blob: 35a7b95504ca0afccf41d5a7e30038a94e7ceb01 [file] [log] [blame]
* Filename: timer.h
* Revised: 2015-11-03 09:54:47 +0100 (Tue, 03 Nov 2015)
* Revision: 44933
* Copyright (c) 2015 - 2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* 1) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
* and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* 3) Neither the name of the ORGANIZATION nor the names of its contributors may
* be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
* specific prior written permission.
//! \addtogroup peripheral_group
//! @{
//! \addtogroup timer_api
//! @{
#ifndef __GPT_H__
#define __GPT_H__
// If building with a C++ compiler, make all of the definitions in this header
// have a C binding.
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <inc/hw_ints.h>
#include <inc/hw_types.h>
#include <inc/hw_memmap.h>
#include <inc/hw_gpt.h>
#include <driverlib/interrupt.h>
#include <driverlib/debug.h>
// Support for DriverLib in ROM:
// This section renames all functions that are not "static inline", so that
// calling these functions will default to implementation in flash. At the end
// of this file a second renaming will change the defaults to implementation in
// ROM for available functions.
// To force use of the implementation in flash, e.g. for debugging:
// - Globally: Define DRIVERLIB_NOROM at project level
// - Per function: Use prefix "NOROM_" when calling the function
#if !defined(DOXYGEN)
#define TimerConfigure NOROM_TimerConfigure
#define TimerLevelControl NOROM_TimerLevelControl
#define TimerStallControl NOROM_TimerStallControl
#define TimerWaitOnTriggerControl NOROM_TimerWaitOnTriggerControl
#define TimerIntRegister NOROM_TimerIntRegister
#define TimerIntUnregister NOROM_TimerIntUnregister
#define TimerMatchUpdateMode NOROM_TimerMatchUpdateMode
#define TimerIntervalLoadMode NOROM_TimerIntervalLoadMode
// Values that can be passed to TimerConfigure as the ui32Config parameter.
#define TIMER_CFG_ONE_SHOT 0x00000021 // Full-width one-shot timer
#define TIMER_CFG_ONE_SHOT_UP 0x00000031 // Full-width one-shot up-count timer
#define TIMER_CFG_PERIODIC 0x00000022 // Full-width periodic timer
#define TIMER_CFG_PERIODIC_UP 0x00000032 // Full-width periodic up-count timer
#define TIMER_CFG_SPLIT_PAIR 0x04000000 // Two half-width timers
#define TIMER_CFG_A_ONE_SHOT 0x00000021 // Timer A one-shot timer
#define TIMER_CFG_A_ONE_SHOT_UP 0x00000031 // Timer A one-shot up-count timer
#define TIMER_CFG_A_PERIODIC 0x00000022 // Timer A periodic timer
#define TIMER_CFG_A_PERIODIC_UP 0x00000032 // Timer A periodic up-count timer
#define TIMER_CFG_A_CAP_COUNT 0x00000003 // Timer A event counter
#define TIMER_CFG_A_CAP_COUNT_UP 0x00000013 // Timer A event up-counter
#define TIMER_CFG_A_CAP_TIME 0x00000007 // Timer A event timer
#define TIMER_CFG_A_CAP_TIME_UP 0x00000017 // Timer A event up-count timer
#define TIMER_CFG_A_PWM 0x0000000A // Timer A PWM output
#define TIMER_CFG_B_ONE_SHOT 0x00002100 // Timer B one-shot timer
#define TIMER_CFG_B_ONE_SHOT_UP 0x00003100 // Timer B one-shot up-count timer
#define TIMER_CFG_B_PERIODIC 0x00002200 // Timer B periodic timer
#define TIMER_CFG_B_PERIODIC_UP 0x00003200 // Timer B periodic up-count timer
#define TIMER_CFG_B_CAP_COUNT 0x00000300 // Timer B event counter
#define TIMER_CFG_B_CAP_COUNT_UP 0x00001300 // Timer B event up-counter
#define TIMER_CFG_B_CAP_TIME 0x00000700 // Timer B event timer
#define TIMER_CFG_B_CAP_TIME_UP 0x00001700 // Timer B event up-count timer
#define TIMER_CFG_B_PWM 0x00000A00 // Timer B PWM output
// Values that can be passed to TimerIntEnable, TimerIntDisable, and
// TimerIntClear as the ui32IntFlags parameter, and returned from
// TimerIntStatus.
#define TIMER_TIMB_DMA 0x00002000 // TimerB DMA Done interrupt
#define TIMER_TIMB_MATCH 0x00000800 // TimerB match interrupt
#define TIMER_CAPB_EVENT 0x00000400 // CaptureB event interrupt
#define TIMER_CAPB_MATCH 0x00000200 // CaptureB match interrupt
#define TIMER_TIMB_TIMEOUT 0x00000100 // TimerB time out interrupt
#define TIMER_TIMA_DMA 0x00000020 // TimerA DMA Done interrupt
#define TIMER_TIMA_MATCH 0x00000010 // TimerA match interrupt
#define TIMER_CAPA_EVENT 0x00000004 // CaptureA event interrupt
#define TIMER_CAPA_MATCH 0x00000002 // CaptureA match interrupt
#define TIMER_TIMA_TIMEOUT 0x00000001 // TimerA time out interrupt
// Values that can be passed to TimerControlEvent as the ui32Event parameter.
#define TIMER_EVENT_POS_EDGE 0x00000000 // Count positive edges
#define TIMER_EVENT_NEG_EDGE 0x00000404 // Count negative edges
#define TIMER_EVENT_BOTH_EDGES 0x00000C0C // Count both edges
// Values that can be passed to most of the timer APIs as the ui32Timer
// parameter.
#define TIMER_A 0x000000FF // Timer A
#define TIMER_B 0x0000FF00 // Timer B
#define TIMER_BOTH 0x0000FFFF // Timer Both
// Values that can be passed to GPTSynchronize as the ui32Timers parameter
#define TIMER_0A_SYNC 0x00000001 // Synchronize Timer 0A
#define TIMER_0B_SYNC 0x00000002 // Synchronize Timer 0B
#define TIMER_1A_SYNC 0x00000004 // Synchronize Timer 1A
#define TIMER_1B_SYNC 0x00000008 // Synchronize Timer 1B
#define TIMER_2A_SYNC 0x00000010 // Synchronize Timer 2A
#define TIMER_2B_SYNC 0x00000020 // Synchronize Timer 2B
#define TIMER_3A_SYNC 0x00000040 // Synchronize Timer 3A
#define TIMER_3B_SYNC 0x00000080 // Synchronize Timer 3B
// Values that can be passed to TimerMatchUpdateMode
#define TIMER_MATCHUPDATE_NEXTCYCLE 0x00000000 // Apply match register on next cycle
#define TIMER_MATCHUPDATE_TIMEOUT 0x00000001 // Apply match register on next timeout
// Values that can be passed to TimerIntervalLoad
#define TIMER_INTERVALLOAD_NEXTCYCLE 0x00000000 // Load TxR register with the value in the TxILR register on the next clock cycle
#define TIMER_INTERVALLOAD_TIMEOUT 0x00000001 // Load TxR register with the value in the TxILR register on next timeout
// API Functions and prototypes
//! \internal
//! \brief Checks a timer base address.
//! This function determines if a timer module base address is valid.
//! \param ui32Base is the base address of the timer module.
//! \return Returns \c true if the base address is valid and \c false
//! otherwise.
static bool
TimerBaseValid(uint32_t ui32Base)
return((ui32Base == GPT0_BASE) || (ui32Base == GPT1_BASE) ||
(ui32Base == GPT2_BASE) || (ui32Base == GPT3_BASE));
//! \brief Enables the timer(s).
//! This function enables operation of the timer module. The timer must be
//! configured before it is enabled.
//! \param ui32Base is the base address of the timer module.
//! \param ui32Timer specifies the timer(s) to enable. Must be one of:
//! - \ref TIMER_A
//! - \ref TIMER_B
//! - \ref TIMER_BOTH
//! \return None
TimerEnable(uint32_t ui32Base, uint32_t ui32Timer)
// Check the arguments.
ASSERT((ui32Timer == TIMER_A) || (ui32Timer == TIMER_B) ||
(ui32Timer == TIMER_BOTH));
// Enable the timer(s) module.
HWREG(ui32Base + GPT_O_CTL) |= ui32Timer & (GPT_CTL_TAEN | GPT_CTL_TBEN);
//! \brief Disables the timer(s).
//! This function disables operation of the timer module.
//! \param ui32Base is the base address of the timer module.
//! \param ui32Timer specifies the timer(s) to disable. Must be one of:
//! - \ref TIMER_A
//! - \ref TIMER_B
//! - \ref TIMER_BOTH
//! \return None
TimerDisable(uint32_t ui32Base, uint32_t ui32Timer)
// Check the arguments.
ASSERT((ui32Timer == TIMER_A) || (ui32Timer == TIMER_B) ||
(ui32Timer == TIMER_BOTH));
// Disable the timer module.
HWREG(ui32Base + GPT_O_CTL) &= ~(ui32Timer &
//! \brief Configures the timer(s).
//! This function configures the operating mode of the timer(s). The timer
//! module is disabled before being configured and is left in the disabled
//! state.
//! The timers are comprised of two 16-bit timers that can
//! operate independently or be concatenated to form a 32-bit timer.
//! \note If the timers are used independently the length of timer can be
//! extended to 24 bit by use of an 8 bit prescale register set using
//! \ref TimerPrescaleSet().
//! When configuring for full-width timer \c ui32Config is set
//! as one of the following values:
//! - \ref TIMER_CFG_ONE_SHOT : Full-width one-shot timer.
//! - \ref TIMER_CFG_ONE_SHOT_UP : Full-width one-shot timer that counts up
//! instead of down.
//! - \ref TIMER_CFG_PERIODIC : Full-width periodic timer.
//! - \ref TIMER_CFG_PERIODIC_UP : Full-width periodic timer that counts up
//! instead of down.
//! When configuring for a pair of half-width timers, each timer is separately
//! configured. The timers are configured by setting \c ui32Config to
//! the bitwise OR of one of each of the following three:
//! - Use half-width timers:
//! - Timer A:
//! - \ref TIMER_CFG_A_ONE_SHOT : Half-width one-shot timer
//! - \ref TIMER_CFG_A_ONE_SHOT_UP : Half-width one-shot timer that counts up
//! instead of down.
//! - \ref TIMER_CFG_A_PERIODIC : Half-width periodic timer
//! - \ref TIMER_CFG_A_PERIODIC_UP : Half-width periodic timer that counts up
//! instead of down.
//! - \ref TIMER_CFG_A_CAP_COUNT : Half-width edge count capture
//! - \ref TIMER_CFG_A_CAP_COUNT_UP : Half-width edge count capture that counts
//! up instead of down.
//! - \ref TIMER_CFG_A_CAP_TIME : Half-width edge time capture
//! - \ref TIMER_CFG_A_CAP_TIME_UP : Half-width edge time capture that counts up
//! instead of down.
//! - \ref TIMER_CFG_A_PWM : Half-width PWM output
//! - Timer B:
//! - Same as Timer A but using TIMER_CFG_B_* instead.
//! \param ui32Base is the base address of the timer module.
//! \param ui32Config is the configuration for the timer.
//! \return None
extern void TimerConfigure(uint32_t ui32Base, uint32_t ui32Config);
//! \brief Controls the output level.
//! This function configures the PWM output level for the specified timer.
//! \param ui32Base is the base address of the timer module.
//! \param ui32Timer specifies the timer(s) to adjust. Must be one of:
//! - \ref TIMER_A
//! - \ref TIMER_B
//! - \ref TIMER_BOTH
//! \param bInvert specifies the output level.
//! - \c true : Timer's output is active low.
//! - \c false : Timer's output is active high.
//! \return None
extern void TimerLevelControl(uint32_t ui32Base, uint32_t ui32Timer,
bool bInvert);
//! \brief Controls the event type.
//! This function configures the signal edge(s) that triggers the timer when
//! in capture mode.
//! \param ui32Base is the base address of the timer module.
//! \param ui32Timer specifies the timer(s) to be adjusted; must be one of:
//! - \ref TIMER_A
//! - \ref TIMER_B
//! - \ref TIMER_BOTH
//! \param ui32Event specifies the type of event; must be one of:
//! \return None
TimerEventControl(uint32_t ui32Base, uint32_t ui32Timer, uint32_t ui32Event)
// Check the arguments.
ASSERT((ui32Timer == TIMER_A) || (ui32Timer == TIMER_B) ||
(ui32Timer == TIMER_BOTH));
// Set the event type.
HWREG(ui32Base + GPT_O_CTL) = ((HWREG(ui32Base + GPT_O_CTL) & ~ui32Timer) |
(ui32Event & ui32Timer));
//! \brief Controls the stall handling.
//! This function controls the stall response for the specified timer. If the
//! \e bStall parameter is \b true, then the timer stops counting if the
//! processor enters debug mode; otherwise the timer keeps running while in
//! debug mode.
//! \param ui32Base is the base address of the timer module.
//! \param ui32Timer specifies the timer(s) to be adjusted; must be one of:
//! - \ref TIMER_A
//! - \ref TIMER_B
//! - \ref TIMER_BOTH
//! \param bStall specifies the response to a stall signal.
//! - \c true : Timer stops counting if the processor enters debug mode.
//! - \c false : Timer keeps running if the processor enters debug mode.
//! \return None
extern void TimerStallControl(uint32_t ui32Base, uint32_t ui32Timer,
bool bStall);
//! \brief Controls the wait on trigger handling.
//! This function controls whether or not a timer waits for a trigger input to
//! start counting. When enabled, the previous timer in the trigger chain must
//! count to its timeout in order for this timer to start counting. Refer to
//! the part's data sheet for a description of the trigger chain.
//! \note This function should not be used for Timer 0A or Wide Timer 0A.
//! \param ui32Base is the base address of the timer module.
//! \param ui32Timer specifies the timer(s) to be adjusted; must be one of:
//! - \ref TIMER_A
//! - \ref TIMER_B
//! - \ref TIMER_BOTH
//! \param bWait specifies if the timer should wait for a trigger input.
//! - \c true : Wait for trigger.
//! - \c false : Do not wait for trigger.
//! \return None
extern void TimerWaitOnTriggerControl(uint32_t ui32Base, uint32_t ui32Timer,
bool bWait);
//! \brief Set the timer prescale value.
//! This function configures the value of the timer clock prescaler. The
//! prescaler is only operational when in half-width mode and is used to extend
//! the range of the half-width timer modes.
//! When in one-shot or periodic down count modes, \b ui32Value defines the
//! prescaler for the timer counter. When acting as a true prescaler, the
//! prescaler counts down to 0 before the value in timer registers are incremented.
//! In all other individual/split modes, \b ui32Value is a linear extension of
//! the upper range of the timer counter, holding bits 23:16 in the 16-bit modes
//! of the 16/32-bit timer.
//! \note Because the prescaler counts down to 0 the timer division ratio equals
//! \b ui32Value + 1. E.g. a prescale value of 15 divides the timer rate by 16.
//! \param ui32Base is the base address of the timer module.
//! \param ui32Timer specifies the timer(s) to adjust; must be one of:
//! - \ref TIMER_A
//! - \ref TIMER_B
//! - \ref TIMER_BOTH
//! \param ui32Value is the timer prescale value which must be between 0 and 255
//! (both included).
//! - 0 : Timer division ratio = 1 (disable prescaling).
//! - 1 : Timer division ratio = 2.
//! - ...
//! - 255 : Timer division ratio = 256.
//! \return None
TimerPrescaleSet(uint32_t ui32Base, uint32_t ui32Timer, uint32_t ui32Value)
// Check the arguments.
ASSERT((ui32Timer == TIMER_A) || (ui32Timer == TIMER_B) ||
(ui32Timer == TIMER_BOTH));
ASSERT(ui32Value < 256);
// Set the timer A prescaler if requested.
if(ui32Timer & TIMER_A)
HWREG(ui32Base + GPT_O_TAPR) = ui32Value;
// Set the timer B prescaler if requested.
if(ui32Timer & TIMER_B)
HWREG(ui32Base + GPT_O_TBPR) = ui32Value;
//! \brief Get the timer prescale value.
//! This function gets the value of the timer clock prescaler. The
//! prescaler is only operational when in half-width mode and is used to extend
//! the range of the half-width timer modes.
//! When in one-shot or periodic down count modes, \b ui32Value defines the
//! prescaler for the timer counter. When acting as a true prescaler, the
//! prescaler counts down to 0 before the value in timer registers are incremented.
//! In all other individual/split modes, \b ui32Value is a linear extension of
//! the upper range of the timer counter, holding bits 23:16 in the 16-bit modes
//! of the 16/32-bit timer.
//! \note Because the prescaler counts down to 0 the timer division ratio equals
//! \b ui32Value + 1. E.g. a prescale value of 15 divides the timer rate by 16.
//! \param ui32Base is the base address of the timer module.
//! \param ui32Timer specifies the timer; must be one of:
//! - \ref TIMER_A
//! - \ref TIMER_B
//! \return Returns the value of the timer prescaler.
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t
TimerPrescaleGet(uint32_t ui32Base, uint32_t ui32Timer)
// Check the arguments.
ASSERT((ui32Timer == TIMER_A) || (ui32Timer == TIMER_B) ||
(ui32Timer == TIMER_BOTH));
// Return the appropriate prescale value.
return((ui32Timer == TIMER_A) ? HWREG(ui32Base + GPT_O_TAPR) :
HWREG(ui32Base + GPT_O_TBPR));
//! \brief Set the timer prescale match value.
//! This function configures the value of the input clock prescaler match
//! value. When in a half-width mode that uses the counter match and the
//! prescaler, the prescale match effectively extends the range of the match.
//! The prescaler provides the least significant bits when counting down in
//! periodic and one-shot modes; in all other modes, the prescaler provides the
//! most significant bits.
//! \param ui32Base is the base address of the timer module.
//! \param ui32Timer specifies the timer(s) to adjust; must be one of:
//! - \ref TIMER_A
//! - \ref TIMER_B
//! - \ref TIMER_BOTH
//! \param ui32Value is the timer prescale match value which must be between 0
//! and 255 (both included).
//! \return None
TimerPrescaleMatchSet(uint32_t ui32Base, uint32_t ui32Timer, uint32_t ui32Value)
// Check the arguments.
ASSERT((ui32Timer == TIMER_A) || (ui32Timer == TIMER_B) ||
(ui32Timer == TIMER_BOTH));
ASSERT(ui32Value < 256);
// Set the timer A prescale match if requested.
if(ui32Timer & TIMER_A)
HWREG(ui32Base + GPT_O_TAPMR) = ui32Value;
// Set the timer B prescale match if requested.
if(ui32Timer & TIMER_B)
HWREG(ui32Base + GPT_O_TBPMR) = ui32Value;
//! \brief Get the timer prescale match value.
//! This function gets the value of the input clock prescaler match value.
//! When in a half-width mode that uses the counter match and prescaler, the
//! prescale match effectively extends the range of the match. The prescaler
//! provides the least significant bits when counting down in periodic and
//! one-shot modes; in all other modes, the prescaler provides the most
//! significant bits.
//! \param ui32Base is the base address of the timer module.
//! \param ui32Timer specifies the timer; must be one of:
//! - \ref TIMER_A
//! - \ref TIMER_B
//! \return Returns the value of the timer prescale match.
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t
TimerPrescaleMatchGet(uint32_t ui32Base, uint32_t ui32Timer)
// Check the arguments.
ASSERT((ui32Timer == TIMER_A) || (ui32Timer == TIMER_B));
// Return the appropriate prescale match value.
return((ui32Timer == TIMER_A) ? HWREG(ui32Base + GPT_O_TAPMR) :
HWREG(ui32Base + GPT_O_TBPMR));
//! \brief Sets the timer load value.
//! This function configures the timer load value; if the timer is running then
//! the value is immediately loaded into the timer.
//! \note This function can be used for both full- and half-width modes of
//! 16/32-bit timers.
//! \note Only \ref TIMER_A should be used when the timer is configured for
//! full-width operation.
//! \param ui32Base is the base address of the timer module.
//! \param ui32Timer specifies the timer(s) to adjust; must be one of:
//! - \ref TIMER_A
//! - \ref TIMER_B
//! - \ref TIMER_BOTH
//! \param ui32Value is the load value.
//! \return None
TimerLoadSet(uint32_t ui32Base, uint32_t ui32Timer, uint32_t ui32Value)
// Check the arguments.
ASSERT((ui32Timer == TIMER_A) || (ui32Timer == TIMER_B) ||
(ui32Timer == TIMER_BOTH));
// Set the timer A load value if requested.
if(ui32Timer & TIMER_A)
HWREG(ui32Base + GPT_O_TAILR) = ui32Value;
// Set the timer B load value if requested.
if(ui32Timer & TIMER_B)
HWREG(ui32Base + GPT_O_TBILR) = ui32Value;
//! \brief Gets the timer load value.
//! This function gets the currently programmed interval load value for the
//! specified timer.
//! \note This function can be used for both full- and half-width modes of
//! 16/32-bit timers.
//! \note Only \ref TIMER_A should be used when the timer is configured for
//! full-width operation.
//! \param ui32Base is the base address of the timer module.
//! \param ui32Timer specifies the timer; must be one of:
//! - \ref TIMER_A
//! - \ref TIMER_B
//! \return Returns the load value for the timer
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t
TimerLoadGet(uint32_t ui32Base, uint32_t ui32Timer)
// Check the arguments.
ASSERT((ui32Timer == TIMER_A) || (ui32Timer == TIMER_B));
// Return the appropriate load value.
return((ui32Timer == TIMER_A) ? HWREG(ui32Base + GPT_O_TAILR) :
HWREG(ui32Base + GPT_O_TBILR));
//! \brief Gets the current timer value.
//! This function reads the current value of the specified timer.
//! \note This function can be used for both full- and half-width modes of
//! 16/32-bit timers.
//! \note Only \ref TIMER_A should be used when the timer is configured for
//! full-width operation.
//! \param ui32Base is the base address of the timer module.
//! \param ui32Timer specifies the timer; must be one of:
//! - \ref TIMER_A
//! - \ref TIMER_B
//! \return Returns the current value of the timer.
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t
TimerValueGet(uint32_t ui32Base, uint32_t ui32Timer)
// Check the arguments.
ASSERT((ui32Timer == TIMER_A) || (ui32Timer == TIMER_B));
// Return the appropriate timer value.
return((ui32Timer == TIMER_A) ? HWREG(ui32Base + GPT_O_TAR) :
HWREG(ui32Base + GPT_O_TBR));
//! \brief Sets the timer match value.
//! This function configures the match value for a timer. This value is used
//! in capture count mode to determine when to interrupt the processor and in
//! PWM mode to determine the duty cycle of the output signal. Match interrupts
//! can also be generated in periodic and one-shot modes when the value of the
//! counter matches this register.
//! \note This function can be used for both full- and half-width modes of
//! 16/32-bit timers.
//! \note Only \ref TIMER_A should be used when the timer is configured for
//! full-width operation.
//! \param ui32Base is the base address of the timer module.
//! \param ui32Timer specifies the timer(s) to adjust; must be one of:
//! - \ref TIMER_A
//! - \ref TIMER_B
//! - \ref TIMER_BOTH
//! \param ui32Value is the match value.
//! \return None
TimerMatchSet(uint32_t ui32Base, uint32_t ui32Timer, uint32_t ui32Value)
// Check the arguments.
ASSERT((ui32Timer == TIMER_A) || (ui32Timer == TIMER_B) ||
(ui32Timer == TIMER_BOTH));
// Set the timer A match value if requested.
if(ui32Timer & TIMER_A)
HWREG(ui32Base + GPT_O_TAMATCHR) = ui32Value;
// Set the timer B match value if requested.
if(ui32Timer & TIMER_B)
HWREG(ui32Base + GPT_O_TBMATCHR) = ui32Value;
//! \brief Gets the timer match value.
//! This function gets the match value for the specified timer.
//! \note This function can be used for both full- and half-width modes of
//! 16/32-bit timers.
//! \note Only \ref TIMER_A should be used when the timer is configured for
//! full-width operation.
//! \param ui32Base is the base address of the timer module.
//! \param ui32Timer specifies the timer; must be one of:
//! - \ref TIMER_A
//! - \ref TIMER_B
//! - \ref TIMER_BOTH
//! \return Returns the match value for the timer
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t
TimerMatchGet(uint32_t ui32Base, uint32_t ui32Timer)
// Check the arguments.
ASSERT((ui32Timer == TIMER_A) || (ui32Timer == TIMER_B));
// Return the appropriate match value.
return((ui32Timer == TIMER_A) ? HWREG(ui32Base + GPT_O_TAMATCHR) :
//! \brief Registers an interrupt handler for the timer interrupt.
//! This function registers the handler to be called when a timer interrupt
//! occurs. In addition, this function enables the global interrupt in the
//! interrupt controller; specific timer interrupts must be enabled via
//! \ref TimerIntEnable(). It is the interrupt handler's responsibility to clear
//! the interrupt source via \ref TimerIntClear().
//! \param ui32Base is the base address of the timer module.
//! \param ui32Timer specifies the timer(s); must be one of:
//! - \ref TIMER_A
//! - \ref TIMER_B
//! - \ref TIMER_BOTH
//! \param pfnHandler is a pointer to the function to be called when the timer
//! interrupt occurs.
//! \return None
//! \sa \ref IntRegister() for important information about registering interrupt
//! handlers.
extern void TimerIntRegister(uint32_t ui32Base, uint32_t ui32Timer,
void (*pfnHandler)(void));
//! \brief Unregisters an interrupt handler for the timer interrupt.
//! This function unregisters the handler to be called when a timer interrupt
//! occurs. This function also masks off the interrupt in the interrupt
//! controller so that the interrupt handler is no longer called.
//! \param ui32Base is the base address of the timer module.
//! \param ui32Timer specifies the timer(s); must be one of:
//! - \ref TIMER_A
//! - \ref TIMER_B
//! - \ref TIMER_BOTH
//! \return None
//! \sa \ref IntRegister() for important information about registering interrupt
//! handlers.
extern void TimerIntUnregister(uint32_t ui32Base, uint32_t ui32Timer);
//! \brief Enables individual timer interrupt sources.
//! This function enables the indicated timer interrupt sources. Only the
//! sources that are enabled can be reflected to the processor interrupt;
//! disabled sources have no effect on the processor.
//! \param ui32Base is the base address of the timer module.
//! \param ui32IntFlags is the bit mask of the interrupt sources to be enabled.
//! The parameter must be the bitwise OR of any combination of
//! the following:
//! - \ref TIMER_CAPB_EVENT : Capture B event interrupt.
//! - \ref TIMER_CAPB_MATCH : Capture B match interrupt.
//! - \ref TIMER_TIMB_TIMEOUT : Timer B timeout interrupt.
//! - \ref TIMER_CAPA_EVENT : Capture A event interrupt.
//! - \ref TIMER_CAPA_MATCH : Capture A match interrupt.
//! - \ref TIMER_TIMA_TIMEOUT : Timer A timeout interrupt.
//! \return None
TimerIntEnable(uint32_t ui32Base, uint32_t ui32IntFlags)
// Check the arguments.
// Enable the specified interrupts.
HWREG(ui32Base + GPT_O_IMR) |= ui32IntFlags;
//! \brief Disables individual timer interrupt sources.
//! This function disables the indicated timer interrupt sources. Only the
//! sources that are enabled can be reflected to the processor interrupt;
//! disabled sources have no effect on the processor.
//! \param ui32Base is the base address of the timer module.
//! \param ui32IntFlags is the bit mask of the interrupt sources to be disabled.
//! The parameter must be the bitwise OR of any combination of
//! the following:
//! - \ref TIMER_CAPB_EVENT : Capture B event interrupt.
//! - \ref TIMER_CAPB_MATCH : Capture B match interrupt.
//! - \ref TIMER_TIMB_TIMEOUT : Timer B timeout interrupt.
//! - \ref TIMER_CAPA_EVENT : Capture A event interrupt.
//! - \ref TIMER_CAPA_MATCH : Capture A match interrupt.
//! - \ref TIMER_TIMA_TIMEOUT : Timer A timeout interrupt.
//! \return None
TimerIntDisable(uint32_t ui32Base, uint32_t ui32IntFlags)
// Check the arguments.
// Disable the specified interrupts.
HWREG(ui32Base + GPT_O_IMR) &= ~(ui32IntFlags);
//! \brief Gets the current interrupt status.
//! This function returns the interrupt status for the timer module. Either
//! the raw interrupt status or the status of interrupts that are allowed to
//! reflect to the processor can be returned.
//! \param ui32Base is the base address of the timer module.
//! \param bMasked selects either raw or masked interrupt status:
//! - \c true : Masked interrupt.
//! - \c false : Raw interrupt.
//! \return The current interrupt status, enumerated as a bit field of values:
//! - \ref TIMER_CAPB_EVENT : Capture B event interrupt.
//! - \ref TIMER_CAPB_MATCH : Capture B match interrupt.
//! - \ref TIMER_TIMB_TIMEOUT : Timer B timeout interrupt.
//! - \ref TIMER_CAPA_EVENT : Capture A event interrupt.
//! - \ref TIMER_CAPA_MATCH : Capture A match interrupt.
//! - \ref TIMER_TIMA_TIMEOUT : Timer A timeout interrupt.
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t
TimerIntStatus(uint32_t ui32Base, bool bMasked)
// Check the arguments.
// Return either the interrupt status or the raw interrupt status as
// requested.
return(bMasked ? HWREG(ui32Base + GPT_O_MIS) :
HWREG(ui32Base + GPT_O_RIS));
//! \brief Clears timer interrupt sources.
//! The specified timer interrupt sources are cleared, so that they no longer
//! assert. This function must be called in the interrupt handler to keep the
//! interrupt from being triggered again immediately upon exit.
//! \note Due to write buffers and synchronizers in the system it may take several
//! clock cycles from a register write clearing an event in a module and until the
//! event is actually cleared in the NVIC of the system CPU. It is recommended to
//! clear the event source early in the interrupt service routine (ISR) to allow
//! the event clear to propagate to the NVIC before returning from the ISR.
//! At the same time, an early event clear allows new events of the same type to be
//! pended instead of ignored if the event is cleared later in the ISR.
//! It is the responsibility of the programmer to make sure that enough time has passed
//! before returning from the ISR to avoid false re-triggering of the cleared event.
//! A simple, although not necessarily optimal, way of clearing an event before
//! returning from the ISR is:
//! -# Write to clear event (interrupt source). (buffered write)
//! -# Dummy read from the event source module. (making sure the write has propagated)
//! -# Wait two system CPU clock cycles (user code or two NOPs). (allowing cleared event to propagate through any synchronizers)
//! \param ui32Base is the base address of the timer module.
//! \param ui32IntFlags is a bit mask of the interrupt sources to be cleared.
//! The parameter must be the bitwise OR of any combination of
//! the following:
//! - \ref TIMER_CAPB_EVENT : Capture B event interrupt.
//! - \ref TIMER_CAPB_MATCH : Capture B match interrupt.
//! - \ref TIMER_TIMB_TIMEOUT : Timer B timeout interrupt.
//! - \ref TIMER_CAPA_EVENT : Capture A event interrupt.
//! - \ref TIMER_CAPA_MATCH : Capture A match interrupt.
//! - \ref TIMER_TIMA_TIMEOUT : Timer A timeout interrupt.
//! \return None
TimerIntClear(uint32_t ui32Base, uint32_t ui32IntFlags)
// Check the arguments.
// Clear the requested interrupt sources.
HWREG(ui32Base + GPT_O_ICLR) = ui32IntFlags;
//! \brief Synchronizes the counters in a set of timers.
//! This function synchronizes the counters in a specified set of timers.
//! When a timer is running in half-width mode, each half can be included or
//! excluded in the synchronization event. When a timer is running in
//! full-width mode, only the A timer can be synchronized (specifying the B
//! timer has no effect).
//! \param ui32Base is the base address of the timer module. This parameter must
//! be the base address of Timer0 (in other words, \b GPT0_BASE).
//! \param ui32Timers is the set of timers to synchronize.
//! The parameter is the bitwise OR of any of the following:
//! - \ref TIMER_0A_SYNC
//! - \ref TIMER_0B_SYNC
//! - \ref TIMER_1A_SYNC
//! - \ref TIMER_1B_SYNC
//! - \ref TIMER_2A_SYNC
//! - \ref TIMER_2B_SYNC
//! - \ref TIMER_3A_SYNC
//! - \ref TIMER_3B_SYNC
//! \return None
TimerSynchronize(uint32_t ui32Base, uint32_t ui32Timers)
// Check the arguments.
ASSERT(ui32Base == GPT0_BASE);
// Synchronize the specified timers.
HWREG(ui32Base + GPT_O_SYNC) = ui32Timers;
//! \brief Enables AND'ing of the CCP outputs from Timer A and Timer B.
//! \param ui32Base is the base address of the timer module.
//! \return None
TimerCcpCombineEnable(uint32_t ui32Base)
// Check the arguments
// Set the bit
//! \brief Disables AND'ing of the CCP outputs from Timer A and Timer B.
//! \param ui32Base is the base address of the timer module.
//! \return None
TimerCcpCombineDisable(uint32_t ui32Base)
// Check the arguments
// Clear the bit
//! \brief Sets the Match Register Update mode.
//! This function controls when the Match Register value and Prescale Register value
//! are applied after writing these registers while a timer is enabled.
//! \note If the timer is disabled when setting the update mode the Match Register
//! and Prescale Register values are applied immediately when enabling the timer.
//! \param ui32Base is the base address of the timer module.
//! \param ui32Timer specifies the timer(s) to configure; must be one of:
//! - \ref TIMER_A
//! - \ref TIMER_B
//! - \ref TIMER_BOTH
//! \param ui32Mode sets the mode:
//! - \ref TIMER_MATCHUPDATE_NEXTCYCLE : Apply Match Register and Prescale Register on next clock
//! cycle after writing any of these registers.
//! - \ref TIMER_MATCHUPDATE_TIMEOUT : Apply Match Register and Prescale Register on next timeout
//! after writing any of these registers.
//! \return None
extern void TimerMatchUpdateMode(uint32_t ui32Base, uint32_t ui32Timer, uint32_t ui32Mode);
//! \brief Sets the Interval Load mode.
//! This function controls when the Timer Register and Prescale Snap-shot (if used)
//! are updated.
//! Timer Register (TAR/TBR) is updated when Interval Load Register (TAILR/TBILR) is written
//! and the Prescale Snap-shot (TAPS/TBPS) is updated when Prescale Register (TAPR/TBPR) is
//! written depending on the mode of operation.
//! \param ui32Base is the base address of the timer module.
//! \param ui32Timer specifies the timer(s) to configure; must be one of:
//! - \ref TIMER_A
//! - \ref TIMER_B
//! - \ref TIMER_BOTH
//! \param ui32Mode sets the mode:
//! - \ref TIMER_INTERVALLOAD_NEXTCYCLE : Update Timer Register and Prescale Snap-shot on next clock
//! cycle after writing Interval Load Register or Prescale Register, respectively.
//! - \ref TIMER_INTERVALLOAD_TIMEOUT : Update Timer Register and Prescale Snap-shot on next timeout
//! after writing Interval Load Register or Prescale Register, respectively.
//! \return None
extern void TimerIntervalLoadMode(uint32_t ui32Base, uint32_t ui32Timer, uint32_t ui32Mode);
// Support for DriverLib in ROM:
// Redirect to implementation in ROM when available.
#if !defined(DRIVERLIB_NOROM) && !defined(DOXYGEN)
#include <driverlib/rom.h>
#ifdef ROM_TimerConfigure
#undef TimerConfigure
#define TimerConfigure ROM_TimerConfigure
#ifdef ROM_TimerLevelControl
#undef TimerLevelControl
#define TimerLevelControl ROM_TimerLevelControl
#ifdef ROM_TimerStallControl
#undef TimerStallControl
#define TimerStallControl ROM_TimerStallControl
#ifdef ROM_TimerWaitOnTriggerControl
#undef TimerWaitOnTriggerControl
#define TimerWaitOnTriggerControl ROM_TimerWaitOnTriggerControl
#ifdef ROM_TimerIntRegister
#undef TimerIntRegister
#define TimerIntRegister ROM_TimerIntRegister
#ifdef ROM_TimerIntUnregister
#undef TimerIntUnregister
#define TimerIntUnregister ROM_TimerIntUnregister
#ifdef ROM_TimerMatchUpdateMode
#undef TimerMatchUpdateMode
#define TimerMatchUpdateMode ROM_TimerMatchUpdateMode
#ifdef ROM_TimerIntervalLoadMode
#undef TimerIntervalLoadMode
#define TimerIntervalLoadMode ROM_TimerIntervalLoadMode
// Mark the end of the C bindings section for C++ compilers.
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif // __GPT_H__
//! Close the Doxygen group.
//! @}
//! @}