blob: 16c10255267177b7b998badcd51a4f626e56eaeb [file] [log] [blame]
* LTsock.c -- Lsof Test IPv4 sockets
* V. Abell
* Purdue University
* Copyright 2002 Purdue Research Foundation, West Lafayette, Indiana
* 47907. All rights reserved.
* Written by V. Abell.
* This software is not subject to any license of the American Telephone
* and Telegraph Company or the Regents of the University of California.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose on
* any computer system, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject
* to the following restrictions:
* 1. Neither the authors nor Purdue University are responsible for any
* consequences of the use of this software.
* 2. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented, either by
* explicit claim or by omission. Credit to the authors and Purdue
* University must appear in documentation and sources.
* 3. Altered versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
* misrepresented as being the original software.
* 4. This notice may not be removed or altered.
#ifndef lint
static char copyright[] =
"@(#) Copyright 2002 Purdue Research Foundation.\nAll rights reserved.\n";
#include "LsofTest.h"
#include "lsof_fields.h"
#include <netdb.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
* Pre-definitions that make be changed or revoked by dialects
#define SIGHANDLER_T void /* signal handler function type */
#define LT_SOCKLEN_T int /* socket length type */
#if defined(LT_DIAL_aix)
* AIX-specific items
#define LT_SOCKLEN_T size_t
#endif /* defined(LT_DIAL_aix) */
#if defined(LT_DIAL_darwin)
* Darwin-specific items
# if LT_VERS>=800
#define LT_SOCKLEN_T socklen_t
# endif /* LT_VERS>=800 */
#endif /* defined(LT_DIAL_darwin) */
#if defined(LT_DIAL_hpux)
* HP-UX-specific items
# if LT_VERS>=1123 && defined(__GNUC__)
#define LT_SOCKLEN_T size_t
# endif /* LT_VERS>=1123 && defined(__GNUC__) */
#endif /* defined(LT_DIAL_hpux) */
#if defined(LT_DIAL_ou)
* OpenUNIX-specific items
#define LT_SOCKLEN_T size_t
#endif /* defined(LT_DIAL_ou) */
#if defined(LT_DIAL_uw)
* UnixWare-specific items
#define LT_SOCKLEN_T size_t
#endif /* defined(LT_DIAL_uw) */
* Local definitions
#define ALARMTM 30 /* alarm timer */
#define LT_CLNT 0 /* child process index */
#define LT_SRVR 1 /* parent process index */
#define LT_FNF 0 /* file not found */
#define LT_FBYIP 1 /* file found by IP address */
#define LT_FBYHN 2 /* file found by host name */
#define LT_FBYPORT 4 /* file found by port */
#if !defined(MAXHOSTNAMELEN)
#define MAXHOSTNAMELEN 256 /* maximum host name length */
#endif /* !defined(MAXHOSTNAMELEN) */
#if !defined(MAXPATHLEN)
#define MAXPATHLEN 1024 /* maximum path length */
#endif /* !defined(MAXPATHLEN) */
* Local structure definitions.
typedef struct fdpara { /* file descriptor parameters */
int fd; /* FD */
char *fds; /* FD in ASCII */
int ff; /* file found flags (see LT_F*) */
char *host; /* host name */
int hlen; /* strlen(host) */
char *ipaddr; /* dotted IP address */
int ilen; /* strlen(ipaddr) */
pid_t pid; /* PID of process */
char *port; /* port in ASCII */
int plen; /* strlen(port) */
struct sockaddr_in sa; /* socket's address */
} fdpara_t;
* Globals
pid_t CPid = (pid_t)0; /* client PID */
fdpara_t FdPara[2]; /* file descriptor parameters */
#define NFDPARA (sizeof(FdPara) /sizeof(fdpara_t))
struct sockaddr_in Myad; /* my (server) socket address */
pid_t MyPid = (pid_t)0; /* PID of this process */
char *Pn = (char *)NULL; /* program name */
char *PtNm[] = { "client", "server" };
/* program type name */
int Ssock = -1; /* server socket */
* Local function prototypes
_PROTOTYPE(static void CleanupClnt,(void));
_PROTOTYPE(static void CleanupSrvr,(void));
_PROTOTYPE(static SIGHANDLER_T HandleClntAlarm,(int sig));
_PROTOTYPE(static SIGHANDLER_T HandleSrvrAlarm,(int sig));
_PROTOTYPE(static char *FindSock,(int fn));
_PROTOTYPE(static void StartClnt,(struct sockaddr_in *cad));
* Main program
main(argc, argv)
int argc; /* argument count */
char *argv[]; /* arguments */
struct sockaddr_in aa; /* accept address */
struct sockaddr_in ba; /* bind address */
char buf[2048]; /* temporary buffer */
int bufl = sizeof(buf); /* size of buf[] */
struct sockaddr_in ca; /* connect address */
char *cem; /* current error message pointer */
char *ep; /* error message parameter */
char hnm[MAXHOSTNAMELEN + 1]; /* this host's name */
char *host; /* host name */
struct hostent *hp; /* this host's hostent structure */
char *ipaddr; /* IP address */
char *pem = (char *)NULL; /* previous error message */
char *port; /* port */
LT_SOCKLEN_T sal; /* socket address length */
char *tcp; /* temporary character size */
int ti, tj, tk; /* temporary indexes */
int tsfd; /* temporary socket FD */
int xv = 0; /* exit value */
* Get program name and PID, issue start message, and build space prefix.
if ((Pn = strrchr(argv[0], '/')))
Pn = argv[0];
MyPid = getpid();
(void) printf("%s ... ", Pn);
(void) fflush(stdout);
PrtMsg((char *)NULL, Pn);
* Initalize the FdPara[] array before any CleanupClnt() call.
for (ti = 0; ti < NFDPARA; ti++) {
(void) memset((void *)&FdPara[ti], 0, sizeof(fdpara_t));
FdPara[ti].fd = -1;
FdPara[ti].ff = LT_FNF;
* Process arguments.
if (ScanArg(argc, argv, "h", Pn))
xv = 1;
if (xv || LTopt_h) {
(void) PrtMsg("usage: [-h]", Pn);
PrtMsgX(" -h print help (this panel)", Pn, CleanupSrvr,
* See if lsof can be executed and can access kernel memory.
if ((cem = IsLsofExec()))
(void) PrtMsgX(cem, Pn, CleanupSrvr, 1);
if ((cem = CanRdKmem()))
(void) PrtMsgX(cem, Pn, CleanupSrvr, 1);
* Get the host name and its IP address. Convert the IP address to dotted
* ASCII form.
if (gethostname(hnm, sizeof(hnm) - 1)) {
cem = "ERROR!!! can't get this host's name";
goto print_errno;
hnm[sizeof(hnm) - 1] = '\0';
if (!(hp = gethostbyname(hnm))) {
(void) snprintf(buf, bufl - 1, "ERROR!!! can't get IP address for %s",
buf[bufl - 1] = '\0';
cem = buf;
goto print_errno;
(void) memset((void *)&Myad, 0, sizeof(Myad));
if ((ti = hp->h_length) > sizeof(Myad.sin_addr))
ti = sizeof(Myad.sin_addr);
(void) memcpy((void *)&Myad.sin_addr, (void *)hp->h_addr, ti);
Myad.sin_family = hp->h_addrtype;
* Get INET domain socket FDs.
for (ti = 0; ti < NFDPARA; ti++) {
if ((tsfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) {
ep = "socket";
* Report socket function error.
* Entry: ep = function name
* hnm = this host's name
* Myad = this host's IP address
* ti = FdPara[] index
(void) snprintf(buf, bufl - 1, "ERROR!!! %s %s() failure",
PtNm[ti], ep);
buf[bufl - 1] = '\0';
PrtMsg(buf, Pn);
(void) snprintf(buf, bufl - 1, " host: %s",
FdPara[ti].host ? FdPara[ti].host : hnm);
buf[bufl - 1] = '\0';
PrtMsg(buf, Pn);
(void) snprintf(buf, bufl - 1, " IP: %s",
FdPara[ti].ipaddr ? FdPara[ti].ipaddr
: inet_ntoa(Myad.sin_addr));
buf[bufl - 1] = '\0';
cem = buf;
* Report errno.
* Entry: errno = error number
PrtMsg(cem, Pn);
(void) snprintf(buf, bufl - 1, " Errno %d: %s", errno,
buf[bufl - 1] = '\0';
PrtMsgX(buf, Pn, CleanupSrvr, 1);
* Put the FD just acquired in FdPara[ti].fd.
* Set the file-not-found to LT_FNF.
* Save the server socket if this FdPara[] is for it.
FdPara[ti].fd = tsfd;
(void) snprintf(buf, bufl - 1, "%d", tsfd);
buf[bufl - 1] = '\0';
FdPara[ti].fds = MkStrCpy(buf, &tj);
if (ti == LT_SRVR)
Ssock = tsfd;
* Bind the host name to the server socket.
* Get and save the server's socket address.
* Initiate a listen with an address list of one.
(void) memcpy((void *)&ba, (void *)&Myad, sizeof(ba));
ti = LT_SRVR;
FdPara[ti].pid = MyPid;
if (bind(Ssock, (struct sockaddr *)&ba, sizeof(ba)) < 0) {
ep = "bind";
goto print_errno_by_ti;
sal = (LT_SOCKLEN_T)sizeof(ca);
if (getsockname(Ssock, (struct sockaddr *)&ca, &sal)) {
ep = "getsockname";
goto print_errno_by_ti;
(void) memcpy((void *)&FdPara[ti].sa, (void *)&ca, sizeof(FdPara[ti].sa));
if (listen(Ssock, 1) < 0) {
ep = "listen";
goto print_errno_by_ti;
* Fork a child process to run as the client.
switch ((CPid = (pid_t)fork())) {
case (pid_t)0:
* This is the child. Start the client.
(void) PrtMsgX("ERROR!!! unexpected client return", Pn, CleanupSrvr,
case (pid_t)-1:
* This is a fork error.
cem = "ERROR!!! fork() error";
goto print_errno;
* This is the parent.
* Save the client's PID.
* Close the client's socket.
FdPara[LT_CLNT].pid = CPid;
if (FdPara[LT_CLNT].fd >= 0) {
(void) close(FdPara[LT_CLNT].fd);
FdPara[LT_CLNT].fd = -1;
* Set a SIGALRM, then accept() the connection from the client.
* Save the client's socket address.
* Replace the server's FD with the accepted one and close the original.
sal = (LT_SOCKLEN_T)sizeof(aa);
(void) alarm(0);
(void) signal(SIGALRM, HandleSrvrAlarm);
(void) alarm(ALARMTM);
tsfd = FdPara[LT_SRVR].fd = accept(Ssock, (struct sockaddr *)&aa, &sal);
(void) alarm(0);
(void) signal(SIGALRM, SIG_DFL);
if (tsfd < 0) {
ep = "accept";
goto print_errno_by_ti;
(void) snprintf(buf, bufl - 1, "%d", tsfd);
buf[bufl - 1] = '\0';
if (FdPara[LT_SRVR].fds)
(void) free((void *)FdPara[LT_SRVR].fds);
FdPara[LT_SRVR].fds = MkStrCpy(buf, &tj);
ti = LT_CLNT;
(void) memcpy((void *)&FdPara[ti].sa, (void *)&aa, sizeof(FdPara[ti].sa));
(void) close(Ssock);
Ssock = -1;
* Convert the client and server IP address to ASCII form.
* Look up the client and server host names for their IP addresses.
* Convert the port from the socket address to host form.
for (ti = 0; ti < NFDPARA; ti++) {
tcp = inet_ntoa(FdPara[ti].sa.sin_addr);
FdPara[ti].ipaddr = MkStrCpy(tcp, &FdPara[ti].ilen);
(void) snprintf(buf, bufl - 1, "%d",
buf[bufl - 1] = '\0';
FdPara[ti].port = MkStrCpy(buf, &FdPara[ti].plen);
if (!(hp = gethostbyaddr((char *)&FdPara[ti].sa.sin_addr,
) {
ep = "gethostbyaddr";
goto print_errno_by_ti;
if (hp->h_name)
FdPara[ti].host = MkStrCpy(hp->h_name, &FdPara[ti].hlen);
else {
* The connected client's socket address can't be mapped to a host
* name.
(void) snprintf(buf, bufl - 1,
"ERROR!!! can't map %s (client) to a host name",
buf[bufl - 1] = '\0';
PrtMsgX(buf, Pn, CleanupSrvr, 1);
* Call lsof three times to find the two sockets: 1) by host name and port;
* 2) by IP address and port; and 3) by port.
if ((cem = FindSock(LT_FBYHN)))
PrtMsgX(cem, Pn, CleanupSrvr, 1);
if ((cem = FindSock(LT_FBYIP)))
PrtMsgX(cem, Pn, CleanupSrvr, 1);
if ((cem = FindSock(LT_FBYPORT)))
PrtMsgX(cem, Pn, CleanupSrvr, 1);
* Check the FindSock() results.
for (pem = (char *)NULL, ti = 0; ti < NFDPARA; ti++) {
if ((tj = FdPara[ti].ff) != (LT_FBYHN | LT_FBYIP | LT_FBYPORT)) {
host = FdPara[ti].host;
ipaddr = FdPara[ti].ipaddr;
port = FdPara[ti].port;
* This FD wasn't found by some search method.
if (!(tj & LT_FBYHN)) {
* The search by host name and port failed.
(void) snprintf(buf, bufl - 1,
"ERROR!!! no %s socket by host and port: %s@%s",
PtNm[ti], host, port);
buf[bufl - 1] = '\0';
if (pem)
(void) PrtMsg(pem, Pn);
pem = MkStrCpy(buf, &tk);
if (!(tj & LT_FBYIP)) {
* The search by IP address and port failed.
(void) snprintf(buf, bufl - 1,
"ERROR!!! no %s socket by IP and port: %s@%s",
PtNm[ti], ipaddr, port);
buf[bufl - 1] = '\0';
if (pem)
(void) PrtMsg(pem, Pn);
pem = MkStrCpy(buf, &tk);
if (!(tj & LT_FBYPORT)) {
* The search by port number failed.
(void) snprintf(buf, bufl - 1,
"ERROR!!! no %s socket by port: %s",
PtNm[ti], port);
buf[bufl - 1] = '\0';
if (pem)
(void) PrtMsg(pem, Pn);
pem = MkStrCpy(buf, &tk);
if (pem)
(void) PrtMsgX(pem, Pn, CleanupSrvr, 1);
* Exit successfully.
(void) PrtMsgX("OK", Pn, CleanupSrvr, 0);
* ClntCleanup() -- release client resources
static void
int tfd; /* temporary file descriptor */
if ((tfd = FdPara[LT_CLNT].fd) >= 0) {
(void) shutdown(tfd, 2);
(void) close(tfd);
FdPara[LT_CLNT].fd = -1;
* CleanupSrvr() -- release server resources
static void
int tfd; /* temporary file descriptor */
int ti; /* temporary index */
pid_t wpid; /* wait() PID */
if ((Ssock >= 0) && (Ssock != FdPara[LT_SRVR].fd)) {
(void) shutdown(Ssock, 2);
(void) close(Ssock);
Ssock = -1;
for (ti = 0; ti < NFDPARA; ti++) {
if ((tfd = FdPara[ti].fd) >= 0) {
(void) shutdown(tfd, 2);
(void) close(tfd);
FdPara[ti].fd = -1;
if (CPid > 0) {
wpid = wait3(NULL, WNOHANG, NULL);
if (wpid != CPid) {
kill(CPid, SIGKILL);
(void) wait3(NULL, WNOHANG, NULL);
CPid = (pid_t)0;
* FindSock() -- find sockets with lsof
static char *
int fn; /* function -- an LT_FBY* value */
char buf[2048]; /* temporary buffer */
int bufl = sizeof(buf); /* size of buf[] */
char *cem; /* current error message pointer */
LTfldo_t *cmdp; /* command pointer */
LTfldo_t *fop; /* field output pointer */
int nf; /* number of fields */
int nl; /* name length */
LTfldo_t *nmp; /* name pointer */
char *opv[5]; /* option vector for ExecLsof() */
char *pem = (char *)NULL; /* previous error message pointer */
pid_t pid; /* PID */
int pids = 0; /* PID found status */
int pl; /* port length */
int px; /* process index -- LT_CLNT or
* LT_SRVR */
char *tcp, *tcp1; /* temporary character pointers */
int ti, tj; /* temporary integers */
LTfldo_t *typ; /* file type pointer */
* Check the function and determine the first lsof option from it.
ti = 0;
switch (fn) {
case LT_FBYHN:
opv[ti++] = "-P";
for (tj = 0; tj < NFDPARA; tj++) {
(void) snprintf(buf, bufl - 1, "-i@%s:%s", FdPara[tj].host,
buf[bufl - 1] = '\0';
opv[ti++] = MkStrCpy(buf, &pl);
case LT_FBYIP:
opv[ti++] = "-Pn";
for (tj = 0; tj < NFDPARA; tj++) {
(void) snprintf(buf, bufl - 1, "-i@%s:%s", FdPara[tj].ipaddr,
buf[bufl - 1] = '\0';
opv[ti++] = MkStrCpy(buf, &pl);
opv[ti++] = "-P";
for (tj = 0; tj < NFDPARA; tj++) {
(void) snprintf(buf, bufl - 1, "-i:%s", FdPara[tj].port);
buf[bufl - 1] = '\0';
opv[ti++] = MkStrCpy(buf, &pl);
(void) snprintf(buf, bufl - 1,
"ERROR!!! illegal FindSock() function: %d", fn);
buf[bufl - 1] = '\0';
return(MkStrCpy(buf, &ti));
* Complete the option vector and start lsof execution.
#if defined(USE_LSOF_C_OPT)
opv[ti++] = "-C";
#endif /* defined(USE_LSOF_C_OPT) */
opv[ti] = (char *)NULL;
if ((cem = ExecLsof(opv)))
* Read lsof output.
while ((((FdPara[LT_CLNT].ff & fn) == 0)
|| ((FdPara[LT_SRVR].ff & fn) == 0))
&& (fop = RdFrLsof(&nf, &cem))
) {
if (cem) {
if (pem)
(void) PrtMsg(pem, Pn);
switch (fop->ft) {
* This is a process information line.
pid = (pid_t)atoi(fop->v);
pids = 1;
cmdp = (LTfldo_t *)NULL;
for (fop++, ti = 1; ti < nf; fop++, ti++) {
switch (fop->ft) {
cmdp = fop;
if (!cmdp || ((pid != CPid) && (pid != MyPid)))
pids = 0;
* This is a file descriptor line.
* Identify the process -- client or server.
if (!pids)
if (pid == CPid)
px = LT_CLNT;
else if (pid == MyPid)
px = LT_SRVR;
* Make sure the FD matches the identified process.
if (strcmp(fop->v, FdPara[px].fds))
* Scan for name and type.
nmp = typ = (LTfldo_t *)NULL;
for (fop++, ti = 1; ti < nf; fop++, ti++) {
switch (fop->ft) {
nmp = fop;
typ = fop;
* Check the type of the file.
if (!typ
|| (strcasecmp(typ->v, "inet") && strcasecmp(typ->v, "ipv4"))
) {
* Check the addess in the name, based on the calling function.
if (!nmp)
tcp = nmp->v;
switch (fn) {
case LT_FBYHN:
if (((nl = FdPara[px].hlen) <= 0)
|| !(tcp1 = FdPara[px].host)
|| strncasecmp(tcp, tcp1, nl)
) {
tcp += nl;
if ((*tcp++ != ':')
|| !(tcp1 = FdPara[px].port)
|| ((pl = FdPara[px].plen) <= 0)
|| strncmp(tcp, tcp1, pl)
) {
tcp += pl;
if ((*tcp == '-') || (*tcp == ' ') || !*tcp) {
FdPara[px].ff |= LT_FBYHN;
case LT_FBYIP:
if (((nl = FdPara[px].ilen) <= 0)
|| !(tcp1 = FdPara[px].ipaddr)
|| strncasecmp(tcp, tcp1, nl)
) {
tcp += nl;
if ((*tcp++ != ':')
|| !(tcp1 = FdPara[px].port)
|| ((pl = FdPara[px].plen) <= 0)
|| strncmp(tcp, tcp1, pl)
) {
tcp += pl;
if ((*tcp == '-') || (*tcp == ' ') || !*tcp) {
FdPara[px].ff |= LT_FBYIP;
if (!(tcp = strchr(tcp, ':')))
if (!(tcp1 = FdPara[px].port)
|| ((pl = FdPara[px].plen) <= 0)
|| strncmp(tcp, tcp1, pl)
) {
tcp += pl;
if ((*tcp == '-') || (*tcp == ' ') || !*tcp) {
FdPara[px].ff |= LT_FBYPORT;
* Clean up and return.
(void) StopLsof();
* HandleClntAlarm() -- handle client alarm
int sig; /* the signal (SIGALRM) */
(void) PrtMsgX("ERROR!!! client caught an alarm signal", Pn,
CleanupClnt, 1);
* Handle SrvrAlarm() -- handle server alarm
int sig; /* the signal (SIGALRM) */
(void) PrtMsgX("ERROR!!! server caught an alarm signal.", Pn,
CleanupSrvr, 1);
* StartClnt() -- start network client
static void
struct sockaddr_in *cad; /* connection address */
struct sockaddr_in ba; /* bind address */
int br; /* bytes read */
char buf[2048]; /* temporary buffer */
int bufl = sizeof(buf); /* size of buf[] */
int cr; /* connect() reply */
char *em; /* error message pointer */
int fd = FdPara[LT_CLNT].fd; /* client's socket FD */
* Close the server's sockets.
if ((Ssock >= 0) && (Ssock != FdPara[LT_SRVR].fd)) {
(void) close(Ssock);
Ssock = -1;
if (FdPara[LT_SRVR].fd >= 0) {
(void) close(FdPara[LT_SRVR].fd);
FdPara[LT_SRVR].fd = -1;
* Bind to the local address.
(void) memcpy((void *)&ba, (void *)&Myad, sizeof(ba));
if (bind(fd, (struct sockaddr *)&ba, sizeof(ba)) < 0) {
em = "bind";
(void) snprintf(buf, bufl - 1,
"ERROR!!! client %s error: %s", em, strerror(errno));
buf[bufl - 1] = '\0';
(void) PrtMsgX(em, Pn, CleanupClnt, 1);
* Set an alarm timeout and connect to the server.
(void) signal(SIGALRM, HandleClntAlarm);
(void) alarm(ALARMTM);
cr = connect(fd, (struct sockaddr *)cad, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
(void) alarm(0);
(void) signal(SIGALRM, SIG_DFL);
if (cr) {
em = "connect";
goto client_errno;
* Sleep until the socket closes or the parent kills the process.
for (br = 0; br >= 0;) {
br = read(fd, buf, bufl);
(void) CleanupClnt();