blob: 595e718448a81a02dff0213356c81d58afb69216 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* (c) Copyright 2007-2008 Actel Corporation. All rights reserved.
* SmartFusion microcontroller subsystem I2C bare metal software driver
* implementation.
* SVN $Revision: 2152 $
* SVN $Date: 2010-02-11 14:44:11 +0000 (Thu, 11 Feb 2010) $
#include "i2c.h"
#include "../../CMSIS/mss_assert.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* I2C transaction direction.
#define WRITE_DIR 0
#define READ_DIR 1
/* -- SMBUS H/W STATES -- */
/* -- MASTER STATES -- */
#define ST_START 0x08 /* start condition sent */
#define ST_RESTART 0x10 /* repeated start */
#define ST_SLAW_ACK 0x18 /* SLA+W sent, ack received */
#define ST_SLAW_NACK 0x20 /* SLA+W sent, nack received */
#define ST_TX_DATA_ACK 0x28 /* Data sent, ACK'ed */
#define ST_TX_DATA_NACK 0x30 /* Data sent, NACK'ed */
#define ST_LOST_ARB 0x38 /* Master lost arbitration */
#define ST_SLAR_ACK 0x40 /* SLA+R sent, ACK'ed */
#define ST_SLAR_NACK 0x48 /* SLA+R sent, NACK'ed */
#define ST_RX_DATA_ACK 0x50 /* Data received, ACK sent */
#define ST_RX_DATA_NACK 0x58 /* Data received, NACK sent */
/* -- SLAVE STATES -- */
#define ST_SLAVE_SLAW 0x60 /* SLA+W received */
#define ST_SLAVE_SLAR_ACK 0xA8 /* SLA+R received, ACK returned */
#define ST_SLV_LA 0x68 /* Slave lost arbitration */
#define ST_GCA 0x70 /* GCA received */
#define ST_GCA_LA 0x78 /* GCA lost arbitration */
#define ST_RDATA 0x80 /* Data received */
#define ST_SLA_NACK 0x88 /* Slave addressed, NACK returned */
#define ST_GCA_ACK 0x90 /* Previously addresses with GCA, data ACKed */
#define ST_GCA_NACK 0x98 /* GCA addressed, NACK returned */
#define ST_RSTOP 0xA0 /* Stop received */
#define ST_REPEAT 0xA0 /* Repeated start received */
#define ST_SLAR_ACKS 0xA8 /* Slave read received, ACKed */
#define ST_SLARW_LA 0xB0 /* Arbitration lost */
#define ST_RACK 0xB8 /* Byte sent, ACK received */
#define ST_SLAVE_RNACK 0xC0 /* Byte sent, NACK received */
#define ST_FINAL 0xC8 /* Final byte sent, ACK received */
#define ST_BERR 0x00 /* Error on the bus */
#define ST_SLV_RST 0xD8 /* Slave reset state */
static uint32_t disable_interrupts( void );
static void restore_interrupts( uint32_t primask );
static void mss_i2c_isr( mss_i2c_instance_t * this_i2c );
mss_i2c_instance_t g_mss_i2c0;
mss_i2c_instance_t g_mss_i2c1;
* MSS_I2C_init()
* See "mss_i2c.h" for details of how to use this function.
void MSS_I2C_init
mss_i2c_instance_t * this_i2c,
uint8_t ser_address,
mss_i2c_clock_divider_t ser_clock_speed
uint_fast16_t clock_speed = ser_clock_speed;
ASSERT( (this_i2c == &g_mss_i2c0) || (this_i2c == &g_mss_i2c1) );
if ( this_i2c == &g_mss_i2c0 )
this_i2c->irqn = I2C0_IRQn;
this_i2c->hw_reg = I2C0;
this_i2c->hw_reg_bit = I2C0_BITBAND;
/* reset I2C0 */
/* Clear any previously pended I2C0 interrupt */
NVIC_ClearPendingIRQ( I2C0_IRQn );
/* Take I2C0 out of reset. */
this_i2c->irqn = I2C1_IRQn;
this_i2c->hw_reg = I2C1;
this_i2c->hw_reg_bit = I2C1_BITBAND;
/* reset I2C1 */
/* Clear any previously pended I2C1 interrupt */
NVIC_ClearPendingIRQ( I2C1_IRQn );
/* Take I2C1 out of reset. */
this_i2c->transaction = NO_TRANSACTION;
this_i2c->ser_address = ser_address;
this_i2c->tx_buffer = 0;
this_i2c->tx_size = 0;
this_i2c->tx_idx = 0;
this_i2c->rx_buffer = 0;
this_i2c->rx_size = 0;
this_i2c->rx_idx = 0;
this_i2c->status = MSS_I2C_SUCCESS;
this_i2c->random_read_addr = 0;
this_i2c->slave_write_handler = 0;
this_i2c->slave_mem_offset_length = 0;
this_i2c->hw_reg_bit->CTRL_ENS1 = 0x01; /* set enable bit */
this_i2c->hw_reg_bit->CTRL_CR2 = (clock_speed >> 2) & 0x01;
this_i2c->hw_reg_bit->CTRL_CR1 = (clock_speed >> 1) & 0x01;
this_i2c->hw_reg_bit->CTRL_CR0 = clock_speed & 0x01;
this_i2c->hw_reg->ADDR = this_i2c->ser_address;
/* The interrupt can cause a context switch, so ensure its priority is
NVIC_SetPriority( this_i2c->irqn, configLIBRARY_MAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY );
vSemaphoreCreateBinary( ( this_i2c->xI2CCompleteSemaphore ) );
xSemaphoreTake( ( this_i2c->xI2CCompleteSemaphore ), 0 );
configASSERT( ( this_i2c->xI2CCompleteSemaphore ) );
* MSS_I2C_set_slave_mem_offset_length()
* See "mss_i2c.h" for details of how to use this function.
void MSS_I2C_set_slave_mem_offset_length
mss_i2c_instance_t * this_i2c,
uint8_t offset_length
ASSERT( (this_i2c == &g_mss_i2c0) || (this_i2c == &g_mss_i2c1) );
this_i2c->slave_mem_offset_length = offset_length;
* MSS_I2C_register_write_handler()
* See "mss_i2c.h" for details of how to use this function.
void MSS_I2C_register_write_handler
mss_i2c_instance_t * this_i2c,
mss_i2c_slave_wr_handler_t handler
ASSERT( (this_i2c == &g_mss_i2c0) || (this_i2c == &g_mss_i2c1) );
this_i2c->slave_write_handler = handler;
* MSS_I2C_write()
* See "mss_i2c.h" for details of how to use this function.
void MSS_I2C_write
mss_i2c_instance_t * this_i2c,
uint8_t serial_addr,
const uint8_t * write_buffer,
uint16_t write_size,
uint8_t options
volatile uint8_t stat_ctrl;
uint8_t serial_interrupt;
uint32_t primask;
ASSERT( (this_i2c == &g_mss_i2c0) || (this_i2c == &g_mss_i2c1) );
configASSERT( ( this_i2c->xI2CCompleteSemaphore ) );
primask = disable_interrupts();
this_i2c->transaction = MASTER_WRITE_TRANSACTION;
this_i2c->target_addr = serial_addr;
this_i2c->dir = WRITE_DIR;
this_i2c->tx_buffer = write_buffer;
this_i2c->tx_size = write_size;
this_i2c->tx_idx = 0;
this_i2c->status = MSS_I2C_IN_PROGRESS;
this_i2c->options = options;
/* Clear interrupts if required (depends on repeated starts).*/
serial_interrupt = this_i2c->hw_reg_bit->CTRL_SI;
this_i2c->hw_reg_bit->CTRL_STA = 0x01;
if ( serial_interrupt != 0 )
this_i2c->hw_reg_bit->CTRL_SI = 0x00;
NVIC_ClearPendingIRQ( this_i2c->irqn );
stat_ctrl = this_i2c->hw_reg->STATUS;
NVIC_EnableIRQ( this_i2c->irqn );
restore_interrupts( primask );
* MSS_I2C_read()
* See "mss_i2c.h" for details of how to use this function.
void MSS_I2C_read
mss_i2c_instance_t * this_i2c,
uint8_t serial_addr,
uint8_t * read_buffer,
uint16_t read_size,
uint8_t options
uint32_t primask;
ASSERT( (this_i2c == &g_mss_i2c0) || (this_i2c == &g_mss_i2c1) );
if ( read_size > 0 )
volatile uint8_t stat_ctrl;
uint8_t serial_interrupt;
primask = disable_interrupts();
this_i2c->transaction = MASTER_READ_TRANSACTION;
this_i2c->target_addr = serial_addr;
this_i2c->dir = READ_DIR;
this_i2c->rx_buffer = read_buffer;
this_i2c->rx_size = read_size;
this_i2c->rx_idx = 0;
this_i2c->status = MSS_I2C_IN_PROGRESS;
this_i2c->options = options;
/* Clear interrupts if required (depends on repeated starts).*/
serial_interrupt = this_i2c->hw_reg_bit->CTRL_SI;
this_i2c->hw_reg_bit->CTRL_STA = 0x01;
if ( serial_interrupt != 0 )
this_i2c->hw_reg_bit->CTRL_SI = 0x00;
NVIC_ClearPendingIRQ( this_i2c->irqn );
stat_ctrl = this_i2c->hw_reg->STATUS;
NVIC_EnableIRQ( this_i2c->irqn );
restore_interrupts( primask );
* MSS_I2C_write_read()
* See "mss_i2c.h" for details of how to use this function.
void MSS_I2C_write_read
mss_i2c_instance_t * this_i2c,
uint8_t serial_addr,
const uint8_t * addr_offset,
uint16_t offset_size,
uint8_t * read_buffer,
uint16_t read_size,
uint8_t options
volatile uint8_t stat_ctrl;
uint8_t serial_interrupt;
uint32_t primask;
ASSERT( (this_i2c == &g_mss_i2c0) || (this_i2c == &g_mss_i2c1) );
primask = disable_interrupts();
this_i2c->transaction = MASTER_RANDOM_READ_TRANSACTION;
this_i2c->target_addr = serial_addr;
this_i2c->dir = WRITE_DIR;
this_i2c->tx_buffer = addr_offset;
this_i2c->tx_size = offset_size;
this_i2c->tx_idx = 0;
this_i2c->rx_buffer = read_buffer;
this_i2c->rx_size = read_size;
this_i2c->rx_idx = 0;
this_i2c->status = MSS_I2C_IN_PROGRESS;
this_i2c->options = options;
/* Clear interrupts if required (depends on repeated starts).*/
serial_interrupt = this_i2c->hw_reg_bit->CTRL_SI;
this_i2c->hw_reg_bit->CTRL_STA = 0x01;
if ( serial_interrupt != 0 )
this_i2c->hw_reg_bit->CTRL_SI = 0x00;
NVIC_ClearPendingIRQ( this_i2c->irqn );
stat_ctrl = this_i2c->hw_reg->STATUS;
NVIC_EnableIRQ( this_i2c->irqn );
restore_interrupts( primask );
* MSS_I2C_set_slave_rx_buffer()
* See "mss_i2c.h" for details of how to use this function.
void MSS_I2C_set_slave_rx_buffer
mss_i2c_instance_t * this_i2c,
uint8_t * rx_buffer,
uint16_t rx_size
uint32_t primask;
ASSERT( (this_i2c == &g_mss_i2c0) || (this_i2c == &g_mss_i2c1) );
primask = disable_interrupts();
this_i2c->rx_buffer = rx_buffer;
this_i2c->rx_size = rx_size;
this_i2c->rx_idx = 0;
restore_interrupts( primask );
* MSS_I2C_get_status()
* See "mss_i2c.h" for details of how to use this function.
mss_i2c_status_t MSS_I2C_get_status
mss_i2c_instance_t * this_i2c
ASSERT( (this_i2c == &g_mss_i2c0) || (this_i2c == &g_mss_i2c1) );
return this_i2c->status;
* MSS_I2C_set_slave_tx_buffer()
* See "mss_i2c.h" for details of how to use this function.
void MSS_I2C_set_slave_tx_buffer
mss_i2c_instance_t * this_i2c,
uint8_t * tx_buffer,
uint16_t tx_size
uint32_t primask;
ASSERT( (this_i2c == &g_mss_i2c0) || (this_i2c == &g_mss_i2c1) );
primask = disable_interrupts();
this_i2c->tx_buffer = tx_buffer;
this_i2c->tx_size = tx_size;
this_i2c->tx_idx = 0;
restore_interrupts( primask );
/* Set the assert acknowledge bit. */
this_i2c->hw_reg_bit->CTRL_AA = 0x01;
* MSS_I2C_enable_slave_rx()
* See "mss_i2c.h" for details of how to use this function.
void MSS_I2C_enable_slave_rx
mss_i2c_instance_t * this_i2c
ASSERT( (this_i2c == &g_mss_i2c0) || (this_i2c == &g_mss_i2c1) );
/* Set the assert acknowledge bit. */
this_i2c->hw_reg_bit->CTRL_AA = 0x01;
/* accept GC addressing. */
this_i2c->hw_reg_bit->ADDR_GC = 0x01;
NVIC_EnableIRQ( this_i2c->irqn );
* MSS_I2C_wait_complete()
* See "mss_i2c.h" for details of how to use this function.
mss_i2c_status_t MSS_I2C_wait_complete
mss_i2c_instance_t * this_i2c
ASSERT( (this_i2c == &g_mss_i2c0) || (this_i2c == &g_mss_i2c1) );
while ( this_i2c->status == MSS_I2C_IN_PROGRESS )
/* Wait for transaction to compltete.*/
configASSERT( ( this_i2c->xI2CCompleteSemaphore ) );
if( xTaskGetSchedulerState() == taskSCHEDULER_NOT_STARTED )
while ( this_i2c->status == MSS_I2C_IN_PROGRESS )
/* Wait for transaction to compltete.*/
xSemaphoreTake( this_i2c->xI2CCompleteSemaphore, portMAX_DELAY );
return this_i2c->status;
* MSS I2C interrupt service routine.
* Parameters:
* mss_i2c_instance_t * this_i2c:
* Pointer to the mss_i2c_instance_t data structure holding all data related to
* the MSS I2C instance that generated the interrupt.
static void mss_i2c_isr
mss_i2c_instance_t * this_i2c
volatile uint8_t status;
uint8_t data;
uint8_t hold_bus;
uint8_t clear_irq = 1;
long lHigherPriorityTaskWoken = pdFALSE;
configASSERT( ( this_i2c->xI2CCompleteSemaphore ) );
ASSERT( (this_i2c == &g_mss_i2c0) || (this_i2c == &g_mss_i2c1) );
status = this_i2c->hw_reg->STATUS;
switch( status )
/************** MASTER TRANSMITTER / RECEIVER *******************/
case ST_START: /* start has been xmt'd */
case ST_RESTART: /* repeated start has been xmt'd */
this_i2c->hw_reg_bit->CTRL_STA = 0x0;
this_i2c->hw_reg->DATA = this_i2c->target_addr;
this_i2c->hw_reg_bit->DATA_DIR = this_i2c->dir;
this_i2c->tx_idx = 0;
this_i2c->rx_idx = 0;
/* Set start bit. Let's keep trying! Don't give up! */
this_i2c->hw_reg_bit->CTRL_STA = 0x01;
/******************* MASTER TRANSMITTER *************************/
/* call address has been xmt'd with ACK, time to send data byte and increment index. */
if ( this_i2c->tx_idx < this_i2c->tx_size )
/* load data byte */
this_i2c->hw_reg->DATA = this_i2c->tx_buffer[this_i2c->tx_idx++];
NVIC_DisableIRQ( this_i2c->irqn );
#if 0
/* SLA+W has been transmitted; not ACK has been received - let's stop. */
this_i2c->hw_reg_bit->CTRL_STO = 0x01;
this_i2c->status = MSS_I2C_FAILED;
/* call address has been xmt'd with ACK, time to send data byte and increment index. */
if ( this_i2c->tx_idx < this_i2c->tx_size )
/* load data byte */
this_i2c->hw_reg->DATA = this_i2c->tx_buffer[this_i2c->tx_idx++];
NVIC_DisableIRQ( this_i2c->irqn );
/* data byte has been xmt'd with ACK, time to send stop bit or repeated start. */
if (this_i2c->tx_idx < this_i2c->tx_size)
this_i2c->hw_reg->DATA = this_i2c->tx_buffer[this_i2c->tx_idx++];
else if ( this_i2c->transaction == MASTER_RANDOM_READ_TRANSACTION )
/* We are finished sending the address offset part of a random read transaction.
* It is is time to send a restart in order to change direction. */
this_i2c->dir = READ_DIR;
this_i2c->hw_reg_bit->CTRL_STA = 0x01;
else /* done sending. let's stop */
hold_bus = this_i2c->options & MSS_I2C_HOLD_BUS;
if ( hold_bus == 0 )
this_i2c->hw_reg_bit->CTRL_STO = 0x01; /*xmt stop condition */
NVIC_DisableIRQ( this_i2c->irqn );
clear_irq = 0;
this_i2c->status = MSS_I2C_SUCCESS;
xSemaphoreGiveFromISR( this_i2c->xI2CCompleteSemaphore, &lHigherPriorityTaskWoken );
#if 0
/* data byte SENT, ACK to be received
* In fact, this means we've received a NACK (This may not be
* obvious, but if we've rec'd an ACK then we would be in state
* 0x28!) hence, let's send a stop bit
this_i2c->hw_reg_bit->CTRL_STO = 0x01;
this_i2c->status = MSS_I2C_FAILED;
/* data byte has been xmt'd with ACK, time to send stop bit or repeated start. */
if (this_i2c->tx_idx < this_i2c->tx_size)
this_i2c->hw_reg->DATA = this_i2c->tx_buffer[this_i2c->tx_idx++];
else if ( this_i2c->transaction == MASTER_RANDOM_READ_TRANSACTION )
/* We are finished sending the address offset part of a random read transaction.
* It is is time to send a restart in order to change direction. */
this_i2c->dir = READ_DIR;
this_i2c->hw_reg_bit->CTRL_STA = 0x01;
else /* done sending. let's stop */
hold_bus = this_i2c->options & MSS_I2C_HOLD_BUS;
if ( hold_bus == 0 )
this_i2c->hw_reg_bit->CTRL_STO = 0x01; /*xmt stop condition */
NVIC_DisableIRQ( this_i2c->irqn );
clear_irq = 0;
this_i2c->status = MSS_I2C_SUCCESS;
xSemaphoreGiveFromISR( this_i2c->xI2CCompleteSemaphore, &lHigherPriorityTaskWoken );
/********************* MASTER (or slave?) RECEIVER *************************/
/* STATUS codes 08H, 10H, 38H are all covered in MTX mode */
case ST_SLAR_ACK: /* SLA+R tx'ed. */
/* Let's make sure we ACK the first data byte received (set AA bit in CTRL) unless
* the next byte is the last byte of the read transaction.
if( this_i2c->rx_size > 1 )
this_i2c->hw_reg_bit->CTRL_AA = 0x01;
this_i2c->hw_reg_bit->CTRL_AA = 0x00;
case ST_SLAR_NACK: /* SLA+R tx'ed; let's release the bus (send a stop condition) */
this_i2c->hw_reg_bit->CTRL_STO = 0x01;
this_i2c->status = MSS_I2C_FAILED;
xSemaphoreGiveFromISR( this_i2c->xI2CCompleteSemaphore, &lHigherPriorityTaskWoken );
case ST_RX_DATA_ACK: /* Data byte received, ACK returned */
/* First, get the data */
this_i2c->rx_buffer[this_i2c->rx_idx++] = this_i2c->hw_reg->DATA;
if( this_i2c->rx_idx >= this_i2c->rx_size - 1)
/* If we're at the second last byte, let's set AA to 0 so
* we return a NACK at the last byte. */
this_i2c->hw_reg_bit->CTRL_AA = 0x00;
case ST_RX_DATA_NACK: /* Data byte received, NACK returned */
/* Get the data, then send a stop condition */
this_i2c->rx_buffer[this_i2c->rx_idx++] = this_i2c->hw_reg->DATA;
hold_bus = this_i2c->options & MSS_I2C_HOLD_BUS;
if ( hold_bus == 0 )
this_i2c->hw_reg_bit->CTRL_STO = 0x01; /*xmt stop condition */
NVIC_DisableIRQ( this_i2c->irqn );
clear_irq = 0;
this_i2c->status = MSS_I2C_SUCCESS;
// xSemaphoreGiveFromISR( this_i2c->xI2CCompleteSemaphore, &lHigherPriorityTaskWoken );
/******************** SLAVE RECEIVER **************************/
case ST_GCA_NACK: /* NACK after, GCA addressing */
case ST_SLA_NACK: /* Get Data, but also re-enable AA (assert ack) bit for future transmissions */
if ( this_i2c->rx_buffer != 0 )
this_i2c->rx_buffer[this_i2c->rx_idx] = this_i2c->hw_reg->DATA;
this_i2c->hw_reg_bit->CTRL_AA = 0x01;
case ST_SLAVE_SLAW: /* SLA+W received, ACK returned */
this_i2c->transaction = WRITE_SLAVE_TRANSACTION;
this_i2c->rx_idx = 0;
this_i2c->random_read_addr = 0;
/* Only break from this case if the slave address must NOT be included at the
* beginning of the received write data. */
case ST_GCA_ACK: /* DATA received; ACK sent after GCA */
case ST_RDATA: /* DATA received; must clear DATA register */
if (this_i2c->rx_idx >= this_i2c->rx_size - 2)
this_i2c->hw_reg_bit->CTRL_AA = 0x00; /* send a NACK when done (next reception) */
data = this_i2c->hw_reg->DATA;
this_i2c->rx_buffer[this_i2c->rx_idx++] = data;
this_i2c->random_read_addr = (this_i2c->random_read_addr << 8) + data;
case ST_RSTOP:
/* STOP or repeated START occured. */
/* We cannot be sure if the transaction has actually completed as
* this hardware state reports that either a STOP or repeated START
* condition has occured. We assume that this is a repeated START
* if the transaction was a write from the master to this point.*/
if ( this_i2c->transaction == WRITE_SLAVE_TRANSACTION )
if ( this_i2c->rx_idx == this_i2c->slave_mem_offset_length )
this_i2c->transaction = RANDOM_READ_SLAVE_TRANSACTION;
this_i2c->tx_idx = this_i2c->random_read_addr;
/* Call the slave's write transaction handler if it exists. */
if ( this_i2c->slave_write_handler != 0 )
mss_i2c_slave_handler_ret_t h_ret;
h_ret = this_i2c->slave_write_handler( this_i2c->rx_buffer, (uint16_t)this_i2c->rx_idx );
if ( MSS_I2C_REENABLE_SLAVE_RX == h_ret )
this_i2c->hw_reg_bit->CTRL_AA = 0x01;
this_i2c->hw_reg_bit->CTRL_AA = 0x00;
/* Mark any previous master write transaction as complete. */
this_i2c->status = MSS_I2C_SUCCESS;
// xSemaphoreGiveFromISR( this_i2c->xI2CCompleteSemaphore, &lHigherPriorityTaskWoken );
case ST_SLV_RST: /* SMBUS ONLY: timeout state. must clear interrupt */
case ST_SLV_LA: /* Arbitr. lost (SLA rec'd) */
case ST_GCA: /* General call address received, ACK returned */
case ST_GCA_LA: /* Arbitr. lost (GCA rec'd) */
/* do nothing */
/****************** SLAVE TRANSMITTER **************************/
case ST_SLAVE_SLAR_ACK: /* SLA+R received, ACK returned */
case ST_SLARW_LA: /* Arbitration lost, and: */
case ST_RACK: /* Data tx'ed, ACK received */
if ( status == ST_SLAVE_SLAR_ACK )
this_i2c->transaction = READ_SLAVE_TRANSACTION;
this_i2c->random_read_addr = 0;
/* Load the data, and determine if it is the last one */
this_i2c->hw_reg->DATA = this_i2c->tx_buffer[this_i2c->tx_idx++];
if (this_i2c->tx_idx >= this_i2c->tx_size - 1) /* last byte? */
this_i2c->hw_reg_bit->CTRL_AA = 0x00;
/* Next read transaction will result in slave's transmit buffer
* being sent from the first byte. */
this_i2c->tx_idx = 0;
case ST_SLAVE_RNACK: /* Data byte has been transmitted; not-ACK has been received. */
/* We assume that the transaction will be stopped by the master.
* Reset tx_idx so that a subsequent read will result in the slave's
* transmit buffer being sent from the first byte. */
this_i2c->tx_idx = 0;
case ST_FINAL: /* Last Data byte tx'ed, ACK recieved */
/* do nothing */
if ( clear_irq )
/* clear interrupt. */
this_i2c->hw_reg_bit->CTRL_SI = 0x00;
/* Read the status register to ensure the last I2C registers write took place
* in a system built around a bus making use of posted writes. */
status = this_i2c->hw_reg->STATUS;
portEND_SWITCHING_ISR( lHigherPriorityTaskWoken );
uint32_t disable_interrupts( void )
uint32_t primask;
primask = __get_PRIMASK();
return primask;
void restore_interrupts( uint32_t primask )
__set_PRIMASK( primask );
#if defined(__GNUC__)
__attribute__((__interrupt__)) void I2C0_IRQHandler( void )
void I2C0_IRQHandler( void )
mss_i2c_isr( &g_mss_i2c0 );
NVIC_ClearPendingIRQ( I2C0_IRQn );
#if defined(__GNUC__)
__attribute__((__interrupt__)) void I2C1_IRQHandler( void )
void I2C1_IRQHandler( void )
mss_i2c_isr( &g_mss_i2c1 );
NVIC_ClearPendingIRQ( I2C1_IRQn );
#ifdef __cplusplus