This softpack comes as an early delivery and all presented APIs are subject to change.
Each software module is provided with full source code, example of usage, and ready-to-use projects.
Windows and Linux with the gnu GCC ARM Embedded toolchain. It is downloadable at this address: (Mac OS X should also work but as not been tested yet). Dependencies:
Windows with IAR Embedded Workbench. Dependencies:
Notice: This softpack comes as an early delivery and all presented APIs are subject to change.
target/sama5d2 All chip and board specific source files
target/sama5d2/toolchain/ Linker and debugger scripts
scripts/ generators and build script templates (Makefiles)
drivers/ Driver source files
examples/ All examples
This release contains the following examples:
adc: Example using ADC
can: Example using CAN
crypto_aes: AES hardware computation (with and without DMA)
crypto_sha: SHA hardware computation (with and without DMA)
crypto_tdes: Triple-DES hardware computation (with and without DMA)
fifo: Test Flexcom USART FIFO
gettting-started: LED blink (uses PIT and PIO)
gmac: GMAC example using a simple IP stack
gmac_lwip: GMAC example using LWIP stack
gmac_uip_helloworld: GMAC example using UIP stack (UIP helloworld example)
gmac_uip_telnetd: GMAC example using UIP stack (UIP telnetd example)
gmac_uip_webserver: GMAC example using UIP stack (UIP webserver example)
isc: Example using ISC controller (OV7740 sensor)
lcd: Example using LCD controller
qspi_flash: Read/Write/Delete commands to a QSPI serial flash
rtc: RTC Example
spi_serialflash: Read/Write/Delete commands to an SPI serial flash
trng: Example using hardware RNG (interrupt mode)
twi_eeprom: Read/Write/Delete commands to an Two-Wire EEPROM
wdt: Example using watchdog timer
xdma: Memory-to-memory DMA transfert example
xdma_usart: Bidirectionnal Usart-memory DMA transfert example
TARGET: Name of the wanted target (sama5d2-xplained for samad52 XPLAINED ULTRA boards). This variable is mandatory to launch any build.
DEBUG: Build with debug flags (default).
TRACE_LEVEL: The wanted log level, 5 correspond to full, 0 to none (default to 5)
RELEASE: Build with the release flags
only TARGET must be provided or set at each make invocation.
make #or make TARGET=wanted_target # if TARGET is not set
To run examples with gdb, first, JLinkGDBServer must be started. It can be downloaded for each platform at
A make target is provided to launch the test with the correct gdb command arguments, run:
make debug #or make TARGET=wanted_target debug # if TARGET is not set
The Win version of this softpack release comes with pregenerated IAR projects compatible with IAR Systems Embedded Workbench for ARM version 7.40.
The C-SPY device description files and device selections files are not included and must be installed manually.
An IAR project can be generated with GNU make, run in the example directory:
make iar #or make TARGET=wanted_target iar # if TARGET is not set
All needed IAR project files will be put in the example directory, including a default workspace one.
Notice: GNU make may fail on Windows platforms if the Makefile contains UNIX line endings. You can use unix2dos on all Makefile files in scripts/ directory to fix this issue.