blob: f0075615ea07e5f3e0b89eeb4a8484446c07a0d0 [file] [log] [blame]
COMMENT - Standard C-Kermit initialization file
; For C-Kermit Version: 8.0
; Filename:
; .kermrc (UNIX, OS-9, Aegis)
; CKERMIT.INI (OS/2, VMS, OpenVMS, AOS/VS, Atari ST, Commodore Amiga)
; ckermit.ini (Stratus VOS)
; K95.INI (Kermit 95 -- but this big version is not used there)
; K2.INI (Kermit/2 -- but ditto)
; Authors:
; Frank da Cruz, Christine M. Gianone, Jeffrey Altman
; Columbia University, New York, NY 10025-7799, USA
; This is the standard and recommended C-Kermit 8.0 initialization file. To
; override settings or definitions made in this file, to add new settings or
; definitions, or to make any other desired customizations, create a separate,
; personal customization file called:
; .mykermrc (UNIX, OS-9, Aegis, BeBox, Plan 9)
; CKERMOD.INI (OS/2, VMS, OpenVMS, AOS/VS, Atari ST, Commodore Amiga)
; ckermod.ini (VOS)
; You can also define the customization filename in an environment
; variable (logical name in VMS), CKERMOD, which takes precedence over
; the names shown above.
; . Defines your default dialing directory name:
; .kdd for UNIX, OS-9 and Aegis; CKERMIT.KDD for other operating systems.
; You can override this with the environment variable K_DIAL_DIRECTORY
; . Defines your default network directory name:
; .knd for UNIX, OS-9 and Aegis; CKERMIT.KND for other operating systems.
; You can override this with the environment variable K_NET_DIRECTORY
; . Defines your default services directory name:
; .ksd for UNIX, OS-9 and Aegis; CKERMIT.KSD for other operating systems.
; You can override this with environment variable K_SERVICE_DIRECTORY.
; . Defines your customization file name (name given above)
; . Performs system-dependent setups for UNIX, VMS, OS/2, etc.
; . Defines VTPRINT macros for use with K95, MS-DOS Kermit, etc.
; . If you have a services directory, all the macros needed to use it are
; defined. If you don't have a services directory, the macros are not
; defined and Kermit starts faster.
; . Executes your personal customization file, if you have one.
; NOTE: Your customization file is NOT executed by Kermit itself; it is
; executed by this file.
; In UNIX, with C-Kermit 7.0 and later, you can store this file with a name
; other than .kermrc, and it will not be executed automatically, but, if you
; give this file execute permission, you can execute directly because of the
; "kerbang line" at the top, whenever you want all of the above actions to
; occur. The kerbang line must reflect the actual full path of the Kermit
; 7.0-or-later executable.
; C-Kermit 6.0 is documented in the book "Using C-Kermit", 2nd Edition,
; by Frank da Cruz and Christine M. Gianone, 1997, Digital Press /
; Butterworth-Heinemann, ISBN 1-55558-164-1. New features of subsequent
; versions are documented at the Kermit website:
; Everything after this point depends on the script programming language.
; The CHECK command terminates this command file immediately if the script
; programming language (IF command) is not configured.
set take error on ; This makes CHECK quit if no script language.
check if ; Do we have an IF command? If not, quit now.
set take error off ; Back to normal.
local _sd _servicedir _xp ; Declare local variables.
COMMENT - C-Kermit version 6.0 or later required.
asg _xp \v(xprogram)
if not def _xp asg _xp \v(program)
if not equal "\m(_xp)" "C-Kermit" -
stop 1 \v(cmdfile): This initialization file is only for C-Kermit.
echo Executing \v(cmdfile) for \v(system)...
if < \v(version) 60000 -
stop 1 \v(cmdfile): C-Kermit 6.0 or later required.
forward \v(system) ; First do system-dependent items...
:unknown ; Should not happen
Stop 1 Error: System type unknown!
:Aegis ; Apollo Aegis and
:UNIX ; UNIX, all versions
asg _myinit -
\v(home).mykermrc ; Customization filename
if remote forward COMMON ; Skip local-mode items if "-R"
asg _dialdir -
\v(home).kdd ; C-Kermit dialing directory
asg _netdir -
\v(home).knd ; C-Kermit network directory
asg _servicedir -
\v(home).ksd ; C-Kermit services directory
forward COMMON ; End of UNIX section
:OS9/68K ; OS-9
asg _myinit -
\v(home).mykermrc ; Customization filename
if remote forward COMMON
asg _dialdir -
\v(home).kdd ; C-Kermit dialing directory
asg _netdir -
\v(home).knd ; C-Kermit network directory
asg _servicedir -
\v(home).ksd ; C-Kermit services directory
else set file display crt
forward COMMON ; End of OS-9 section
:VMS ; VMS and OpenVMS
forward COMMON
:OS/2 ; Kermit 95
echo This initialization file is not for use with K95.
forward COMMON ; End of OS/2 section
:AOS/VS ; Data General AOS/VS
set window 1 ; Sliding windows don't work
set file char dg-international ; File character-set
set xfer char latin1 ; Transfer character-set
set file display crt ; File transfer fisplay
def cli push ; Escape to CLI
def reset - ; Macro to reset DG DASHER terminal
run write [!ascii 236 306 301]
forward COMMON ; End of AOS/VS section
:Amiga ; Commodore Amiga
def cls echo \27[H\27[2J ; CLS command to clear the screen
set file char latin1 ; Use Latin Alphabet 1 for file transfer
set xfer char latin1 ; ...
forward COMMON ; End of Amiga section
:Atari_ST ; Atari ST
def cls echo \27H\27J ; Clear screen a`la VT52
set server display on ; Show file xfer display in server mode too
set server timeout 15 ; Nonzero required for ^C interruption!
forward COMMON ; End of Atari ST section
:Macintosh ; Apple Macintosh
set server display on ; Show file xfer display in server mode too.
forward COMMON
:Stratus_VOS ; Stratus VOS
asg _myinit \v(home)ckermod.ini
if remote forward COMMON
asg _dialdir \v(home)ckermit.kdd
asg _netdir \v(home)ckermit.knd
asg _servicedir \v(home)ckermit.ksd
forward COMMON ; End of Stratus VOS section
:COMMON ; For all systems
; Define macros that are useful when running C-Kermit in remote mode.
; These macros serve no purpose on local-mode-only versions such as
; OS/2, Macintosh, Amiga, and Atari ST Kermit, so we skip defining them
; for those systems.
if not = 0 \findex(\v(system),WIN32:OS/2:Macintosh:Amiga:Atari_ST) -
forward files
; VTPRINT macro. Print a file on your PC's local printer.
def VTPRINT echo \27[5i, type \%1, echo \27[4i
; or if your printer needs a formfeed to force the page out:
; def VTPRINT def echo \27[5i, type \%1, echo \12\27[4i
; Macros for host-initiated file transfer using APC:
; NOT NEEDED ANY MORE because of autodownload/autoupload.
; Remove the following FORWARD command to reinstate these definitions:
; Get customization and directory file names. Environment variables take
; precedence, so you do not have to edit this file to change these filenames.
if def \$(CKERMOD) assign _myinit \$(CKERMOD)
if not def _myinit assign _myinit \v(home)CKERMOD.INI
if remote forward CUSTOM ; Skip all this if -R given on command line
if def \$(K_NET_DIRECTORY) assign _netdir \$(K_NET_DIRECTORY)
if not def _netdir assign _netdir \v(home)CKERMIT.KND
if def \$(K_DIAL_DIRECTORY) assign _dialdir \$(K_DIAL_DIRECTORY)
if not def _dialdir assign _dialdir \v(home)CKERMIT.KDD
CHECK DIAL ; Is there a DIAL command?
xif fail { ; No.
echo DIAL disabled
forward CUSTOM
xif success {
xif exist \m(_netdir) {
set net directory \m(_netdir)
echo { Network directory is \m(_netdir) }
if eq "\v(name)" "telnet" forward CUSTOM
xif exist \m(_dialdir) {
set dial directory \m(_dialdir)
echo { Dial directory is \m(_dialdir) }
COMMENT - Services directory
if def \$(K_SERVICE_DIRECTORY) assign _servicedir \$(K_SERVICE_DIRECTORY)
if not def _servicedir assign _servicedir \v(home)CKERMIT.KSD
; If no services directory is found skip all the big macro definitions and
; go straight to the bottom, where we execute the customization file.
if not exist \m(_servicedir) forward custom
echo { Services directory is \m(_servicedir)}
def MAX_SVCS 200 ; Adjust this if you have more entries
define _sd 0 ; Assume no services directory
open read \m(_servicedir) ; Try to open services directory file
xif success {
declare \&d[\m(MAX_SVCS)] ; It's open, declare directory array
for \%i 1 \m(MAX_SVCS) 1 { ; Read the lines into the array
read \&d[\%i]
if fail break
close read
xif > \%i \m(MAX_SVCS) {
echo Too many entries in services directory
echo { Maximum is \m(MAX_SVCS).}
echo { Change definition of MAX_SVCS in \v(cmdfile) to allow more. }
echo { Services directory disabled.}
} else {
asg \&d[0] \feval(\%i - 1)
define _sd 1
xif not \m(_sd) {
def access echo { Services directory not available.}
asg list \m(access)
} else {
def FIND {
set case off
for \%i 1 \&d[0] 1 {
if eq {\%1} {\fsubstr(\&d[\%i],1,\flen(\%1))} break
if not > \%i \&d[0] return \&d[\%i]
def LIST {
xif > \v(argc) 1 {
do find \%1
if def \v(return) echo \v(return)
else echo \%1: Not found
} else {
echo \&d[0] items in services directory:
for \%i 1 \&d[0] 1 { echo \fcont(\&d[\%i]) }
def SPLIT { asg _word1 \%1, asg _word2 \%2 }
def DOACCESS { ; (Used internally by ACCESS macro)
do \%5 \%6 \%7 \%8 \%9 ; Do the connection macro
if fail end 1
split \%3 ; Get words from \%3
asg \%3 \m(_word1)
asg \%2 \m(_word2)
do \%3 \%4 {\%1} \%2 ; Login macro, userid, password, prompt
def ACCESS {
if not defined \%1 end 1 access what? ; Check service
do find \%1 ; Look it up
if success doaccess {\%2} \v(return) ; OK, try it
else end 1 "\%1" not in services directory ; Not found
if fail end 1 ; DOACCESS failed?
xif eq \v(cmdlevel) 1 {
echo ACCESS: Login succeeded - CONNECTing...
show escape
output \13
connect /quietly
:CONNECTION ; Macros for making connections
COMMENT - SERIAL macro. Arguments:
; \%1 = device name
; \%2 = speed
def SERIAL {
if < \v(argc) 3 ; All arguments given?
end 1 Usage: SERIAL device speed ; No.
set line \%1 ; OK, try to SET LINE.
if failure - ; If this failed,
end 1 Can't open device: \%1 ; print message and quit.
set speed \%2 ; Try to set the speed.
if fail end 1 Unsupported speed: \%2 ; Failed.
echo Connection successful. ; Succeeded.
COMMENT - NET macro. Arguments:
; \%1 = network type
; \%2 = host name or address
def NET {
if < \v(argc) 3 end 1 Usage: NET network host
set network type \%1
if fail end 1 unsupported network: \%1
set login user ; Don't send user ID.
set host \%2
if fail end 1 Can't reach host: \%2
echo Connection successful.
COMMENT - CALL macro. Arguments:
; \%1 = modem type
; \%2 = device name
; \%3 = speed
; \%4 = phone number
def CALL {
if < \v(argc) 5 - ; All arguments present?
end 1 Usage: CALL modem device speed number
xif not equal {\v(modem)} {\%1} { ; Set modem type
set modem \%1
if fail end 1 unknown modem type: \%1
xif not equal {\v(line)} {\%2} { ; Communication device
set line \%2
if fail end 1 can't open device: \%2
xif not equal {\v(speed)} {\%3} { ; Communication speed
set speed \%3
if fail end 1 unsupported speed: \%3
dial \%4 ; Dial the number
if fail end 1 Can't place call: \%4
end 0 Connection successful.
COMMENT - TCPCALL macro. Arguments:
; \%1 = server name:port
; \%2 = modem type
; \%3 = phone number
if < \v(argc) 4 - ; All arguments present?
end 1 Usage: TCPCALL server[:port] modem number
set net type tcp/ip ; Which network to use
if fail end 1 unsupported network: tcp/ip
set host \%1 ; Access server and port
if fail end 1 can't access server \%1
set modem \%2 ; Set modem type
if fail end 1 unknown modem type: \%2
dial \%3 ; Dial the number
if fail end 1 Can't place call: \%3
end 0 Connection successful.
COMMENT - SPRINT macro. Arguments:
; \%1 = Service name or address
def SPRINT {
if < \v(argc) 2 end 1 Usage: \%0 service
set input timeout proceed
output @D\13
input 10 TERMINAL=
if fail end 1 No terminal prompt
out D1\13
inp 10 @
if fail end 1 No atsign prompt
output c \%1\13
input 10 CONNECTED
if fail end 1 Can't access \%1 from SprintNet
COMMENT - ULOGIN macro. For logging into systems where user ID is required
; but there is no password. Arguments:
; \%1 = UNIX user ID
define ULOGIN {
if < \v(argc) 2 end 1 Usage: \%0 userid
set input timeout proceed ; Handle timeouts ourselves
set case on ; Case is important in UNIX
minput 5 login: Username: {User ID:} {User Name:}
out \%1\13 ; Send username, carriage return
end 0
COMMENT - VMSLOGIN macro. Arguments:
; \%1 = VMS user ID
; \%2 = Password. If password not supplied, it is prompted for.
; \%3 = System prompt. If omitted a default is supplied.
define VMSLOGIN {
if < \v(argc) 2 end 1 Usage: \%0 userid [ password [ prompt ] ]
while not defined \%2 {
askq \%2 { \%1's password: }
set parity none ; Set communication parameters
set duplex full
set handshake none
set input timeout proceed ; Handle timeouts ourselves
in 5 Username: ; Is prompt already there?
xif fail { ; No.
for \%i 1 3 1 { ; Try 3 times to get it.
out \13 ; Send carriage return
in 5 Username: ; Look for prompt
if success break ; Success, go log in
if > \%i 3 end 1 No Username prompt
out \%1\13 ; Send username, carriage return
inp 5 Password: ; Wait 5 sec for this prompt
if fail end 1 No password prompt
pause ; Wait a sec
out \%2\13 ; Send password
xif not emulation { ; No emulator built in?
set input echo off ; Protect terminal from this
minput 10 {\27Z} {\27[c} {\27[0c} ; Get terminal ID query
xif success { ; Got one
output \27[\?1c ; Send VT100 terminal ID
in 2 \27[6n ; Screen dimension query?
if succ out \27[\v(rows);\v(cols)R ; Send dimensions
set input echo on ; Echo input again
if not def \%3 - ; If we were not given a prompt
asg \%3 {\v(prompt)} ; use the SET LOGIN PROMPT value
if not def \%3 - ; If we still don't have a prompt
asg \%3 {\13$\32} ; use this one as the default
reinp 0 \%3 ; Did we INPUT the prompt already?
if fail inp 60 \%3 ; No, look now.
if fail end 1
COMMENT - UNIXLOGIN macro. Arguments:
; \%1 = UNIX user ID
; \%2 = Password. If password not supplied, it is prompted for.
; \%3 = System prompt. If omitted a default is supplied.
define UNIXLOGIN {
local \%m \%i
if < \v(argc) 2 -
end 1 Usage: \%0 userid [ password [ prompt ] ]
while not defined \%2 {
askq \%2 { \%1's password: }
set input echo on
set parity none ; Set communication parameters.
set duplex full
set handshake none
set input timeout proceed ; Handle timeouts ourselves
set case on ; Case is important in UNIX
def \%m 10 ; Waiting time for INPUT
for \%i 1 5 1 {
minput \%m login: {ssword:} {Password for \%1:}
if success break
output \B\13
\%m ::= 6-\%1
if > \%i 5 end 1 {No response from host}
xif = \v(minput) 1 { ; Have username prompt
output \%1\13 ; Send username
minput 5 {ssword:} {ssword for \%1:} ; Wait for password prompt
if fail end 1 {No password prompt}
pause ; Wait a sec
out \%2\13 ; Send password
if not def \%3 - ; If we were not given a prompt
asg \%3 {\v(prompt)} ; use the SET LOGIN PROMPT value
if not def \%3 - ; If we still don't have a prompt
asg \%3 {\10$ } ; use this one as the default
reinp 0 \%3 ; Did we INPUT the prompt already?
if fail inp 60 \%3 ; No, look now.
if fail end 1
COMMENT - VMLINELOGIN macro. Arguments:
; \%1 = User ID
; \%2 = Password
if < \v(argc) 2 -
end 1 Usage: \%0 userid [ password ]
while not defined \%2 {
askq \%2 { \%1's password: }
set parity mark ; Set communication parameters
set flow none
set handshake xon
set duplex half
set input timeout quit ; Don't bother with IF FAILURE
input 10 BREAK KEY ; Look for BREAK KEY prompt
pause 1 ; Wait a second
output \B ; Send BREAK
input 10 .\17, output logon \%1\13 ; Now log in
input 10 .\17, output \%2\13 ; Send password
input 10 .\17, output \13 ; Send carriage return
input 10 .\17, output \13 ; Send another one
end 0
COMMENT - VMFULLOGIN macro. Arguments:
; \%1 = User ID
; \%2 = Password
if < \v(argc) 2 -
end 1 Usage: \%0 userid [ password ]
while not defined \%2 {
askq \%2 { \%1's password: }
set input timeout quit ; Quit if INPUT fails
set parity even ; Set communication parameters
set duplex full
set handshake none
set flow xon/xoff
out \13 ; Send carriage return
inp 5 TERMINAL TYPE: ; Get terminal-type prompt
out vt-100\13 ; Just send "vt-100"
inp 20 RUNNING ; Get RUNNING message
pau 1 ; Wait one second
out \%1\9\%2\13 ; Send user ID, tab, password
out \13\13 ; Two more carriage returns
end 0
COMMENT - CISLOGIN macro. Arguments:
; \%1 = CompuServe User ID
; \%2 = Password
; \%3 = Prompt
define CISLOGIN {
if < \v(argc) 2 -
end 1 Usage: \%0 userid [ password [ prompt ] ]
while not defined \%2 {
askq \%2 { \%1's password: }
set terminal bytesize 7 ; No 8-bit characters
set input timeout quit ; Skip the IF FAILURE's
output \13 ; Send initial carriage return
input 5 Host Name: ; Look for Host Name prompt
output cis\13 ; Send "cis" and carriage return
input 5 User ID: ; Look for User ID prompt
output \%1\13 ; Send ID and carriage return
input Password: ; Look for Password prompt
output \%2\13 ; Send password and CR
if not def \%3 asg \%3 \v(prompt)
if not def \%3 asg \%3 {CompuServe Information Service}
input 30 \%3
end 0
COMMENT - DOWLOGIN macro. Arguments:
; \%1 = Dow Jones Password
define DOWLOGIN {
while not defined \%1 { ; Get password
askq \%1 { Dow Jones password: }
set input timeout proceed
input 20 SERVICE PLEASE\?\?\?\? ; Look for Dow prompt
if fail end 1 No service prompt
out djnr\13 ; Select DJNR
input 10 @@@@@@@@ ; Get password prompt
if fail end 1 No password prompt
pause 1 ; Wait a second, then...
output \%1\13 ; send password and CR
input 30 ENTER QUERY ; Get DJNR query prompt
if fail end 1 No main query prompt
pause 1
COMMENT - DJNRSPRINT macro: Log in to Dow Jones via SprintNet.
def djnrsprint sprint dow, if success dowlogin
COMMENT - NOLOGIN macro. Does nothing. Use when login not required.
def nologin comment
:CUSTOM ; Customization file
; In VMS and OpenVMS, allow for system-wide site customizations
xif equal "\v(system)" "VMS" {
; Execute user's personal customization file
xif exist \m(_myinit) { ; If it exists,
echo Executing \m(_myinit)... ; print message,
take \m(_myinit) ; and TAKE the file.
; Finish up with traditional greeting.
if < \v(ntime) 43200 echo Good Morning!
else if < \v(ntime) 61200 echo Good Afternoon!
else echo Good Evening.
End ; of C-Kermit 8.0 initialization file.