blob: ebd37de8db6d6cf565f8c99cf31faaa7e5da4ac2 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
** Common definition for IAR EW ARM
** Used with ARM IAR C/C++ Compiler and Assembler.
** (c) Copyright IAR Systems 2006
** $Revision: 52705 $
#include <intrinsics.h>
#ifndef __ARM_COMM_DEF_H
#define __ARM_COMM_DEF_H
#define MHZ *1000000l
#define KHZ *1000l
#define HZ *1l
#ifndef FALSE
#define FALSE (1 == 0)
#ifndef TRUE
#define TRUE (1 == 1)
#ifndef NULL
#define NULL ((void*)0)
typedef double Flo64; // Double precision floating point
typedef double * pFlo64;
typedef float Flo32; // Single precision floating point
typedef float * pFlo32;
typedef signed long long Int64S; // Signed 64 bit quantity
typedef signed long long * pInt64S;
typedef unsigned long long Int64U; // Unsigned 64 bit quantity
typedef unsigned long long * pInt64U;
typedef signed int Int32S; // Signed 32 bit quantity
typedef signed int * pInt32S;
typedef unsigned int Int32U; // Unsigned 32 bit quantity
typedef unsigned int * pInt32U;
typedef signed short Int16S; // Signed 16 bit quantity
typedef signed short * pInt16S;
typedef unsigned short Int16U; // Unsigned 16 bit quantity
typedef unsigned short * pInt16U;
typedef signed char Int8S; // Signed 8 bit quantity
typedef signed char * pInt8S;
typedef unsigned char Int8U; // Unsigned 8 bit quantity
typedef unsigned char * pInt8U;
typedef unsigned int Boolean; // Boolean
typedef unsigned int * pBoolean;
#define MAX(a, b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
#define MIN(a, b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
#define _2BL(a) (Int8U)(a),(Int8U)(a>>8)
#define _2BB(a) (Int8U)(a>>8),(Int8U)(a),
#define _3BL(a) (Int8U)(a),(Int8U)(a>>8),(Int8U)(a>>16)
#define _3BB(a) (Int8U)(a>>16),(Int8U)(a>>8),(Int8U)(a)
#define _4BL(a) (Int8U)(a),(Int8U)(a>>8),(Int8U)(a>>16),(Int8U)(a>>24)
#define _4BB(a) (Int8U)(a>>24),(Int8U)(a>>16),(Int8U)(a>>8),(Int8U)(a)
typedef void * (*CommUserFpnt_t)(void *);
typedef void (*VoidFpnt_t)(void);
// Atomic exchange of data between a memory cell and a register
// return value of the memory cell
#if __CORE__ < 7
inline __arm Int32U AtomicExchange (Int32U State, pInt32U Flag)
asm("swp r0, r0, [r1]");
#define IRQ_FLAG 0x80
#define FIQ_FLAG 0x40
inline __arm Int32U EntrCritSection(void)
unsigned long tmp;
tmp = __get_CPSR();
__set_CPSR(tmp | IRQ_FLAG);
inline __arm void ExtCritSection(Int32U Save)
unsigned long tmp;
tmp = __get_CPSR();
__set_CPSR(tmp & (Save | ~IRQ_FLAG));
inline __arm Int32U EntrCritSectionFiq(void)
unsigned long tmp;
tmp = __get_CPSR();
__set_CPSR(tmp | (IRQ_FLAG | FIQ_FLAG));
inline __arm void ExtCritSectionFiq(Int32U Save)
unsigned long tmp;
tmp = __get_CPSR();
__set_CPSR(tmp & (Save | ~(IRQ_FLAG | FIQ_FLAG)));
#define ENTR_CRT_SECTION(Save) Save = EntrCritSection()
#define EXT_CRT_SECTION(Save) ExtCritSection(Save)
#define ENTR_CRT_SECTION_F(Save) Save = EntrCritSectionFiq()
#define EXT_CRT_SECTION_F(Save) ExtCritSectionFiq(Save)
#elif __CORE__ == 7
extern Int32U CriticalSecCntr;
inline void EntrCritSection(void)
if(CriticalSecCntr == 0)
asm("CPSID i");
// avoid lost of one count in case of simultaneously calling from both places
inline void ExtCritSection(void)
if(--CriticalSecCntr == 0)
asm("CPSIE i");
inline Int32U AtomicExchange (Int32U State, pInt32U Flag)
Int32U Hold;
Hold = *Flag;
*Flag = State;
#define ENTR_CRT_SECTION() EntrCritSection()
#define EXT_CRT_SECTION() ExtCritSection()
#define LongToBin(n) (((n >> 21) & 0x80) | \
((n >> 18) & 0x40) | \
((n >> 15) & 0x20) | \
((n >> 12) & 0x10) | \
((n >> 9) & 0x08) | \
((n >> 6) & 0x04) | \
((n >> 3) & 0x02) | \
((n ) & 0x01))
#define __BIN(n) LongToBin(0x##n##l)
#define BIN8(n) __BIN(n)
#define BIN(n) __BIN(n)
#define BIN16(b1,b2) (( __BIN(b1) << 8UL) + \
#define BIN32(b1,b2,b3,b4) ((((Int32U)__BIN(b1)) << 24UL) + \
(((Int32U)__BIN(b2)) << 16UL) + \
(((Int32U)__BIN(b3)) << 8UL) + \
#endif // __ARM_COMM_DEF_H