cDisplaySegments[ ucIndex ][ ucDiceValue ]; | |
/* Block/sleep for a very short time before generating the next | |
random number. */ | |
vTaskDelay( diceDELAY_BETWEEN_RANDOM_NUMBERS_ms ); | |
} | |
/* Clear any button pushes that are pending because a button bounced, or | |
was pressed while the dice were shaking. Again a block time of zero is | |
used so the function does not wait for any pushes but instead returns | |
immediately. */ | |
prvButtonHit( ucIndex, 0 ); | |
/* Delay for a short while to display the dice shake result. Use a queue | |
peek here instead of a vTaskDelay() allows the delay to be interrupted by | |
a button push. If a button is pressed xQueuePeek() will return but the | |
button push will remain pending to be read again at the top of this for | |
loop. It is safe to uses a queue function on a semaphore handle as | |
semaphores are implemented as macros that uses queues, so the two are | |
basically the same thing. */ | |
xQueuePeek( xSemaphores[ ucIndex ], NULL, diceDELAY_WHILE_DISPLAYING_RESULT ); | |
/* Clear the display then resume the tasks or co-routines that were using | |
the segments of the display. */ | |
*pucDisplayOutput[ ucIndex ] = 0xff; | |
vSuspendFlashTasks( ucIndex, pdFALSE ); | |
} | |
} | |
/*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ | |
/* Handler for the SW2 button push interrupt. */ | |
__interrupt void vExternalInt8Handler( void ) | |
{ | |
short sHigherPriorityTaskWoken = pdFALSE; | |
/* Reset the interrupt. */ | |
EIRR1_ER8 = 0; | |
/* Check the semaphore has been created before attempting to use it. */ | |
if( xSemaphores[ configLEFT_DISPLAY ] != NULL ) | |
{ | |
/* Send a message via the semaphore to the dice task that controls the | |
left side display. This will unblock the task if it is blocked waiting | |
for a button push. */ | |
xSemaphoreGiveFromISR( xSemaphores[ configLEFT_DISPLAY ], &sHigherPriorityTaskWoken ); | |
} | |
/* If sending the semaphore unblocked a task, and the unblocked task has a | |
priority that is higher than the currently running task, then force a context | |
switch. */ | |
if( sHigherPriorityTaskWoken != pdFALSE ) | |
{ | |
portYIELD_FROM_ISR(); | |
} | |
} | |
/*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ | |
/* As per vExternalInt8Handler(), but for SW3 and the right side display. */ | |
__interrupt void vExternalInt9Handler( void ) | |
{ | |
short sHigherPriorityTaskWoken = pdFALSE; | |
/* Reset the interrupt. */ | |
EIRR1_ER9 = 0; | |
if( xSemaphores[ configRIGHT_DISPLAY ] != NULL ) | |
{ | |
xSemaphoreGiveFromISR( xSemaphores[ configRIGHT_DISPLAY ], &sHigherPriorityTaskWoken ); | |
} | |
if( sHigherPriorityTaskWoken != pdFALSE ) | |
{ | |
portYIELD_FROM_ISR(); | |
} | |
} | |