blob: c4dc1c41d3ef902821f341a56bcad6bdeabd7f72 [file] [log] [blame]
* dsock.c - FreeBSD socket processing functions for lsof
* Copyright 1994 Purdue Research Foundation, West Lafayette, Indiana
* 47907. All rights reserved.
* Written by Victor A. Abell
* This software is not subject to any license of the American Telephone
* and Telegraph Company or the Regents of the University of California.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose on
* any computer system, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject
* to the following restrictions:
* 1. Neither the authors nor Purdue University are responsible for any
* consequences of the use of this software.
* 2. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented, either by
* explicit claim or by omission. Credit to the authors and Purdue
* University must appear in documentation and sources.
* 3. Altered versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
* misrepresented as being the original software.
* 4. This notice may not be removed or altered.
#ifndef lint
static char copyright[] =
"@(#) Copyright 1994 Purdue Research Foundation.\nAll rights reserved.\n";
static char *rcsid = "$Id: dsock.c,v 1.28 2009/03/25 19:23:06 abe Exp $";
#include "lsof.h"
#if defined(HASIPv6)
* IPv6_2_IPv4() -- macro to define the address of an IPv4 address contained
* in an IPv6 address
#define IPv6_2_IPv4(v6) (((uint8_t *)((struct in6_addr *)v6)->s6_addr)+12)
# if defined(HAS_NO_6PORT)
* If the in_pcb structure no longer has the KAME accommodations of
* in6p_[fl]port, redefine them to inp_[fl]port.
#define in6p_fport inp_fport
#define in6p_lport inp_lport
# endif /* defined(HAS_NO_6PORT) */
# if defined(HAS_NO_6PPCB)
* If the in_pcb structure no longer has the KAME accommodation of in6p_pcb,
* redefine it to inp_ppcb.
#define in6p_ppcb inp_ppcb
# endif /* defined(HAS_NO_6PPCB) */
#endif /* defined(HASIPv6) */
* Local function prototypes
_PROTOTYPE(static int ckstate,(KA_T ta, struct tcpcb *t, int fam));
* ckstate() -- read TCP control block and check TCP state for inclusion
* or exclusion
* return: -1 == no TCP CB available
* 0 == TCP DB available; continue processing file
* 1 == stop processing file
static int
ckstate(ta, t, fam)
KA_T ta; /* TCP control block address */
struct tcpcb *t; /* TCP control block receptor */
int fam; /* protocol family */
int tsnx;
* Read TCP control block.
if (kread(ta, (char *)t, sizeof(struct tcpcb)))
if (TcpStXn || TcpStIn) {
* If there are TCP state inclusions or exclusions, check them.
tsnx = (int)t->t_state + TcpStOff;
if (TcpStXn) {
if (TcpStX[tsnx]) {
Lf->sf &= ~SELNET;
Lf->sf |= SELEXCLF;
if (TcpStIn) {
if (TcpStI[tsnx]) {
TcpStI[tsnx] = 2;
Lf->sf |= SELNET;
} else {
Lf->sf &= ~SELNET;
Lf->sf |= SELEXCLF;
if (!(Lf->sf & SELNET) && !TcpStIn) {
* See if this TCP file should be selected.
if (Fnet) {
if (!FnetTy
|| (FnetTy == 4) && (fam == AF_INET)
#if defined(HASIPv6)
|| (FnetTy == 6) && (fam == AF_INET6)
#endif /* defined(HASIPv6) */
) {
Lf->sf |= SELNET;
* process_socket() - process socket
KA_T sa; /* socket address in kernel */
struct domain d;
unsigned char *fa = (unsigned char *)NULL;
int fam;
int fp, lp;
struct inpcb inp;
unsigned char *la = (unsigned char *)NULL;
struct protosw p;
struct socket s;
struct tcpcb t;
int ts = -1;
struct unpcb uc, unp;
struct sockaddr_un *ua = NULL;
struct sockaddr_un un;
#if FREEBSDV<4050
struct mbuf mb;
#else /* FREEBSDV>=4050 */
int unl;
#endif /* FREEBSDV<4050 */
#if defined(HASIPv6) && !defined(HASINRIAIPv6)
struct in6pcb in6p;
#endif /* defined(HASIPv6) && !defined(HASINRIAIPv6) */
(void) snpf(Lf->type, sizeof(Lf->type), "sock");
Lf->inp_ty = 2;
* Read the socket, protocol, and domain structures.
if (!sa) {
enter_nm("no socket address");
if (kread(sa, (char *) &s, sizeof(s))) {
(void) snpf(Namech, Namechl, "can't read socket struct from %s",
print_kptr(sa, (char *)NULL, 0));
if (!s.so_type) {
enter_nm("no socket type");
if (!s.so_proto
|| kread((KA_T)s.so_proto, (char *)&p, sizeof(p))) {
(void) snpf(Namech, Namechl, "can't read protocol switch from %s",
print_kptr((KA_T)s.so_proto, (char *)NULL, 0));
if (!p.pr_domain
|| kread((KA_T)p.pr_domain, (char *)&d, sizeof(d))) {
(void) snpf(Namech, Namechl, "can't read domain struct from %s",
print_kptr((KA_T)p.pr_domain, (char *)NULL, 0));
* Save size information.
if (Fsize) {
if (Lf->access == 'r')
Lf->sz = (SZOFFTYPE)s.so_rcv.sb_cc;
else if (Lf->access == 'w')
Lf->sz = (SZOFFTYPE)s.so_snd.sb_cc;
Lf->sz = (SZOFFTYPE)(s.so_rcv.sb_cc + s.so_snd.sb_cc);
Lf->sz_def = 1;
} else
Lf->off_def = 1;
#if defined(HASTCPTPIQ)
Lf->lts.rq = s.so_rcv.sb_cc;
Lf->lts.sq = s.so_snd.sb_cc;
Lf->lts.rqs = Lf->lts.sqs = 1;
#endif /* defined(HASTCPTPIQ) */
#if defined(HASSOOPT)
Lf->lts.ltm = (unsigned int)s.so_linger;
Lf->lts.opt = (unsigned int)s.so_options;
Lf->lts.pqlen = (unsigned int)s.so_incqlen;
Lf->lts.qlen = (unsigned int)s.so_qlen;
Lf->lts.qlim = (unsigned int)s.so_qlimit;
Lf->lts.rbsz = (unsigned long)s.so_rcv.sb_mbmax;
Lf->lts.sbsz = (unsigned long)s.so_snd.sb_mbmax;
Lf->lts.pqlens = Lf->lts.qlens = Lf->lts.qlims = Lf->lts.rbszs
= Lf->lts.sbszs = (unsigned char)1;
#endif /* defined(HASSOOPT) */
#if defined(HASSOSTATE)
Lf-> = (unsigned int)s.so_state;
# if defined(HASSBSTATE)
Lf->lts.sbs_rcv = s.so_rcv.sb_state;
Lf->lts.sbs_snd = s.so_snd.sb_state;
# endif /* defined(HASSBSTATE) */
#endif /* defined(HASSOSTATE) */
* Process socket by the associated domain family.
switch ((fam = d.dom_family)) {
* Process an Internet domain socket.
case AF_INET:
#if defined(HASIPv6)
case AF_INET6:
#endif /* defined(HASIPv6) */
if (Fnet) {
if (!FnetTy
|| ((FnetTy == 4) && (fam == AF_INET))
#if defined(HASIPv6)
|| ((FnetTy == 6) && (fam == AF_INET6))
#endif /* defined(HASIPv6) */
) {
if (!TcpStIn && !UdpStIn)
Lf->sf |= SELNET;
#if defined(HASIPv6)
(void) snpf(Lf->type, sizeof(Lf->type),
(fam == AF_INET) ? "IPv4" : "IPv6");
#else /* !defined(HASIPv6) */
(void) snpf(Lf->type, sizeof(Lf->type), "inet");
#endif /* defined(HASIPv6) */
#if defined(HASIPv6) && !defined(HASINRIAIPv6)
if (fam == AF_INET6) {
* Read IPv6 protocol control block.
if (!s.so_pcb
|| kread((KA_T)s.so_pcb, (char *)&in6p, sizeof(in6p))) {
(void) snpf(Namech, Namechl, "can't read in6pcb at %s",
print_kptr((KA_T)s.so_pcb, (char *)NULL, 0));
* Save IPv6 address information.
if (p.pr_protocol == IPPROTO_TCP) {
if (in6p.in6p_ppcb) {
if ((ts = ckstate((KA_T)in6p.in6p_ppcb, &t, fam)) == 1)
enter_dev_ch(print_kptr((KA_T)(in6p.in6p_ppcb ? in6p.in6p_ppcb
: s.so_pcb),
(char *)NULL, 0));
la = (unsigned char *)&in6p.in6p_laddr;
lp = (int)ntohs(in6p.in6p_lport);
if (!IN6_IS_ADDR_UNSPECIFIED(&in6p.in6p_faddr)
|| in6p.in6p_fport)
fa = (unsigned char *)&in6p.in6p_faddr;
fp = (int)ntohs(in6p.in6p_fport);
} else
#endif /* defined(HASIPv6) && !defined(HASINRIAIPv6) */
* Read Ipv4 or IPv6 (INRIA) protocol control block.
if (!s.so_pcb
|| kread((KA_T) s.so_pcb, (char *) &inp, sizeof(inp))) {
if (!s.so_pcb) {
(void) snpf(Namech, Namechl, "no PCB%s%s",
#if defined(HASSBSTATE)
(s.so_snd.sb_state & SBS_CANTSENDMORE) ?
#else /* !defined(HASSBSTATE) */
(s.so_state & SS_CANTSENDMORE) ?
#endif /* defined(HASSBSTATE) */
#if defined(HASSBSTATE)
(s.so_rcv.sb_state & SBS_CANTRCVMORE) ?
#else /* !defined(HASSBSTATE) */
(s.so_state & SS_CANTRCVMORE) ?
#endif /* defined(HASSBSTATE) */
", CANTRCVMORE" : "");
} else {
(void) snpf(Namech, Namechl, "can't read inpcb at %s",
print_kptr((KA_T)s.so_pcb, (char *)NULL, 0));
if (p.pr_protocol == IPPROTO_TCP) {
if (inp.inp_ppcb) {
if ((ts = ckstate((KA_T)inp.inp_ppcb, &t, fam)) == 1)
enter_dev_ch(print_kptr((KA_T)(inp.inp_ppcb ? inp.inp_ppcb
: s.so_pcb),
(char *)NULL, 0));
lp = (int)ntohs(inp.inp_lport);
if (fam == AF_INET) {
* Save IPv4 address information.
la = (unsigned char *)&inp.inp_laddr;
if (inp.inp_faddr.s_addr != INADDR_ANY || inp.inp_fport) {
fa = (unsigned char *)&inp.inp_faddr;
fp = (int)ntohs(inp.inp_fport);
#if defined(HASIPv6) && defined(HASINRIAIPv6)
else {
la = (unsigned char *)&inp.inp_laddr6;
if (!IN6_IS_ADDR_UNSPECIFIED(&inp.inp_faddr6)
|| inp.inp_fport)
fa = (unsigned char *)&inp.inp_faddr6;
fp = (int)ntohs(inp.inp_fport);
#endif /* defined(HASIPv6) && defined(HASINRIAIPv6) */
#if defined(HASIPv6)
if ((fam == AF_INET6)
&& ((la && IN6_IS_ADDR_V4MAPPED((struct in6_addr *)la))
|| ((fa && IN6_IS_ADDR_V4MAPPED((struct in6_addr *)fa))))) {
* Adjust for IPv4 addresses mapped in IPv6 addresses.
if (la)
la = (unsigned char *)IPv6_2_IPv4(la);
if (fa)
fa = (unsigned char *)IPv6_2_IPv4(fa);
fam = AF_INET;
#endif /* defined(HASIPv6) */
* Enter local and remote addresses by address family.
if (fa || la)
(void) ent_inaddr(la, lp, fa, fp, fam);
if (ts == 0) {
Lf->lts.type = 0;
Lf->lts.state.i = (int)t.t_state;
#if defined(HASTCPOPT)
Lf->lts.mss = (unsigned long)t.t_maxseg;
Lf->lts.msss = (unsigned char)1;
Lf->lts.topt = (unsigned int)t.t_flags;
#endif /* defined(HASTCPOPT) */
* Process a ROUTE domain socket.
case AF_ROUTE:
(void) snpf(Lf->type, sizeof(Lf->type), "rte");
if (s.so_pcb)
enter_dev_ch(print_kptr((KA_T)(s.so_pcb), (char *)NULL, 0));
(void) snpf(Namech, Namechl, "no protocol control block");
if (!Fsize)
Lf->off_def = 1;
* Process a Unix domain socket.
case AF_UNIX:
if (Funix)
Lf->sf |= SELUNX;
(void) snpf(Lf->type, sizeof(Lf->type), "unix");
* Read Unix protocol control block and the Unix address structure.
enter_dev_ch(print_kptr(sa, (char *)NULL, 0));
if (kread((KA_T) s.so_pcb, (char *) &unp, sizeof(unp))) {
(void) snpf(Namech, Namechl, "can't read unpcb at %s",
print_kptr((KA_T)s.so_pcb, (char *)NULL, 0));
if ((struct socket *)sa != unp.unp_socket) {
(void) snpf(Namech, Namechl, "unp_socket (%s) mismatch",
print_kptr((KA_T)unp.unp_socket, (char *)NULL, 0));
if (unp.unp_addr) {
#if FREEBSDV<4050
if (kread((KA_T)unp.unp_addr, (char *)&mb, sizeof(mb)))
#else /* FREEBSDV>=4050 */
if (kread((KA_T)unp.unp_addr, (char *)&un, sizeof(un)))
#endif /* FREEBSDV<4050 */
(void) snpf(Namech, Namechl, "can't read unp_addr at %s",
print_kptr((KA_T)unp.unp_addr, (char *)NULL, 0));
#if FREEBSDV<4050
if (mb.m_hdr.mh_len == sizeof(struct sockaddr_un))
ua = (struct sockaddr_un *) ((char *) &mb
+ (mb.m_hdr.mh_data - (caddr_t) unp.unp_addr));
#else /* FREEBSDV>=4050 */
ua = &un;
#endif /* FREEBSDV<4050 */
if (!ua) {
ua = &un;
(void) bzero((char *)ua, sizeof(un));
ua->sun_family = AF_UNSPEC;
* Print information on Unix socket that has no address bound
* to it, although it may be connected to another Unix domain
* socket as a pipe.
if (ua->sun_family != AF_UNIX) {
if (ua->sun_family == AF_UNSPEC) {
if (unp.unp_conn) {
if (kread((KA_T)unp.unp_conn, (char *)&uc, sizeof(uc)))
(void) snpf(Namech, Namechl,
"can't read unp_conn at %s",
print_kptr((KA_T)unp.unp_conn,(char *)NULL,0));
(void) snpf(Namech, Namechl, "->%s",
print_kptr((KA_T)uc.unp_socket,(char *)NULL,0));
} else
(void) snpf(Namech, Namechl, "->(none)");
} else
(void) snpf(Namech, Namechl, "unknown sun_family (%d)",
if (ua->sun_path[0]) {
#if FREEBSDV<4050
if (mb.m_len >= sizeof(struct sockaddr_un))
mb.m_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_un) - 1;
*((char *)ua + mb.m_len) = '\0';
#else /* FREEBSDV>=4050 */
# if FREEBSDV>4060
unl = ua->sun_len - offsetof(struct sockaddr_un, sun_path);
# else /* FREEBSDV<4060 */
unl = sizeof(ua->sun_path) - 1;
# endif /* FREEBSDV>4060 */
if ((unl < 0) || (unl >= sizeof(ua->sun_path)))
unl = sizeof(ua->sun_path) - 1;
ua->sun_path[unl] = '\0';
#endif /* FREEBSDV<4050 */
if (ua->sun_path[0] && Sfile && is_file_named(ua->sun_path, 0))
Lf->sf |= SELNM;
if (ua->sun_path[0] && !Namech[0])
(void) snpf(Namech, Namechl, "%s", ua->sun_path);
} else
(void) snpf(Namech, Namechl, "no address");
printunkaf(fam, 1);
if (Namech[0])