| t <html><head><title>uIP Open Source Embedded TCP/IP Stack On FreeRTOS Kernel</title></head><body BGCOLOR="#CCCCFF"><font face="arial"><small><b><a href="http://www.freertos.org" target="_top">FreeRTOS Homepage</a></b></small><p><H1>AT91SAM7X Embedded WEB Server Demo<br><small>Using uIP and the FreeRTOS real time kernel</small></h1><p>These pages are being served by an Atmel AT91SAM7X256 microcontroller, using Adam Dunkels open source uIP TCP/IP stack.<p>The uIP stack is executing from a single task under control of the FreeRTOS real time kernel. The table below shows the statistics for all the tasks in the demo applicaiton.<p><pre>Task State Priority Stack #<br>************************************************<br> |
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