blob: 30acd46af4473d25f1614bf52944281a6edb00a5 [file] [log] [blame]
geom_dal.c -- parted device abstraction layer
Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include <config.h>
#include "geom_dal.h"
#include <parted/parted.h>
#include <parted/debug.h>
static blk_t __len(dal_t *dal) {
PED_ASSERT(dal != NULL, return 0);
return ((PedGeometry *)dal->dev)->length /
(dal->block_size / PED_SECTOR_SIZE_DEFAULT);
static int __read(dal_t *dal, void *buff, blk_t block, blk_t count) {
blk_t k;
PedSector block_pos;
PedSector block_count;
PED_ASSERT(dal != NULL, return 0);
k = dal->block_size / PED_SECTOR_SIZE_DEFAULT;
block_pos = (PedSector)(block * k);
block_count = (PedSector)(count * k);
return ped_geometry_read((PedGeometry *)dal->dev, buff, block_pos, block_count);
static int __write(dal_t *dal, void *buff, blk_t block, blk_t count) {
blk_t k;
PedSector block_pos;
PedSector block_count;
PED_ASSERT(dal != NULL, return 0);
k = dal->block_size / PED_SECTOR_SIZE_DEFAULT;
block_pos = (PedSector)(block * k);
block_count = (PedSector)(count * k);
return ped_geometry_write((PedGeometry *)dal->dev, buff, block_pos,
static int __sync(dal_t *dal) {
PED_ASSERT(dal != NULL, return 0);
return ped_geometry_sync((PedGeometry *)dal->dev);
static int __flags(dal_t *dal) {
PED_ASSERT(dal != NULL, return 0);
return dal->flags;
static int __equals(dal_t *dal1, dal_t *dal2) {
PED_ASSERT(dal1 != NULL, return 0);
PED_ASSERT(dal2 != NULL, return 0);
return ped_geometry_test_equal((PedGeometry *)dal1->dev,
(PedGeometry *)dal2->dev);
static int __stat(dal_t *dal, struct stat *st) {
PED_ASSERT(dal != NULL, return 0);
PED_ASSERT(st != NULL, return 0);
if (stat(((PedGeometry *)dal->dev)->dev->path, st))
return 0;
return 1;
static dev_t __dev(dal_t *dal) {
struct stat st;
if (!__stat(dal, &st))
return (dev_t)0;
return st.st_dev;
static struct dal_ops ops = {
__len, __read, __write, __sync,
__flags, __equals, __stat, __dev
dal_t *geom_dal_create(PedGeometry *geom, size_t block_size, int flags) {
dal_t *dal;
if (!geom)
return NULL;
if (!(dal = ped_malloc(sizeof(dal_t))))
return NULL;
dal->ops = &ops;
dal->dev = geom;
dal->block_size = block_size;
dal->flags = flags;
dal->len = 0;
return dal;
int geom_dal_reopen(dal_t *dal, int flags) {
if (!dal) return 0;
dal->flags = flags;
return 1;
void geom_dal_free(dal_t *dal) {
PED_ASSERT(dal != NULL, return);