blob: 52407f4aa56680b298bfdf3ed7dd6819ad9d580a [file] [log] [blame]
#ifndef fooclientlookuphfoo
#define fooclientlookuphfoo
This file is part of avahi.
avahi is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
avahi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with avahi; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <avahi-common/cdecl.h>
#include <avahi-common/address.h>
#include <avahi-common/strlst.h>
#include <avahi-common/defs.h>
#include <avahi-common/watch.h>
#include <avahi-common/gccmacro.h>
#include <avahi-client/client.h>
/** \file avahi-client/lookup.h Lookup Client API */
/** \example client-browse-services.c Example how to browse for DNS-SD
* services using the client interface to avahi-daemon. */
/** @{ \name Domain Browser */
/** A domain browser object */
typedef struct AvahiDomainBrowser AvahiDomainBrowser;
/** The function prototype for the callback of an AvahiDomainBrowser */
typedef void (*AvahiDomainBrowserCallback) (
AvahiDomainBrowser *b,
AvahiIfIndex interface,
AvahiProtocol protocol,
AvahiBrowserEvent event,
const char *domain,
AvahiLookupResultFlags flags,
void *userdata);
/** Browse for domains on the local network */
AvahiDomainBrowser* avahi_domain_browser_new (
AvahiClient *client,
AvahiIfIndex interface,
AvahiProtocol protocol,
const char *domain,
AvahiDomainBrowserType btype,
AvahiLookupFlags flags,
AvahiDomainBrowserCallback callback,
void *userdata);
/** Get the parent client of an AvahiDomainBrowser object */
AvahiClient* avahi_domain_browser_get_client (AvahiDomainBrowser *);
/** Cleans up and frees an AvahiDomainBrowser object */
int avahi_domain_browser_free (AvahiDomainBrowser *);
/** @} */
/** @{ \name Service Browser */
/** A service browser object */
typedef struct AvahiServiceBrowser AvahiServiceBrowser;
/** The function prototype for the callback of an AvahiServiceBrowser */
typedef void (*AvahiServiceBrowserCallback) (
AvahiServiceBrowser *b,
AvahiIfIndex interface,
AvahiProtocol protocol,
AvahiBrowserEvent event,
const char *name,
const char *type,
const char *domain,
AvahiLookupResultFlags flags,
void *userdata);
/** Browse for services of a type on the network. In most cases you
* probably want to pass AVAHI_IF_UNSPEC and AVAHI_PROTO_UNSPED in
* interface, resp. protocol to browse on all local networks. The
* specified callback will be called whenever a new service appears
* or is removed from the network. Please note that events may be
* collapsed to minimize traffic (i.e. a REMOVED followed by a NEW for
* the same service data is dropped because redundant). If you want to
* subscribe to service data changes, you should use
* avahi_service_resolver_new() and keep it open, in which case you
* will be notified via AVAHI_RESOLVE_FOUND everytime the service data
* changes. */
AvahiServiceBrowser* avahi_service_browser_new (
AvahiClient *client,
AvahiIfIndex interface, /**< In most cases pass AVAHI_IF_UNSPEC here */
AvahiProtocol protocol, /**< In most cases pass AVAHI_PROTO_UNSPEC here */
const char *type, /**< A service type such as "_http._tcp" */
const char *domain, /**< A domain to browse in. In most cases you want to pass NULL here for the default domain (usually ".local") */
AvahiLookupFlags flags,
AvahiServiceBrowserCallback callback,
void *userdata);
/** Get the parent client of an AvahiServiceBrowser object */
AvahiClient* avahi_service_browser_get_client (AvahiServiceBrowser *);
/** Cleans up and frees an AvahiServiceBrowser object */
int avahi_service_browser_free (AvahiServiceBrowser *);
/** @} */
/** \cond fulldocs */
/** A service type browser object */
typedef struct AvahiServiceTypeBrowser AvahiServiceTypeBrowser;
/** The function prototype for the callback of an AvahiServiceTypeBrowser */
typedef void (*AvahiServiceTypeBrowserCallback) (
AvahiServiceTypeBrowser *b,
AvahiIfIndex interface,
AvahiProtocol protocol,
AvahiBrowserEvent event,
const char *type,
const char *domain,
AvahiLookupResultFlags flags,
void *userdata);
/** Browse for service types on the local network */
AvahiServiceTypeBrowser* avahi_service_type_browser_new (
AvahiClient *client,
AvahiIfIndex interface,
AvahiProtocol protocol,
const char *domain,
AvahiLookupFlags flags,
AvahiServiceTypeBrowserCallback callback,
void *userdata);
/** Get the parent client of an AvahiServiceTypeBrowser object */
AvahiClient* avahi_service_type_browser_get_client (AvahiServiceTypeBrowser *);
/** Cleans up and frees an AvahiServiceTypeBrowser object */
int avahi_service_type_browser_free (AvahiServiceTypeBrowser *);
/** \endcond */
/** @{ \name Service Resolver */
/** A service resolver object */
typedef struct AvahiServiceResolver AvahiServiceResolver;
/** The function prototype for the callback of an AvahiServiceResolver */
typedef void (*AvahiServiceResolverCallback) (
AvahiServiceResolver *r,
AvahiIfIndex interface,
AvahiProtocol protocol,
AvahiResolverEvent event,
const char *name,
const char *type,
const char *domain,
const char *host_name,
const AvahiAddress *a,
uint16_t port,
AvahiStringList *txt,
AvahiLookupResultFlags flags,
void *userdata);
/** Create a new service resolver object. Please make sure to pass all
* the service data you received via avahi_service_browser_new()'s
* callback function, especially interface and protocol. The protocol
* argument specifies the protocol (IPv4 or IPv6) to use as transport
* for the queries which are sent out by this resolver. The
* aprotocol argument specifies the adress family (IPv4 or IPv6) of
* the address of the service we are looking for. Generally, on
* "protocol" you should only pass what was supplied to you as
* parameter to your AvahiServiceBrowserCallback. In "aprotocol" you
* should pass what your application code can deal with when
* connecting to the service. Or, more technically speaking: protocol
* specifies if the mDNS queries should be sent as UDP/IPv4
* resp. UDP/IPv6 packets. aprotocol specifies whether the query is for a A
* resp. AAAA resource record. */
AvahiServiceResolver * avahi_service_resolver_new(
AvahiClient *client,
AvahiIfIndex interface, /**< Pass the interface argument you received in AvahiServiceBrowserCallback here. */
AvahiProtocol protocol, /**< Pass the protocol argument you received in AvahiServiceBrowserCallback here. */
const char *name, /**< Pass the name argument you received in AvahiServiceBrowserCallback here. */
const char *type, /**< Pass the type argument you received in AvahiServiceBrowserCallback here. */
const char *domain, /**< Pass the domain argument you received in AvahiServiceBrowserCallback here. */
AvahiProtocol aprotocol, /**< The desired address family of the service address to resolve. AVAHI_PROTO_UNSPEC if your application can deal with both IPv4 and IPv6 */
AvahiLookupFlags flags,
AvahiServiceResolverCallback callback,
void *userdata);
/** Get the parent client of an AvahiServiceResolver object */
AvahiClient* avahi_service_resolver_get_client (AvahiServiceResolver *);
/** Free a service resolver object */
int avahi_service_resolver_free(AvahiServiceResolver *r);
/** @} */
/** \cond fulldocs */
/** A service resolver object */
typedef struct AvahiHostNameResolver AvahiHostNameResolver;
/** The function prototype for the callback of an AvahiHostNameResolver */
typedef void (*AvahiHostNameResolverCallback) (
AvahiHostNameResolver *r,
AvahiIfIndex interface,
AvahiProtocol protocol,
AvahiResolverEvent event,
const char *name,
const AvahiAddress *a,
AvahiLookupResultFlags flags,
void *userdata);
/** Create a new hostname resolver object */
AvahiHostNameResolver * avahi_host_name_resolver_new(
AvahiClient *client,
AvahiIfIndex interface,
AvahiProtocol protocol,
const char *name,
AvahiProtocol aprotocol,
AvahiLookupFlags flags,
AvahiHostNameResolverCallback callback,
void *userdata);
/** Get the parent client of an AvahiHostNameResolver object */
AvahiClient* avahi_host_name_resolver_get_client (AvahiHostNameResolver *);
/** Free a hostname resolver object */
int avahi_host_name_resolver_free(AvahiHostNameResolver *r);
/** An address resolver object */
typedef struct AvahiAddressResolver AvahiAddressResolver;
/** The function prototype for the callback of an AvahiAddressResolver */
typedef void (*AvahiAddressResolverCallback) (
AvahiAddressResolver *r,
AvahiIfIndex interface,
AvahiProtocol protocol,
AvahiResolverEvent event,
const AvahiAddress *a,
const char *name,
AvahiLookupResultFlags flags,
void *userdata);
/** Create a new address resolver object from an AvahiAddress object */
AvahiAddressResolver* avahi_address_resolver_new(
AvahiClient *client,
AvahiIfIndex interface,
AvahiProtocol protocol,
const AvahiAddress *a,
AvahiLookupFlags flags,
AvahiAddressResolverCallback callback,
void *userdata);
/** Get the parent client of an AvahiAddressResolver object */
AvahiClient* avahi_address_resolver_get_client (AvahiAddressResolver *);
/** Free a AvahiAddressResolver resolver object */
int avahi_address_resolver_free(AvahiAddressResolver *r);
/** \endcond */
/** @{ \name Record Browser */
/** A record browser object */
typedef struct AvahiRecordBrowser AvahiRecordBrowser;
/** The function prototype for the callback of an AvahiRecordBrowser */
typedef void (*AvahiRecordBrowserCallback) (
AvahiRecordBrowser *b,
AvahiIfIndex interface,
AvahiProtocol protocol,
AvahiBrowserEvent event,
const char *name,
uint16_t clazz,
uint16_t type,
const void *rdata,
size_t size,
AvahiLookupResultFlags flags,
void *userdata);
/** Browse for records of a type on the local network */
AvahiRecordBrowser* avahi_record_browser_new(
AvahiClient *client,
AvahiIfIndex interface,
AvahiProtocol protocol,
const char *name,
uint16_t clazz,
uint16_t type,
AvahiLookupFlags flags,
AvahiRecordBrowserCallback callback,
void *userdata);
/** Get the parent client of an AvahiRecordBrowser object */
AvahiClient* avahi_record_browser_get_client(AvahiRecordBrowser *);
/** Cleans up and frees an AvahiRecordBrowser object */
int avahi_record_browser_free(AvahiRecordBrowser *);
/** @} */