blob: 75b32ad45da3e739b32fb7e005a2e1113f9e9721 [file] [log] [blame]
libparted - a library for manipulating disk partitions
Copyright (C) 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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* \addtogroup PedAlignment
* @{
/** \file natmath.h */
typedef struct _PedAlignment PedAlignment;
#include <parted/disk.h>
#define PED_MIN(a, b) ( ((a)<(b)) ? (a) : (b) )
#define PED_MAX(a, b) ( ((a)>(b)) ? (a) : (b) )
/* this is weird (I'm still not sure I should be doing this!)
* For the functions: new, destroy, duplicate and merge: the following values
* for align are valid:
* * align == NULL (!) represents no solution
* * align->grain_size == 0 represents a single solution
* (align->offset)
* * align->grain_size > 0 represents a set of solutions
* These are invalid:
* * align->offset < 0 Note: this gets "normalized"
* * align->grain_size < 0
* For the align_* operations, there must be a solution. i.e. align != NULL
* All solutions must be greater than zero.
struct _PedAlignment {
PedSector offset;
PedSector grain_size;
extern PedSector ped_round_up_to (PedSector sector, PedSector grain_size);
extern PedSector ped_round_down_to (PedSector sector, PedSector grain_size);
extern PedSector ped_round_to_nearest (PedSector sector, PedSector grain_size);
extern PedSector ped_greatest_common_divisor (PedSector a, PedSector b);
extern int ped_alignment_init (PedAlignment* align, PedSector offset,
PedSector grain_size);
extern PedAlignment* ped_alignment_new (PedSector offset, PedSector grain_size);
extern void ped_alignment_destroy (PedAlignment* align);
extern PedAlignment* ped_alignment_duplicate (const PedAlignment* align);
extern PedAlignment* ped_alignment_intersect (const PedAlignment* a,
const PedAlignment* b);
extern PedSector
ped_alignment_align_up (const PedAlignment* align, const PedGeometry* geom,
PedSector sector);
extern PedSector
ped_alignment_align_down (const PedAlignment* align, const PedGeometry* geom,
PedSector sector);
extern PedSector
ped_alignment_align_nearest (const PedAlignment* align, const PedGeometry* geom,
PedSector sector);
extern int
ped_alignment_is_aligned (const PedAlignment* align, const PedGeometry* geom,
PedSector sector);
extern const PedAlignment* ped_alignment_any;
extern const PedAlignment* ped_alignment_none;
extern PedSector
ped_div_round_up (PedSector numerator, PedSector divisor);
extern PedSector
ped_div_round_to_nearest (PedSector numerator, PedSector divisor);
* @}