blob: 41f21f6fa43df30a5071793d4dd9fb4a6ae984ec [file] [log] [blame]
* tcp_s.h for HP-UX 10.30 and above
* This header file defines the TCP connection structure, tpc_s, for lsof.
* Lsof gets the parameters of a TCP connection from tcp_s. Lsof locates a
* tcp_s structure by scanning the queue structure chain of a TCP stream,
* looking for a queue structure whose module name begins with TCP; that queue
* structure's private data pointer, q_ptr, addresses its associated tcp_s
* structure.
* V. Abell
* February, 1998
#if !defined(LSOF_TCP_S_H)
#define LSOF_TCP_S_H
#include "kernbits.h"
#include <sys/types.h>
#define TCPS_CLOSED -6
#define TCPS_IDLE -5
#define TCPS_BOUND -4
#define TCPS_LISTEN -3
#define TCPS_SYN_SENT -2
#define TCPS_SYN_RCVD -1
#define TCPS_FIN_WAIT_1 2
#define TCPS_CLOSING 3
#define TCPS_LAST_ACK 4
#define TCPS_FIN_WAIT_2 5
#define TCPS_TIME_WAIT 6
typedef struct iph_s { /* IP header */
u_char iph_version_and_hdr_length;
u_char iph_type_of_service;
u_char iph_length[2];
u_char iph_ident[2];
u_char iph_fragment_offset_and_flags[2];
u_char iph_ttl;
u_char iph_protocol;
u_char iph_hdr_checksum[2];
u_char iph_src[4]; /* source IP address */
u_char iph_dst[4]; /* destination IP address */
} iph_t;
typedef struct ipha_s {
u_char ipha_version_and_hdr_length;
u_char ipha_type_of_service;
uint16_t ipha_length;
uint16_t ipha_ident;
uint16_t ipha_fragment_offset_and_flags;
u_char ipha_ttl;
u_char ipha_protocol;
uint16_t ipha_hdr_checksum;
uint32_t ipha_src;
uint32_t ipha_dst;
} ipha_t;
typedef struct tcphdr_s {
uint16_t th_lport; /* local port */
uint16_t th_fport; /* foreign port */
u_char th_seq[4];
u_char th_ack[4];
u_char th_offset_and_rsrvd[1];
u_char th_flags[1];
u_char th_win[2];
u_char th_sum[2];
u_char th_urp[2];
} tcph_t;
typedef struct tcpsb {
uint32_t tcpsb_start;
uint32_t tcpsb_end;
} tcpsb_t;
typedef struct tcp_s {
int tcp_state; /* connection state */
KA_T tcp_rq;
KA_T tcp_wq;
KA_T tcp_xmit_head;
KA_T tcp_xmit_last;
uint tcp_unsent;
KA_T tcp_xmit_tail;
uint tcp_xmit_tail_unsent;
uint32_t tcp_snxt; /* send: next sequence number */
uint32_t tcp_suna; /* send: unacknowledged sequence nr */
uint tcp_swnd; /* send: window size */
uint tcp_swnd_shift;
uint tcp_cwnd;
u_long tcp_ibsegs;
u_long tcp_obsegs;
uint tcp_mss;
uint tcp_naglim;
int tcp_hdr_len; /* TCP header length */
int tcp_wroff_extra;
KA_T tcp_tcph; /* pointer to TCP header structure */
int tcp_tcp_hdr_len;
uint tcp_valid_bits;
int tcp_xmit_hiwater;
KA_T tcp_flow_mp;
int tcp_ms_we_have_waited;
KA_T tcp_timer_mp;
uint tcp_timer_interval;
tcp_urp_old : 1,
tcp_urp_sig_sent : 1,
tcp_hard_binding : 1,
tcp_hard_bound : 1,
tcp_priv_stream : 1,
tcp_fin_acked : 1,
tcp_fin_rcvd : 1,
tcp_fin_sent : 1,
tcp_ordrel_done : 1,
tcp_flow_stopped : 1,
tcp_detached : 1,
tcp_bind_pending : 1,
tcp_unbind_pending : 1,
tcp_use_ts_opts : 1,
tcp_reader_active : 1,
tcp_lingering : 1, /* SO_LINGER */
tcp_no_bind : 1,
tcp_sack_permitted : 1,
tcp_rexmitting : 1,
tcp_fast_rexmitting : 1,
tcp_ooofin_seen : 1,
tcp_smooth_rtt : 1,
tcp_main_flags_fill : 10;
tcp_so_debug : 1, /* SO_DEBUG */
tcp_dontroute : 1, /* SO_DONTROUTE */
tcp_broadcast : 1, /* SO_BROADCAST */
tcp_useloopback : 1, /* SO_USELOOPBACK */
tcp_reuseaddr : 1, /* SO_REUSEADDR */
tcp_reuseport : 1, /* SO_REUSEPORT */
tcp_oobinline : 1, /* SO_OOBONLINE */
tcp_xmit_hiwater_set : 1,
tcp_xmit_lowater_set : 1,
tcp_recv_hiwater_set : 1,
tcp_no_window_shift : 1,
tcp_window_shift_set : 1,
tcp_keepalive_kills : 1,
tcp_option_flags_fill : 19;
uint tcp_dupack_cnt;
uint32_t tcp_smax;
uint32_t tcp_rnxt;
uint tcp_rwnd; /* read: window size */
uint tcp_rwnd_shift;
uint tcp_rwnd_max;
int tcp_credit;
int tcp_credit_init;
KA_T tcp_reass_head;
KA_T tcp_reass_tail;
KA_T tcp_rcv_head;
KA_T tcp_rcv_tail;
uint tcp_rcv_cnt;
uint tcp_rcv_threshold;
uint tcp_cwnd_ssthresh;
uint tcp_cwnd_bytes_acked;
uint tcp_cwnd_max;
uint tcp_cwnd_init;
int tcp_rto;
int tcp_rtt_sa;
int tcp_rtt_sd;
uint tcp_swl1;
uint tcp_swl2;
uint32_t tcp_rack; /* read: acknowledged sequent number */
uint tcp_rack_cnt;
uint tcp_rack_cur_max;
uint tcp_rack_abs_max;
KA_T tcp_ts_ptr;
uint32_t tcp_ts_updated;
uint tcp_max_swnd;
uint tcp_sack_cnt;
tcpsb_t tcp_sack_blocks[4];
KA_T tcp_listener;
int tcp_xmit_lowater;
uint32_t tcp_irs;
uint32_t tcp_iss;
uint32_t tcp_fss;
uint32_t tcp_urg;
uint32_t tcp_ooofin_seq;
int tcp_ip_hdr_len;
int tcp_first_timer_threshold;
int tcp_second_timer_threshold;
uint32_t tcp_zero_win_suna;
int tcp_first_ctimer_threshold;
int tcp_second_ctimer_threshold;
int tcp_linger; /* SO_LINGER interval */
KA_T tcp_urp_mp;
KA_T tcp_eager_next;
KA_T tcp_eager_prev;
KA_T tcp_eager_data;
KA_T tcp_conn_ind_mp;
uint tcp_conn_ind_cnt;
uint tcp_conn_ind_max;
uint tcp_conn_ind_seqnum;
KA_T tcp_conn_ind_list;
KA_T tcp_pre_conn_ind_list;
int tcp_keepalive_intrvl; /* SO_KEEPALIVE interval */
int tcp_keepalive_detached_intrvl;
KA_T tcp_keepalive_mp;
int tcp_client_errno;
union {
iph_t tcp_u_iph; /* IP header */
ipha_t tcp_u_ipha;
char tcp_u_buf[128];
double tcp_u_aligner;
} tcp_u;
uint32_t tcp_sum;
uint32_t tcp_remote;
uint32_t tcp_bound_source;
uint tcp_last_sent_len;
KA_T tcp_cookie;
KA_T tcp_hnext_port;
KA_T tcp_ptphn_port;
KA_T tcp_hnext_listener;
KA_T tcp_ptphn_listener;
KA_T tcp_hnext_established;
KA_T tcp_ptphn_established;
uint tcp_mirg;
KA_T tcp_readers_next;
KA_T tcp_readers_ptpn;
} tcp_s_t;
#endif /* !defined(LSOF_TCP_S_H) */