blob: bd866fef84f3eb93db718bd42f9ec74193a03230 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "ckcsym.h"
char *connv = "CONNECT Command for UNIX:fork(), 8.0.114, 29 Nov 2002";
/* C K U C O N -- Terminal connection to remote system, for UNIX */
Author: Frank da Cruz <>,
Columbia University Academic Information Systems, New York City.
Copyright (C) 1985, 2004,
Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York.
All rights reserved. See the C-Kermit COPYING.TXT file or the
copyright text in the ckcmai.c module for disclaimer and permissions.
NOTE: This module has been superseded on most platforms by ckucns.c, which
uses select() rather than fork() for multiplexing its i/o. This module
is still needed for platforms that do not support select(), and also for
its X.25 support. Although the two modules share large amounts of code,
their structure is radically different and therefore attempts at merging
them have so far been unsuccessful. (November 1998.)
Special thanks to Eduard Vopicka, Prague University of Economics,
Czech Republic, for valuable contributions to this module in July 1994,
and to Neal P. Murphy of the Motorola Cellular Infrastructure Group in 1996
for rearranging the code to allow operation on the BeBox, yet still work
in regular UNIX.
#include "ckcdeb.h" /* Common things first */
#ifndef NOLOCAL
static double time_started = 0.0;
#include <kernel/OS.h>
_PROTOTYP( static long concld, (void *) );
_PROTOTYP( static VOID concld, (void) );
#endif /* BEOSORBEBOX */
#ifdef NEXT
#undef NSIG
#include <sys/wait.h> /* For wait() */
#endif /* NEXT */
#include <signal.h> /* Signals */
#include <errno.h> /* Error numbers */
#ifdef ZILOG /* Longjumps */
#include <setret.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#endif /* ZILOG */
#include "ckcsig.h"
/* Kermit-specific includes */
#include "ckcasc.h" /* ASCII characters */
#include "ckcker.h" /* Kermit things */
#include "ckucmd.h" /* For xxesc() prototype */
#include "ckcnet.h" /* Network symbols */
#ifndef NOCSETS
#include "ckcxla.h" /* Character set translation */
#endif /* NOCSETS */
/* Internal function prototypes */
_PROTOTYP( VOID ttflux, (void) );
_PROTOTYP( VOID doesc, (char) );
_PROTOTYP( VOID logchar, (char) );
_PROTOTYP( int hconne, (void) );
#ifndef NOSHOW
_PROTOTYP( VOID shomdm, (void) );
#endif /* NOSHOW */
_PROTOTYP( static int kbget, (void) );
_PROTOTYP( static int pipemsg, (int) );
_PROTOTYP( static int ckcputf, (void) );
_PROTOTYP( static VOID ck_sndmsg, (void) );
For inter-fork signaling. Normally we use SIGUSR1, except on SCO, where
we use SIGUSR2 because SIGUSR1 is used by the system. You can define
CK_FORK_SIG to be whatever other signal you might want to use at compile
time. We don't use SIGUSR2 everywhere because in some systems, like
UnixWare, the default action for SIGUSR2 is to kill the process that gets it.
#ifndef CK_FORK_SIG
#ifndef SIGUSR1 /* User-defined signals */
#define SIGUSR1 30
#endif /* SIGUSR1 */
#ifndef SIGUSR2
#define SIGUSR2 31
#endif /* SIGUSR2 */
#ifdef M_UNIX
#define CK_FORK_SIG SIGUSR2 /* SCO - use SIGUSR2 */
#define CK_FORK_SIG SIGUSR1 /* Others - use SIGUSR1 */
#endif /* M_UNIX */
#endif /* CK_FORK_SIG */
/* External variables */
extern struct ck_p ptab[];
extern int local, escape, duplex, parity, flow, seslog, sessft, debses,
mdmtyp, ttnproto, cmask, cmdmsk, network, nettype, deblog, sosi, tnlm,
xitsta, what, ttyfd, ttpipe, quiet, backgrd, pflag, tt_crd, tn_nlm, ttfdflg,
tt_escape, justone, carrier, hwparity;
extern long speed;
extern char ttname[], sesfil[], myhost[], *ccntab[];
#ifdef TNCODE
extern int tn_b_nlm, tn_rem_echo;
#endif /* TNCODE */
extern char * tt_trigger[], * triggerval;
#endif /* CK_TRIGGER */
extern int nopush;
#ifdef CK_APC
extern int apcactive; /* Application Program Command (APC) */
extern int apcstatus; /* items ... */
static int apclength = 0;
#ifdef DCMDBUF
extern char *apcbuf;
extern char apcbuf[];
#endif /* DCMDBUF */
static int apcbuflen = APCBUFLEN - 2;
extern int protocol; /* Auto download */
#endif /* CK_APC */
extern int autodl;
#ifdef CK_AUTODL
extern CHAR ksbuf[];
#endif /* CK_AUTODL */
#ifdef CK_XYZ
static int zmdlok = 1; /* Zmodem autodownloads available */
static int zmdlok = 0; /* Depends on external protocol def */
#endif /* XYZ_INTERNAL */
static int zmdlok = 0; /* Not available at all */
#endif /* CK_XYZ */
#ifndef NOSETKEY /* Keyboard mapping */
extern KEY *keymap; /* Single-character key map */
extern MACRO *macrotab; /* Key macro pointer table */
static MACRO kmptr = NULL; /* Pointer to current key macro */
#endif /* NOSETKEY */
/* Global variables local to this module */
static int
quitnow = 0, /* <esc-char>Q was typed */
jbset = 0, /* Flag whether jmp buf is set. */
dohangup = 0, /* <esc-char>H was typed */
sjval, /* Setjump return value */
goterr = 0, /* Fork/pipe creation error flag */
inshift = 0, /* SO/SI shift states */
outshift = 0;
int active = 0; /* Lower fork active flag */
static PID_T parent_id = (PID_T)0; /* Process ID of keyboard fork */
static char ecbuf[10], *ecbp; /* Escape char buffer & pointer */
#ifdef CK_SMALL
#define IBUFL 1536 /* Input buffer length */
#define IBUFL 4096
#endif /* CK_SMALL */
static int obc = 0; /* Output buffer count */
#ifndef OXOS
#define OBUFL 1024 /* Output buffer length */
#endif /* OXOS */
#define TMPLEN 4096 /* Temporary message buffer length */
#define TMPLEN 200
#endif /* BIGBUFOK */
#ifdef DYNAMIC
static char *ibuf = NULL, *obuf = NULL, *temp = NULL; /* Buffers */
static char ibuf[IBUFL], obuf[OBUFL], temp[TMPLEN];
#endif /* DYNAMIC */
#ifdef DYNAMIC
static char *ibp; /* Input buffer pointer */
static char *ibp = ibuf; /* Input buffer pointer */
#endif /*DYNAMIC */
static int ibc = 0; /* Input buffer count */
#ifdef DYNAMIC
static char *obp; /* Output buffer pointer */
static char *obp = obuf; /* Output buffer pointer */
#endif /* DYNAMIC */
/* X.25 items */
#ifdef ANYX25
static char *p; /* General purpose pointer */
char x25ibuf[MAXIX25]; /* Input buffer */
char x25obuf[MAXOX25]; /* Output buffer */
int ibufl; /* Length of input buffer */
int obufl; /* Length of output buffer */
unsigned char tosend = 0;
int linkid, lcn;
static int dox25clr = 0;
#ifndef IBMX25
extern CHAR padparms[];
#endif /* IBMX25 */
#endif /* ANYX25 */
static int xpipe[2] = {-1, -1}; /* Pipe descriptor for child-parent messages */
static PID_T pid = (PID_T) 0; /* Process ID of child */
/* Character-set items */
static int unicode = 0;
static int
escseq = 0, /* 1 = Recognizer is active */
inesc = 0, /* State of sequence recognizer */
oldesc = -1; /* Previous state of recognizer */
#define OUTXBUFSIZ 15
static CHAR inxbuf[OUTXBUFSIZ+1]; /* Host-to-screen expansion buffer */
static int inxcount = 0; /* and count */
static CHAR outxbuf[OUTXBUFSIZ+1]; /* Keyboard-to-host expansion buf */
static int outxcount = 0; /* and count */
#ifndef NOCSETS
#ifdef CK_ANSIC /* ANSI C prototypes... */
extern CHAR (*xls[MAXTCSETS+1][MAXFCSETS+1])(CHAR); /* Character set */
extern CHAR (*xlr[MAXTCSETS+1][MAXFCSETS+1])(CHAR); /* translation functions */
static CHAR (*sxo)(CHAR); /* Local translation functions */
static CHAR (*rxo)(CHAR); /* for output (sending) terminal chars */
static CHAR (*sxi)(CHAR); /* and for input (receiving) terminal chars. */
static CHAR (*rxi)(CHAR);
#else /* Not ANSI C... */
extern CHAR (*xls[MAXTCSETS+1][MAXFCSETS+1])(); /* Character set */
extern CHAR (*xlr[MAXTCSETS+1][MAXFCSETS+1])(); /* translation functions. */
static CHAR (*sxo)(); /* Local translation functions */
static CHAR (*rxo)(); /* for output (sending) terminal chars */
static CHAR (*sxi)(); /* and for input (receiving) terminal chars. */
static CHAR (*rxi)();
#endif /* CK_ANSIC */
extern int language; /* Current language. */
static int langsv; /* For remembering language setting. */
extern struct csinfo fcsinfo[]; /* File character set info. */
extern int tcsr, tcsl; /* Terminal character sets, remote & local. */
static int tcs; /* Intermediate ("transfer") character set. */
static int tcssize = 0; /* Size of tcs */
#ifdef UNICODE /* UTF-8 support */
#ifdef CK_ANSIC
extern int (*xl_ufc[MAXFCSETS+1])(USHORT); /* Unicode to FCS */
extern USHORT (*xl_fcu[MAXFCSETS+1])(CHAR); /* FCS to Unicode */
extern int (*xuf)(USHORT); /* Translation function UCS to FCS */
extern USHORT (*xfu)(CHAR); /* Translation function FCS to UCS */
extern int (*xl_ufc[MAXFCSETS+1])();
extern USHORT (*xl_fcu[MAXFCSETS+1])();
extern int (*xuf)();
extern USHORT (*xfu)();
#endif /* CK_ANSIC */
#endif /* UNICODE */
#endif /* NOCSETS */
We do not need to parse and recognize escape sequences if we are being built
without character-set support AND without APC support.
#ifdef NOCSETS /* No character sets */
#ifndef CK_APC /* No APC */
#ifndef NOESCSEQ
#define NOESCSEQ /* So no escape sequence recognizer */
#endif /* NOESCSEQ */
#endif /* CK_APC */
#endif /* NOCSETS */
/* Child process events and messages */
#define CEV_NO 0 /* No event */
#define CEV_HUP 1 /* Communications hangup */
#define CEV_PAD 2 /* X.25 - change PAD parameters */
#define CEV_DUP 3 /* Toggle duplex */
#define CEV_APC 4 /* Execute APC */
#ifdef TNCODE
#define CEV_MEBIN 5 /* Change of me_binary */
#define CEV_UBIN 6 /* Change of u_binary */
#endif /* TNCODE */
#define CEV_ADL 7 /* Autodownload */
#define CEV_AUL 8 /* Autoupload */
#define CEV_TRI 9 /* Trigger string */
#define chkaes(x) 0
As of edit 178, the CONNECT command skips past ANSI escape sequences to
avoid translating the characters within them. This allows the CONNECT
command to work correctly with a host that uses a 7-bit ISO 646 national
character set, in which characters like '[' would normally be translated
into accented characters, ruining the terminal's interpretation (and
generation) of escape sequences.
As of edit 190, the CONNECT command responds to APC escape sequences
(ESC _ text ESC \) if the user SETs TERMINAL APC ON or UNCHECKED, and the
program was built with CK_APC defined.
Non-ANSI/ISO-compliant escape sequences are not handled.
/* States for the escape-sequence recognizer. */
#define ES_NORMAL 0 /* Normal, not in an escape sequence */
#define ES_GOTESC 1 /* Current character is ESC */
#define ES_ESCSEQ 2 /* Inside an escape sequence */
#define ES_GOTCSI 3 /* Inside a control sequence */
#define ES_STRING 4 /* Inside DCS,OSC,PM, or APC string */
#define ES_TERMIN 5 /* 1st char of string terminator */
ANSI escape sequence handling. Only the 7-bit form is treated, because
translation is not a problem in the 8-bit environment, in which all GL
characters are ASCII and no translation takes place. So we don't check
for the 8-bit single-character versions of CSI, DCS, OSC, APC, or ST.
Here is the ANSI sequence recognizer state table, followed by the code
that implements it.
CAN = Cancel 01/08 Ctrl-X
SUB = Substitute 01/10 Ctrl-Z
DCS = Device Control Sequence 01/11 05/00 ESC P
CSI = Control Sequence Introducer 01/11 05/11 ESC [
ST = String Terminator 01/11 05/12 ESC \
OSC = Operating System Command 01/11 05/13 ESC ]
PM = Privacy Message 01/11 05/14 ESC ^
APC = Application Program Command 01/11 05/15 ESC _
ANSI escape sequence recognizer:
State Input New State ; Commentary
NORMAL (start) ; Start in NORMAL state
(any) CAN NORMAL ; ^X cancels
(any) SUB NORMAL ; ^Z cancels
NORMAL ESC GOTESC ; Begin escape sequence
NORMAL other ; NORMAL control or graphic character
GOTESC ESC ; Start again
GOTESC P STRING ; DCS introducer, consume through ST
GOTESC ] STRING ; OSC introducer, consume through ST
GOTESC ^ STRING ; PM introducer, consume through ST
GOTESC _ STRING ; APC introducer, consume through ST
GOTESC 0..~ NORMAL ; 03/00 through 17/14 = Final character
GOTESC other ESCSEQ ; Intermediate or ignored control character
ESCSEQ 0..~ NORMAL ; 03/00 through 17/14 = Final character
ESCSEQ other ; Intermediate or ignored control character
GOTCSI @..~ NORMAL ; 04/00 through 17/14 = Final character
GOTCSI other ; Intermediate char or ignored control char
STRING other ; Consume all else
TERMIN \ NORMAL ; End of string
TERMIN other STRING ; Still in string
chkaes() -- Check ANSI Escape Sequence.
Call with EACH character in input stream.
Sets global inesc variable according to escape sequence state.
Returns 0 normally, 1 if an APC sequence is to be executed.
#ifdef CK_ANSIC
chkaes(char c)
chkaes(c) char c;
#endif /* CK_ANSIC */
/* chkaes */ {
oldesc = inesc; /* Remember previous state */
if (c == CAN || c == SUB) /* CAN and SUB cancel any sequence */
inesc = ES_NORMAL;
else /* Otherwise */
switch (inesc) { /* enter state switcher */
case ES_NORMAL: /* NORMAL state */
if (c == ESC) /* Got an ESC */
inesc = ES_GOTESC; /* Change state to GOTESC */
break; /* Otherwise stay in NORMAL state */
case ES_GOTESC: /* GOTESC state */
if (c == '[') /* Left bracket after ESC is CSI */
inesc = ES_GOTCSI; /* Change to GOTCSI state */
else if (c == 'P' || (c > 0134 && c < 0140)) { /* P, [, ^, or _ */
inesc = ES_STRING; /* Switch to STRING-absorption state */
#ifdef CK_APC
if (c == '_' && pid == 0 && /* APC handled in child only */
(apcstatus & APC_ON)) { /* and only if not disabled. */
debug(F100,"CONNECT APC begin","",0);
apcactive = APC_REMOTE; /* Set APC-Active flag */
apclength = 0; /* and reset APC buffer pointer */
#endif /* CK_APC */
} else if (c > 057 && c < 0177) /* Final character '0' thru '~' */
inesc = ES_NORMAL; /* Back to normal */
else if (c != ESC) /* ESC in an escape sequence... */
inesc = ES_ESCSEQ; /* starts a new escape sequence */
break; /* Intermediate or ignored ctrl char */
case ES_ESCSEQ: /* ESCSEQ -- in an escape sequence */
if (c > 057 && c < 0177) /* Final character '0' thru '~' */
inesc = ES_NORMAL; /* Return to NORMAL state. */
else if (c == ESC) /* ESC ... */
inesc = ES_GOTESC; /* starts a new escape sequence */
break; /* Intermediate or ignored ctrl char */
case ES_GOTCSI: /* GOTCSI -- In a control sequence */
if (c > 077 && c < 0177) /* Final character '@' thru '~' */
inesc = ES_NORMAL; /* Return to NORMAL. */
else if (c == ESC) /* ESC ... */
inesc = ES_GOTESC; /* starts over. */
break; /* Intermediate or ignored ctrl char */
case ES_STRING: /* Inside a string */
if (c == ESC) /* ESC may be 1st char of terminator */
inesc = ES_TERMIN; /* Go see. */
#ifdef CK_APC
else if (apcactive && (apclength < apcbuflen)) /* If in APC, */
apcbuf[apclength++] = c; /* deposit this character. */
else { /* Buffer overrun */
apcactive = 0; /* Discard what we got */
apclength = 0; /* and go back to normal */
apcbuf[0] = 0; /* Not pretty, but what else */
inesc = ES_NORMAL; /* can we do? (ST might not come) */
#endif /* CK_APC */
break; /* Absorb all other characters. */
case ES_TERMIN: /* May have a string terminator */
if (c == '\\') { /* which must be backslash */
inesc = ES_NORMAL; /* If so, back to NORMAL */
#ifdef CK_APC
if (apcactive) { /* If it was an APC string, */
debug(F101,"CONNECT APC terminated","",c);
apcbuf[apclength] = NUL; /* terminate it and then ... */
#endif /* CK_APC */
} else { /* Otherwise */
inesc = ES_STRING; /* Back to string absorption. */
#ifdef CK_APC
if (apcactive && (apclength+1 < apcbuflen)) { /* In APC string */
apcbuf[apclength++] = ESC; /* deposit the Esc character */
apcbuf[apclength++] = c; /* and this character too */
#endif /* CK_APC */
#endif /* NOESCSEQ */
/* Connect state parent/child communication signal handlers */
/* Routines used by the child process */
static int
pipemsg(n) int n; { /* Send message ID to parent */
int code = n & 255;
return(write(xpipe[1], &code, sizeof(code)));
/* Environment pointer for CK_FORK_SIG signal handling in child... */
static sigjmp_buf sig_env;
static jmp_buf sig_env;
#endif /* CK_POSIX_SIG */
static SIGTYP /* CK_FORK_SIG handling in child ... */
forkint(foo) int foo; {
/* It is important to disable CK_FORK_SIG before longjmp */
signal(CK_FORK_SIG, SIG_IGN); /* Set to ignore CK_FORK_SIG */
debug(F100,"CONNECT forkint - CK_FORK_SIG", "", 0);
/* Force return from ck_sndmsg() */
cklongjmp(sig_env, 1);
static VOID
ck_sndmsg() { /* Executed by child only ... */
debug(F100,"CONNECT ck_sndmsg, active", "", active);
if (
#endif /* CK_POSIX_SIG */
== 0) {
debug(F100,"CONNECT ck_sndmsg signaling parent","",0);
signal(CK_FORK_SIG, forkint); /* Set up signal handler */
kill(parent_id, CK_FORK_SIG); /* Kick the parent */
debug(F100,"ck_sndmsg pausing","",0);
for (;;) pause(); /* Wait for CK_FORK_SIG or SIGKILL */
/* We come here from forkint() via [sig]cklongjmp(sig_env,1) */
debug(F100,"CONNECT ck_sndmsg is parent - returning", "", 0);
/* Routines used by the parent process */
#ifdef CK_POSIX_SIG /* Environment pointer for CONNECT errors */
static sigjmp_buf con_env;
static jmp_buf con_env;
#endif /* CK_POSIX_SIG */
pipeint() handles CK_FORK_SIG signals from the lower (port) fork.
It reads a function code from the pipe that connects the two forks,
then reads additional data from the pipe, then handles it.
static SIGTYP
pipeint(arg) int arg; { /* Dummy argument */
int code, cx, x, i /* , n */ ;
#ifndef NOCCTRAP
extern ckjmpbuf cmjbuf;
#endif /* NOCCTRAP */
IMPORTANT: At this point, the child fork is waiting for CK_FORK_SIG
(eventually for SIGKILL) inside of ck_sndmsg(). So we can't get any
subsequent CK_FORK_SIG from child before we send it CK_FORK_SIG.
signal(CK_FORK_SIG, SIG_IGN); /* Ignore CK_FORK_SIG now */
debug(F101,"CONNECT pipeint arg","",arg);
read(xpipe[0], &code, sizeof(code)); /* Get function code from pipe */
debug(F101,"CONNECT pipeint code","",code);
cx = code & 255; /* 8-bit version of function code */
#ifndef NOCCTRAP
#ifndef NOICP
#endif /* NOICP */
#endif /* NOCCTRAP */
Read info passed back up to us by the lower fork, depending on the function
requested. The same number of items must be read from the pipe in the same
order as the lower fork put them there. Trying to read something that's not
there makes the program hang uninterruptibly. Pay close attention -- notice
how we fall through some of the cases rather than break; that's deliberate.
switch (cx) {
case CEV_TRI: /* Trigger string */
debug(F100,"CONNECT trigger","",0);
read(xpipe[0], (char *)&i, sizeof(i)); /* Trigger index */
debug(F101,"CONNECT trigger index","",i);
makestr(&triggerval,tt_trigger[i]); /* Make a copy of the trigger */
debug(F110,"CONNECT triggerval",triggerval,0);
read(xpipe[0], (char *)&ibc, sizeof(ibc)); /* Copy child's */
debug(F101,"CONNECT trigger ibc (upper)","",ibc); /* input buffer. */
if (ibc > 0) {
read(xpipe[0], (char *)&ibp, sizeof(ibp));
read(xpipe[0], ibp, ibc);
/* Fall thru... */
#endif /* CK_TRIGGER */
case CEV_HUP:
The CEV_HUP case is executed when the other side has hung up on us.
In some cases, this happens before we have had a chance to execute the
setjmp(con_env,1) call, and in that case we'd better not take the longjmp!
A good example is when you TELNET to port 13 on the local host; it prints
its asctime() string (26 chars) and then closes the connection.
if (cx == CEV_TRI)
sjval = CEV_TRI; /* Set global variable. */
#endif /* CK_TRIGGER */
sjval = CEV_HUP;
if (jbset) { /* jmp_buf is initialized */
cklongjmp(con_env,sjval); /* so do the right thing. */
} else {
int x = 0;
/* jmp_buf not init'd yet a close approximation... */
if (cx == CEV_HUP)
#endif /* CK_TRIGGER */
ttclos(0); /* Close our end of the connection */
if (pid) {
debug(F101,"CONNECT trigger killing pid","",pid);
long ret_val;
x = kill(pid,SIGKILLTHR); /* Kill lower fork */
wait_for_thread (pid, &ret_val);
#ifdef Plan9
x = kill(pid, SIGKILL); /* (should always use this really) */
x = kill(pid,9); /* Kill lower fork (history) */
#endif /* Plan9 */
wait((WAIT_T *)0); /* Wait till gone. */
if (x < 0) {
printf("ERROR: Failure to kill pid %ld: %s, errno=%d\n",
(long) pid, ck_errstr(), errno);
debug(F111,"CONNECT error killing stale pid",
pid = (PID_T) 0;
#endif /* BEOSORBEBOX */
conres(); /* Reset the console. */
if (!quiet) {
printf("\r\n(Back at %s)\r\n",
*myhost ? myhost :
#ifdef UNIX
"local UNIX system"
"local system"
#endif /* UNIX */
what = W_NOTHING; /* So console modes are set right. */
printf("\r\n"); /* prevent prompt-stomping */
cklongjmp(cmjbuf,0); /* Do what the Ctrl-C handler does */
printf("\r\nLongjump failure - fatal\r\n");
doexit(GOOD_EXIT,-1); /* Better than dumping core... */
#endif /* USECCJMPBUF */
#endif /* USECCJMPBUF */
case CEV_DUP: /* Child sends duplex change */
read(xpipe[0], (char *)&duplex, sizeof(duplex));
debug(F101,"CONNECT pipeint duplex","",duplex);
#ifdef TNCODE
case CEV_MEBIN: /* Child sends me_binary change */
debug(F101,"CONNECT pipeint me_binary","",TELOPT_ME(TELOPT_BINARY));
case CEV_UBIN: /* Child sends u_binary change */
debug(F101,"CONNECT pipeint u_binary","",TELOPT_U(TELOPT_BINARY));
#endif /* TNCODE */
#ifdef CK_APC
case CEV_AUL: /* Autoupload */
justone = 1;
debug(F100,"CONNECT autoupload at parent","",0);
#ifdef CK_AUTODL
case CEV_ADL: /* Autodownload */
apcactive = APC_LOCAL;
if (!justone) debug(F100,"CONNECT autodownload at parent","",0);
/* Copy child's Kermit packet if any */
read(xpipe[0], (char *)&x, sizeof(x));
debug(F101,"CONNECT trigger ibc (upper)","",ibc);
if (x > 0)
read(xpipe[0], (char *)ksbuf, x+1);
#endif /* CK_AUTODL */
case CEV_APC: /* Application Program Command */
read(xpipe[0], (char *)&apclength, sizeof(apclength));
read(xpipe[0], apcbuf, apclength+1); /* Include trailing zero byte */
debug(F111,"CONNECT APC at parent",apcbuf,apclength);
read(xpipe[0], (char *)&ibc, sizeof(ibc)); /* Copy child's */
if (ibc > 0) { /* input buffer. */
read(xpipe[0], (char *)&ibp, sizeof(ibp));
read(xpipe[0], ibp, ibc);
obc = 0; obp = obuf; *obuf = NUL; /* Because port fork flushed */
sjval = CEV_APC;
#endif /* CK_APC */
#ifdef SUNX25
case CEV_PAD: /* X.25 PAD parameter change */
debug(F100,"CONNECT pipeint PAD change","",0);
sjval = CEV_PAD; /* Set global variable. */
#ifdef COMMENT /* We might not need to do this... */
#else /* COMMENT */
#endif /* COMMENT */
#endif /* SUNX25 */
signal(CK_FORK_SIG, pipeint); /* Set up signal handler */
kill(pid, CK_FORK_SIG); /* Signal the port fork ... */
/* C K C P U T C -- C-Kermit CONNECT Put Character to Screen */
Output is buffered to avoid slow screen writes on fast connections.
NOTE: These could (easily?) become macros ...
static int
ckcputf() { /* Dump the output buffer */
int x = 0;
if (obc > 0) /* If we have any characters, */
x = conxo(obc,obuf); /* dump them, */
obp = obuf; /* reset the pointer */
obc = 0; /* and the counter. */
return(x); /* Return conxo's return code */
ckcputc(c) int c; {
int x;
*obp++ = c & 0xff; /* Deposit the character */
obc++; /* Count it */
if (ibc == 0 || /* If input buffer about empty */
obc == OBUFL) { /* or output buffer full */
debug(F101,"CONNECT CKCPUTC obc","",obc);
x = conxo(obc,obuf); /* dump the buffer, */
obp = obuf; /* reset the pointer */
obc = 0; /* and the counter. */
return(x); /* Return conxo's return code */
} else return(0);
/* C K C G E T C -- C-Kermit CONNECT Get Character */
Buffered read from communication device.
Returns the next character, refilling the buffer if necessary.
On error, returns ttinc's return code (see ttinc() description).
Dummy argument for compatible calling conventions with ttinc().
NOTE: We don't have a macro for this because we have to pass
a pointer to this function as an argument to tn_doop().
ckcgetc(dummy) int dummy; {
int c, n;
#ifdef CK_SSL
extern int ssl_active_flag, tls_active_flag;
#endif /* CK_SSL */
/* No buffering for possibly encrypted connections */
#endif /* CK_ENCRYPTION */
#ifdef CK_SSL
if (ssl_active_flag || tls_active_flag)
#endif /* CK_SSL */
#ifdef COMMENT
/* too much */
debug(F101,"CONNECT CKCGETC 1 ibc","",ibc); /* Log */
#endif /* COMMENT */
if (ibc < 1) { /* Need to refill buffer? */
ibc = 0; /* Yes, reset count */
ibp = ibuf; /* and buffer pointer */
/* debug(F100,"CONNECT CKCGETC 1 calling ttinc(0)","",0); */
#ifdef COMMENT
This check is not worth the overhead. Scenario: ttchk() returns 0, so we
fall through to the blocking ttinc(). While in ttinc(), the connection is
lost. But the read() that ttinc() calls does not notice, and never returns.
This happens at least in HP-UX, and can be seen when we turn off the modem.
if (!network && (carrier != CAR_OFF))
if ((n = ttchk()) < 0) /* Make sure connection is not lost */
#endif /* COMMENT */
c = ttinc(0); /* Read one character, blocking */
/* debug(F101,"CONNECT CKCGETC 1 ttinc(0)","",c); */
if (c < 0) { /* If error, return error code */
} else { /* Otherwise, got one character */
*ibp++ = c; /* Advance buffer pointer */
ibc++; /* and count. */
if ((n = ttchk()) > 0) { /* Any more waiting? */
if (n > (IBUFL - ibc)) /* Get them all at once. */
n = IBUFL - ibc; /* Don't overflow buffer */
if ((n = ttxin(n,(CHAR *)ibp)) > 0) {
#endif /* CK_ENCRYPTION */
ibc += n; /* Advance counter */
} else if (n < 0) { /* Error? */
return(n); /* Return the error code */
debug(F101,"CONNECT CKCGETC 2 ibc","",ibc); /* Log how many */
ibp = ibuf; /* Point to beginning of buffer */
c = *ibp++ & 0xff; /* Get next character from buffer */
ibc--; /* Reduce buffer count */
return(c); /* Return the character */
Keyboard handling, buffered for speed, which is needed when C-Kermit is
in CONNECT mode between two other computers that are transferring data.
static char *kbp; /* Keyboard input buffer pointer */
static int kbc; /* Keyboard input buffer count */
#ifdef CK_SMALL /* Keyboard input buffer length */
#define KBUFL 32 /* Small for PDP-11 UNIX */
#define KBUFL 257 /* Regular kernel size for others */
#endif /* CK_SMALL */
#ifdef DYNAMIC
static char *kbuf = NULL;
static char kbuf[KBUFL];
#endif /* DYNAMIC */
/* Macro for reading keystrokes. */
#define CONGKS() (((--kbc)>=0) ? ((int)(*kbp++) & 0377) : kbget())
Note that we call read() directly here, normally a no-no, but in this case
we know it's UNIX and we're only doing what coninc(0) would have done,
except we're reading a block of characters rather than just one. There is,
at present, no conxin() analog to ttxin() for chunk reads, and instituting
one would only add function-call overhead as it would only be a wrapper for
a read() call anyway.
Another note: We stick in this read() till the user types something.
But the other (lower) fork is running too, and on TELNET connections,
it will signal us to indicate echo-change negotiations, and this can
interrupt the read(). Some UNIXes automatically restart the interrupted
system call, others return from it with errno == EINTR.
static int /* Keyboard buffer filler */
kbget() {
#ifdef EINTR
int tries = 10; /* If read() is interrupted, */
int ok = 0;
while (tries-- > 0) { /* try a few times... */
#endif /* EINTR */
if ((kbc = conchk()) < 1) /* How many chars waiting? */
kbc = 1; /* If none or dunno, wait for one. */
else if (kbc > KBUFL) /* If too many, */
kbc = KBUFL; /* only read this many. */
if ((kbc = read(0, kbuf, kbc)) < 1) { /* Now read it/them. */
debug(F101,"CONNECT kbget errno","",errno); /* Got an error. */
#ifdef EINTR
if (errno == EINTR) /* Interrupted system call. */
continue; /* Try again, up to limit. */
else /* Something else. */
#endif /* EINTR */
return(-1); /* Pass along read() error. */
#ifdef EINTR
else { ok = 1; break; }
if (!ok) return(-1);
#endif /* EINTR */
kbp = kbuf; /* Adjust buffer pointer, */
kbc--; /* count, */
return((int)(*kbp++) & 0377); /* and return first character. */
/* C O N C L D -- Interactive terminal connection child function */
#endif /* BEOSORBEBOX */
concld (
void *bevoid
#endif /* BEOSORBEBOX */
) {
int n; /* General purpose counter */
int i; /* For loops... */
int c = -1; /* c is a character, but must be signed
integer to pass thru -1, which is the
modem disconnection signal, and is
different from the character 0377 */
int prev;
#ifdef TNCODE
int tx; /* tn_doop() return code */
#endif /* TNCODE */
int ix; /* Trigger index */
#endif /* CK_TRIGGER */
#ifndef NOESCSEQ
int apcrc;
#endif /* NOESCSEQ */
#ifdef COMMENT
int conret = 0; /* Return value from conect() */
jbchksum = -1L;
#endif /* COMMENT */
jbset = 0; /* jmp_buf not set yet, don't use it */
debug(F101,"CONNECT concld entry","",CK_FORK_SIG);
/* *** */ /* Inferior reads, prints port input */
if (priv_can()) { /* Cancel all privs */
printf("?setuid error - fatal\n");
signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); /* In case these haven't been */
signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN); /* inherited from above... */
signal(CK_FORK_SIG, SIG_IGN); /* CK_FORK_SIG not expected yet */
inshift = outshift = 0; /* Initial SO/SI shift state. */
{ /* Wait for parent's setup */
int i;
while ((i = read(xpipe[0], &c, 1)) <= 0) {
if (i < 0) {
debug(F101,"CONNECT concld setup error","",i);
debug(F111,"CONNECT concld setup error",ck_errstr(),errno);
pipemsg(CEV_HUP); /* Read error - hangup */
ck_sndmsg(); /* Send and wait to be killed */
} /* Restart interrupted read() */
close(xpipe[0]); xpipe[0] = -1; /* Child - prevent future reads */
#ifdef DEBUG
if (deblog) {
debug(F100,"CONNECT starting port fork","",0);
debug(F101,"CONNECT port fork ibc","",ibc);
debug(F101,"CONNECT port fork obc","",obc);
#endif /* DEBUG */
what = W_CONNECT;
while (1) { /* Fresh read, wait for a character. */
#ifdef ANYX25
if (network && (nettype == NET_SX25)) {
bzero(x25ibuf,sizeof(x25ibuf)) ;
if ((ibufl = ttxin(MAXIX25,(CHAR *)x25ibuf)) < 0) {
#ifndef IBMX25
if (ibufl == -2) { /* PAD parms changes */
} else {
#endif /* IBMX25 */
if (!quiet)
printf("\r\nCommunications disconnect ");
ck_sndmsg(); /* Wait to be killed */
#ifndef IBMX25
#endif /* IBMX25 */
/* pause(); <--- SHOULD BE OBSOLETE NOW! */
/* BECAUSE pause() is done inside of ck_sndmsg() */
if (debses) { /* Debugging output */
p = x25ibuf ;
while (ibufl--) { c = *p++; conol(dbchr(c)); }
} else {
if (seslog && sessft) /* Binary session log */
logchar((char)c); /* Log char before translation */
if (sosi
#ifndef NOCSETS
|| tcsl != tcsr
#endif /* NOCSETS */
) { /* Character at a time */
for (i = 1; i < ibufl; i++) {
c = x25ibuf[i] & cmask;
if (sosi) { /* Handle SI/SO */
if (c == SO) {
inshift = 1;
} else if (c == SI) {
inshift = 0;
if (inshift)
c |= 0200;
#ifndef NOCSETS
if (inesc == ES_NORMAL) {
#ifdef UNICODE
int x;
if (unicode == 1) { /* Remote is UTF-8 */
x = u_to_b((CHAR)c);
if (x == -1)
else if (x == -2) { /* LS or PS */
inxbuf[0] = CR;
inxbuf[1] = LF;
inxcount = 2;
} else {
inxbuf[0] = (unsigned)(x & 0xff);
c = inxbuf[0];
} else if (unicode == 2) { /* Local is UTF-8 */
inxcount =
c = inxbuf[0];
} else {
#endif /* UNICODE */
if (sxi) c = (*sxi)((CHAR)c);
if (rxi) c = (*rxi)((CHAR)c);
inxbuf[0] = c;
#ifdef UNICODE
#endif /* UNICODE */
#endif /* NOCSETS */
c &= cmdmsk; /* Apply command mask. */
conoc(c); /* Output to screen */
if (seslog && !sessft) /* and session log */
} else { /* All at once */
for (i = 1; i < ibufl; i++)
x25ibuf[i] &= (cmask & cmdmsk);
if (seslog) zsoutx(ZSFILE,x25ibuf,ibufl);
} else { /* Not X.25... */
#endif /* ANYX25 */
Get the next communication line character from our internal buffer.
If the buffer is empty, refill it.
prev = c; /* Remember previous character */
c = ckcgetc(0); /* Get next character */
/* debug(F101,"CONNECT c","",c); */
if (c < 0) { /* Failed... */
debug(F101,"CONNECT disconnect ibc","",ibc);
debug(F101,"CONNECT disconnect obc","",obc);
ckcputf(); /* Flush CONNECT output buffer */
if (!quiet) {
printf("\r\nCommunications disconnect ");
#ifdef COMMENT
if ( c == -3
#ifdef ultrix
/* This happens on Ultrix if there's no carrier */
&& errno != EIO
#endif /* ultrix */
#ifdef UTEK
/* This happens on UTEK if there's no carrier */
&& errno != EWOULDBLOCK
#endif /* UTEK */
perror("\r\nCan't read character");
#endif /* COMMENT */
#endif /* NOSETBUF */
tthang(); /* Hang up the connection */
debug(F111,"CONNECT concld i/o error",ck_errstr(),errno);
ck_sndmsg(); /* Wait to be killed */
#ifdef COMMENT
/* too much... */
debug(F101,"CONNECT ** PORT","",c); /* Got character c OK. */
#endif /* COMMENT */
#ifdef TNCODE
/* Handle TELNET negotiations... */
if ((c == NUL) && network && IS_TELNET()) {
if (prev == CR) /* Discard <NUL> of <CR><NUL> */
if ((c == IAC) && network && IS_TELNET()) {
debug(F100,"CONNECT got IAC","",0);
ckcputf(); /* Dump screen-output buffer */
if ((tx = tn_doop((CHAR)(c & 0xff),duplex,ckcgetc)) == 0) {
if (me_bin != TELOPT_ME(TELOPT_BINARY)) {
pipemsg(CEV_MEBIN); /* Tell parent */
ck_sndmsg(); /* Tell the parent fork */
} else if (u_bin != TELOPT_U(TELOPT_BINARY)) {
pipemsg(CEV_UBIN); /* Tell parent */
ck_sndmsg(); /* Tell the parent fork */
} else if (tx == -1) { /* I/O error */
if (!quiet)
printf("\r\nCommunications disconnect ");
#endif /* NOSETBUF */
debug(F111,"CONNECT concld i/o error 2",ck_errstr(),errno);
ck_sndmsg(); /* Wait to be killed */
} else if (tx == -3) { /* I/O error */
if (!quiet)
printf("\r\nConnection closed due to telnet policy ");
#endif /* NOSETBUF */
debug(F111,"CONNECT concld i/o error 2",ck_errstr(),errno);
ck_sndmsg(); /* Wait to be killed */
} else if (tx == -2) { /* I/O error */
if (!quiet)
printf("\r\nConnection closed by peer ");
#endif /* NOSETBUF */
debug(F111,"CONNECT concld i/o error 2",ck_errstr(),errno);
ck_sndmsg(); /* Wait to be killed */
} else if ((tx == 1) && (!duplex)) { /* ECHO change */
duplex = 1; /* Turn on local echo */
debug(F101,"CONNECT TELNET duplex change","",duplex);
pipemsg(CEV_DUP); /* Tell parent */
write(xpipe[1], &duplex, sizeof(duplex));
ck_sndmsg(); /* Tell the parent fork */
} else if ((tx == 2) && (duplex)) { /* ECHO change */
duplex = 0;
debug(F101,"CONNECT TELNET duplex change","",duplex);
write(xpipe[1], &duplex, sizeof(duplex));
} else if (tx == 3) { /* Quoted IAC */
c = parity ? 127 : 255;
else if (tx == 4) { /* IKS State Change */
if (TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_KERMIT).kermit.u_start &&
) {
/* here we need to print a msg that the other */
/* side is in SERVER mode and that REMOTE */
/* commands should be used. And CONNECT mode */
/* should be ended. */
active = 0;
#endif /* IKS_OPTION */
else if (tx == 6) {
/* DO LOGOUT received */
if (!quiet)
printf("\r\nRemote Logout ");
#endif /* NOSETBUF */
debug(F100,"CONNECT Remote Logout","",0);
ck_sndmsg(); /* Wait to be killed */
} else
continue; /* Negotiation OK, get next char. */
} else if (parity)
c &= 0x7f;
if (TELOPT_ME(TELOPT_ECHO) && tn_rem_echo)
ttoc(c); /* I'm echoing for the remote */
#endif /* TNCODE */
if (debses) { /* Output character to screen */
char *s; /* Debugging display... */
s = dbchr(c);
while (*s)
} else { /* Regular display ... */
c &= cmask; /* Apply Kermit-to-remote mask */
#ifdef CK_AUTODL
Autodownload. Check for Kermit S packet prior to translation, since that
can change the packet and make it unrecognizable (as when the terminal
character set is an ISO 646 one)... Ditto for Zmodem start packet.
if (autodl /* Autodownload enabled? */
|| TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_KERMIT).kermit.me_start
#endif /* IKS_OPTION */
) {
int k;
k = kstart((CHAR)c); /* Kermit S or I packet? */
#ifdef CK_XYZ
if (!k && zmdlok) /* Or an "sz" start? */
k = zstart((CHAR)c);
#endif /* CK_XYZ */
if (k) {
int ksign = 0;
debug(F101,"CONNECT autodownload k","",k);
if (k < 0) { /* Minus-Protocol? */
goto noserver; /* Need server mode for this */
ksign = 1; /* Remember */
k = 0 - k; /* Convert to actual protocol */
justone = 1; /* Flag for protocol module */
#endif /* NOSERVER */
} else
justone = 0;
k--; /* Adjust [kz]start's return value */
if (k == PROTO_K
#ifdef CK_XYZ
|| k == PROTO_Z
#endif /* CK_XYZ */
) {
/* Now damage the packet so that it does not */
/* trigger autodownload detection on subsquent */
/* links. */
if (k == PROTO_K) {
int i, len = strlen((char*)ksbuf);
for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
#ifdef CK_XYZ
else {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
#endif /* CK_XYZ */
/* Notify parent */
pipemsg(justone ? CEV_AUL : CEV_ADL);
Send our memory back up to the top fork thru the pipe.
CAREFUL -- Write this stuff in the same order it is to be read!
/* Copy our Kermit packet to the parent fork */
n = (int) strlen((char *)ksbuf);
write(xpipe[1], (char *)&n, sizeof(n));
if (n > 0)
write(xpipe[1], (char *)ksbuf, n+1);
debug(F111,"CONNECT autodownload ksbuf",ksbuf,n);
debug(F101,"CONNECT autodownload justone","",
/* Construct the APC command */
"set proto %s, %s, set proto %s",
ksign ? "server" : "receive",
apclength = strlen(apcbuf);
debug(F111,"CONNECT ksbuf",ksbuf,k);
debug(F110,"CONNECT autodownload",apcbuf,0);
apcactive = APC_LOCAL;
ckcputf(); /* Force screen update */
/* Write buffer including trailing NUL byte */
debug(F101,"CONNECT write xpipe apclength","",
(char *)&apclength,
debug(F110,"CONNECT write xpipe apcbuf",apcbuf,0);
write(xpipe[1], apcbuf, apclength+1);
/* Copy our input buffer to the parent fork */
debug(F101,"CONNECT autodownload complete ibc",
debug(F101,"CONNECT autodownload complete obc",
write(xpipe[1], (char *)&ibc, sizeof(ibc));
if (ibc > 0) {
write(xpipe[1], (char *)&ibp, sizeof(ibp));
write(xpipe[1], ibp, ibc);
ck_sndmsg(); /* Wait to be killed */
#endif /* NOSERVER */
#endif /* CK_AUTODL */
if (sosi) { /* Handle SI/SO */
if (c == SO) { /* Shift Out */
inshift = 1;
} else if (c == SI) { /* Shift In */
inshift = 0;
if (inshift) c |= 0200;
inxbuf[0] = c; /* In case there is no translation */
inxcount = 1; /* ... */
#ifndef NOCSETS
if (inesc == ES_NORMAL) { /* If not in an escape sequence */
#ifdef UNICODE
int x; /* Translate character sets */
CHAR ch;
ch = c;
if (unicode == 1) { /* Remote is UTF-8 */
x = u_to_b(ch);
if (x < 0)
inxbuf[0] = (unsigned)(x & 0xff);
c = inxbuf[0];
} else if (unicode == 2) { /* Local is UTF-8 */
inxcount = b_to_u(ch,inxbuf,OUTXBUFSIZ,tcssize);
c = inxbuf[0];
} else {
#endif /* UNICODE */
if (sxi) c = (*sxi)((CHAR)c);
if (rxi) c = (*rxi)((CHAR)c);
inxbuf[0] = c;
#ifdef UNICODE
#endif /* UNICODE */
#endif /* NOCSETS */
#ifndef NOESCSEQ
if (escseq) /* If handling escape sequences */
apcrc = chkaes((char)c); /* update our state */
#ifdef CK_APC
If we are handling APCs, we have several possibilities at this point:
1. Ordinary character to be written to the screen.
2. An Esc; we can't write it because it might be the beginning of an APC.
3. The character following an Esc, in which case we write Esc, then char,
but only if we have not just entered an APC sequence.
if (escseq && (apcstatus & APC_ON)) {
if (inesc == ES_GOTESC) /* Don't write ESC yet */
else if (oldesc == ES_GOTESC && !apcactive) {
ckcputc(ESC); /* Write saved ESC */
if (seslog && !sessft)
} else if (apcrc) { /* We have an APC */
debug(F111,"CONNECT APC complete",apcbuf,apclength);
ckcputf(); /* Force screen update */
pipemsg(CEV_APC); /* Notify parent */
(char *)&apclength,
/* Write buffer including trailing NUL byte */
write(xpipe[1], apcbuf, apclength+1);
/* Copy our input buffer to the parent fork */
debug(F101,"CONNECT APC complete ibc","",ibc);
debug(F101,"CONNECT APC complete obc","",obc);
write(xpipe[1], (char *)&ibc, sizeof(ibc));
if (ibc > 0) {
write(xpipe[1], (char *)&ibp, sizeof(ibp));
write(xpipe[1], ibp, ibc);
ck_sndmsg(); /* Wait to be killed */
#endif /* CK_APC */
#endif /* NOESCSEQ */
for (i = 0; i < inxcount; i++) { /* Loop thru */
c = inxbuf[i]; /* input expansion buffer... */
if (
#ifdef CK_APC
!apcactive /* Ignore APC sequences */
#endif /* CK_APC */
) {
c &= cmdmsk; /* Apply command mask. */
if (c == CR && tt_crd) { /* SET TERM CR-DISPLA CRLF? */
ckcputc(c); /* Yes, output CR */
if (seslog && !sessft)
c = LF; /* and insert a linefeed */
ckcputc(c); /* Write character to screen */
if (seslog && !sessft) /* Handle session log */
/* Check for trigger string */
if (tt_trigger[0]) if ((ix = autoexitchk((CHAR)c)) > -1) {
ckcputf(); /* Force screen update */
fflush(stdout); /* I mean really force it */
#endif /* NOSETBUF */
pipemsg(CEV_TRI); /* Send up trigger indication */
write(xpipe[1], (char *)&ix, sizeof(ix)); /* index */
write(xpipe[1], (char *)&ibc, sizeof(ibc));
if (ibc > 0) {
write(xpipe[1], (char *)&ibp, sizeof(ibp));
write(xpipe[1], ibp, ibc);
debug(F100,"CONNECT concld trigger","",0);
ck_sndmsg(); /* Wait to be killed */
active = 0; /* Shouldn't be necessary... */
#endif /* CK_TRIGGER */
#ifdef ANYX25
#endif /* ANYX25 */
/* C O N E C T -- Interactive terminal connection */
conect() {
int n; /* General purpose counter */
int i; /* For loops... */
int c; /* c is a character, but must be signed
integer to pass thru -1, which is the
modem disconnection signal, and is
different from the character 0377 */
int c2; /* A copy of c */
int csave; /* Another copy of c */
#ifndef NOESCSEQ
int apcrc;
#endif /* NOESCSEQ */
int conret = 0; /* Return value from conect() */
int msgflg = 0;
/* jbchksum = -1L; */
jbset = 0; /* jmp_buf not set yet, don't use it */
debok = 1;
debug(F101,"CONNECT fork signal","",CK_FORK_SIG);
debug(F101,"CONNECT entry pid","",pid);
msgflg = !quiet
#ifdef CK_APC
&& !apcactive
#endif /* CK_APC */
The following is to handle a fork left behind if we exit CONNECT mode
without killing it, and then return to CONNECT mode. This happened in
HP-UX, where the Reset key would raise SIGINT even though SIGINT was set to
SIG_IGN. The code below fixes the symptom; the real fix is in the main
SIGINT handler (if SIGINT shows up during CONNECT, just return rather than
taking the longjmp).
if (pid) { /* This should be 0 */
int x = 0;
debug(F101,"CONNECT entry killing stale pid","",pid);
printf("WARNING: Old CONNECT fork seems to be active.\n");
printf("Attempting to remove it...");
long ret_val;
x = kill(pid,SIGKILLTHR); /* Kill lower fork */
wait_for_thread (pid, &ret_val);
#ifdef Plan9
x = kill(pid,SIGKILL); /* Kill lower fork */
x = kill(pid,9);
#endif /* Plan9 */
#endif /* BEOSORBEBOX */
wait((WAIT_T *)0); /* Wait till gone. */
if (x < 0) {
printf("ERROR: Failure to kill pid %d: %s, errno=%d\n",
(int) pid, ck_errstr(), errno);
debug(F111,"CONNECT error killing stale pid",ck_errstr(),pid);
pid = (PID_T) 0;
signal(CK_FORK_SIG, SIG_IGN); /* Initial CK_FORK_SIG handling, */
The following ttimoff() call should not be necessary, but evidently there
are cases where a timer is left active and then goes off, taking a longjmp
to nowhere after the program's stack has changed. In any case, this is
safe because the CONNECT module uses no timer of any kind, and no other timer
should be armed while Kermit is in CONNECT mode.
ttimoff(); /* Turn off any timer interrupts */
makestr(&triggerval,NULL); /* Reset trigger */
#endif /* CK_TRIGGER */
if (!local) {
#ifdef NETCONN
printf("Sorry, you must SET LINE or SET HOST first\n");
printf("Sorry, you must SET LINE first\n");
#endif /* NETCONN */
goto conret0;
if (speed < 0L && network == 0 && ttfdflg == 0) {
printf("Sorry, you must SET SPEED first\n");
goto conret0;
if (network && (nettype != NET_TCPB)
#ifdef SUNX25
&& (nettype != NET_SX25)
#endif /* SUNX25 */
#ifdef IBMX25
&& (nettype != NET_IX25)
#endif /* IBMX25 */
#ifdef NETCMD
&& (nettype != NET_CMD)
#endif /* NETCMD */
#ifdef NETPTY
&& (nettype != NET_PTY)
#endif /* NETPTY */
) {
printf("Sorry, network type not supported\n");
goto conret0;
#endif /* TCPSOCKET */
#ifdef DYNAMIC
if (!ibuf) {
if (!(ibuf = malloc(IBUFL+1))) { /* Allocate input line buffer */
printf("Sorry, CONNECT input buffer can't be allocated\n");
goto conret0;
} else {
ibp = ibuf;
ibc = 0;
if (!obuf) {
if (!(obuf = malloc(OBUFL+1))) { /* Allocate output line buffer */
printf("Sorry, CONNECT output buffer can't be allocated\n");
goto conret0;
} else {
obp = obuf;
obc = 0;
if (!kbuf) {
if (!(kbuf = malloc(KBUFL+1))) { /* Allocate keyboard input buffer */
printf("Sorry, CONNECT keyboard buffer can't be allocated\n");
goto conret0;
if (!temp) {
if (!(temp = malloc(TMPLEN+1))) { /* Allocate temporary buffer */
printf("Sorry, CONNECT temporary buffer can't be allocated\n");
goto conret0;
#ifdef COMMENT
ibp = ibuf;
ibc = 0;
#endif /* COMMENT */
obp = obuf;
obc = 0;
#endif /* DYNAMIC */
kbp = kbuf; /* Always clear these. */
*kbp = NUL; /* No need to preserve them between */
kbc = 0; /* CONNECT sessions. */
#ifdef DEBUG
if (deblog) {
debug(F101,"CONNECT conect entry ttyfd","",ttyfd);
debug(F101,"CONNECT conect entry ibc","",ibc);
debug(F101,"CONNECT conect entry obc","",obc);
debug(F101,"CONNECT conect entry kbc","",kbc);
debug(F110,"CONNECT conect trigger",tt_trigger[0],0);
#endif /* CK_TRIGGER */
if (ttyfd > -1) {
n = ttchk();
debug(F101,"CONNECT conect entry ttchk","",n);
#endif /* DEBUG */
if (ttyfd < 0) { /* If communication device not open */
debug(F101,"CONNECT ttnproto","",ttnproto);
debug(F111,"CONNECT opening",ttname,0); /* Open it now */
if (ttopen(ttname,
network ? -nettype : mdmtyp,
) < 0) {
ckmakmsg(temp,TMPLEN,"Sorry, can't open ",ttname,NULL,NULL);
debug(F110,"CONNECT open failure",ttname,0);
goto conret0;
/* If peer is in Kermit server mode, return now. */
if (TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_KERMIT).kermit.u_start)
#endif /* IKS_OPTION */
dohangup = 0; /* Hangup not requested yet */
#ifdef ANYX25
dox25clr = 0; /* X.25 clear not requested yet */
#endif /* ANYX25 */
if (msgflg) {
#ifdef NETCONN
if (network) {
if (ttpipe)
printf("Connecting via command \"%s\"",ttname);
printf("Connecting to host %s",ttname);
#ifdef ANYX25
if (nettype == NET_SX25 || nettype == NET_IX25)
printf(", Link ID %d, LCN %d",linkid,lcn);
#endif /* ANYX25 */
} else {
#endif /* NETCONN */
printf("Connecting to %s",ttname);
if (speed > -1L) printf(", speed %ld",speed);
#ifdef NETCONN
#endif /* NETCONN */
if (tt_escape) {
printf("Type the escape character followed by C to get back,\r\n");
printf("or followed by ? to see other options.\r\n");
} else {
printf(".\r\n\nESCAPE CHARACTER IS DISABLED\r\n\n");
if (seslog) {
extern int slogts;
char * s = "";
switch (sessft) {
case XYFT_D:
s = "debug"; break;
case XYFT_T:
s = slogts ? "timestamped-text" : "text"; break;
s = "binary";
printf("Session Log: %s, %s\r\n",sesfil,s);
if (debses) printf("Debugging Display...)\r\n");
/* Condition console terminal and communication line */
if (conbin((char)escape) < 0) {
printf("Sorry, can't condition console terminal\n");
goto conret0;
debug(F101,"CONNECT cmask","",cmask);
debug(F101,"CONNECT cmdmsk","",cmdmsk);
debug(F101,"CONNECT speed before ttvt","",speed);
if ((n = ttvt(speed,flow)) < 0) { /* Enter "virtual terminal" mode */
if (!network) {
debug(F101,"CONNECT ttvt","",n);
tthang(); /* Hang up and close the device. */
if (ttopen(ttname, /* Open it again... */
network ? -nettype : mdmtyp,
) < 0) {
ckmakmsg(temp,TMPLEN,"Sorry, can't reopen ",ttname,NULL,NULL);
goto conret0;
if (TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_KERMIT).kermit.u_start)
#endif /* IKS_OPTION */
if (ttvt(speed,flow) < 0) { /* Try virtual terminal mode again. */
conres(); /* Failure this time is fatal. */
printf("Sorry, Can't condition communication line\n");
goto conret0;
debug(F101,"CONNECT ttvt ok, escape","",escape);
debug(F101,"CONNECT carrier-watch","",carrier);
if ((!network
|| istncomport()
#endif /* TN_COMPORT */
) && (carrier != CAR_OFF)) {
int x;
x = ttgmdm();
debug(F100,"CONNECT ttgmdm","",x);
if ((x > -1) && !(x & BM_DCD)) {
#ifndef NOHINTS
extern int hints;
#endif /* NOHINTS */
debug(F100,"CONNECT ttgmdm CD test fails","",x);
printf("?Carrier required but not detected.\n");
#ifndef NOHINTS
if (!hints)
printf(" Hint: To CONNECT to a serial device that\n");
printf(" is not presenting the Carrier Detect signal,\n");
printf(" first tell C-Kermit to:\n\n");
printf(" SET CARRIER-WATCH OFF\n\n");
#endif /* NOHINTS */
goto conret0;
debug(F100,"CONNECT ttgmdm ok","",0);
#ifndef NOCSETS
/* Set up character set translations */
unicode = 0; /* Assume Unicode won't be involved */
tcs = 0; /* "Transfer" or "Other" charset */
sxo = rxo = NULL; /* Initialize byte-to-byte functions */
sxi = rxi = NULL;
if (tcsr != tcsl) { /* Remote and local sets differ... */
#ifdef UNICODE
if (tcsr == FC_UTF8 || /* Remote charset is UTF-8 */
tcsl == FC_UTF8) { /* or local one is. */
xuf = xl_ufc[tcsl]; /* Incoming Unicode to local */
if (xuf || tcsl == FC_UTF8) {
tcs = (tcsr == FC_UTF8) ? tcsl : tcsr; /* The "other" set */
xfu = xl_fcu[tcs]; /* Local byte to remote Unicode */
if (xfu)
unicode = (tcsr == FC_UTF8) ? 1 : 2;
tcssize = fcsinfo[tcs].size; /* Size of other character set. */
} else {
#endif /* UNICODE */
tcs = gettcs(tcsr,tcsl); /* Get intermediate set. */
sxo = xls[tcs][tcsl]; /* translation function */
rxo = xlr[tcs][tcsr]; /* pointers for output functions */
sxi = xls[tcs][tcsr]; /* and for input functions. */
rxi = xlr[tcs][tcsl];
#ifdef UNICODE
#endif /* UNICODE */
This is to prevent use of zmstuff() and zdstuff() by translation functions.
They only work with disk i/o, not with communication i/o. Luckily Russian
translation functions don't do any stuffing...
langsv = language;
#ifndef NOCYRIL
if (language != L_RUSSIAN)
#endif /* NOCYRIL */
language = L_USASCII;
#ifdef COMMENT
#ifdef DEBUG
if (deblog) {
debug(F101,"CONNECT tcs","",tcs);
debug(F101,"CONNECT tcsl","",tcsl);
debug(F101,"CONNECT tcsr","",tcsr);
debug(F101,"CONNECT fcsinfo[tcsl].size","",fcsinfo[tcsl].size);
debug(F101,"CONNECT fcsinfo[tcsr].size","",fcsinfo[tcsr].size);
debug(F101,"CONNECT unicode","",unicode);
#endif /* DEBUG */
#endif /* COMMENT */
#ifdef CK_XYZ
extern int binary; /* See about ZMODEM autodownloads */
char * s;
s = binary ? ptab[PROTO_Z].p_b_rcmd : ptab[PROTO_Z].p_t_rcmd;
if (!s) s = "";
zmdlok = (*s != NUL); /* OK if we have external commands */
#endif /* XYZ_INTERNAL */
#endif /* CK_XYZ */
#ifndef NOESCSEQ
We need to activate the escape-sequence recognition feature when:
(a) translation is elected, AND
(b) the local and/or remote set is a 7-bit set other than US ASCII.
SET TERMINAL APC is not OFF (handled in the next statement).
escseq = (tcs != TC_TRANSP) && /* Not transparent */
(fcsinfo[tcsl].size == 128 || fcsinfo[tcsr].size == 128) && /* 7 bits */
(fcsinfo[tcsl].code != FC_USASCII); /* But not ASCII */
#endif /* NOESCSEQ */
#endif /* NOCSETS */
#ifndef NOESCSEQ
#ifdef CK_APC
escseq = escseq || (apcstatus & APC_ON);
apcactive = 0; /* An APC command is not active */
apclength = 0; /* ... */
#endif /* CK_APC */
inesc = ES_NORMAL; /* Initial state of recognizer */
debug(F101,"CONNECT escseq","",escseq);
#endif /* NOESCSEQ */
parent_id = getpid(); /* Get parent's pid for signalling */
debug(F101,"CONNECT parent pid","",parent_id);
if (xpipe[0] > -1) /* If old pipe hanging around, close */
xpipe[0] = -1;
if (xpipe[1] > -1)
xpipe[1] = -1;
goterr = 0; /* Error flag for pipe & fork */
if (pipe(xpipe) != 0) { /* Create new pipe to pass info */
perror("Can't make pipe"); /* between forks. */
debug(F101,"CONNECT pipe error","",errno);
goterr = 1;
} else
pid = spawn_thread(concld, "Lower Fork", B_NORMAL_PRIORITY, NULL);
if ((pid = fork()) == (PID_T) -1) { /* Pipe OK, make port fork. */
perror("Can't make port fork");
debug(F101,"CONNECT fork error","",errno);
goterr = 1;
#endif /* BEOSORBEBOX */
debug(F101,"CONNECT created fork, pid","",pid);
if (goterr) { /* Failed to make pipe or fork */
conres(); /* Reset the console. */
if (msgflg) {
printf("\r\nCommunications disconnect (Back at %s)\r\n",
*myhost ?
myhost :
#ifdef UNIX
"local UNIX system"
"local system"
#endif /* UNIX */
what = W_NOTHING; /* So console modes are set right. */
#ifndef NOCSETS
language = langsv; /* Restore language */
#endif /* NOCSETS */
parent_id = (PID_T) 0; /* Clean up */
goto conret1;
debug(F101,"CONNECT fork pid","",pid);
/* Upper fork (KEYB fork) reads keystrokes and sends them out. */
if (pid) { /* pid != 0, so I am the upper fork. */
Before doing anything significant, the child fork must wait for a go-ahead
character from xpipe[0]. Before starting to wait, we have enough time to
clear buffers and set up the signal handler. When done with this, we will
allow the child to continue by satisfying its pending read.
Remember the child and parent have separate address space. The child has
its own copy of input buffers, so we must clear the input buffers in the
parent. Otherwise strange effects may occur, like chunks of characters
repeatedly echoed on terminal screen. The child process is designed to
empty its input buffers by reading all available characters and either
echoing them on the terminal screen or saving them for future use in the
parent. The latter case happens during APC processing - see the code around
CEV_APC occurrences to see how the child passes its ibuf etc to parent via
xpipe, for preservation until the next entry to this module, to ensure that
no characters are lost between CONNECT sessions.
This one needs a bit of extra explanation... In addition to the CONNECT
module's own buffers, which are communicated and synchronized via xpipe,
the low-level UNIX communication routines (ttinc, ttxin, etc) are also
buffered, statically, in the ckutio.c module. But when the two CONNECT
forks split off, the lower fork is updating this buffer's pointers and
counts, but the upper fork never finds out about it and still has the old
ones. The following UNIX-specific call to the ckutio.c module takes care
of this... Without it, we get dual echoing of incoming characters.
At this point, perhaps you are wondering why we use forks at all. It is
simply because there is no other method portable among all UNIX variations.
Not threads, not select(), ... (Yes, select() is more common now; it might
actually be worth writing a variation of this module that works like BSD
Telnet, one fork, driven by select()).
ibp = ibuf; /* Clear ibuf[]. */
ibc = 0; /* Child now has its own copy */
signal(CK_FORK_SIG, pipeint); /* Handler for messages from child. */
write(xpipe[1], ibuf, 1); /* Allow child to proceed */
close(xpipe[1]); xpipe[1] = -1; /* Parent - prevent future writes */
what = W_CONNECT; /* Keep track of what we're doing */
active = 1;
debug(F101,"CONNECT keyboard fork duplex","",duplex);
Catch communication errors or mode changes in lower fork.
Note: Some C compilers (e.g. Cray UNICOS) interpret the ANSI C standard
about setjmp() in a way that disallows constructions like:
if ((var = [sig]setjmp(env)) == 0) ...
which prevents the value returned by cklongjmp() from being used at all.
So the signal handlers set a global variable, sjval, instead.
if (
#endif /* CK_POSIX_SIG */
== 0) { /* Normal entry... */
jbset = 1; /* Now we have a longjmp buffer */
sjval = CEV_NO; /* Initialize setjmp return code. */
debug(F101,"CONNECT setjmp normal entry","",sjval);
#ifdef ANYX25
if (network && (nettype == NET_SX25 || nettype == NET_IX25)) {
obufl = 0;
bzero (x25obuf,sizeof(x25obuf));
#endif /* ANYX25 */
Here is the big loop that gets characters from the keyboard and sends them
out the communication device. There are two components to the communication
path: the connection from the keyboard to C-Kermit, and from C-Kermit to
the remote computer. The treatment of the 8th bit of keyboard characters
is governed by SET COMMAND BYTESIZE (cmdmsk). The treatment of the 8th bit
of characters sent to the remote is governed by SET TERMINAL BYTESIZE
(cmask). This distinction was introduced in edit 5A(164).
while (active) {
#ifndef NOSETKEY
if (kmptr) { /* Have current macro? */
debug(F100,"CONNECT kmptr non NULL","",0);
if ((c = (CHAR) *kmptr++) == NUL) { /* Get char from it */
kmptr = NULL; /* If no more chars, */
debug(F100,"CONNECT macro empty, continuing","",0);
continue; /* reset pointer and continue */
debug(F000,"CONNECT char from macro","",c);
} else /* No macro... */
#endif /* NOSETKEY */
c = CONGKS(); /* Read from keyboard */
#ifdef COMMENT
/* too much... */
debug(F101,"CONNECT ** KEYB","",c);
#endif /* COMMENT */
if (c == -1) { /* If read() got an error... */
debug(F101,"CONNECT keyboard read errno","",errno);
#ifdef COMMENT
This seems to cause problems. If read() returns -1, the signal has already
been delivered, and nothing will wake up the pause().
pause(); /* Wait for transmitter to finish. */
#ifdef A986
On Altos machines with Xenix 3.0, pressing DEL in connect mode brings us
here (reason unknown). The console line discipline at this point has
intr = ^C. The communications tty has intr = DEL but we get here after
pressing DEL on the keyboard, even when the remote system has been set not
to echo. With A986 defined, we stay in the read loop and beep only if the
offending character is not DEL.
if ((c & 127) != 127) conoc(BEL);
#ifdef EINTR
This can be caused by the other fork signalling this one about
an echoing change during TELNET negotiations.
if (errno == EINTR)
#endif /* EINTR */
conoc(BEL); /* Otherwise, beep */
active = 0; /* and terminate the read loop */
#endif /* A986 */
#endif /* COMMENT */
c &= cmdmsk; /* Do any requested masking */
#ifndef NOSETKEY
Note: kmptr is NULL if we got character c from the keyboard, and it is
not NULL if it came from a macro. In the latter case, we must avoid
expanding it again.
if (!kmptr && macrotab[c]) { /* Macro definition for c? */
kmptr = macrotab[c]; /* Yes, set up macro pointer */
continue; /* and restart the loop, */
} else c = keymap[c]; /* else use single-char keymap */
#endif /* NOSETKEY */
if (
#ifndef NOSETKEY
!kmptr &&
#endif /* NOSETKEY */
(tt_escape && (c & 0xff) == escape)) { /* Escape char? */
debug(F000,"CONNECT got escape","",c);
c = CONGKS() & 0177; /* Got esc, get its arg */
/* No key mapping here */
doesc((char) c); /* Now process it */
} else { /* It's not the escape character */
csave = c; /* Save it before translation */
/* for local echoing. */
#ifndef NOCSETS
if (inesc == ES_NORMAL) { /* If not inside escape seq.. */
/* Translate character sets */
#ifdef UNICODE
int x;
CHAR ch;
ch = c;
if (unicode == 1) { /* Remote is UTF-8 */
outxcount = b_to_u(ch,outxbuf,OUTXBUFSIZ,tcssize);
outxbuf[outxcount] = NUL;
} else if (unicode == 2) { /* Local is UTF-8 */
x = u_to_b(ch); /* So translate to remote byte */
if (x < 0)
outxbuf[0] = (unsigned)(x & 0xff);
outxcount = 1;
outxbuf[outxcount] = NUL;
} else {
#endif /* UNICODE */
/* Local-to-intermediate */
if (sxo) c = (*sxo)((char)c);
/* Intermediate-to-remote */
if (rxo) c = (*rxo)((char)c);
outxbuf[0] = c;
outxcount = 1;
outxbuf[outxcount] = NUL;
#ifdef UNICODE
#endif /* UNICODE */
if (escseq)
apcrc = chkaes((char)c);
outxbuf[0] = c;
outxcount = 1;
outxbuf[outxcount] = NUL;
#endif /* NOCSETS */
for (i = 0; i < outxcount; i++) {
c = outxbuf[i];
If Shift-In/Shift-Out is selected and we have a 7-bit connection,
handle shifting here.
if (sosi) { /* Shift-In/Out selected? */
if (cmask == 0177) { /* In 7-bit environment? */
if (c & 0200) { /* 8-bit character? */
if (outshift == 0) { /* If not shifted, */
ttoc(dopar(SO)); /* shift. */
outshift = 1;
} else {
if (outshift == 1) { /* 7-bit character */
ttoc(dopar(SI)); /* If shifted, */
outshift = 0; /* unshift. */
if (c == SO) outshift = 1; /* User typed SO */
if (c == SI) outshift = 0; /* User typed SI */
c &= cmask; /* Apply Kermit-to-host mask now. */
#ifdef SUNX25
if (network && nettype == NET_SX25) {
if (padparms[PAD_ECHO]) {
if (debses)
conol(dbchr(c)) ;
if ((c != padparms[PAD_CHAR_DELETE_CHAR]) &&
(c != padparms[PAD_BUFFER_DELETE_CHAR]) &&
(c != padparms[PAD_BUFFER_DISPLAY_CHAR]))
conoc(c) ;
if (seslog && !sessft)
if (c == CR && (padparms[PAD_LF_AFTER_CR] == 4 ||
padparms[PAD_LF_AFTER_CR] == 5)) {
if (debses)
conol(dbchr(LF)) ;
conoc(LF) ;
if (seslog && !sessft)
if (c == padparms[PAD_BREAK_CHARACTER]) {
} else if (padparms[PAD_DATA_FORWARD_TIMEOUT]) {
tosend = 1;
x25obuf [obufl++] = c;
} else if (((c == padparms[PAD_CHAR_DELETE_CHAR])||
(c == padparms[PAD_BUFFER_DELETE_CHAR]) ||
(c == padparms[PAD_BUFFER_DISPLAY_CHAR]))
&& (padparms[PAD_EDITING])) {
if (c == padparms[PAD_CHAR_DELETE_CHAR]) {
if (obufl > 0) {
conol("\b \b"); obufl--;
} else {}
} else if
(c == padparms[PAD_BUFFER_DELETE_CHAR]) {
conol ("\r\nPAD Buffer Deleted\r\n");
obufl = 0;
} else if
(c==padparms[PAD_BUFFER_DISPLAY_CHAR]) {
} else {}
} else {
x25obuf [obufl++] = c;
if (obufl == MAXOX25) tosend = 1;
else if (c == CR) tosend = 1;
if (tosend) {
if (ttol((CHAR *)x25obuf,obufl) < 0) {
perror ("\r\nCan't send characters");
active = 0;
} else {
bzero (x25obuf,sizeof(x25obuf));
obufl = 0;
tosend = 0;
} else {};
} else {
#endif /* SUNX25 */
if (c == '\015') { /* Carriage Return */
int stuff = -1;
if (tnlm) { /* TERMINAL NEWLINE ON */
stuff = LF; /* Stuff LF */
#ifdef TNCODE
} else if (network && /* TELNET NEWLINE */
tn_nlm :
) {
case TNL_CRLF:
stuff = LF;
stuff = NUL;
#endif /* TNCODE */
if (stuff > -1) {
ttoc(dopar('\015')); /* Send CR */
if (duplex) conoc('\015'); /* Echo CR */
c = stuff; /* Char to stuff */
csave = c;
#ifdef TNCODE
/* If user types the 0xff character (TELNET IAC), it must be doubled. */
else /* Not CR */
if ((dopar((CHAR) c) == IAC) && /* IAC (0xff) */
network && IS_TELNET()) {
/* Send one copy now */
/* and the other one just below. */
#endif /* TNCODE */
/* Send the character */
if (ttoc((char)dopar((CHAR) c)) > -1) {
if (duplex) { /* If half duplex, must echo */
if (debses)
conol(dbchr(csave)); /* original char */
else /* not the translated one */
if (seslog) { /* And maybe log it too */
c2 = csave;
if (sessft == 0 && csave == '\r')
c2 = '\n';
} else {
perror("\r\nCan't send character");
active = 0;
#ifdef SUNX25
#endif /* SUNX25 */
} /* for... */
/* now active == 0 */
signal(CK_FORK_SIG, SIG_IGN); /* Turn off CK_FORK_SIG */
sjval = CEV_NO; /* Set to hangup */
} /* Come here on termination of child */
/* cklongjmp() executed in pipeint() (parent only!) comes here */
Now the child fork is gone or is waiting for CK_FORK_SIG in ck_sndmsg().
So we can't get (in the parent) any subsequent CK_FORK_SIG signals until
we signal the child with CK_FORK_SIG.
debug(F100,"CONNECT signaling port fork","",0);
signal(CK_FORK_SIG, SIG_IGN); /* Turn this off */
debug(F101,"CONNECT killing port fork","",pid);
if (pid) {
int x = 0;
long ret_val;
x = kill(pid,SIGKILLTHR); /* Kill lower fork */
wait_for_thread(pid, &ret_val);
#ifdef Plan9
x = kill(pid,SIGKILL); /* Kill lower fork */
x = kill(pid,9);
#endif /* Plan9 */
#endif /* BEOSORBEBOX */
wait((WAIT_T *)0); /* Wait till gone. */
if (x < 0) {
printf("WARNING: Failure to kill fork, pid %d: %s, errno=%d\n",
(int) pid, ck_errstr(), errno);
debug(F111,"CONNECT error killing pid",ck_errstr(),errno);
debug(F101,"CONNECT killed port fork","",pid);
pid = (PID_T) 0;
if (sjval == CEV_HUP) { /* Read error on comm device */
dohangup = 1; /* so we want to hang up our side */
#ifdef NETCONN
if (network) { /* and/or close network connection */
#ifdef SUNX25
if (nettype == NET_SX25) /* If X.25, restore the PAD params */
#endif /* SUNX25 */
#endif /* NETCONN */
#ifdef CK_APC
if (sjval == CEV_APC) { /* Application Program Command rec'd */
apcactive = APC_REMOTE; /* Flag APC as active */
active = 0; /* Flag CONNECT as inactive */
#endif /* CK_APC */
conres(); /* Reset the console. */
if (dohangup > 0) { /* If hangup requested, do that. */
#ifndef NODIAL
if (dohangup > 1) /* User asked for it */
if (mdmhup() < 1) /* Maybe hang up via modem */
#endif /* NODIAL */
tthang(); /* And make sure we don't hang up */
dohangup = 0; /* again unless requested again. */
#ifdef COMMENT
#ifdef NETCONN
#ifdef SIGPIPE
if (network && sigpiph) /* Restore previous SIGPIPE handler */
(VOID) signal(SIGPIPE, sigpiph);
#endif /* SIGPIPE */
#endif /* NETCONN */
#endif /* COMMENT */
#ifdef ANYX25
if (dox25clr) { /* If X.25 Clear requested */
x25clear(); /* do that. */
#ifndef IBMX25
#endif /* IBMX25 */
dox25clr = 0; /* But only once. */
#endif /* ANYX25 */
if (quitnow) doexit(GOOD_EXIT,xitsta); /* Exit now if requested. */
if (msgflg)
printf("(Back at %s)", *myhost ? myhost : "local UNIX system");
#ifdef CK_APC
if (!apcactive)
#endif /* CK_APC */
what = W_NOTHING; /* So console modes set right. */
#ifndef NOCSETS
language = langsv; /* Restore language */
#endif /* NOCSETS */
parent_id = (PID_T) 0;
goto conret1;
else { /* *** */ /* Inferior reads, prints port input */
concld(/* (void *)&pid */);
#endif /* BEOSORBEBOX */
conret = 1;
signal(CK_FORK_SIG, SIG_IGN); /* In case this wasn't done already */
debug(F101,"CONNECT conect exit ibc","",ibc);
debug(F101,"CONNECT conect exit obc","",obc);
close(xpipe[0]); xpipe[0] = -1; /* Close the pipe */
close(xpipe[1]); xpipe[1] = -1;
if (msgflg) {
#ifdef CK_APC
if (apcactive == APC_LOCAL)
#endif /* CK_APC */
/* H C O N N E -- Give help message for connect. */
hconne() {
int c;
static char *hlpmsg[] = {
"\r\n ? for this message",
"\r\n 0 (zero) to send a null",
"\r\n B to send a BREAK",
#ifdef CK_LBRK
"\r\n L to send a Long BREAK",
#endif /* CK_LBRK */
#ifdef NETCONN
"\r\n I to send a network interrupt packet",
"\r\n A to send Are You There?",
#endif /* TCPSOCKET */
#ifdef ANYX25
"\r\n R to reset X.25 virtual circuit",
#endif /* ANYX25 */
#endif /* NETCONN */
"\r\n U to hangup and close the connection",
"\r\n Q to hangup and quit Kermit",
"\r\n S for status",
#ifdef NOPUSH
"\r\n ! to push to local shell (disabled)",
"\r\n Z to suspend (disabled)",
"\r\n ! to push to local shell",
#ifdef NOJC
"\r\n Z to suspend (disabled)",
"\r\n Z to suspend",
#endif /* NOJC */
#endif /* NOPUSH */
"\r\n \\ backslash code:",
"\r\n \\nnn decimal character code",
"\r\n \\Onnn octal character code",
"\r\n \\Xhh hexadecimal character code",
"\r\n terminate with carriage return.",
"\r\n Type the escape character again to send the escape character, or",
"\r\n press the space-bar to resume the CONNECT command.\r\n",
"" };
conol("\r\nPress C to return to ");
conol(*myhost ? myhost : "the C-Kermit prompt");
conol(", or:");
conola(hlpmsg); /* Print the help message. */
conol("Command>"); /* Prompt for command. */
c = CONGKS() & 0177; /* Get character, strip any parity. */
/* No key mapping or translation here */
if (c != CMDQ)
return(c); /* Return it. */
/* D O E S C -- Process an escape character argument */
#ifdef CK_ANSIC
doesc(char c)
doesc(c) char c;
#endif /* CK_ANSIC */
/* doesc */ {
debug(F101,"CONNECT doesc","",c);
while (1) {
if (c == escape) { /* Send escape character */
d = dopar((CHAR) c); ttoc((char) d); return;
} else /* Or else look it up below. */
if (isupper(c)) c = tolower(c);
switch(c) {
case 'c': /* Escape back to prompt */
case '\03':
active = 0; conol("\r\n"); return;
case 'b': /* Send a BREAK signal */
case '\02':
ttsndb(); return;
#ifdef NETCONN
case 'i': /* Send Interrupt */
case '\011':
#ifndef IP
#define IP 244
#endif /* IP */
if (network && IS_TELNET()) { /* TELNET */
temp[0] = (CHAR) IAC; /* I Am a Command */
temp[1] = (CHAR) IP; /* Interrupt Process */
temp[2] = NUL;
ttol((CHAR *)temp,2);
} else
#endif /* TCPSOCKET */
#ifdef SUNX25
if (network && (nettype == NET_SX25)) {
(VOID) x25intr(0); /* X.25 interrupt packet */
} else
#endif /* SUNX25 */
case 'a': /* "Are You There?" */
case '\01':
#ifndef AYT
#define AYT 246
#endif /* AYT */
if (network && IS_TELNET()) {
temp[0] = (CHAR) IAC; /* I Am a Command */
temp[1] = (CHAR) AYT; /* Are You There? */
temp[2] = NUL;
ttol((CHAR *)temp,2);
} else conoc(BEL);
#endif /* TCPSOCKET */
#endif /* NETCONN */
#ifdef CK_LBRK
case 'l': /* Send a Long BREAK signal */
ttsndlb(); return;
#endif /* CK_LBRK */
case 'u': /* Hangup */
/* case '\010': */ /* No, too dangerous */
#ifdef ANYX25
if (network && (nettype == NET_SX25 || nettype == NET_IX25))
dox25clr = 1;
#endif /* ANYX25 */
dohangup = 2; active = 0; conol("\r\nHanging up "); return;
#ifdef ANYX25
case 'r': /* Reset the X.25 virtual circuit */
case '\022':
if (network && (nettype == NET_SX25 || nettype == NET_IX25))
(VOID) x25reset(0,0);
#endif /* ANYX25 */
case 'q': /* Quit */
dohangup = 2; quitnow = 1; active = 0; conol("\r\n"); return;
case 's': /* Status */
#ifdef NETCMD
if (ttpipe)
ckmakmsg(temp,TMPLEN," Pipe: \"",ttname,"\"",NULL);
#endif /* NETCMD */
" ",
(network ? "Host" : "Device"),
": ",
if (!network && speed >= 0L) {
sprintf(temp,"Speed %ld", speed);
sprintf(temp," Terminal echo: %s", duplex ? "local" : "remote");
sprintf(temp," Terminal bytesize: %d", (cmask == 0177) ? 7 : 8);
sprintf(temp," Command bytesize: %d", (cmdmsk == 0177) ? 7 : 8 );
if (hwparity)
sprintf(temp," Parity[hardware]: %s",parnam((char)hwparity));
sprintf(temp," Parity: %s", parnam((char)parity));
sprintf(temp," Autodownload: %s", autodl ? "on" : "off");
ckmakmsg(temp, /* (would not be safe for sprintf) */
" Session log: ",
*sesfil ? sesfil : "(none)",
#ifndef NOSHOW
if (!network) shomdm();
#endif /* NOSHOW */
long z;
z = dologshow(0);
if (z > -1L) {
sprintf(temp," Elapsed time: %s",hhmmss(z));
#endif /* CKLOGDIAL */
case 'h': /* Help */
case '?': /* Help */
c = hconne(); continue;
case '0': /* Send a null */
c = '\0'; d = dopar((CHAR) c); ttoc((char) d); return;
case 'z': case '\032': /* Suspend */
#ifndef NOPUSH
if (!nopush)
#endif /* NOPUSH */
case '@': /* Start inferior command processor */
case '!':
#ifndef NOPUSH
if (!nopush) {
conres(); /* Put console back to normal */
zshcmd(""); /* Fork a shell. */
if (conbin((char)escape) < 0) {
printf("Error resuming CONNECT session\n");
active = 0;
} else conoc(BEL);
#endif /* NOPUSH */
case SP: /* Space, ignore */
default: /* Other */
if (c == CMDQ) { /* Backslash escape */
int x;
ecbp = ecbuf;
*ecbp++ = c;
while (((c = (CONGKS() & cmdmsk)) != '\r') && (c != '\n'))
*ecbp++ = c;
*ecbp = NUL; ecbp = ecbuf;
x = xxesc(&ecbp); /* Interpret it */
if (x >= 0) { /* No key mapping here */
c = dopar((CHAR) x);
ttoc((char) c);
} else { /* Invalid backslash code. */
conoc(BEL); return; /* Invalid esc arg, beep */
#endif /* NOLOCAL */