blob: 7e5c9378013310fa1f7d158dfb7e715f7e9541e9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2005 - 2014 by Vivante Corp. All rights reserved.
* The material in this file is confidential and contains trade secrets
* of Vivante Corporation. This is proprietary information owned by
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#ifndef __gc_hal_version_h_
#define __gc_hal_version_h_
#define gcvVERSION_MAJOR 5
#define gcvVERSION_MINOR 0
#define gcvVERSION_PATCH 11
#define gcvVERSION_BUILD 25762
#define gcvVERSION_STRING "5.0.11.p4.25762"
#define gcvVERSION_DATE __DATE__
#define gcvVERSION_TIME __TIME__
#endif /* __gc_hal_version_h_ */