blob: c471cb12ea7964700cc3a5dae905293aee64b9ec [file] [log] [blame]
#if defined(HAVE_CONFIG_H)
#include <config.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <net/if.h>
#include <devid.h>
#include <libdevinfo.h>
char *
find_interface_slot(char *interface_name) {
return strdup("Not Implemented");
static char interface_match[IFNAMSIZ];
static int found_vendor = 0;
static int found_device = 0;
static int found_subvendor = 0;
static int found_subdevice = 0;
static char *
set_interface_match(char *interface_name) {
int i;
char *nukeit;
interface_match[IFNAMSIZ-1] = 0;
/* strip away the logical interface information if present we "know"
thanks to the above that we will find a null character to get us
out of the loop */
for (nukeit = strchr(interface_match,':');
(NULL != nukeit) && (*nukeit != 0);
nukeit++) {
*nukeit = 0;
if (strlen(interface_match) == 0)
return NULL;
return interface_match;
/* take the binding name for our found node and try to break it up
into pci ids. return the number of IDs we found */
static int
parse_binding_name(char *binding_name) {
char *my_copy;
char *vend;
char *dev;
char *subvend;
char *subdev;
int count;
int i;
/* we cannot handle "class" :) */
if (NULL != strstr(binding_name,"class"))
return 0;
my_copy = strdup(binding_name);
if (NULL == my_copy)
return 0;
/* we assume something of the form:
pci14e4,164c or perhaps
pci14e4,164c.103c.7038.12 or
pciex8086,105e.108e.105e.6 or
where we ass-u-me that the first four hex digits before the comma
are the vendor ID, the next four after the comma are the device
id, the next four after the period are the subvendor id and the
next four after the next dot are the subdevice id. we have
absolutely no idea what the digits after a third dot might be.
of course these:
are somewhat perplexing also. Can we ass-u-me that the id's will
always be presented as four character hex? Until we learn to the
contrary, that is what will be ass-u-me-d here and so we will
naturally ignore those things, which might be revision numbers
raj 2008-03-20 */
vend = strtok(my_copy,",");
if (NULL == vend) {
count = 0;
else {
/* take only the last four characters */
if (strlen(vend) < 5) {
count = 0;
else {
/* OK, we could just update vend I suppose, but for some reason
I felt the need to blank-out the leading cruft... */
for (i = 0; i < strlen(vend) - 4; i++)
vend[i] = ' ';
found_vendor = strtol(vend,NULL,16);
/* ok, now check for device */
dev = strtok(NULL,".");
if ((NULL == dev) || (strlen(dev) != 4)) {
/* we give-up after vendor */
count = 1;
else {
found_device = strtol(dev,NULL,16);
/* ok, now check for subvendor */
subvend = strtok(NULL,".");
if ((NULL == subvend) || (strlen(subvend) != 4)) {
/* give-up after device */
count = 2;
else {
found_subvendor = strtol(subvend,NULL,16);
/* ok, now check for subdevice */
subdev = strtok(NULL,".");
if ((NULL == subdev) || (strlen(subdev) != 4)) {
/* give-up after subvendor */
count = 3;
else {
found_subdevice = strtol(subdev,NULL,16);
count = 4;
return count;
static int
check_node(di_node_t node, void *arg) {
char *nodename;
char *minorname;
char *propname;
char *bindingname;
di_minor_t minor;
di_prop_t prop;
int *ints;
nodename = di_devfs_path(node);
/* printf("Checking node named %s\n",nodename); */
minor = DI_MINOR_NIL;
while ((minor = di_minor_next(node,minor)) != DI_MINOR_NIL) {
/* check for a match with the interface_match */
minorname = di_minor_name(minor);
/* printf("\tminor name %s\n",minorname); */
/* do they match? */
if (strcmp(minorname,interface_match) == 0) {
/* found a match */
bindingname = di_binding_name(node);
printf("FOUND A MATCH ON %s under node %s with binding name %s\n",interface_match,
if (parse_binding_name(bindingname) == 4) {
/* we are done */
/* ok, getting here means we didn't find all the names we seek,
so try taking a look at the properties of the node. we know
that at least one driver is kind enough to set them in
there... and if we find it, we will allow that to override
anything we may have already found */
prop = DI_PROP_NIL;
while ((prop = di_prop_next(node,prop)) != DI_PROP_NIL) {
propname = di_prop_name(prop);
printf("\t\tproperty name %s\n",propname);
/* only bother checking the name if the type is what we expect
and we can get the ints */
if ((di_prop_type(prop) == DI_PROP_TYPE_INT) &&
(di_prop_ints(prop,&ints) > 0)) {
if (strcmp(propname,"subsystem-vendor-id") == 0)
found_subvendor = ints[0];
else if (strcmp(propname,"subsystem-id") == 0)
found_subdevice = ints[0];
else if (strcmp(propname,"vendor-id") == 0)
found_vendor = ints[0];
else if (strcmp(propname,"device-id") == 0)
found_device = ints[0];
/* since we found a match on the name, we are done now */
find_interface_ids(char *interface_name, int *vendor, int *device, int *sub_vend, int *sub_dev) {
di_node_t root;
char *interface_match;
/* so we have "failure values" ready if need be */
*vendor = 0;
*device = 0;
*sub_vend = 0;
*sub_dev = 0;
interface_match = set_interface_match(interface_name);
if (NULL == interface_match)
/* get the root of all devices, and hope they aren't evil */
root = di_init("/", DINFOCPYALL);
if (DI_NODE_NIL == root)
/* now we start trapsing merrily around the tree */
di_walk_node(root, DI_WALK_CLDFIRST,NULL,check_node);
*vendor = found_vendor;
*device = found_device;
*sub_vend = found_subvendor;
*sub_dev = found_subdevice;
main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
char *slot;
int vendor;
int device;
int subvendor;
int subdevice;
if (argc != 2) {
fprintf(stderr,"%s <interface>\n",argv[0]);
return -1;
slot = find_interface_slot(argv[1]);
find_interface_ids(argv[1], &vendor, &device, &subvendor, &subdevice);
printf("%s in in slot %s: vendor %4x device %4x subvendor %4x subdevice %4x\n",
return 0;