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** File: switch.cpp
** Description: trying to time context switches
#include "rccv.h"
#include "rcinrval.h"
#include "rclock.h"
#include "rcthread.h"
#include <prio.h>
#include <prlog.h>
#include <prprf.h>
#include <plerror.h>
#include <plgetopt.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define INNER_LOOPS 100
#define DEFAULT_LOOPS 100
static PRFileDesc *debug_out = NULL;
static PRBool debug_mode = PR_FALSE, verbosity = PR_FALSE, failed = PR_FALSE;
class Home: public RCCondition
virtual ~Home();
Home(Home *link, RCLock* ml);
Home *next;
RCLock* ml;
PRBool twiddle;
}; /* Home */
Home::~Home() { }
Home::Home(Home *link, RCLock* lock): RCCondition(lock)
ml = lock;
next = link;
twiddle = PR_FALSE;
} /* Home::Home */
class Shared: public Home, public RCThread
Shared(RCThread::Scope scope, Home* link, RCLock* ml);
void RootFunction();
}; /* Shared */
Shared::Shared(RCThread::Scope scope, Home* link, RCLock* lock):
Home(link, lock), RCThread(scope, RCThread::joinable) { }
Shared::~Shared() { }
void Shared::RootFunction()
PRStatus status = PR_SUCCESS;
while (PR_SUCCESS == status)
RCEnter entry(ml);
while (twiddle && (PR_SUCCESS == status)) status = Wait();
if (verbosity) PR_fprintf(debug_out, "+");
twiddle = PR_TRUE;
next->twiddle = PR_FALSE;
} /* Shared::RootFunction */
static void Help(void)
debug_out = PR_STDOUT;
debug_out, "Usage: >./switch [-d] [-c n] [-t n] [-T n] [-G]\n");
debug_out, "-c n\tloops at thread level (default: %d)\n", DEFAULT_LOOPS);
debug_out, "-t n\tnumber of threads (default: %d)\n", DEFAULT_THREADS);
PR_fprintf(debug_out, "-d\tturn on debugging output (default: FALSE)\n");
PR_fprintf(debug_out, "-v\tturn on verbose output (default: FALSE)\n");
PR_fprintf(debug_out, "-G n\tglobal threads only (default: FALSE)\n");
PR_fprintf(debug_out, "-C n\tconcurrency setting (default: 1)\n");
} /* Help */
PRIntn main(PRIntn argc, char **argv)
PLOptStatus os;
PRStatus status;
PRBool help = PR_FALSE;
PRUintn concurrency = 1;
RCThread::Scope thread_scope = RCThread::local;
PRUintn thread_count, inner_count, loop_count, average;
PRUintn thread_limit = DEFAULT_THREADS, loop_limit = DEFAULT_LOOPS;
PLOptState *opt = PL_CreateOptState(argc, argv, "hdvc:t:C:G");
while (PL_OPT_EOL != (os = PL_GetNextOpt(opt)))
if (PL_OPT_BAD == os) continue;
switch (opt->option)
case 'v': /* verbose mode */
verbosity = PR_TRUE;
case 'd': /* debug mode */
debug_mode = PR_TRUE;
case 'c': /* loop counter */
loop_limit = atoi(opt->value);
case 't': /* thread limit */
thread_limit = atoi(opt->value);
case 'C': /* Concurrency limit */
concurrency = atoi(opt->value);
case 'G': /* global threads only */
thread_scope = RCThread::global;
case 'h': /* help message */
help = PR_TRUE;
if (help) return -1;
if (PR_TRUE == debug_mode)
debug_out = PR_STDOUT;
PR_fprintf(debug_out, "Test parameters\n");
PR_fprintf(debug_out, "\tThreads involved: %d\n", thread_limit);
PR_fprintf(debug_out, "\tIteration limit: %d\n", loop_limit);
PR_fprintf(debug_out, "\tConcurrency: %d\n", concurrency);
debug_out, "\tThread type: %s\n",
(PR_GLOBAL_THREAD == thread_scope) ? "GLOBAL" : "LOCAL");
** The interesting part starts here
RCLock lock;
Shared* shared;
Home home(NULL, &lock);
Home* link = &home;
RCInterval timein, timeout = 0;
/* Build up the string of objects */
for (thread_count = 1; thread_count <= thread_limit; ++thread_count)
shared = new Shared(thread_scope, link, &lock);
shared->Start(); /* make it run */
link = (Home*)shared;
/* Pass the message around the horn a few times */
for (loop_count = 1; loop_count <= loop_limit; ++loop_count)
for (inner_count = 0; inner_count < INNER_LOOPS; ++inner_count)
RCEnter entry(&lock);
home.twiddle = PR_TRUE;
shared->twiddle = PR_FALSE;
while (home.twiddle)
failed = (PR_FAILURE == home.Wait()) ? PR_TRUE : PR_FALSE;
timeout += (RCInterval(RCInterval::now) - timein);
/* Figure out how well we did */
if (debug_mode)
average = timeout.ToMicroseconds()
/ (INNER_LOOPS * loop_limit * thread_count);
debug_out, "Average switch times %d usecs for %d threads\n",
average, thread_limit);
/* Start reclamation process */
link = shared;
for (thread_count = 1; thread_count <= thread_limit; ++thread_count)
if (&home == link) break;
status = ((Shared*)link)->Interrupt();
if (PR_SUCCESS != status)
failed = PR_TRUE;
if (debug_mode)
PL_FPrintError(debug_out, "Failed to interrupt");
link = link->next;
for (thread_count = 1; thread_count <= thread_limit; ++thread_count)
link = shared->next;
status = shared->Join();
if (PR_SUCCESS != status)
failed = PR_TRUE;
if (debug_mode)
PL_FPrintError(debug_out, "Failed to join");
if (&home == link) break;
shared = (Shared*)link;
PR_fprintf(PR_STDOUT, ((failed) ? "FAILED\n" : "PASSED\n"));
failed |= (PR_SUCCESS == RCPrimordialThread::Cleanup());
return ((failed) ? 1 : 0);
} /* main */
/* switch.c */