blob: 753e496c6cbc2acc36559759c9d7ffd04cca371f [file] [log] [blame]
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <sys/pstat.h>
/* tusc can be a very useful thing... */
extern int sysinfo(int info, char *buffer, ssize_t len);
find_system_info(char **system_model, char **cpu_model, int *cpu_frequency) {
char model_str[64];
int ret;
struct pst_processor processor_info;
/* first the system model name */
ret = sysinfo(_SI_MACHINE_MODEL,model_str,64);
model_str[63] = 0;
*system_model = strdup(model_str);
/* now lets try to find processor frequency. we will for now
ass-u-me that an index of zero will always get us something,
which may not actually be the case but lets see how long it takes
to be noticed :) raj 2008-03-07 */
ret = pstat_getprocessor(&processor_info,
1, /* one processor, one processor only please */
if (ret > 0) {
/* we can get it "directly" but to help make things reconcile with
what other tools/platforms support, we shouldn't do a simple
integer divide - instead, we should do our division in floating
point and then round */
*cpu_frequency = rint((double)processor_info.psp_cpu_frequency /
/* older OSes were "known" to be on CPUs where the itick was
1to1 here */
*cpu_frequency = rint(((double)processor_info.psp_iticksperclktick *
(double)sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK)) / 1000000.0);
*cpu_frequency = -1;
*cpu_model = strdup("Unknown CPU Model");