blob: 7a2cfa4926fc7c9e2b26da2e94edd5b0c6433b11 [file] [log] [blame]
* libdpkg - Debian packaging suite library routines
* parsehelp.c - helpful routines for parsing and writing
* Copyright © 1995 Ian Jackson <>
* This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <compat.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <dpkg/i18n.h>
#include <dpkg/dpkg.h>
#include <dpkg/dpkg-db.h>
#include <dpkg/string.h>
#include <dpkg/error.h>
#include <dpkg/parsedump.h>
static const char *
parse_error_msg(struct parsedb_state *ps, const char *fmt)
static char msg[1024];
char filename[256];
str_escape_fmt(filename, ps->filename, sizeof(filename));
if (ps->pkg && ps->pkg->name)
sprintf(msg, _("parsing file '%.255s' near line %d package '%.255s':\n"
" %.255s"), filename, ps->lno, ps->pkg->name, fmt);
sprintf(msg, _("parsing file '%.255s' near line %d:\n"
" %.255s"), filename, ps->lno, fmt);
return msg;
parse_error(struct parsedb_state *ps, const char *fmt, ...)
va_list args;
va_start(args, fmt);
ohshitv(parse_error_msg(ps, fmt), args);
parse_warn(struct parsedb_state *ps, const char *fmt, ...)
va_list args;
va_start(args, fmt);
warningv(parse_error_msg(ps, fmt), args);
const struct namevalue booleaninfos[] = {
NAMEVALUE_DEF("no", false),
NAMEVALUE_DEF("yes", true),
{ .name = NULL }
const struct namevalue priorityinfos[] = {
NAMEVALUE_DEF("required", pri_required),
NAMEVALUE_DEF("important", pri_important),
NAMEVALUE_DEF("standard", pri_standard),
NAMEVALUE_DEF("optional", pri_optional),
NAMEVALUE_DEF("extra", pri_extra),
NAMEVALUE_FALLBACK_DEF("this is a bug - please report", pri_other),
NAMEVALUE_DEF("unknown", pri_unknown),
{ .name = NULL }
const struct namevalue statusinfos[] = {
NAMEVALUE_DEF("not-installed", stat_notinstalled),
NAMEVALUE_DEF("config-files", stat_configfiles),
NAMEVALUE_DEF("half-installed", stat_halfinstalled),
NAMEVALUE_DEF("unpacked", stat_unpacked),
NAMEVALUE_DEF("half-configured", stat_halfconfigured),
NAMEVALUE_DEF("triggers-awaited", stat_triggersawaited),
NAMEVALUE_DEF("triggers-pending", stat_triggerspending),
NAMEVALUE_DEF("installed", stat_installed),
{ .name = NULL }
const struct namevalue eflaginfos[] = {
NAMEVALUE_DEF("ok", eflag_ok),
NAMEVALUE_DEF("reinstreq", eflag_reinstreq),
{ .name = NULL }
const struct namevalue wantinfos[] = {
NAMEVALUE_DEF("unknown", want_unknown),
NAMEVALUE_DEF("install", want_install),
NAMEVALUE_DEF("hold", want_hold),
NAMEVALUE_DEF("deinstall", want_deinstall),
NAMEVALUE_DEF("purge", want_purge),
{ .name = NULL }
const char *
pkg_name_is_illegal(const char *p, const char **ep)
/* FIXME: _ is deprecated, remove sometime. */
static const char alsoallowed[] = "-+._";
static char buf[150];
int c;
if (!*p) return _("may not be empty string");
if (!isalnum(*p))
return _("must start with an alphanumeric character");
while ((c = *p++) != '\0')
if (!isalnum(c) && !strchr(alsoallowed,c)) break;
if (!c) return NULL;
if (isspace(c) && ep) {
while (isspace(*p)) p++;
*ep= p; return NULL;
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), _(
"character `%c' not allowed (only letters, digits and characters `%s')"),
c, alsoallowed);
return buf;
void varbufversion
(struct varbuf *vb,
const struct versionrevision *version,
enum versiondisplayepochwhen vdew)
switch (vdew) {
case vdew_never:
case vdew_nonambig:
if (!version->epoch &&
(!version->version || !strchr(version->version,':')) &&
(!version->revision || !strchr(version->revision,':'))) break;
/* Fall through. */
case vdew_always:
varbuf_printf(vb, "%lu:", version->epoch);
internerr("unknown versiondisplayepochwhen '%d'", vdew);
if (version->version)
varbuf_add_str(vb, version->version);
if (version->revision && *version->revision) {
varbuf_add_char(vb, '-');
varbuf_add_str(vb, version->revision);
const char *versiondescribe
(const struct versionrevision *version,
enum versiondisplayepochwhen vdew)
static struct varbuf bufs[10];
static int bufnum=0;
struct varbuf *vb;
if (!informativeversion(version))
return C_("version", "<none>");
vb= &bufs[bufnum]; bufnum++; if (bufnum == 10) bufnum= 0;
return vb->buf;
* Parse a version string and check for invalid syntax.
* Distinguish between lax (warnings) and strict (error) parsing.
* @param rversion The parsed version.
* @param string The version string to parse.
* @param err The warning or error message if any.
* @retval 0 On success.
* @retval -1 On failure, and err is set accordingly.
parseversion(struct versionrevision *rversion, const char *string,
struct dpkg_error *err)
char *hyphen, *colon, *eepochcolon;
const char *end, *ptr;
unsigned long epoch;
if (!*string)
return dpkg_put_error(err, _("version string is empty"));
/* Trim leading and trailing space. */
while (*string && isblank(*string))
/* String now points to the first non-whitespace char. */
end = string;
/* Find either the end of the string, or a whitespace char. */
while (*end && !isblank(*end))
/* Check for extra chars after trailing space. */
ptr = end;
while (*ptr && isblank(*ptr))
if (*ptr)
return dpkg_put_error(err, _("version string has embedded spaces"));
colon= strchr(string,':');
if (colon) {
epoch= strtoul(string,&eepochcolon,10);
if (colon != eepochcolon)
return dpkg_put_error(err, _("epoch in version is not number"));
if (!*++colon)
return dpkg_put_error(err, _("nothing after colon in version number"));
string= colon;
rversion->epoch= epoch;
} else {
rversion->epoch= 0;
rversion->version= nfstrnsave(string,end-string);
hyphen= strrchr(rversion->version,'-');
if (hyphen)
*hyphen++ = '\0';
rversion->revision= hyphen ? hyphen : "";
/* XXX: Would be faster to use something like cisversion and cisrevision. */
ptr = rversion->version;
if (*ptr && !cisdigit(*ptr++))
return dpkg_put_warn(err, _("version number does not start with digit"));
for (; *ptr; ptr++) {
if (!cisdigit(*ptr) && !cisalpha(*ptr) && strchr(".-+~:", *ptr) == NULL)
return dpkg_put_warn(err, _("invalid character in version number"));
for (ptr = rversion->revision; *ptr; ptr++) {
if (!cisdigit(*ptr) && !cisalpha(*ptr) && strchr(".+~", *ptr) == NULL)
return dpkg_put_warn(err, _("invalid character in revision number"));
return 0;
* Parse a version string coming from a database file.
* It parses a version string, and prints a warning or an error depending
* on the parse options.
* @param ps The parsedb state.
* @param version The version to parse into.
* @param value The version string to parse from.
* @param fmt The error format string.
parse_db_version(struct parsedb_state *ps, struct versionrevision *version,
const char *value, const char *fmt, ...)
struct dpkg_error err;
va_list args;
char buf[1000];
if (parseversion(version, value, &err) == 0)
va_start(args, fmt);
vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, args);
if (err.type == DPKG_MSG_WARN && (ps->flags & pdb_lax_parser))
parse_warn(ps, "%s: %.250s", buf, err.str);
parse_error(ps, "%s: %.250s", buf, err.str);
parse_must_have_field(struct parsedb_state *ps,
const char *value, const char *what)
if (!value)
parse_error(ps, _("missing %s"), what);
else if (!*value)
parse_error(ps, _("empty value for %s"), what);
parse_ensure_have_field(struct parsedb_state *ps,
const char **value, const char *what)
static const char empty[] = "";
if (!*value) {
parse_warn(ps, _("missing %s"), what);
*value = empty;
} else if (!**value) {
parse_warn(ps, _("empty value for %s"), what);