
FCS : Final Checksum. Bytes added to the end of a packet to help determine if the packet was received without corruption.

NCP : Network Control Processor.

NLI : Network Link Identifier. May be a value between zero and three. See (#nli-network-link-identifier) for more information.

OS : Operating System, i.e. the IPv6 node using Spinel to control and manage one or more of its IPv6 network interfaces.

PHY : Physical layer. Refers to characteristics and parameters related to the physical implementation and operation of a networking medium.

PUI : Packed Unsigned Integer. A way to serialize an unsigned integer using one, two, or three bytes. Used throughout the Spinel protocol. See (#packed-unsigned-integer) for more information.

TID : Transaction Identifier. May be a value between zero and fifteen. See (#tid-transaction-identifier) for more information.