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* (c) Copyright 2007-2008 Actel Corporation. All rights reserved.
* SmartFusion microcontroller subsystem I2C bare metal software driver public
* API.
* SVN $Revision: 2150 $
* SVN $Date: 2010-02-11 14:39:24 +0000 (Thu, 11 Feb 2010) $
@mainpage SmartFusion MSS I2C Bare Metal Driver.
@section intro_sec Introduction
The SmartFusion™ microcontroller subsystem (MSS) includes two I2C peripherals
for serial communication. This driver provides a set of functions for
controlling the MSS I2Cs as part of a bare metal system where no operating
system is available. These drivers can be adapted for use as part of an
operating system, but the implementation of the adaptation layer between this
driver and the operating system's driver model is outside the scope of this
@section hw_dependencies Hardware Flow Dependencies
The configuration of all features of the MSS I2Cs is covered by this driver
with the exception of the SmartFusion IOMUX configuration. SmartFusion allows
multiple non-concurrent uses of some external pins through IOMUX configuration.
This feature allows optimization of external pin usage by assigning external
pins for use by either the microcontroller subsystem or the FPGA fabric. The
MSS I2Cs serial signals are routed through IOMUXes to the SmartFusion device
external pins. These IOMUXes are automatically configured correctly by the MSS
configurator tool in the hardware flow when the MSS I2Cs are enabled in that
tool. You must ensure that the MSS I2Cs are enabled by the MSS configurator
tool in the hardware flow; otherwise the serial inputs and outputs will not be
connected to the chip's external pins. For more information on IOMUX, refer to
the IOMUX section of the SmartFusion Datasheet.
The base address, register addresses and interrupt number assignment for the
MSS I2C blocks are defined as constants in the SmartFusion CMSIS-PAL. You must
ensure that the SmartFusion CMSIS-PAL is either included in the software tool
chain used to build your project or is included in your project.
@section theory_op Theory of Operation
The MSS I2C driver functions are grouped into the following categories:
• Initialization and configuration functions
• Interrupt control
• I2C master operations – functions to handle write, read and write-read transactions
• I2C slave operations – functions to handle write, read and write-read transactions
Initialization and Configuration
The MSS I2C driver is initialized through a call to the MSS_I2C_init()
function. This function takes the MSS I2C's configuration as parameters. The
MSS_I2C_init() function must be called before any other MSS I2C driver
functions can be called. The first parameter of the MSS_I2C_init() function
is a pointer to one of two global data structures used by the driver to
store state information for each MSS I2C. A pointer to these data structures
is also used as first parameter to any of the driver functions to identify
which MSS I2C will be used by the called function. The names of these two
data structures are g_mss_i2c0 and g_mss_i2c1. Therefore any call to an MSS
I2C driver function should be of the form MSS_I2C_function_name( &g_mss_i2c0, ... )
or MSS_I2C_function_name( &g_mss_i2c1, ... ).
The MSS_I2C_init() function call for each MSS I2C also takes the I2C serial
address assigned to the MSS I2C and the serial clock divider to be used to
generate its I2C clock as configuration parameters.
Interrupt Control
The MSS I2C driver is interrupt driven and it enables and disables the
generation of interrupts by MSS I2C at various times when it is operating.
The driver automatically handles MSS I2C interrupts internally, including
enabling disabling and clearing MSS I2C interrupts in the Cortex-M3
interrupt controller when required.
The function MSS_I2C_register_write_handler() is used to register a write
handler function with the MSS I2C driver that it will call on completion of
an I2C write transaction by the MSS I2C slave. It is your responsibility to
create and register the implementation of this handler function that will
process or trigger the processing of the received data.
Transaction Types
The MSS I2C driver is designed to handle three types of I2C transaction:
• Write transactions
• Read transactions
• Write-read transactions
Write transaction
The master I2C device initiates a write transaction by sending a START bit
as soon as the bus becomes free. The START bit is followed by the 7-bit
serial address of the target slave device followed by the read/write bit
indicating the direction of the transaction. The slave acknowledges receipt
of it’s address with an acknowledge bit. The master sends data one byte at
a time to the slave, which must acknowledge receipt of each byte for the
next byte to be sent. The master sends a STOP bit to complete the transaction.
The slave can abort the transaction by replying with a non-acknowledge bit
instead of an acknowledge.
The application programmer can choose not to send a STOP bit at the end of
the transaction causing the next transaction to begin with a repeated START bit.
Read transaction
The master I2C device initiates a read transaction by sending a START bit
as soon as the bus becomes free. The START bit is followed by the 7-bit
serial address of the target slave device followed by the read/write bit
indicating the direction of the transaction. The slave acknowledges receipt
of it’s slave address with an acknowledge bit. The slave sends data one byte
at a time to the master, which must acknowledge receipt of each byte for the
next byte to be sent. The master sends a non-acknowledge bit following the
last byte it wishes to read followed by a STOP bit.
The application programmer can choose not to send a STOP bit at the end of
the transaction causing the next transaction to begin with a repeated START bit.
Write-read transaction
The write-read transaction is a combination of a write transaction
immediately followed by a read transaction. There is no STOP bit between
the write and read phases of a write-read transaction. A repeated START
bit is sent between the write and read phases.
The write-read transaction is typically used to send a command or offset
in the write transaction specifying the logical data to be transferred
during the read phase.
The application programmer can choose not to send a STOP bit at the end of
the transaction causing the next transaction to begin with a repeated START bit.
Master Operations
The application can use the MSS_I2C_write(), MSS_I2C_read() and MSS_I2C_write_read()
functions to initiate an I2C bus transaction. The application can then wait
for the transaction to complete using the MSS_I2C_wait_complete() function
or poll the status of the I2C transaction using the MSS_I2C_get_status()
function until it returns a value different from MSS_I2C_IN_PROGRESS.
Slave Operations
The configuration of the MSS I2C driver to operate as an I2C slave requires
the use of the following functions:
• MSS_I2C_set_slave_tx_buffer()
• MSS_I2C_set_slave_rx_buffer()
• MSS_I2C_set_slave_mem_offset_length()
• MSS_I2C_register_write_handler()
• MSS_I2C_enable_slave_rx()
Use of all functions is not required if the slave I2C does not need to support
all types of I2C read transactions. The subsequent sections list the functions
that must be used to support each transaction type.
Responding to read transactions
The following functions are used to configure the MSS I2C driver to respond
to I2C read transactions:
• MSS_I2C_set_slave_tx_buffer()
• MSS_I2C_enable_slave_rx()
The function MSS_I2C_set_slave_tx_buffer() specifies the data buffer that
will be transmitted when the I2C slave is the target of an I2C read
transaction. It is then up to the application to manage the content of that
buffer to control the data that will be transmitted to the I2C master as a
result of the read transaction.
The function MSS_I2C_enable_slave_rx() enables the MSS I2C hardware instance
to respond to I2C transactions. It must be called after the MSS I2C driver
has been configured to respond to the required transaction types.
Responding to write transactions
The following functions are used to configure the MSS I2C driver to respond
to I2C write transactions:
• MSS_I2C_set_slave_rx_buffer()
• MSS_I2C_register_write_handler()
• MSS_I2C_enable_slave_rx()
The function MSS_I2C_set_slave_rx_buffer() specifies the data buffer that
will be used to store the data received by the I2C slave when it is the
target an I2C write transaction.
The function MSS_I2C_register_write_handler() specifies the handler function
that must be called on completion of the I2C write transaction. It is this
handler function that will process or trigger the processing of the received
The function MSS_I2C_enable_slave_rx() enables the MSS I2C hardware instance
to respond to I2C transactions. It must be called after the MSS I2C driver
has been configured to respond to the required transaction types.
Responding to write-read transactions
The following functions are used to configure the MSS I2C driver to respond
to write-read transactions:
• MSS_I2C_set_slave_tx_buffer()
• MSS_I2C_set_slave_rx_buffer()
• MSS_I2C_set_slave_mem_offset_length()
• MSS_I2C_enable_slave_rx()
The function MSS_I2C_set_slave_mem_offset_length() specifies the number of
bytes expected by the I2C slave during the write phase of the write-read
The function MSS_I2C_set_slave_tx_buffer() specifies the data that will be
transmitted to the I2C master during the read phase of the write-read
transaction. The value received by the I2C slave during the write phase of
the transaction will be used as an index into the transmit buffer specified
by this function to decide which part of the transmit buffer will be
transmitted to the I2C master as part of the read phase of the write-read
The function MSS_I2C_set_slave_rx_buffer() specifies the data buffer that
will be used to store the data received by the I2C slave during the write
phase of the write-read transaction. This buffer must be at least large
enough to accommodate the number of bytes specified through the
MSS_I2C_set_slave_mem_offset_length() function.
The function MSS_I2C_enable_slave_rx() enables the MSS I2C hardware
instance to respond to I2C transactions. It must be called after the MSS
I2C driver has been configured to respond to the required transaction types.
#ifndef I2C_H_
#define I2C_H_
#include "../../CMSIS/a2fxxxm3.h"
/* FreeRTOS includes. */
#include "FreeRTOS.h"
#include "task.h"
#include "semphr.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
The mss_i2c_clock_divider_t type is used to specify the divider to be applied
to the MSS I2C BCLK signal in order to generate the I2C clock.
typedef enum mss_i2c_clock_divider {
MSS_I2C_PCLK_DIV_256 = 0,
} mss_i2c_clock_divider_t;
The MSS_I2C_RELEASE_BUS constant is used to specify the options parameter to
functions MSS_I2C_read(), MSS_I2C_write() and MSS_I2C_write_read() to indicate
that a STOP bit must be generated at the end of the I2C transaction to release
the bus.
#define MSS_I2C_RELEASE_BUS 0x00
The MSS_I2C_HOLD_BUS constant is used to specify the options parameter to
functions MSS_I2C_read(), MSS_I2C_write() and MSS_I2C_write_read() to indicate
that a STOP bit must not be generated at the end of the I2C transaction in
order to retain the bus ownership. This will cause the next transaction to
begin with a repeated START bit and no STOP bit between the transactions.
#define MSS_I2C_HOLD_BUS 0x01
The mss_i2c_status_t type is used to report the status of I2C transactions.
typedef enum mss_i2c_status
} mss_i2c_status_t;
The mss_i2c_slave_handler_ret_t type is used by slave write handler functions
to indicate whether the received data buffer should be released or not.
typedef enum mss_i2c_slave_handler_ret {
} mss_i2c_slave_handler_ret_t;
Slave write handler functions prototype.
This defines the function prototype that must be followed by MSS I2C slave
write handler functions. These functions are registered with the MSS I2C driver
through the MSS_I2C_register_write_handler() function.
Declaring and Implementing Slave Write Handler Functions:
Slave write handler functions should follow the following prototype:
mss_i2c_slave_handler_ret_t write_handler( uint8_t * data, uint16_t size );
The data parameter is a pointer to a buffer (received data buffer) holding
the data written to the MSS I2C slave.
The size parameter is the number of bytes held in the received data buffer.
Handler functions must return one of the following values:
If the handler function returns MSS_I2C_REENABLE_SLAVE_RX, the driver will
release the received data buffer and allow further I2C write transactions to
the MSS I2C slave to take place.
If the handler function returns MSS_I2C_PAUSE_SLAVE_RX, the MSS I2C slave
will respond to subsequent write requests with a non-acknowledge bit (NACK),
until the received data buffer content has been processed by some other part
of the software application.
A call to MSS_I2C_enable_slave_rx() is required at some point after
returning MSS_I2C_PAUSE_SLAVE_RX in order to release the received data
buffer so it can be used to store data received by subsequent I2C write
typedef mss_i2c_slave_handler_ret_t (*mss_i2c_slave_wr_handler_t)( uint8_t *, uint16_t );
There is one instance of this structure for each of the microcontroller
subsystem's I2Cs. Instances of this structure are used to identify a specific
I2C. A pointer to an instance of the mss_i2c_instance_t structure is passed as
the first parameter to MSS I2C driver functions to identify which I2C should
perform the requested operation.
typedef struct mss_i2c_instance
uint_fast8_t ser_address;
/* Transmit related info:*/
uint_fast8_t target_addr;
/* Current transaction type (WRITE, READ, RANDOM_READ)*/
uint8_t transaction;
uint_fast16_t random_read_addr;
uint8_t options;
/* I2C hardware instance identification */
IRQn_Type irqn;
I2C_TypeDef * hw_reg;
I2C_BitBand_TypeDef * hw_reg_bit;
/* TX INFO: */
const uint8_t * tx_buffer;
uint_fast16_t tx_size;
uint_fast16_t tx_idx;
uint_fast8_t dir;
/* RX INFO: */
uint8_t * rx_buffer;
uint_fast16_t rx_size;
uint_fast16_t rx_idx;
/* status variable: */
volatile mss_i2c_status_t status;
/* Slave data: */
uint_fast8_t slave_mem_offset_length;
mss_i2c_slave_wr_handler_t slave_write_handler;
/* Used to get access to and wait for completion of an I2C transaction. */
SemaphoreHandle_t xI2CCompleteSemaphore;
} mss_i2c_instance_t;
This instance of mss_i2c_instance_t holds all data related to the operations
performed by MSS I2C 0. A pointer to g_mss_i2c0 is passed as the first
parameter to MSS I2C driver functions to indicate that MSS I2C 0 should
perform the requested operation.
extern mss_i2c_instance_t g_mss_i2c0;
This instance of mss_i2c_instance_t holds all data related to the operations
performed by MSS I2C 1. A pointer to g_mss_i2c1 is passed as the first
parameter to MSS I2C driver functions to indicate that MSS I2C 1 should
perform the requested operation.
extern mss_i2c_instance_t g_mss_i2c1;
MSS I2C initialisation routine.
The MSS_I2C_init() function initializes and configures hardware and data
structures of one of the SmartFusion MSS I2Cs.
@param this_i2c:
The this_i2c parameter is a pointer to an mss_i2c_instance_t structure
identifying the MSS I2C hardware block to be initialized. There are two such
data structures, g_mss_i2c0 and g_mss_i2c1, associated with MSS I2C 0 and
MSS I2C 1 respectively. This parameter must point to either the g_mss_i2c0
or g_mss_i2c1 global data structure defined within the I2C driver.
@param ser_address:
This parameter sets the I2C serial address being initialized. It is the I2C
bus address to which the MSS I2C instance will respond. Any 8 bit address is
@param ser_clock_speed:
This parameter sets the I2C serial clock frequency. It selects the divider
that will be used to generate the serial clock from the APB clock. It can be
one of the following:
void MSS_I2C_init
mss_i2c_instance_t * this_i2c,
uint8_t ser_address,
mss_i2c_clock_divider_t ser_clock_speed
* Master specific functions
* The following functions are only used within an I2C master's implementation.
I2C master write function.
This function initiates an I2C master write transaction. This function returns
immediately after initiating the transaction. The content of the write buffer
passed as parameter should not be modified until the write transaction
completes. It also means that the memory allocated for the write buffer should
not be freed or go out of scope before the write completes. You can check for
the write transaction completion using the MSS_I2C_status() function.
@param this_i2c:
The this_i2c parameter is a pointer to an mss_i2c_instance_t structure
identifying the MSS I2C hardware block that will perform the requested
function. There are two such data structures, g_mss_i2c0 and g_mss_i2c1,
associated with MSS I2C 0 and MSS I2C 1 respectively. This parameter must
point to either the g_mss_i2c0 or g_mss_i2c1 global data structure defined
within the I2C driver.
@param serial_addr:
This parameter specifies the serial address of the target I2C device.
@param write_buffer:
This parameter is a pointer to a buffer holding the data to be written to
the target I2C device.
Care must be taken not to release the memory used by this buffer before the
write transaction completes. For example, it is not appropriate to return
from a function allocating this buffer as an array variable before the write
transaction completes as this would result in the buffer's memory being
de-allocated from the stack when the function returns. This memory could
then be subsequently reused and modified causing unexpected data to be
written to the target I2C device.
@param write_size:
Number of bytes held in the write_buffer to be written to the target I2C
@param options:
The options parameter is used to indicate if the I2C bus should be released
on completion of the write transaction. Using the MSS_I2C_RELEASE_BUS
constant for the options parameter causes a STOP bit to be generated at the
end of the write transaction causing the bus to be released for other I2C
devices to use. Using the MSS_I2C_HOLD_BUS constant as options parameter
prevents a STOP bit from being generated at the end of the write
transaction, preventing other I2C devices from initiating a bus transaction.
void MSS_I2C_write
mss_i2c_instance_t * this_i2c,
uint8_t serial_addr,
const uint8_t * write_buffer,
uint16_t write_size,
uint8_t options
I2C master read.
This function initiates an I2C master read transaction. This function returns
immediately after initiating the transaction.
The content of the read buffer passed as parameter should not be modified
until the read transaction completes. It also means that the memory allocated
for the read buffer should not be freed or go out of scope before the read
completes. You can check for the read transaction completion using the
MSS_I2C_status() function.
@param this_i2c:
The this_i2c parameter is a pointer to an mss_i2c_instance_t structure
identifying the MSS I2C hardware block that will perform the requested
function. There are two such data structures, g_mss_i2c0 and g_mss_i2c1,
associated with MSS I2C 0 and MSS I2C 1 respectively. This parameter must
point to either the g_mss_i2c0 or g_mss_i2c1 global data structure defined
within the I2C driver.
@param serial_addr:
This parameter specifies the serial address of the target I2C device.
@param read_buffer
Pointer to a buffer where the data received from the target device will be
Care must be taken not to release the memory used by this buffer before the
read transaction completes. For example, it is not appropriate to return
from a function allocating this buffer as an array variable before the read
transaction completes as this would result in the buffer's memory being
de-allocated from the stack when the function returns. This memory could
then be subsequently reallocated resulting in the read transaction
corrupting the newly allocated memory.
@param read_size:
This parameter is the number of bytes to read from the target device. This
size must not exceed the size of the read_buffer buffer.
@param options:
The options parameter is used to indicate if the I2C bus should be released
on completion of the read transaction. Using the MSS_I2C_RELEASE_BUS
constant for the options parameter causes a STOP bit to be generated at the
end of the read transaction causing the bus to be released for other I2C
devices to use. Using the MSS_I2C_HOLD_BUS constant as options parameter
prevents a STOP bit from being generated at the end of the read transaction,
preventing other I2C devices from initiating a bus transaction.
void MSS_I2C_read
mss_i2c_instance_t * this_i2c,
uint8_t serial_addr,
uint8_t * read_buffer,
uint16_t read_size,
uint8_t options
I2C master write-read
This function initiates an I2C write-read transaction where data is first
written to the target device before issuing a restart condition and changing
the direction of the I2C transaction in order to read from the target device.
@param this_i2c:
The this_i2c parameter is a pointer to an mss_i2c_instance_t structure
identifying the MSS I2C hardware block that will perform the requested
function. There are two such data structures, g_mss_i2c0 and g_mss_i2c1,
associated with MSS I2C 0 and MSS I2C 1 respectively. This parameter must
point to either the g_mss_i2c0 or g_mss_i2c1 global data structure defined
within the I2C driver.
@param serial_addr:
This parameter specifies the serial address of the target I2C device.
@param addr_offset:
This parameter is a pointer to the buffer containing the data that will be
sent to the slave during the write phase of the write-read transaction. This
data is typically used to specify an address offset specifying to the I2C
slave device what data it must return during the read phase of the
write-read transaction.
@param offset_size:
This parameter specifies the number of offset bytes to be written during the
write phase of the write-read transaction. This is typically the size of the
buffer pointed to by the addr_offset parameter.
@param read_buffer:
This parameter is a pointer to the buffer where the data read from the I2C
slave will be stored.
@param read_size:
This parameter specifies the number of bytes to read from the target I2C
slave device. This size must not exceed the size of the buffer pointed to by
the read_buffer parameter.
@param options:
The options parameter is used to indicate if the I2C bus should be released
on completion of the write-read transaction. Using the MSS_I2C_RELEASE_BUS
constant for the options parameter causes a STOP bit to be generated at the
end of the write-read transaction causing the bus to be released for other
I2C devices to use. Using the MSS_I2C_HOLD_BUS constant as options parameter
prevents a STOP bit from being generated at the end of the write-read
transaction, preventing other I2C devices from initiating a bus transaction.
void MSS_I2C_write_read
mss_i2c_instance_t * this_i2c,
uint8_t serial_addr,
const uint8_t * addr_offset,
uint16_t offset_size,
uint8_t * read_buffer,
uint16_t read_size,
uint8_t options
I2C status
This function indicates the current state of a MSS I2C instance.
@param this_i2c:
The this_i2c parameter is a pointer to an mss_i2c_instance_t structure
identifying the MSS I2C hardware block that will perform the requested
function. There are two such data structures, g_mss_i2c0 and g_mss_i2c1,
associated with MSS I2C 0 and MSS I2C 1 respectively. This parameter must
point to either the g_mss_i2c0 or g_mss_i2c1 global data structure defined
within the I2C driver.
The return value indicates the current state of a MSS I2C instance or the
outcome of the previous transaction if no transaction is in progress.
Possible return values are:
The last I2C transaction has completed successfully.
There is an I2C transaction in progress.
The last I2C transaction failed.
mss_i2c_status_t MSS_I2C_get_status
mss_i2c_instance_t * this_i2c
Wait for I2C transaction completion.
This function waits for the current I2C transaction to complete. The return
value indicates whether the last I2C transaction was successful, or is still
in progress, or failed.
@param this_i2c:
The this_i2c parameter is a pointer to an mss_i2c_instance_t structure
identifying the MSS I2C hardware block that will perform the requested
function. There are two such data structures, g_mss_i2c0 and g_mss_i2c1,
associated with MSS I2C 0 and MSS I2C 1 respectively. This parameter must
point to either the g_mss_i2c0 or g_mss_i2c1 global data structure defined
within the I2C driver.
The return value indicates the outcome of the last I2C transaction. It can
be one of the following:
The last I2C transaction has completed successfully.
The current I2C transaction is still in progress.
The last I2C transaction failed.
mss_i2c_status_t MSS_I2C_wait_complete
mss_i2c_instance_t * this_i2c
* Slave specific functions
* The following functions are only used within the implementation of an I2C
* slave device.
I2C slave transmit buffer configuration.
This function specifies the memory buffer holding the data that will be sent
to the I2C master when this MSS I2C instance is the target of an I2C read or
write-read transaction.
@param this_i2c:
The this_i2c parameter is a pointer to an mss_i2c_instance_t structure
identifying the MSS I2C hardware block that will perform the requested
function. There are two such data structures, g_mss_i2c0 and g_mss_i2c1,
associated with MSS I2C 0 and MSS I2C 1 respectively. This parameter must
point to either the g_mss_i2c0 or g_mss_i2c1 global data structure defined
within the I2C driver.
@param tx_buffer:
This parameter is a pointer to the memory buffer holding the data to be
returned to the I2C master when this MSS I2C instance is the target of an
I2C read or write-read transaction.
@param tx_size:
Size of the transmit buffer pointed to by the tx_buffer parameter.
void MSS_I2C_set_slave_tx_buffer
mss_i2c_instance_t * this_i2c,
uint8_t * tx_buffer,
uint16_t tx_size
I2C slave receive buffer configuration.
This function specifies the memory buffer that will be used by the MSS I2C
instance to receive data when it is a slave. This buffer is the memory where
data will be stored when the MSS I2C is the target of an I2C master write
transaction (i.e. when it is the slave).
@param this_i2c:
The this_i2c parameter is a pointer to an mss_i2c_instance_t structure
identifying the MSS I2C hardware block that will perform the requested
function. There are two such data structures, g_mss_i2c0 and g_mss_i2c1,
associated with MSS I2C 0 and MSS I2C 1 respectively. This parameter must
point to either the g_mss_i2c0 or g_mss_i2c1 global data structure defined
within the I2C driver.
@param rx_buffer:
This parameter is a pointer to the memory buffer allocated by the caller
software to be used as a slave receive buffer.
@param rx_size:
Size of the slave receive buffer. This is the amount of memory that is
allocated to the buffer pointed to by rx_buffer.
Note: This buffer size will indirectly specify the maximum I2C write
transaction length this MSS I2C instance can be the target of. This
is because this MSS I2C instance will respond to further received
bytes with a non-acknowledge bit (NACK) as soon as its receive
buffer is full. This will cause the write transaction to fail.
void MSS_I2C_set_slave_rx_buffer
mss_i2c_instance_t * this_i2c,
uint8_t * rx_buffer,
uint16_t rx_size
I2C slave memory offset length configuration.
This function is used as part of the configuration of a MSS I2C instance for
operation as a slave supporting write-read transactions. It specifies the
number of bytes expected as part of the write phase of a write-read
transaction. The bytes received during the write phase of a write-read
transaction will be interpreted as an offset into the slave’s transmit buffer.
This allows random access into the I2C slave transmit buffer from a remote
I2C master.
@param this_i2c:
The this_i2c parameter is a pointer to an mss_i2c_instance_t structure
identifying the MSS I2C hardware block that will perform the requested
function. There are two such data structures, g_mss_i2c0 and g_mss_i2c1,
associated with MSS I2C 0 and MSS I2C 1 respectively. This parameter must
point to either the g_mss_i2c0 or g_mss_i2c1 global data structure defined
within the I2C driver.
@param offset_length:
The offset_length parameter configures the number of bytes to be interpreted
by the MSS I2C slave as a memory offset value during the write phase of
write-read transactions.
void MSS_I2C_set_slave_mem_offset_length
mss_i2c_instance_t * this_i2c,
uint8_t offset_length
I2C write handler registration.
Register the function that will be called to process the data written to this
MSS I2C instance when it is the slave in an I2C write transaction.
Note: The write handler is not called as a result of a write-read transaction.
The write data of a write read transaction is interpreted as an offset
into the slave’s transmit buffer and handled by the driver.
@param this_i2c:
The this_i2c parameter is a pointer to an mss_i2c_instance_t structure
identifying the MSS I2C hardware block that will perform the requested
function. There are two such data structures, g_mss_i2c0 and g_mss_i2c1,
associated with MSS I2C 0 and MSS I2C 1 respectively. This parameter must
point to either the g_mss_i2c0 or g_mss_i2c1 global data structure defined
within the I2C driver.
@param handler:
Pointer to the function that will process the I2C write request.
void MSS_I2C_register_write_handler
mss_i2c_instance_t * this_i2c,
mss_i2c_slave_wr_handler_t handler
I2C slave receive enable.
Enables the MSS I2C instance identified through the this_i2c parameter to
receive data when it is the target of an I2C write or write-read transaction.
@param this_i2c:
The this_i2c parameter is a pointer to an mss_i2c_instance_t structure
identifying the MSS I2C hardware block that will perform the requested
function. There are two such data structures, g_mss_i2c0 and g_mss_i2c1,
associated with MSS I2C 0 and MSS I2C 1 respectively. This parameter must
point to either the g_mss_i2c0 or g_mss_i2c1 global data structure defined
within the I2C driver.
void MSS_I2C_enable_slave_rx
mss_i2c_instance_t * this_i2c
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /*MSS_I2C_H_*/