/* | |
FreeRTOS V8.0.1 - Copyright (C) 2014 Real Time Engineers Ltd. | |
All rights reserved | |
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* robust, strictly quality controlled, supported, and cross * | |
* platform software that has become a de facto standard. * | |
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* Help yourself get started quickly and support the FreeRTOS * | |
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* Thank you! * | |
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This file is part of the FreeRTOS distribution. | |
FreeRTOS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under | |
the terms of the GNU General Public License (version 2) as published by the | |
Free Software Foundation >>!AND MODIFIED BY!<< the FreeRTOS exception. | |
>>! NOTE: The modification to the GPL is included to allow you to !<< | |
>>! distribute a combined work that includes FreeRTOS without being !<< | |
>>! obliged to provide the source code for proprietary components !<< | |
>>! outside of the FreeRTOS kernel. !<< | |
FreeRTOS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY | |
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS | |
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Full license text is available from the following | |
link: http://www.freertos.org/a00114.html | |
1 tab == 4 spaces! | |
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http://www.FreeRTOS.org - Documentation, books, training, latest versions, | |
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http://www.OpenRTOS.com - Real Time Engineers ltd license FreeRTOS to High | |
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licenses offer ticketed support, indemnification and middleware. | |
http://www.SafeRTOS.com - High Integrity Systems also provide a safety | |
engineered and independently SIL3 certified version for use in safety and | |
mission critical applications that require provable dependability. | |
1 tab == 4 spaces! | |
*/ | |
/* | |
Changes from V3.2.3 | |
+ Modified char* types to compile without warning when using GCC V4.0.1. | |
+ Corrected the address to which the MAC address is written. Thanks to | |
Bill Knight for this correction. | |
Changes from V3.2.4 | |
+ Changed the default MAC address to something more realistic. | |
*/ | |
/* Standard includes. */ | |
#include <stdlib.h> | |
#include <string.h> | |
/* Scheduler include files. */ | |
#include "FreeRTOS.h" | |
#include "task.h" | |
#include "semphr.h" | |
#include "tcp.h" | |
#include "serial.h" | |
/* Application includes. */ | |
#include "i2c.h" | |
#include "html_pages.h" | |
/*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ | |
/* Hardwired i2c address of the WIZNet device. */ | |
#define tcpDEVICE_ADDRESS ( ( unsigned char ) 0x00 ) | |
/* Constants used to configure the Tx and Rx buffer sizes within the WIZnet | |
device. */ | |
#define tcp8K_RX ( ( unsigned char ) 0x03 ) | |
#define tcp8K_TX ( ( unsigned char ) 0x03 ) | |
/* Constants used to generate the WIZnet internal buffer addresses. */ | |
#define tcpSINGLE_SOCKET_ADDR_MASK ( ( unsigned long ) 0x1fff ) | |
#define tcpSINGLE_SOCKET_ADDR_OFFSET ( ( unsigned long ) 0x4000 ) | |
/* Bit definitions of the commands that can be sent to the command register. */ | |
#define tcpRESET_CMD ( ( unsigned char ) 0x80 ) | |
#define tcpSYS_INIT_CMD ( ( unsigned char ) 0x01 ) | |
#define tcpSOCK_STREAM ( ( unsigned char ) 0x01 ) | |
#define tcpSOCK_INIT ( ( unsigned char ) 0x02 ) | |
#define tcpLISTEN_CMD ( ( unsigned char ) 0x08 ) | |
#define tcpRECEIVE_CMD ( ( unsigned char ) 0x40 ) | |
#define tcpDISCONNECT_CMD ( ( unsigned char ) 0x10 ) | |
#define tcpSEND_CMD ( ( unsigned char ) 0x20 ) | |
/* Constants required to handle the interrupts. */ | |
#define tcpCLEAR_EINT0 ( 1 ) | |
#define i2cCLEAR_ALL_INTERRUPTS ( ( unsigned char ) 0xff ) | |
#define i2cCHANNEL_0_ISR_ENABLE ( ( unsigned char ) 0x01 ) | |
#define i2cCHANNEL_0_ISR_DISABLE ( ( unsigned char ) 0x00 ) | |
#define tcpWAKE_ON_EINT0 ( 1 ) | |
#define tcpENABLE_EINT0_FUNCTION ( ( unsigned long ) 0x01 ) | |
#define tcpEINT0_VIC_CHANNEL_BIT ( ( unsigned long ) 0x4000 ) | |
#define tcpEINT0_VIC_CHANNEL ( ( unsigned long ) 14 ) | |
#define tcpEINT0_VIC_ENABLE ( ( unsigned long ) 0x0020 ) | |
/* Various delays used in the driver. */ | |
#define tcpRESET_DELAY ( ( TickType_t ) 16 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS ) | |
#define tcpINIT_DELAY ( ( TickType_t ) 500 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS ) | |
#define tcpLONG_DELAY ( ( TickType_t ) 500 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS ) | |
#define tcpSHORT_DELAY ( ( TickType_t ) 5 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS ) | |
#define tcpCONNECTION_WAIT_DELAY ( ( TickType_t ) 100 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS ) | |
#define tcpNO_DELAY ( ( TickType_t ) 0 ) | |
/* Length of the data to read for various register reads. */ | |
#define tcpSTATUS_READ_LEN ( ( unsigned long ) 1 ) | |
#define tcpSHADOW_READ_LEN ( ( unsigned long ) 1 ) | |
/* Register addresses within the WIZnet device. */ | |
#define tcpCOMMAND_REG ( ( unsigned short ) 0x0000 ) | |
#define tcpGATEWAY_ADDR_REG ( ( unsigned short ) 0x0080 ) | |
#define tcpSUBNET_MASK_REG ( ( unsigned short ) 0x0084 ) | |
#define tcpSOURCE_HA_REG ( ( unsigned short ) 0x0088 ) | |
#define tpcSOURCE_IP_REG ( ( unsigned short ) 0x008E ) | |
#define tpcSOCKET_OPT_REG ( ( unsigned short ) 0x00A1 ) | |
#define tcpSOURCE_PORT_REG ( ( unsigned short ) 0x00AE ) | |
#define tcpTX_WRITE_POINTER_REG ( ( unsigned short ) 0x0040 ) | |
#define tcpTX_READ_POINTER_REG ( ( unsigned short ) 0x0044 ) | |
#define tcpTX_ACK_POINTER_REG ( ( unsigned short ) 0x0018 ) | |
#define tcpTX_MEM_SIZE_REG ( ( unsigned short ) 0x0096 ) | |
#define tcpRX_MEM_SIZE_REG ( ( unsigned short ) 0x0095 ) | |
#define tcpINTERRUPT_STATUS_REG ( ( unsigned short ) 0x0004 ) | |
#define tcpTX_WRITE_SHADOW_REG ( ( unsigned short ) 0x01F0 ) | |
#define tcpTX_ACK_SHADOW_REG ( ( unsigned short ) 0x01E2 ) | |
#define tcpISR_MASK_REG ( ( unsigned short ) 0x0009 ) | |
#define tcpINTERRUPT_REG ( ( unsigned short ) 0x0008 ) | |
#define tcpSOCKET_STATE_REG ( ( unsigned short ) 0x00a0 ) | |
/* Constants required for hardware setup. */ | |
#define tcpRESET_ACTIVE_LOW ( ( unsigned long ) 0x20 ) | |
#define tcpRESET_ACTIVE_HIGH ( ( unsigned long ) 0x10 ) | |
/* Constants defining the source of the WIZnet ISR. */ | |
#define tcpISR_SYS_INIT ( ( unsigned char ) 0x01 ) | |
#define tcpISR_SOCKET_INIT ( ( unsigned char ) 0x02 ) | |
#define tcpISR_ESTABLISHED ( ( unsigned char ) 0x04 ) | |
#define tcpISR_CLOSED ( ( unsigned char ) 0x08 ) | |
#define tcpISR_TIMEOUT ( ( unsigned char ) 0x10 ) | |
#define tcpISR_TX_COMPLETE ( ( unsigned char ) 0x20 ) | |
#define tcpISR_RX_COMPLETE ( ( unsigned char ) 0x40 ) | |
/* Constants defining the socket status bits. */ | |
#define tcpSTATUS_ESTABLISHED ( ( unsigned char ) 0x06 ) | |
#define tcpSTATUS_LISTEN ( ( unsigned char ) 0x02 ) | |
/* Misc constants. */ | |
#define tcpNO_STATUS_BITS ( ( unsigned char ) 0x00 ) | |
#define i2cNO_ADDR_REQUIRED ( ( unsigned short ) 0x0000 ) | |
#define i2cNO_DATA_REQUIRED ( 0x0000 ) | |
#define tcpISR_QUEUE_LENGTH ( ( unsigned portBASE_TYPE ) 10 ) | |
#define tcpISR_QUEUE_ITEM_SIZE ( ( unsigned portBASE_TYPE ) 0 ) | |
#define tcpBUFFER_LEN ( 4 * 1024 ) | |
#define tcpMAX_REGISTER_LEN ( 4 ) | |
#define tcpMAX_ATTEMPTS_TO_CHECK_BUFFER ( 6 ) | |
#define tcpMAX_NON_LISTEN_STAUS_READS ( 5 ) | |
/* Message definitions. The IP address, MAC address, gateway address, etc. | |
is set here! */ | |
const unsigned char const ucDataGAR[] = { 172, 25, 218, 3 }; /* Gateway address. */ | |
const unsigned char const ucDataMSR[] = { 255, 255, 255, 0 }; /* Subnet mask. */ | |
const unsigned char const ucDataSIPR[] = { 172, 25, 218, 201 };/* IP address. */ | |
const unsigned char const ucDataSHAR[] = { 00, 23, 30, 41, 15, 26 }; /* MAC address - DO NOT USE THIS ON A PUBLIC NETWORK! */ | |
/* Other fixed messages. */ | |
const unsigned char const ucDataReset[] = { tcpRESET_CMD }; | |
const unsigned char const ucDataInit[] = { tcpSYS_INIT_CMD }; | |
const unsigned char const ucDataProtocol[] = { tcpSOCK_STREAM }; | |
const unsigned char const ucDataPort[] = { 0xBA, 0xCC }; | |
const unsigned char const ucDataSockInit[] = { tcpSOCK_INIT }; | |
const unsigned char const ucDataTxWritePointer[] = { 0x11, 0x22, 0x00, 0x00 }; | |
const unsigned char const ucDataTxAckPointer[] = { 0x11, 0x22, 0x00, 0x00 }; | |
const unsigned char const ucDataTxReadPointer[] = { 0x11, 0x22, 0x00, 0x00 }; | |
const unsigned char const ucDataListen[] = { tcpLISTEN_CMD }; | |
const unsigned char const ucDataReceiveCmd[] = { tcpRECEIVE_CMD }; | |
const unsigned char const ucDataSetTxBufSize[] = { tcp8K_TX }; | |
const unsigned char const ucDataSetRxBufSize[] = { tcp8K_RX }; | |
const unsigned char const ucDataSend[] = { tcpSEND_CMD }; | |
const unsigned char const ucDataDisconnect[] = { tcpDISCONNECT_CMD }; | |
const unsigned char const ucDataEnableISR[] = { i2cCHANNEL_0_ISR_ENABLE }; | |
const unsigned char const ucDataDisableISR[] = { i2cCHANNEL_0_ISR_DISABLE }; | |
const unsigned char const ucDataClearInterrupt[] = { i2cCLEAR_ALL_INTERRUPTS }; | |
static SemaphoreHandle_t xMessageComplete = NULL; | |
QueueHandle_t xTCPISRQueue = NULL; | |
/* Dynamically generate and send an html page. */ | |
static void prvSendSamplePage( void ); | |
/* Read a register from the WIZnet device via the i2c interface. */ | |
static void prvReadRegister( unsigned char *pucDestination, unsigned short usAddress, unsigned long ulLength ); | |
/* Send the entire Tx buffer (the Tx buffer within the WIZnet device). */ | |
static void prvFlushBuffer( unsigned long ulTxAddress ); | |
/* Write a string to the WIZnet Tx buffer. */ | |
static void prvWriteString( const char * const pucTxBuffer, long lTxLen, unsigned long *pulTxAddress ); | |
/* Convert a number to a string. */ | |
void ultoa( unsigned long ulVal, char *pcBuffer, long lIgnore ); | |
/*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ | |
void ultoa( unsigned long ulVal, char *pcBuffer, long lIgnore ) | |
{ | |
unsigned long lNibble; | |
long lIndex; | |
/* Simple routine to convert an unsigned long value into a string in hex | |
format. */ | |
/* For each nibble in the number we are converting. */ | |
for( lIndex = 0; lIndex < ( sizeof( ulVal ) * 2 ); lIndex++ ) | |
{ | |
/* Take the top four bits of the number. */ | |
lNibble = ( ulVal >> 28 ); | |
/* We are converting it to a hex string, so is the number in the range | |
0-10 or A-F? */ | |
if( lNibble < 10 ) | |
{ | |
pcBuffer[ lIndex ] = '0' + lNibble; | |
} | |
else | |
{ | |
lNibble -= 10; | |
pcBuffer[ lIndex ] = 'A' + lNibble; | |
} | |
/* Shift off the top nibble so we use the next nibble next time around. */ | |
ulVal <<= 4; | |
} | |
/* Mark the end of the string with a null terminator. */ | |
pcBuffer[ lIndex ] = 0x00; | |
} | |
/*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ | |
static void prvReadRegister( unsigned char *pucDestination, unsigned short usAddress, unsigned long ulLength ) | |
{ | |
unsigned char ucRxBuffer[ tcpMAX_REGISTER_LEN ]; | |
/* Read a register value from the WIZnet device. */ | |
/* First write out the address of the register we want to read. */ | |
i2cMessage( ucRxBuffer, i2cNO_DATA_REQUIRED, tcpDEVICE_ADDRESS, usAddress, i2cWRITE, NULL, portMAX_DELAY ); | |
/* Then read back from that address. */ | |
i2cMessage( ( unsigned char * ) pucDestination, ulLength, tcpDEVICE_ADDRESS, i2cNO_ADDR_REQUIRED, i2cREAD, xMessageComplete, portMAX_DELAY ); | |
/* I2C messages are queued so use the semaphore to wait for the read to | |
complete - otherwise we will leave this function before the I2C | |
transactions have completed. */ | |
xSemaphoreTake( xMessageComplete, tcpLONG_DELAY ); | |
} | |
/*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ | |
void vTCPHardReset( void ) | |
{ | |
/* Physical reset of the WIZnet device by using the GPIO lines to hold the | |
WIZnet reset lines active for a few milliseconds. */ | |
/* Make sure the interrupt from the WIZnet is disabled. */ | |
VICIntEnClear |= tcpEINT0_VIC_CHANNEL_BIT; | |
/* If xMessageComplete is NULL then this is the first time that this | |
function has been called and the queue and semaphore used in this file | |
have not yet been created. */ | |
if( xMessageComplete == NULL ) | |
{ | |
/* Create and obtain the semaphore used when we want to wait for an i2c | |
message to be completed. */ | |
vSemaphoreCreateBinary( xMessageComplete ); | |
xSemaphoreTake( xMessageComplete, tcpNO_DELAY ); | |
/* Create the queue used to communicate between the WIZnet and TCP tasks. */ | |
xTCPISRQueue = xQueueCreate( tcpISR_QUEUE_LENGTH, tcpISR_QUEUE_ITEM_SIZE ); | |
} | |
/* Use the GPIO to reset the network hardware. */ | |
/* Delay with the network hardware in reset for a short while. */ | |
vTaskDelay( tcpRESET_DELAY ); | |
vTaskDelay( tcpINIT_DELAY ); | |
/* Setup the EINT0 to interrupt on required events from the WIZnet device. | |
First enable the EINT0 function of the pin. */ | |
/* We want the TCP comms to wake us from power save. */ | |
/* Install the ISR into the VIC - but don't enable it yet! */ | |
{ | |
extern void ( vEINT0_ISR_Wrapper )( void ); | |
VICIntSelect &= ~( tcpEINT0_VIC_CHANNEL_BIT ); | |
VICVectAddr3 = ( long ) vEINT0_ISR_Wrapper; | |
} | |
portEXIT_CRITICAL(); | |
/* Enable interrupts in the WIZnet itself. */ | |
i2cMessage( ucDataEnableISR, sizeof( ucDataEnableISR ), tcpDEVICE_ADDRESS, tcpISR_MASK_REG, i2cWRITE, NULL, portMAX_DELAY ); | |
vTaskDelay( tcpLONG_DELAY ); | |
} | |
/*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ | |
long lTCPSoftReset( void ) | |
{ | |
unsigned char ucStatus; | |
extern volatile long lTransactionCompleted; | |
/* Send a message to the WIZnet device to tell it set all it's registers | |
back to their default states. Then setup the WIZnet device as required. */ | |
/* Reset the internal WIZnet registers. */ | |
i2cMessage( ucDataReset, sizeof( ucDataReset ), tcpDEVICE_ADDRESS, tcpCOMMAND_REG, i2cWRITE, NULL, portMAX_DELAY ); | |
/* Now we can configure the protocol. Here the MAC address, gateway | |
address, subnet mask and IP address are configured. */ | |
i2cMessage( ucDataSHAR, sizeof( ucDataSHAR ), tcpDEVICE_ADDRESS, tcpSOURCE_HA_REG, i2cWRITE, NULL, portMAX_DELAY ); | |
i2cMessage( ucDataGAR, sizeof( ucDataGAR ), tcpDEVICE_ADDRESS, tcpGATEWAY_ADDR_REG, i2cWRITE, NULL, portMAX_DELAY ); | |
i2cMessage( ucDataMSR, sizeof( ucDataMSR ), tcpDEVICE_ADDRESS, tcpSUBNET_MASK_REG, i2cWRITE, NULL, portMAX_DELAY ); | |
i2cMessage( ucDataSIPR, sizeof( ucDataSIPR ), tcpDEVICE_ADDRESS, tpcSOURCE_IP_REG, i2cWRITE, NULL, portMAX_DELAY ); | |
/* Next the memory buffers are configured to give all the WIZnet internal | |
memory over to a single socket. This gives the socket the maximum internal | |
Tx and Rx buffer space. */ | |
i2cMessage( ucDataSetTxBufSize, sizeof( ucDataSetTxBufSize ), tcpDEVICE_ADDRESS, tcpTX_MEM_SIZE_REG, i2cWRITE, NULL, portMAX_DELAY ); | |
i2cMessage( ucDataSetRxBufSize, sizeof( ucDataSetRxBufSize ), tcpDEVICE_ADDRESS, tcpRX_MEM_SIZE_REG, i2cWRITE, NULL, portMAX_DELAY ); | |
/* Send the sys init command so the above parameters take effect. */ | |
i2cMessage( ucDataInit, sizeof( ucDataInit ), tcpDEVICE_ADDRESS, tcpCOMMAND_REG, i2cWRITE, NULL, portMAX_DELAY ); | |
/* Seems to like a little wait here. */ | |
vTaskDelay( tcpINIT_DELAY ); | |
/* Read back the status to ensure the system initialised ok. */ | |
prvReadRegister( &ucStatus, tcpINTERRUPT_STATUS_REG, tcpSTATUS_READ_LEN ); | |
/* We should find that the sys init was successful. */ | |
if( ucStatus != tcpISR_SYS_INIT ) | |
{ | |
return ( long ) pdFAIL; | |
} | |
/* No i2c errors yet. */ | |
lTransactionCompleted = pdTRUE; | |
portEXIT_CRITICAL(); | |
return ( long ) pdPASS; | |
} | |
/*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ | |
long lTCPCreateSocket( void ) | |
{ | |
unsigned char ucStatus; | |
/* Create and configure a socket. */ | |
/* Setup and init the socket. Here the port number is set and the socket | |
is initialised. */ | |
i2cMessage( ucDataProtocol, sizeof( ucDataProtocol),tcpDEVICE_ADDRESS, tpcSOCKET_OPT_REG, i2cWRITE, NULL, portMAX_DELAY ); | |
i2cMessage( ucDataPort, sizeof( ucDataPort), tcpDEVICE_ADDRESS, tcpSOURCE_PORT_REG, i2cWRITE, NULL, portMAX_DELAY ); | |
i2cMessage( ucDataSockInit, sizeof( ucDataSockInit),tcpDEVICE_ADDRESS, tcpCOMMAND_REG, i2cWRITE, xMessageComplete, portMAX_DELAY ); | |
/* Wait for the Init command to be sent. */ | |
if( !xSemaphoreTake( xMessageComplete, tcpLONG_DELAY ) ) | |
{ | |
/* For some reason the message was not transmitted within our block | |
period. */ | |
return ( long ) pdFAIL; | |
} | |
/* Allow the socket to initialise. */ | |
vTaskDelay( tcpINIT_DELAY ); | |
/* Read back the status to ensure the socket initialised ok. */ | |
prvReadRegister( &ucStatus, tcpINTERRUPT_STATUS_REG, tcpSTATUS_READ_LEN ); | |
/* We should find that the socket init was successful. */ | |
if( ucStatus != tcpISR_SOCKET_INIT ) | |
{ | |
return ( long ) pdFAIL; | |
} | |
/* Setup the Tx pointer registers to indicate that the Tx buffer is empty. */ | |
i2cMessage( ucDataTxReadPointer, sizeof( ucDataTxReadPointer ), tcpDEVICE_ADDRESS, tcpTX_READ_POINTER_REG, i2cWRITE, NULL, portMAX_DELAY ); | |
vTaskDelay( tcpSHORT_DELAY ); | |
i2cMessage( ucDataTxWritePointer, sizeof( ucDataTxWritePointer ), tcpDEVICE_ADDRESS, tcpTX_WRITE_POINTER_REG, i2cWRITE, NULL, portMAX_DELAY ); | |
vTaskDelay( tcpSHORT_DELAY ); | |
i2cMessage( ucDataTxAckPointer, sizeof( ucDataTxAckPointer ), tcpDEVICE_ADDRESS, tcpTX_ACK_POINTER_REG, i2cWRITE, NULL, portMAX_DELAY ); | |
vTaskDelay( tcpSHORT_DELAY ); | |
return ( long ) pdPASS; | |
} | |
/*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ | |
void vTCPListen( void ) | |
{ | |
unsigned char ucISR; | |
/* Start a passive listen on the socket. */ | |
/* Enable interrupts in the WizNet device after ensuring none are | |
currently pending. */ | |
while( SCB_EXTINT & tcpCLEAR_EINT0 ) | |
{ | |
/* The WIZnet device is still asserting and interrupt so tell it to | |
clear. */ | |
i2cMessage( ucDataClearInterrupt, sizeof( ucDataClearInterrupt ), tcpDEVICE_ADDRESS, tcpINTERRUPT_REG, i2cWRITE, xMessageComplete, portMAX_DELAY ); | |
xSemaphoreTake( xMessageComplete, tcpLONG_DELAY ); | |
vTaskDelay( 1 ); | |
} | |
while( xQueueReceive( xTCPISRQueue, &ucISR, tcpNO_DELAY ) ) | |
{ | |
/* Just clearing the queue used by the ISR routine to tell this task | |
that the WIZnet device needs attention. */ | |
} | |
/* Now all the pending interrupts have been cleared we can enable the | |
processor interrupts. */ | |
VICIntEnable |= tcpEINT0_VIC_CHANNEL_BIT; | |
/* Then start listening for incoming connections. */ | |
i2cMessage( ucDataListen, sizeof( ucDataListen ), tcpDEVICE_ADDRESS, tcpCOMMAND_REG, i2cWRITE, NULL, portMAX_DELAY ); | |
} | |
/*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ | |
long lProcessConnection( void ) | |
{ | |
unsigned char ucISR, ucState, ucLastState = 2, ucShadow; | |
extern volatile long lTransactionCompleted; | |
long lSameStateCount = 0, lDataSent = pdFALSE; | |
unsigned long ulWritePointer, ulAckPointer; | |
/* No I2C errors can yet have occurred. */ | |
lTransactionCompleted = pdTRUE; | |
portEXIT_CRITICAL(); | |
/* Keep looping - processing interrupts, until we have completed a | |
transaction. This uses the WIZnet in it's simplest form. The socket | |
accepts a connection - we process the connection - then close the socket. | |
We then go back to reinitialise everything and start again. */ | |
while( lTransactionCompleted == pdTRUE ) | |
{ | |
/* Wait for a message on the queue from the WIZnet ISR. When the | |
WIZnet device asserts an interrupt the ISR simply posts a message | |
onto this queue to wake this task. */ | |
if( xQueueReceive( xTCPISRQueue, &ucISR, tcpCONNECTION_WAIT_DELAY ) ) | |
{ | |
/* The ISR posted a message on this queue to tell us that the | |
WIZnet device asserted an interrupt. The ISR cannot process | |
an I2C message so cannot tell us what caused the interrupt so | |
we have to query the device here. This task is the highest | |
priority in the system so will run immediately following the ISR. */ | |
prvReadRegister( &ucISR, tcpINTERRUPT_STATUS_REG, tcpSTATUS_READ_LEN ); | |
/* Once we have read what caused the ISR we can clear the interrupt | |
in the WIZnet. */ | |
i2cMessage( ucDataClearInterrupt, sizeof( ucDataClearInterrupt ), tcpDEVICE_ADDRESS, tcpINTERRUPT_REG, i2cWRITE, NULL, portMAX_DELAY ); | |
/* Now we can clear the processor interrupt and re-enable ready for | |
the next. */ | |
VICIntEnable |= tcpEINT0_VIC_CHANNEL_BIT; | |
/* Process the interrupt ... */ | |
if( ucISR & tcpISR_ESTABLISHED ) | |
{ | |
/* A connection has been established - respond by sending | |
a receive command. */ | |
i2cMessage( ucDataReceiveCmd, sizeof( ucDataReceiveCmd ), tcpDEVICE_ADDRESS, tcpCOMMAND_REG, i2cWRITE, NULL, portMAX_DELAY ); | |
} | |
if( ucISR & tcpISR_RX_COMPLETE ) | |
{ | |
/* We message has been received. This will be an HTTP get | |
command. We only have one page to send so just send it without | |
regard to what the actual requested page was. */ | |
prvSendSamplePage(); | |
} | |
if( ucISR & tcpISR_TX_COMPLETE ) | |
{ | |
/* We have a TX complete interrupt - which oddly does not | |
indicate that the message being sent is complete so we cannot | |
yet close the socket. Instead we read the position of the Tx | |
pointer within the WIZnet device so we know how much data it | |
has to send. Later we will read the ack pointer and compare | |
this to the Tx pointer to ascertain whether the transmission | |
has completed. */ | |
/* First read the shadow register. */ | |
prvReadRegister( &ucShadow, tcpTX_WRITE_SHADOW_REG, tcpSHADOW_READ_LEN ); | |
/* Now a short delay is required. */ | |
vTaskDelay( tcpSHORT_DELAY ); | |
/* Then we can read the real register. */ | |
prvReadRegister( ( unsigned char * ) &ulWritePointer, tcpTX_WRITE_POINTER_REG, sizeof( ulWritePointer ) ); | |
/* We cannot do anything more here but need to remember that | |
this interrupt has occurred. */ | |
lDataSent = pdTRUE; | |
} | |
if( ucISR & tcpISR_CLOSED ) | |
{ | |
/* The socket has been closed so we can leave this function. */ | |
lTransactionCompleted = pdFALSE; | |
} | |
} | |
else | |
{ | |
/* We have not received an interrupt from the WIZnet device for a | |
while. Read the socket status and check that everything is as | |
expected. */ | |
prvReadRegister( &ucState, tcpSOCKET_STATE_REG, tcpSTATUS_READ_LEN ); | |
if( ( ucState == tcpSTATUS_ESTABLISHED ) && ( lDataSent > 0 ) ) | |
{ | |
/* The socket is established and we have already received a Tx | |
end interrupt. We must therefore be waiting for the Tx buffer | |
inside the WIZnet device to be empty before we can close the | |
socket. | |
Read the Ack pointer register to see if it has caught up with | |
the Tx pointer register. First we have to read the shadow | |
register. */ | |
prvReadRegister( &ucShadow, tcpTX_ACK_SHADOW_REG, tcpSHADOW_READ_LEN ); | |
vTaskDelay( tcpSHORT_DELAY ); | |
prvReadRegister( ( unsigned char * ) &ulAckPointer, tcpTX_ACK_POINTER_REG, sizeof( ulWritePointer ) ); | |
if( ulAckPointer == ulWritePointer ) | |
{ | |
/* The Ack and write pointer are now equal and we can | |
safely close the socket. */ | |
i2cMessage( ucDataDisconnect, sizeof( ucDataDisconnect ), tcpDEVICE_ADDRESS, tcpCOMMAND_REG, i2cWRITE, NULL, portMAX_DELAY ); | |
} | |
else | |
{ | |
/* Keep a count of how many times we encounter the Tx | |
buffer still containing data. */ | |
lDataSent++; | |
if( lDataSent > tcpMAX_ATTEMPTS_TO_CHECK_BUFFER ) | |
{ | |
/* Assume we cannot complete sending the data and | |
therefore cannot safely close the socket. Start over. */ | |
vTCPHardReset(); | |
lTransactionCompleted = pdFALSE; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
else if( ucState != tcpSTATUS_LISTEN ) | |
{ | |
/* If we have not yet received a Tx end interrupt we would only | |
ever expect to find the socket still listening for any | |
sustained period. */ | |
if( ucState == ucLastState ) | |
{ | |
lSameStateCount++; | |
if( lSameStateCount > tcpMAX_NON_LISTEN_STAUS_READS ) | |
{ | |
/* We are persistently in an unexpected state. Assume | |
we cannot safely close the socket and start over. */ | |
vTCPHardReset(); | |
lTransactionCompleted = pdFALSE; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
else | |
{ | |
/* We are in the listen state so are happy that everything | |
is as expected. */ | |
lSameStateCount = 0; | |
} | |
/* Remember what state we are in this time around so we can check | |
for a persistence on an unexpected state. */ | |
ucLastState = ucState; | |
} | |
} | |
/* We are going to reinitialise the WIZnet device so do not want our | |
interrupts from the WIZnet to be processed. */ | |
VICIntEnClear |= tcpEINT0_VIC_CHANNEL_BIT; | |
return lTransactionCompleted; | |
} | |
/*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ | |
static void prvWriteString( const char * const pucTxBuffer, long lTxLen, unsigned long *pulTxAddress ) | |
{ | |
unsigned long ulSendAddress; | |
/* Send a string to the Tx buffer internal to the WIZnet device. */ | |
/* Calculate the address to which we are going to write in the buffer. */ | |
ulSendAddress = ( *pulTxAddress & tcpSINGLE_SOCKET_ADDR_MASK ) + tcpSINGLE_SOCKET_ADDR_OFFSET; | |
/* Send the buffer to the calculated address. Use the semaphore so we | |
can wait until the entire message has been transferred. */ | |
i2cMessage( ( unsigned char * ) pucTxBuffer, lTxLen, tcpDEVICE_ADDRESS, ( unsigned short ) ulSendAddress, i2cWRITE, xMessageComplete, portMAX_DELAY ); | |
/* Wait until the semaphore indicates that the message has been transferred. */ | |
if( !xSemaphoreTake( xMessageComplete, tcpLONG_DELAY ) ) | |
{ | |
return; | |
} | |
/* Return the new address of the end of the buffer (within the WIZnet | |
device). */ | |
*pulTxAddress += ( unsigned long ) lTxLen; | |
} | |
/*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ | |
static void prvFlushBuffer( unsigned long ulTxAddress ) | |
{ | |
unsigned char ucTxBuffer[ tcpMAX_REGISTER_LEN ]; | |
/* We have written some data to the Tx buffer internal to the WIZnet | |
device. Now we update the Tx pointer inside the WIZnet then send a | |
Send command - which causes the data up to the new Tx pointer to be | |
transmitted. */ | |
/* Make sure endieness is correct for transmission. */ | |
ulTxAddress = htonl( ulTxAddress ); | |
/* Place the new Tx pointer in the string to be transmitted. */ | |
ucTxBuffer[ 0 ] = ( unsigned char ) ( ulTxAddress & 0xff ); | |
ulTxAddress >>= 8; | |
ucTxBuffer[ 1 ] = ( unsigned char ) ( ulTxAddress & 0xff ); | |
ulTxAddress >>= 8; | |
ucTxBuffer[ 2 ] = ( unsigned char ) ( ulTxAddress & 0xff ); | |
ulTxAddress >>= 8; | |
ucTxBuffer[ 3 ] = ( unsigned char ) ( ulTxAddress & 0xff ); | |
ulTxAddress >>= 8; | |
/* And send it to the WIZnet device. */ | |
i2cMessage( ucTxBuffer, sizeof( ulTxAddress ), tcpDEVICE_ADDRESS, tcpTX_WRITE_POINTER_REG, i2cWRITE, xMessageComplete, portMAX_DELAY ); | |
if( !xSemaphoreTake( xMessageComplete, tcpLONG_DELAY ) ) | |
{ | |
return; | |
} | |
vTaskDelay( tcpSHORT_DELAY ); | |
/* Transmit! */ | |
i2cMessage( ucDataSend, sizeof( ucDataSend ), tcpDEVICE_ADDRESS, tcpCOMMAND_REG, i2cWRITE, xMessageComplete, portMAX_DELAY ); | |
if( !xSemaphoreTake( xMessageComplete, tcpLONG_DELAY ) ) | |
{ | |
return; | |
} | |
} | |
/*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ | |
static void prvSendSamplePage( void ) | |
{ | |
extern long lErrorInTask; | |
unsigned long ulTxAddress; | |
unsigned char ucShadow; | |
long lIndex; | |
static unsigned long ulRefreshCount = 0x00; | |
static char cPageBuffer[ tcpBUFFER_LEN ]; | |
/* This function just generates a sample page of HTML which gets | |
sent each time a client attaches to the socket. The page is created | |
from two fixed strings (cSamplePageFirstPart and cSamplePageSecondPart) | |
with a bit of dynamically generated data in the middle. */ | |
/* We need to know the address to which the html string should be sent | |
in the WIZnet Tx buffer. First read the shadow register. */ | |
prvReadRegister( &ucShadow, tcpTX_WRITE_SHADOW_REG, tcpSHADOW_READ_LEN ); | |
/* Now a short delay is required. */ | |
vTaskDelay( tcpSHORT_DELAY ); | |
/* Now we can read the real pointer value. */ | |
prvReadRegister( ( unsigned char * ) &ulTxAddress, tcpTX_WRITE_POINTER_REG, sizeof( ulTxAddress ) ); | |
/* Make sure endieness is correct. */ | |
ulTxAddress = htonl( ulTxAddress ); | |
/* Send the start of the page. */ | |
prvWriteString( cSamplePageFirstPart, strlen( cSamplePageFirstPart ), &ulTxAddress ); | |
/* Generate a bit of dynamic data and place it in the buffer ready to be | |
transmitted. */ | |
strcpy( cPageBuffer, "<BR>Number of ticks since boot = 0x" ); | |
lIndex = strlen( cPageBuffer ); | |
ultoa( xTaskGetTickCount(), &( cPageBuffer[ lIndex ] ), 0 ); | |
strcat( cPageBuffer, "<br>Number of tasks executing = "); | |
lIndex = strlen( cPageBuffer ); | |
ultoa( ( unsigned long ) uxTaskGetNumberOfTasks(), &( cPageBuffer[ lIndex ] ), 0 ); | |
strcat( cPageBuffer, "<br>IO port 0 state (used by flash tasks) = 0x" ); | |
lIndex = strlen( cPageBuffer ); | |
ultoa( ( unsigned long ) GPIO0_IOPIN, &( cPageBuffer[ lIndex ] ), 0 ); | |
strcat( cPageBuffer, "<br>Refresh = 0x" ); | |
lIndex = strlen( cPageBuffer ); | |
ultoa( ( unsigned long ) ulRefreshCount, &( cPageBuffer[ lIndex ] ), 0 ); | |
if( lErrorInTask ) | |
{ | |
strcat( cPageBuffer, "<p>An error has occurred in at least one task." ); | |
} | |
else | |
{ | |
strcat( cPageBuffer, "<p>All tasks executing without error." ); | |
} | |
ulRefreshCount++; | |
/* Send the dynamically generated string. */ | |
prvWriteString( cPageBuffer, strlen( cPageBuffer ), &ulTxAddress ); | |
/* Finish the page. */ | |
prvWriteString( cSamplePageSecondPart, strlen( cSamplePageSecondPart ), &ulTxAddress ); | |
/* Tell the WIZnet to send the data we have just written to its Tx buffer. */ | |
prvFlushBuffer( ulTxAddress ); | |
} | |