blob: 09ef8361e5316bb36c7653546c3c1061a4354636 [file] [log] [blame]
Thread Harness Automation Quick Start
#. Install Thread-Test-Harness1.1-Alpha v1.0-Release_40.0
#. Install python 2.7
#. Get the OpenThread and switch to the harness automation path::
git clone
cd openthread/tools/harness-automation
#. Install python libraries dependencies::
pip install -r requirements.txt
#. Update settings.
Just copy the sample and modify according to the comments carefully::
cp autothreadharness/ autothreadharness/
Run single case
# bash
./ Router_5_1_1
# windows command line
start.bat Router_5_1_1
Run all cases
# bash
# windows command line
This will record the results in result.json, so that you can continue running cases once broken. You can also get help information with argument -h or --help.
List devices
# bash
./ -l
# windows command line
start.bat -l
Check single device
# bash
./ -l COM28
# windows command line
start.bat -l COM28
Get Help
# bash
./ -h
# windows command line
start.bat -h