blob: 2caa694841ab86defc9c114ec103127d56b64a08 [file] [log] [blame]
* dmnt.c - FreeBSD mount support functions for lsof
* Copyright 1994 Purdue Research Foundation, West Lafayette, Indiana
* 47907. All rights reserved.
* Written by Victor A. Abell
* This software is not subject to any license of the American Telephone
* and Telegraph Company or the Regents of the University of California.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose on
* any computer system, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject
* to the following restrictions:
* 1. Neither the authors nor Purdue University are responsible for any
* consequences of the use of this software.
* 2. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented, either by
* explicit claim or by omission. Credit to the authors and Purdue
* University must appear in documentation and sources.
* 3. Altered versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
* misrepresented as being the original software.
* 4. This notice may not be removed or altered.
#ifndef lint
static char copyright[] =
"@(#) Copyright 1994 Purdue Research Foundation.\nAll rights reserved.\n";
static char *rcsid = "$Id: dmnt.c,v 1.16 2009/03/25 19:23:06 abe Exp $";
#include "lsof.h"
* Local static information
static struct mounts *Lmi = (struct mounts *)NULL; /* local mount info */
static int Lmist = 0; /* Lmi status */
#if FREEBSDV<2000
static char *mnt_names[] = { "none", "ufs", "nfs", "mfs", "pc", "iso9600",
"procfs", "devfs" };
#define HAS_MNT_NAMES 1
#else /* FREEBSDV>=2000 */
# if defined(MOUNT_NONE)
static char *mnt_names[] = INITMOUNTNAMES;
#define HAS_MNT_NAMES 1
# endif /* defined(MOUNT_NONE)) */
#endif /* FREEBSDV<2000 */
#if FREEBSDV>=5000 && defined(HAS_NO_SI_UDEV)
* Dev2Udev() -- convert a kernel device number to a user device number
# if defined(HAS_CONF_MINOR) || defined(HAS_CDEV2PRIV)
KA_T c;
# else /* !defined(HAS_CONF_MINOR) && !defined(HAS_CDEV2PRIV) */
struct cdev *c;
# endif /* defined(HAS_CONF_MINOR) || defined(HAS_CDEV2PRIV) */
# if !defined(HAS_CONF_MINOR) && !defined(HAS_CDEV2PRIV)
char *cp;
char *dn = (char *)NULL;
char *ln = (char *)NULL;
struct statfs *mb;
int n, sr;
static u_int s;
struct stat sb;
static int ss = 0;
# endif /* !defined(HAS_CONF_MINOR) && !defined(HAS_CDEV2PRIV) */
# if defined(HAS_CONF_MINOR) || defined(HAS_CDEV2PRIV)
KA_T ca;
struct cdev_priv cp;
if (!c)
# if defined(HAS_CDEV2PRIV)
ca = (KA_T)cdev2priv(c);
# else /* !defined(HAS_CDEV2PRIV) */
ca = (KA_T)member2struct(cdev_priv, cdp_c, c);
# endif /* defined(HAS_CDEV2PRIV) */
if (kread((KA_T)ca, (char *)&cp, sizeof(cp)))
# else /* !defined(HAS_CONF_MINOR) && !defined(HAS_CDEV2PRIV) */
# if defined(HAS_SI_PRIV)
* If the cdev structure has a private sub-structure, read it.
struct cdev_priv sp;
if (!c->si_priv || kread((KA_T)c->si_priv, (char *)&sp, sizeof(sp)))
# endif /* defined(HAS_SI_PRIV) */
if (ss) {
# if defined(HAS_SI_PRIV)
return(sp.cdp_inode ^ s);
# else /* !defined(HAS_SI_PRIV) */
return(c->si_inode ^ s);
# endif /* defined(HAS_SI_PRIV) */
* Determine the random udev seed from stat(2) operations on "/" and
* its device.
if ((n = getmntinfo(&mb, MNT_NOWAIT)) <= 0) {
(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: no mount information\n", Pn);
for (; n; n--, mb++) {
# if defined(MOUNT_NONE)
if (mb->f_type == MOUNT_NONE || mb->f_type >= MOUNT_MAXTYPE)
# else /* !defined(MOUNT_NONE) */
if (!mb->f_type)
# endif /* defined(MOUNT_NONE) */
* Get the real directory name. Ignore all but the root directory;
* safely stat("/").
if (dn)
(void) free((FREE_P *)dn);
if (!(dn = mkstrcpy(mb->f_mntonname, (MALLOC_S *)NULL))) {
(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: no space for mount at ", Pn);
safestrprt(mb->f_mntonname, stderr, 0);
(void) fprintf(stderr, " (");
safestrprt(mb->f_mntfromname, stderr, 0);
(void) fprintf(stderr, ")\n");
if (!(ln = Readlink(dn))) {
if (!Fwarn) {
(void) fprintf(stderr,
" Output information may be incomplete.\n");
if (ln != dn) {
(void) free((FREE_P *)dn);
dn = ln;
ln = (char *)NULL;
if (strcmp(dn, "/"))
if (statsafely(dn, &sb))
* Get the real device name and safely stat(2) it.
(void) free((FREE_P *)dn);
if (!(dn = mkstrcpy(mb->f_mntfromname, (MALLOC_S *)NULL)))
goto Dev2Udev_no_space;
ln = Readlink(dn);
if ((sr = statsafely(ln, &sb))) {
* If the device stat(2) failed, see if the device name indicates
* an NFS mount, a cd9660 device, or a ZFS mount. If any condition
* is true, set the user device number seed to zero.
if (((cp = strrchr(ln, ':')) && (*(cp + 1) == '/'))
|| !strcasecmp(mb->f_fstypename, "cd9660")
|| !strcasecmp(mb->f_fstypename, "zfs")
) {
ss = 1;
s = (u_int)0;
if (ln != dn)
(void) free((FREE_P *)ln);
ln = (char *)NULL;
(void) free((FREE_P *)dn);
dn = (char *)NULL;
if (sr && !ss)
if (!ss) {
ss = 1;
s = (u_int)sb.st_ino ^ (u_int)sb.st_rdev;
* Free string copies, as required.
if (dn)
(void) free((FREE_P *)dn);
if (ln)
(void) free((FREE_P *)ln);
* If the device seed is known, return its application to the cdev structure's
* inode.
if (ss) {
# if defined(HAS_SI_PRIV)
return(sp.cdp_inode ^ s);
# else /* !defined(HAS_SI_PRIV) */
return(c->si_inode ^ s);
# endif /* defined(HAS_SI_PRIV) */
(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: can't determine user device random seed.\n", Pn);
# endif /* !defined(HAS_CONF_MINOR) */
#endif /* FREEBSDV>=5000 && defined(HAS_NO_SI_UDEV) */
* readmnt() - read mount table
struct mounts *
char *dn = (char *)NULL;
char *ln;
struct statfs *mb;
struct mounts *mtp;
int n;
struct stat sb;
#if defined(HASPROCFS)
unsigned char procfs = 0;
#endif /* defined(HASPROCFS) */
if (Lmi || Lmist)
* Access mount information.
if ((n = getmntinfo(&mb, MNT_NOWAIT)) <= 0) {
(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: no mount information\n", Pn);
* Read mount information.
for (; n; n--, mb++) {
#if defined(MOUNT_NONE)
if (mb->f_type == MOUNT_NONE || mb->f_type >= MOUNT_MAXTYPE)
#else /* !defined(MOUNT_NONE) */
if (!mb->f_type)
#endif /* defined(MOUNT_NONE) */
* Interpolate a possible symbolic directory link.
if (dn)
(void) free((FREE_P *)dn);
if (!(dn = mkstrcpy(mb->f_mntonname, (MALLOC_S *)NULL))) {
(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: no space for mount at ", Pn);
safestrprt(mb->f_mntonname, stderr, 0);
(void) fprintf(stderr, " (");
safestrprt(mb->f_mntfromname, stderr, 0);
(void) fprintf(stderr, ")\n");
if (!(ln = Readlink(dn))) {
if (!Fwarn) {
(void) fprintf(stderr,
" Output information may be incomplete.\n");
if (ln != dn) {
(void) free((FREE_P *)dn);
dn = ln;
if (*dn != '/')
* Stat() the directory.
if (statsafely(dn, &sb)) {
if (!Fwarn) {
(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: WARNING: can't stat() ", Pn);
#if defined(HAS_MNT_NAMES)
safestrprt(mnt_names[mb->f_type], stderr, 0);
#else /* !defined(HAS_MNT_NAMES) */
safestrprt(mb->f_fstypename, stderr, 0);
#endif /* defined(HAS_MNT_NAMES) */
(void) fprintf(stderr, " file system ");
safestrprt(mb->f_mntonname, stderr, 1);
(void) fprintf(stderr,
" Output information may be incomplete.\n");
(void) bzero((char *)&sb, sizeof(sb));
sb.st_dev = (dev_t)mb->f_fsid.val[0];
sb.st_mode = S_IFDIR | 0777;
if (!Fwarn) {
(void) fprintf(stderr,
" assuming \"dev=%x\" from mount table\n",
* Allocate and fill a local mount structure.
if (!(mtp = (struct mounts *)malloc(sizeof(struct mounts))))
goto no_space_for_mount;
mtp->dir = dn;
dn = (char *)NULL;
#if defined(HASPROCFS)
#if defined(MOUNT_NONE)
if (mb->f_type == MOUNT_PROCFS)
#else /* !defined(MOUNT_NONE) */
if (strcasecmp(mb->f_fstypename, "procfs") == 0)
#endif /* defined(MOUNT_NONE) */
* Save information on exactly one procfs file system.
if (procfs)
Mtprocfs = (struct mounts *)NULL;
else {
procfs = 1;
Mtprocfs = mtp;
#endif /* defined(HASPROCFS) */
mtp->next = Lmi;
mtp->dev = sb.st_dev;
mtp->rdev = sb.st_rdev;
mtp->inode = (INODETYPE)sb.st_ino;
mtp->mode = sb.st_mode;
* Interpolate a possible file system (mounted-on) device name link.
if (!(dn = mkstrcpy(mb->f_mntfromname, (MALLOC_S *)NULL)))
goto no_space_for_mount;
mtp->fsname = dn;
ln = Readlink(dn);
dn = (char *)NULL;
* Stat() the file system (mounted-on) name and add file system
* information to the local mount table entry.
if (!ln || statsafely(ln, &sb))
sb.st_mode = 0;
mtp->fsnmres = ln;
mtp->fs_mode = sb.st_mode;
Lmi = mtp;
* Clean up and return the local mount info table address.
if (dn)
(void) free((FREE_P *)dn);
Lmist = 1;
* readvfs() - read vfs structure
struct l_vfs *
KA_T vm; /* kernel mount address from vnode */
struct mount m;
struct l_vfs *vp;
* Search for match on existing entry.
for (vp = Lvfs; vp; vp = vp->next) {
if (vm == vp->addr)
* Read the (new) mount structure, allocate a local entry, and fill it.
if (kread((KA_T)vm, (char *)&m, sizeof(m)) != 0)
return((struct l_vfs *)NULL);
if (!(vp = (struct l_vfs *)malloc(sizeof(struct l_vfs)))) {
(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: PID %d, no space for vfs\n",
Pn, Lp->pid);
if (!(vp->dir = mkstrcpy(m.m_stat.f_mntonname, (MALLOC_S *)NULL))
|| !(vp->fsname = mkstrcpy(m.m_stat.f_mntfromname, (MALLOC_S *)NULL)))
(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: PID %d, no space for mount names\n",
Pn, Lp->pid);
vp->addr = vm;
vp->fsid = m.m_stat.f_fsid;
#if defined(MOUNT_NONE)
vp->type = m.m_stat.f_type;
#else /* !defined(MOUNT_NONE) */
int len;
if ((len = strlen(m.m_stat.f_fstypename))) {
if (len > (MFSNAMELEN - 1))
len = MFSNAMELEN - 1;
if (!(vp->typnm = mkstrcat(m.m_stat.f_fstypename, len,
(char *)NULL, -1, (char *)NULL, -1,
(void) fprintf(stderr,
"%s: no space for fs type name: ", Pn);
safestrprt(m.m_stat.f_fstypename, stderr, 1);
} else
vp->typnm = "";
#endif /* defined(MOUNT_NONE) */
vp->next = Lvfs;
Lvfs = vp;