blob: 5ee52057914c7c4c01c710650f9072d1c0286a7f [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
/* */
/* FILE :dbsct.c */
/* DATE :Sun, Dec 27, 2009 */
/* DESCRIPTION :Setting of B,R Section */
/* CPU TYPE :Other */
/* */
/* This file is generated by Renesas Project Generator (Ver.4.16). */
/* */
#include "typedefine.h"
#pragma section $DSEC
static const struct {
_UBYTE *rom_s; /* Start address of the initialized data section in ROM */
_UBYTE *rom_e; /* End address of the initialized data section in ROM */
_UBYTE *ram_s; /* Start address of the initialized data section in RAM */
} DTBL[] = {
{ __sectop("D"), __secend("D"), __sectop("R") }
#pragma section $BSEC
static const struct {
_UBYTE *b_s; /* Start address of non-initialized data section */
_UBYTE *b_e; /* End address of non-initialized data section */
} BTBL[] = {
{ __sectop("B"), __secend("B") }